Death on the NHS (19)

I just wish Her Majesty does not benefit from the tender ministrations of the World beating NHS as did my dear late Mater (aged 96).

Rock up as usual. For some reason screen drawn up around bed, empty ward, no sign of any doctors or nurses for several hours. I call out asking where everybody is. No answer. Patients hiding beneath their sheets. Still no answer. Barely literate Rumanian orderly suddenly appears at my mother’s bedside. Mumbles something like:

“Would you like something to calm you down dear?”

In the same breath closes the curtains and whips a syringe into her arm then fucks off sharpish. Her eyes roll up and the old Mater is brown bread within ten minutes. I kiss her, feel that old marble cold of death then inform the ward:

“She’s dead you cunts”

Silence for a few minutes then the Rumanian cunt returns with a bodybag on a trolley and removes her dentures and gives them to me along with her wedding ring. Asks me if she has any metal prosthetics in her body then zips her up in the body bag and offski. Says over his shoulder on the way out:

“I gotta get move on before she stiffens up”.

Fair enough but fuck me, happy days. Shortly there after the cunt returns and changes the bed and sprays around a bit of disinfectant. Then by magic life returns to ward, nurses put in appearance and even a doctor peeks in to check time of death for the death certificate.

With the deepest of respect Your Majesty, if some Rumanian cunt comes to give you an injection tell him to fuck orf. Oh and if you think I missed out the bit about the hospital chaplain sitting me down with a nice cup of tea and a kind word Fuck Off. Though I was clearly deeply conflicted between thoughts of grief and inheritance the cunt could not get me out of there fast enough and wheel in the next punter. Indeed saw the poor old cunt being pushed in on my way out. Sod him, I did not mark his card about the injection.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

39 thoughts on “Death on the NHS (19)

  1. The NHS killed my Mother, then when they knew I was taking legal action they unlawfully stole and destroyed her medical records proving it.
    Run by socialists, staffed by shit (not all, by any means – but far too many) and funded by me.
    The “caring” side of caring has all but disappeared, the commie cunts in charge are constantly demanding more and more money for worse and worse service.
    We need our Man DCI in charge – a “no nonsense” attitude and a “can do” mindset!
    South Korea has the best healthcare system in the world – time to denationalise the NHS and make treatment by compulsory medical insurance – accountability, efficiency and superb service.
    What we have is not working – why the FUCK am I paying for tattoo removal, privately done breast augmentations gone wrong, “gender reassignment” and other utter bollocks – and why am I (and we) paying for every leech in the world to just turn up in the UK and get free NHS treatment funded out of my pocket?
    Change it, improve it or privatise it.

    • As you say Vern, there’s some very decent NHS workers, but they are drowning in a socialist pit of degenerates and authoritarian cunts!

      they do seem to employ a lot of fucking headbangers with massive chips on their shoulders

    • “More and more money for worse and worse service”.

      Very true Vern and a statement that could be made about so many of this country’s organisations, public and private, in the 21st fucking century…..

    • I recently went private, fucking ace service, white doctor, white anaesthetist, white nurses, white ancillary staff…
      Pay the wages and you get proper staff!!

      • Soi@ – Afternoon Sicky – it’s not low wages which are the problem – quite the opposite.
        NHS Senior Staff Nurse? 40K a year, discounted mortgage and early retirement on a huge lifelong pension. I used to work in the public sector – doing a financial job with some serious responsibility – the pay was lousy, the pension was lousy and the only good part was being able to retire five years early. (I got sick of the lazy, arrogant socialist clowns I was working with and for, jumped ship and went to the private sector for considerably more money).
        Public sector pensions are bleeding the Country dry, and are completely unsustainable – so I would make the pay and benefits exactly the same as the private sector and that way people would work in the public sector for the right reasons as opposed to financial reasons.
        We can no longer fund lousy services by continually tipping more and more money into them – money is not the answer here – running the fucking thing PROPERLY is.

      • Afternoon Vern
        It makes me laugh when you hear (usually labour cunts) banging on about nurses using food banks ffs.

        I guess in the private sector the hospitals are ran efficiently which makes a difference when the staff see things are working well and of course they don’t get inundated with the fucking (effnick) trash

  2. Sorry to hear that. My missus worked for them for a while and said the service was appalling. Many of the nurses on the night shift were the least compassionate people on earth and usually belonged to a certain ethnic group that are untouchable.

  3. You don’t want to hear about all the times I see “ Oversees Visitor” come up in a “pop up” box notifying me that this cunt will probably vanish after treatment. Especially after surgery. The lost revenue even for us up here in kings lynn is staggering. Don’t get me started on procurement either. As I ( and others) have always said, when it’s not your money £500 for a toothbrush is game on.

  4. Avoid hospitals and doctors unless absolutely necessary.

    The whole system needs sorting out, nice clean hospitals with Matrons who kick ass and everything is cleaned with fucking bleach!

    I would have a two tier system, Good quality hospitals with good doctors and nurses for the white indigenous population and the something like a Peaky Blinders warehouse for the ethnics ?

    • Soi@ – Topping form, topping form indeed – you are now in serious consideration for the position of “Assistant to DCI Gene Cunt, Health Minister!” ??

      • Talking of whom, what became of DCI? He disappeared very abruptly, used to be on here most days.

  5. When my time comes I’ll book myself into a premier inn and give the cleaner’s something to talk about on their tea break.

    I’ll wear a Lenny Henry mask for dramatic effect and 15 minutes of fame in the Bridlington Echo.

    I’ll be damn sure I choose the time not the dept of health and the NHS. It’s an unspoken fact of life if you’re old and your long term outlook is non existent the NHS will jolly you along. But they don’t do it with some pleasant soothing drug, no that’s euthanasia and it’s illegal. They just let you skip meals and liquids and let the state know your council provider bungalow will be free for immigrants soon and they can stop your pension payments whilst the chancellor sees what he can take from your estate when you’re gone.

    Old people are vilified in our society and we as a society don’t want to look after our elders, instead we leave them at the mercy of a pen pushing machine operated by people who know they don’t face the end of their lives at the mercy of their own system.

    The fact we all allow this speaks of our own shortsightedness and selfishness.

  6. That’s quite a moving post and is pretty much the way my mother went.
    Had an op and not fully cared for to reduce the fluid post anaesthetic. Nobody around when I went in and lying on her back.
    Never thought I’d be for privatisation but any business wouldn’t put up with the waste, absenteeism, overstaffing, poor workmanship (in some) and many other things I imagine.

  7. My father worked in the newly formed NHS after he was demobbed from the RN up till the 70’s when he retired.
    God knows what he would make of it now, no more than two visitors once a day, no sitting on the beds, nurses in clean starched uniforms, wards spick and span , everything tidy.
    Where the fuck did it all go wrong..?

  8. NHS? World beating concept in its inception, now just a tired old dog that shits itself every time it moves! I know there are a few that truly believe in what they are doing, but there are too many mouth suckling the teat! Time to get rid of it and bring in private healthcare. While your at it get shot if social housing, benefits and free education. Get rid of all that and immigration will stop overnight! In fact most will be back in the boats to the next country that accepts filthy parasites!

  9. I’d be up for paying my own Health costs. We’d be in a better position if we had to. Lazy cunts would work, lower tax and no constant stream of Health tourists.

  10. If at all possible my obituary will read, “He died at home with his loved ones by his side…”
    The socialist medical establishment is a cold, for-profit, machine that fucks people over in bulk while curing no disease but only treating symptoms.
    Good cunting.

    • “He died at home with his loved ones by his side…” carrying a number of lethal weapons.

  11. I want my obituary to read “Great Overlord Fox died on his 178th Birthday making frenzied love to his gorgeous 18 year old Wife for the seventh time on his wedding night – the world mourns a great and, ahem “benevolent” leader who was not a narcissistic psychopathic nutcase or anything!” ?

    • Youll get what we’re all getting an be glad of it.
      A wooden cross saying ‘racist’
      In a mass grave.

  12. Death on the NHS is the weakest of the trilogy.
    Murder on the Orient express
    Death on the Nile
    Did ok at the box office.

    • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – when Johnson is sacrificed after the upcoming local Elections it will be “Death of a Failsman!”
      With apologies to Arthur Miller ?

      • Afternoon Foxy,

        I hope Boris gets a wake-up call at the voting booth,
        Nothing like a extra couple of grand on everyone’s monthly expenses to make them think.

        Do you mean Arthur Mullard?
        Didn’t know he wrote.

  13. The NHS is a mess.

    Btw in Australia unless you get vaxxed, no admittance to hospital at all. You may let your cancer kill you. Happened to my MIL.

  14. Sorry to hear of your loss Sir Limpy.The NHS needs major reform .Too many burreacrats not enough frontline staff.

    Mate of mine just started working for the NHS the bullying and malpractice he has witnessed in a few weeks is quite something.His face doesn’t fit as he has his own mind and a sense of how things ought to be to improve life for patients and isn’t willing to blame himself when the system makes good practice impossible.As a result they are making his life hell at work.

  15. My great gran died alone after 7 hours on a trolley waiting to get in A and E back in 1984.Been a mess for years.

    An elderly neighbour of my parents was admitted to hospital after a fall in her home.She never got to A and E but when waiting on a trolley somehow managed to fall off a trolley killing her within minutes.She was 84 had a possible broken hip and shoulder and had moderate dementia.Obviously wasn’t being monitored .

  16. The worrying thing about the NHS in Scotland is the use of DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) instructions being asked of patients over 80. My dad was 84 and his mind was A1 but they still asked for that. We had it withdrawn. It smacks too much of legalised euthanasia and I told the fucking vampire that at the time. My mother in law with dementia was the same. Nasty gallstones blocking the bile duct, jaundice and given 2 weeks to live. Despite their intentions she fucking well survived the operation! I hope she has many years left in her just to show the fuckers.

    I converted from Church Of Scotland to Catholicism for Mrs Pillar (not that I believe in much of it) BUT life is sacrosanct and these fuckers should be reminded who pays their wages.

  17. The ultimate irony is that the old Mater was a ward sister herself during the war and knew hero onions. Was appalled by the filthy ward and the remorseless hospital regime and knew she was on the old one way ticket but bore it all with old school stoicism. Death always has the last laugh and her last words to me were “what have you done to me”?
    The old Pater died stuck full of tubes on a ’70s heart lung machine – all rubber suction bellows and juddering pistons. His last words to me were “I’ll get you for this!”
    Oh yes, Death does write some belters.

  18. NHS stands for the No Hope Service.

    If your a 15 year old boy and want to hack off your winky, and then have it consumed by a chînky, we’re all ears and action.

    If your 70 odd and ailing, – we just want rid of you as soon as possible. “Nurse…..200mg of Morphine for Mr Smith please”. In fact, make it 250mgs, just to make sure, – he’s a fair sized chap”

    Ten minutes later….body bag and squeaky trolley.

    And those, ‘thank you NHS’ rainbows are enough to boil my plasma.

    And no, I don’t give two fucks about whether you’ve had your covid vaccine or not. Just put your fucking silly sticker away, you commie cunt.

  19. Sensing a lot of negativity towards the NHS, let’s redress the balance by listing the good things, I will start;
    The NHS leads the world in producing Tik-tok dance videos.
    My GP surgery cares so much about me that it is the only place in town where I have to wear a mask and socially distance. It also reduces the danger of being infected by your doctor, by limiting face to face appointments to an absolute minimum.
    They have gotten very efficient at eliminating elderly nuisance patients, my father had severe stroke and was quickly diagnosed as not worth trying to treat, nil by mouth and lots of morphine to keep him comfortable did the trick inside 3 days.
    Statistics show the NHS is just as safe at weekends as there is no spike in deaths.
    Admittedly they often don’t notice someone has died until Monday, and poor initial care is rarely immediately fatal. Also a lot of unnecessary iatrogenic deaths raise the weekday total when consultants are actually present in the hospital.

    Now off to bang a pot with a spoon. 5 am and really don’t like my neighbours.

  20. Over 65 with an ingrown toenail? Pop by your local NHS hospital where we will quietly end your life on the operating table and blame it on heart failure.

    Sorry about that, you see, there’s hundreds and thousands of savages with minor ailments that haven’t paid any stamp that come in like kids in a sweet shop, so we have to save money where we can, starting with ending older white people, but don’t worry, your families can all lean out of their windows and bang pots and pans to celebrate our greatness.

  21. These cunts nearly killed my unborn son pissing about trying to train up a consultant that looked like a pissed off teenager. Poking around my sons skull while the oxygen levels in his brain depleted.
    And we’re forced to pay for this utter horror show full of heartless cunts.
    As previously stated, not all are like this but it is way too common and something has to change.
    Hadawayandshite, cunts

  22. Reading some of the previous comments, I apologise for my earlier comment. This subject is not a joke. It wasn’t aimed at anyone who’s suffered at the hands of the NHS by the way, on the contrary.

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