Unisex Toilets [2]

OK, but it works both ways.
I’m sorry, folks, but I certainly don’t want some 6 year old girl having to look at my junk while rushing for a wee.
Nor do I want to see some woman with PMT strutting her stuff.
I don’t know about other Cunters, and it may be due to my age and small stature, but I feel particularly vulnerable when in a store toilet.
Also, wimminz have female issues.
I’m not interested in them.
Never have been, but they sound unpleasant.

Shock and Horror Link.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

55 thoughts on “Unisex Toilets [2]

  1. Fact: Women have longer colons than men, they also take longer to evacuate their bowels and women flatulate much more than men, it’s thought that because women have a longer colon they have more gas producing bacteria. So my idea is that real women can pass the fart test faggots cannot, hmm just realised something, pillow biters that don’t use condoms do fart a lot, fact! I thought a fart test might sort out the girls from the boys but it seems more difficult than I thought 🙁

  2. If any of these moustachioed lipstick wearing things had to endure the reality of being women: lost pregnancies, monthly ordeals, haemorrhages etc blah, they’d fucking run a mile. Wearing a dress and shit wig does not make it a female. Fuck off and crap in a blokes loo and tough titties if you get taken the piss out of by anyone in there. Maybe fit a colostomy bag so you can go in peace without bothering males, females or children aka most of the population.

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