Cunt Speak

For the past year or so I have not actually received any emails.
Instead I have people who are ‘reaching out to me’.

Replies to the various emails that I send have also included this ridiculous term.
“Thank you for reaching out to us”.

When I don’t reply to any of that twaddle I then get messages asking, “How can we take this conversation forward?”.

Who thinks of these fucking stupid terms and what mentality must you have to use them?

There is a new one……
It seems that people no longer ‘reply’ to enquiries, they don’t ‘answer’ you anymore.
They revert.

“Thank you for reaching out to us, we will revert to you”.

I was always taught to write as I would speak.
Plain English so as to be understood.

If I do take the time to reply to these cunts I make it very clear that I will not do business with any idiot who “Reaches out or reverts”.

It’s Cunt Speak and it’s everywhere.

Nominated by: The Artful Cunter

62 thoughts on “Cunt Speak

  1. No time for such cuntitude.

    The language of the gibbering soyboy or Apprentice contestant. I’ve got got more time for the esoteric jabberings of CS than this cuntwaffle.

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