This pair of savages shot a restaurant worker in the face because he accidentally missed an order for a $3 hamburger.
He’s recovering but still has a bullet lodged in his throat and the outcome for him is still uncertain.
If justice is served, these two barbarians will get up to 65 years in the clink, or maybe just one day in an angry silverback gorilla’s enclosure will do.
Nominated by: mystic maven
Zero impulse control.
No understanding of abstract concepts.
Low sloping forehead due to underdeveloped prefrontal cortex.
Heavy set jaw to assist with crunching nuts, berries and small prey.
Anyway, enough about mountain Gorillas.
You know it
The sad thing is that the one on the left will end up running the shavenshank cage she will inhabit for the next 50 years (it’s America)
Wouldn’t wish anyone innocent of soul in her future domain. Scary willful acts will undoubtedly be amplified by the sheer muscle knuckle and bad blood muda fk a qirs “ insane in the membrane “
I don’t know what “qirs “ means either ?
Where is Derek chauvin when you need him? Oh yes he was hung out to dry with all his police colleagues, these two need a short rope and a short drop
There’s nothing to see here only feel some sympathy for the victim
They ,the sisters that done it for themselves over a fucking burger and fries and “are you ignoring me”
Well fuck what can you say
I truly hope this freak incident never pays visit to the all normal and ordinary as it makes a mockery of ones existence
Cunts at least they were caught
Jeezus H Kr1st they’re ugly! How the fuck do these simians reproduce? How far off his face must a male simian be to get the horn for something that looks like this?
Burn them at the stake
Fry ’em like the chiggin they love.
Should have got the needle or the electric chair the fucking savages