The Police (4) and The Met (4)

Police are cunts. As the nation is still recovering from the kidnap rape and murder of Sarah Everard (33) by a serving met officer, another police officer has decided to commit rape. This officer has just been charged. With atrocities like these committed by those who are supposed to protect us from crimes, how are we expected to have faith in our police forces? How many more have committed crimes we don’t yet know? How many are now joining the police simply to do such things? I think its about time we took an in-depth look at our police forces, and the justice system as a whole, and weed out all these criminals. One extra note: Sarah Everards attacker, Wayne Couzens, is now applying to have his sentence reduced! It seems life in prison is too much for a cop who kidnaps rapes and murders. Fucking bellend!

Nominated by ElDiablo666…

With further musings from Ron Knee:

The Mess at the Met

I recently put up a nom about the erosion of public confidence in the police. This stemmed from a constant drip of reports detailing cases of incompetence, sleaze and downright thuggery by the police nationwide.

Unsurprisingly, at the epicentre of this unsavoury mess is the Metropolitian Police, with a recent report damning the Met as being ‘institutionally corrupt’. Matters have come to a head following the latest scandal involving seedy goings-on at Charing Cross cop shop.

Things are so bad that even smug arsehole Sadiq Khant has apparently woken up to the gravity of the situation. The esteemed Mayor of old Landan tahn has given Met chief Cressida Dickhead ‘days or weeks’ to get a grip on things. Or else.

It’s a bloody shambolic state of affairs. A shit shower. Oh, and here’s today’s creature from the swamp;

Oi! Yer fackin’ nicked, the lot uv ya!

58 thoughts on “The Police (4) and The Met (4)

  1. The police are out from among the people. This means the people are without integrity if those enforcing the law are breaking the law. Being a cop used to be a calling. Now days it’s just a job for many and a power trip for others.

  2. Up against the wall mutherfucker!!

    Oh what have we here?
    Proper little walking chemist arent we sunshine?
    Your fuckin nicked.

    Ooohh, ello honky-tonk!!
    Got a minute?
    Like your shirt!!
    Tres chic!
    Whats this? Drugs?
    Got any to sell?
    Prides coming up,
    Anyhow, ciao for now!!?


    • Mnc@ – “What’s that there Miserable, boy – is that a headlight out? SMASH! – Turn signal not working? SMASH! – I think we need you arrested, lookin’ at Officah Assfist in a threatening manner? Having pork pie with intent to eat it boy?”..
      “I am delivering flowers to gay Pride”!

  3. When a regular person is murdered, only the family and friends of the unfortunate deceased turn out to grieve.
    When Dale Cregan murdered those two female officers, the whole country was told to grieve, because the lives of police officers are worth more than those of regular folk.
    All pigs are lazy, arrogant, no dick cowards who got beaten up at school and have no real life mates, other than other pigs.
    I have a close relative high up in the Met and he exemplifies all of the above insults/criticisms.

    • true, have a cousin who is police. used to get on with him but he is now an arrogant prick who thinks he`s better than every other cunt. and you are right thomas, only mates he has are other polis who are also arrogant cunts. wouldnt trust any of them not to fit you up. bastards

      • also the cunts are the first to call for the law abiding to be disarmed at any excuse then expect you to support them. i for one enjoy reading about it when one of the pricks gets their head stove in

    • Your comments are lazy and ill thought.
      I was “in the job” many years ago and all I saw were hard working blokes (not so much the wimmin who basically wanted to marry a cid numpty). We were people who would respond to any radio message and potentially face violence in the extreme. I would suggest today’s bobby is much the same. I would also posit the thought that it has always been thus. Your average copper takes a lot of pride in wearing the uniform and discharging his or duties. Mind you, today’s copper with his beard, tattoo and baseball cap is obviously a cunt as well as a good citiizen

      • CJF@ – Does this “pride in wearing the uniform and discharging their duties” include engaging in sex acts with the crowd at gay pride events? “Taking a knee” and then watching as the marxist, thieving, rioting, looting, vandalising, terrorist murdering shit of BLM commit mayhem? Bringing cups of tea and warm blankets for the scum of XR as they commit criminal offences – before jumping in their rainbow painted vehicles to beat fuck out of “protesters with the wrong postcode, education, income bracket and ideology”? Arresting and assaulting Women for drinking coffee in public? Roughing old Ladies up and shoving them into the back of a van for peacefully and lawfully protesting? Harassing, intimidating and threatening people with arrest for not wearing a mask in a shop? Looking the other way as muslim Peter Philes gang r*pe and sex traffic vulnerable 12 year old white girls around the UK?
        We need the police, but GOOD police.
        Not having a go at you, just making the point.

    • In the case of Dale Cregan a six week old dog shit has a greater value to the universe, one eyed cunt.

  4. Being a copper used to be a prestigious position in society, you got a lot of stick, but also a lot of admiration. But over the years, the status of being a copper is no longer looked upon with respect as corruption has be uncovered so many times that they are looked upon as unhelpful, useless and/or pernicious assholes.

    I don’t know what the answer is for reforming the police and courts. I just want them to deliver justice and send out the message that if you impinge on people’s freedom and liberty then you’ll be breaking rocks in the hot sun and freezing winter for many, many years.

    • I think this is the essence of the matter CG.
      We need the police. After all, anyone who’s a victim of a crime goes to them because really, it’s their only recourse.
      Problem is, in any interaction between the public and the police, we need to have TRUST that the police will act in a manner that’s competent and lawful, that’s PROFESSIONAL.
      Of course we still hear the old ‘it’s just a few bad apples’ argument being trotted out, but sadly there’s just so much evidence these days of police incompetence, sleaze, corruption and thuggery that I for one am actually fearful of any encounter I might have to have at some point with the police.
      For me, this is a sad state of affairs.

      • “Of course we still hear the old ‘it’s just a few bad apples’ argument being trotted out,”…..possibly because it’s true ?

        Perhaps the fact that you are hearing far more of “incompetent,sleazy etc.” Officers being weeded out merely shows that such cases are no longer being swept under the carpet ?


      • Morning Dick.
        Could be you’re right. Very much hope that you are!
        What worries me is that what we’re seeing is the tip of the iceberg as far as the exposure of bad behaviour by officers is concerned.
        A senior Met figure recently referred to the need for a root and branch reform to tackle the ‘canteen culture’ which he saw prevailing in the Met. Probably a difficult task in itself, but it sounds as though it would be a start.

      • ” Canteen culture” presumably means turning more “woke”..less sexist jokes,less of a macho culture etc……isn’t a “nancified” Police who are more concerned with using the correct pronoun when addressing a Tranny,for example, the last thing that we want or need.?

        Get rid of a Copper who tells a dirty joke and replace him with a right-on,po-faced lezza who is more politically correct.

  5. Haven’t seen a Bobby on the beat since George Dixon retired.

    The problem with the police is they are trying be everything to everyone, it doesn’t work and these high profile murders and rapes just erode the confidence.

    There is too much shit around now that wasn’t seen in Dixon of Dock Green times, cyber fraud is a one example and the erosion of British society, all the resources needed to sort out foreign criminals who don’t speak English, keeping tabs on all the cunts who might want to blow up a kids concert.

    It’s no wonder the MET is confused, take the knee and be all touchy-feely but make sure you stop the knife crime.

    Yes get the bad apples out but the whole structure of policing needs changing and we need to double the size of the police force.

  6. Of course Cressida Dickhead has now gone to spend more time with her pension and her girlfriend, but the mess in London remains, and whoever takes over really appears to be inheriting the proverbial poisoned chalice.
    Police losing the trust of the public? No shit Sherlock.
    It’s another day, another episode of Dixon of Dock Green;

    Evening all. Er sorry, morning all.

  7. There are approx. 160 thousand serving Police Officers in the U.K..which other profession with comparable numbers doesn’t have a few rotten apples?

    I’m not saying that all Police are faultless…they’re not….but the vast majority do a fucking difficult job under difficult circumstances and show a lot more restraint than I would. I sometimes laugh when I hear people yammering on that the Police should be far harder on the likes of “Extinction Rebellion” and yet scream the house down if a Copper is a bit heavy-handed with one of what they consider acceptable demonstrators.

    Perhaps the very fact that the Charing Cross weeding-out is occurring is proof that the Police are willing and able to root out the “wrong ‘uns” ( although I suspect that the people whinging about the unsavoury Officers will, before long, be whinging that we need to go back to “The Sweeney” old-school type of Copper.

    Saying “The Police are Cunts” is ridiculous and comparable to saying that “The medical profession are all Cunts” because of Harold Shipman. Unfortunately there is no way of producing a body of 160 thousand individuals comprised only of people who are all entirely faultless and are acceptable to every member of the population.

    • Agreed ?.
      Im pro police.
      We need a police force.

      Not some woke version worried about hate crimes but a traditional force who solves crime, sticks the boot in and helps chippy customers barrel roll down a flight of stairs.
      Proper coppers.

      • Morning,Mis.

        Where the fuck is DCI Gene?….between Covid conspiracies and Police bashing,I’d have hoped and expected him to have built up a full head of steam and be lobbing insults like a drunken Tourette’s sufferer.

        I miss him.

      • Afternoon Dick,
        Yep me too.
        DCI Gene is very honest,
        I enjoy his posts,
        He doesn’t give a fuck who he upsets and thats fine by me.

        I asked admin if hed been banned but no reply.

        Bet his bedside manner isnt great?
        Hehehe ??

      • DF@ – Afternoon Mnc, agreed – we need the police, the alternative is psychopathic little fkin maniacs like me running around creating mayhem! ?☠
        Coppers used to have no problem giving a gobby little twat with a bad attitude a dig in the gut (well deserved in most cases) but they collared the villains, by and large had a moral compass and stepped up when things got daft or scary – I had respect for them. (When I was but a youth there were some allegations that we “rode bikes a bit too fast” – the cops would never waste time chasing us, but that night there was a knock on the door and the copper would give our old dear a full run down on what had gone on, knowing full well the punishment she would mete out would be much worse!).
        But I have noticed a shift in demographics – the police now do not generally do the job of crime prevention and detection, they go for anyone who is an easy target and just will not do their job.
        We need the police – but we need GOOD police.
        And far too often they are not – they are politicised, woke, do anything but actually investigate crime and it is murder to get rid of any who are out of order.
        Reform not removal – we need our man DCI Gene in charge of the law – I have a feeling they would be sorted in 6 months! ???☠

      • @MNC….Aye,you’d want to be fucking sure that you were at death’s door afore ye dared summon the DCI in his ambulance.

  8. That fucking cunt Couzens was in the Civil Nuclear Constabulary & a firearms officer, as well as the diplomatic protection mob. Don’t these cunts in the Met look at the psychological background of officers in those positions. His crimes are hardly spur of the moment occurrences so there had to be indicators …if anybody could have been arsed to look. Getting harder to have faith in them.

  9. Reform, not remove.
    But the problem is that there is no will to reform because the people running the police are lazy, stupid, morally bankrupt, weak, incompetent and not fit for purpose with every whiny snowflake excuse in the world “explaining” why nothing going constantly wrong is never their fault – political appointments instead of practical appointments.
    So we end up with people like Basu and Dick, with Porktel “in charge” ???
    Useless bone idle lefty bastards.

  10. Metropolitan Police have always had a strong rogue element. Sir Robert Mark was the last person to make a serious effort at reform. That was back in the 1970s. Nobody’s been willing to grasp the nettle since.

  11. Coppers and traffic wardens.
    Its all about your attitude.

    Theyve a shite job to do so if you cope a attitude youll get one back.

    Ive sussed it out.
    Parked in Leeds city centre.
    Traffic warden walking up.

    “Morning officer (?)
    Dont want to inconvenience you I know your very busy.
    Will my van be ok there?
    I dont want to obstruct anyone or upset you or your colleagues but its the only place I can load from that building!”

    He wasn’t used to politeness or being treated as a human being,
    He radioed all the other wardens to leave me alone and assured me I wouldn’t get a ticket,
    And I didn’t.

    Gotta sometimes put yourself in their shoes,
    If I was a traffic warden an someone came the cunt id retaliate .
    Same for coppers.

    • MNC@ – Yep, that’s the one – being polite and decent works.
      It’s how WE would want to be treated.
      I used to work as a parking warden (private area) – “Excuse me – is this your car”? (Don’t shout at me you despicable types – it paid for my further education!)
      A white face and a look of terror..
      “I don’t know if you are aware but you are a bit over timewise, it would probably be a good idea if you scoot because I would rather not cost you money” – it happens to the best of us, give them a word and a bit of leeway.
      They say “OK, thanks – drive off, problem sorted but they knew I had my eye on “repeat offenders”.
      Chavvy little fker giving me attitude?
      SLAP on the window, 60 quid Son, now fuckoff.

      • I lived in Blackpool for a while and regularly parked for 10 minutes in town in a specific place. One weekend the rules changed and there was no obvious signage to say so so I parked as usual, in front of 3(!) traffic wardens who just watched as I went into a shop. When I came out 10 minutes late? Yup, a parking ticket. Not one of these cunts had the decency to inform me that I should no longer park there. So, as far as I’m concerned, if I saw one being kicked to death, I’d probably cheer.

    • Thanks MNC for the suggestion

      Last August I had a bureaucrat from the state government accompanied by a fckn soldier bang on my door during the height of covid fckwittery to re-collect information that they’d cocked up on my arrival from overseas.

      This is just after being incarcerated for two weeks for the crime of daring to travel. The idea that they would then track me down to my own home armed with heavies as part of plandemic arsewittery lit my fucking fuse.

      Not for a moment did I put myself in his shoes, I just saw him as a agent of our most despised Diktator Dan and the red mist descended..

      I gave him both barrels and five reloads of what I thought of his boss, his driver his administration, wuflu fuckwittery and his facking shirt.

      Never occurred to me there might be another way.

  12. I used to think naively that the normal non-career criminals and the police were on one side, and the criminals on the other. But these days it looks like the plod are on one side, and everyone else is on the other side; I saw a quote recently from an officer saying that they viewed people with no criminal record as people they hadn’t got around to catching yet.

  13. LOL … makes me fuckin’ laugh! Go try be a cop in this fucked up country … you’ll soon change your mind about ‘try to do the right thing’ … ‘being there to help those who can’t help themselves’. I work with the police across the world and on our own doorstep … even my missus is military police. Means I see and hear it all … all of the time. All police forces have a proportion of wrong doers amidst their ranks but in the main they’re fine and do a hell of job keeping shit off of your door step. It’s the nature of the gen pop that needs a good long look at … most people I’ve ever met have been complete and utter cunts and have fucked up notions of what’s right n what’s wrong.

  14. Yet something within me still holds Police in high regard A hard job if done correctly, and a dangerous one. Although I am appalled at the actions of those who have betrayed the public, I would still go to assist an officer in trouble.

  15. The problem is the police are comprised of people, and people are stupid cunts.

    The other half of the problem is that the police are a hierarchical power structure that has an incestuous relationship with the government and the justice system.

    The latter problem dominates. Cunts get employed, then demoralized, then corrupted. You want to rise up? Be a mason and suck dick.

    The police are there to keep the plebs in line and not bother the toffs, not to keep you safe from crime. Hence why there’s so few patrols but yet money available for shiny toys and online harm reduction.

  16. All this well publicised narrative of a dysfunctional force riddled with racism and seismic is merely a pretext for Khan and the Karpet Riders to insert their stooges into every aspect of policing.
    Good luck sorting out the grooming gangs and other filthy practices once that’s taken place.

  17. Where I live it kind of polices itself – no need to bother the coppers with nonsense, pretty sure they have better things to do.

    • Foxy@

      God helps those who helps themselves…

      You have to defend your loved ones and property, and if some little baghead smackrat fancies a nice trip to the moors he can try and rob mine.

      Hed be glad for the police to show.
      The cameras clearly show him sticking his arse in my dogs mouth then headbutting the crowbar I was holding.?

      • Mnc@ – The evidence will show you were in Chapel at Fiddlers vast estate at the time of the alleged incident, along with Vernon Fox and a number of other witnesses!
        We attend Chapel “religiously” you see! ?
        The local villains round here know the score, the police know the score, all quiet and well behaved round here as a rule!

  18. From the notebook of PC Dixon of Dick Green (2022 version).

    “I was proceeding in a northerly direction when I observed a white man minding his own business. I immediately apprehended him and arrested him on suspicion of being white and failing to check his privilege. On arrival at the station I proceeded to beat him up and took photographs to share on the Met Facebook page. I then proceeded to his home and raped his wife, whio confessed to not checking her privilege and had failed to install transgender toilet facilities in their home. I filmed my sexual acts with her and downloaded it to Pornhub.

    Evening all”.


  19. Saw my first PO on the beat for about 3 years, about a fortnight ago. She smiled and said Hello, as if she knew me well… A real stunner, and I don’t mean the taser!

    • There are a couple of PCSOs around our way with arses that you could crack eggs on.
      A definite plus in my book when looking to recruit.

  20. For every 100 gavvers, you get one old school bobby who knows about real policing.
    Real Coppers are few and far between.
    No drugs here Cuntstable. Oink Oink smell the Bacon.

  21. In the case of Dale Cregan a six week old dog shit has a greater value to the universe, one eyed cunt.

  22. I love the way the rapists photo is kept out of the link. Talk about protecting your own.

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