The Devil

No, not this devil. This devil’s alright.

The Devil  is a cunt, isn’t he.

What a lightweight Beelzebub must be. Apparently, he had his arse kicked by a Nigerian clergynan. Yes, Chukwuemeka Ohanaemere popularly known as Prophet Odumeje claims he won an international spiritual Wrestling match against Satan then displayed his championship belt. Of course.

Previously, this ‘pastor’ has claimed to have resurrected a dead woman by moving around her then…erm… laying on top of her.

Who in their right minds still believes in angels and devils? Does anybody base their life around characters from fairy tales like Voldemort or the Grim Reaper?

Nigerians, it sems. Not at all loud, ill-mannered, scamming conmen. Some of them are devil-dodgers.

“Commot man, if na MO-ney I wan tek, I for go aks you for de charatee doNAYtions. Anyways, YEE can buy ma VI-dee-O on-line and if you don laike, I REE-fund yous straight, cha. All you need do is provide your name, address, date of birth, bank details and mother’s maiden name.”


Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

92 thoughts on “The Devil

  1. Hmmm, ‘Face Of Malawi’ indeed.
    I can’t see a single white face in any of the photos.

  2. I believe him, he looks like a bloke you could trust with your 14 year old daughter suffering from a touch of flu.
    Who would have made the championship belt if it wasn’t real, surely it would have been a virtual belt.

    When is the rematch, there has to be a rematch clause, there is no way the devil will take this lying down, but he says he went in alone, didn’t he have god on his side, there may be a legal challenge from the devil.

    • That cunt Big Daddy lived a few yards from me and one day I had to stop for a psychiatric patient in the road. He pulled up on my right in his left hand drive car so we were inches from each other. Started screaming at me for having to stop.
      I tell ya, if it wasn’t for the fact I had my slippers on, I’d have got out and twatted him!

  3. Average IQ 68. Voodoo, witchcraft and mutu slayings practised to this day. Say no more – the fact anyone believes this charlatan shows the stupidity of the audience just as much as the sly greed of the “Pastor”.
    I think the best way to secure the future of humankind is simply to bomb African and Arab Countries out of existence. (Perchance a bit of “Oven work” from Unkle Terry to deal with any survivors!??)
    Heaven and hell are on this earthly realm, no other.
    Just my opinion of course.

  4. I’ll bet he takes a strong line on dose dat eat da poo-poo. Maybe he’s not all bad?

  5. Anyone who takes this midget seriously is an even bigger cunt.
    Having said that, it is Nigeria we’re talking about. The land of the helicopter crash widow, who wants to smuggle £10000000 out of the country if you give her your bank account details.

  6. No sympathy for the devil.
    He challenged God and got kicked out of heaven.
    Then made it his mission to twart God forever.

    Sort of like Dominic Cummings but less speccy pee do looking.
    More angelic,
    Like Cliff Richard
    But not with a neck like a tortoises ballbag.

    • Mnc@ – And Monkey got booted out of heaven just for nicking peaches!
      Mind you, that was Buddha not God, and she was a Woman so probably a bit premenstrual or summat!

      • Is Buddha a bird?
        Thought Buddha was a fat bloke!!
        Though he had moobs never realised they were real titties.
        Big fat lazy chink.

        I liked monkey though!
        Friday chippey teas aren’t the same without his antics.

      • Buddha is meant to be a veggie. Fuck offfff!! You don’t get to the size of Dianne abbot by snacking on fucking tofu?!

  7. Hark at the clip of it man. Couldn’t wrestle his slipper back off a labrador puppy, cunt.
    Satan would have tea bagged his face so hard his ancestors would have fallen out of their trees. Because of course he is real, otherwise how would Kenny have stopped Sadam?
    You bastards!
    Why aye

  8. Of course anything he claims is indeed true. He’s black, therefore beyond criticism from us mortal honkies.

  9. I shagged Monica Belluci yesterday, just me and her there of course. Got the belt to prove it too. May even do her again later. Fucking easy this.

    • Sorry Infidel-Monica was gainfully employed carrying out a major service on the Flux Capacitor of my De-lorean, yesterday.

      I fear you have been scammed, by Nigerians…

  10. No way he beat Satan??
    Cheating cunt .
    Hes losing the fight against male pattern baldness
    So doubt he could beat the Father of Darkness.

    Nigerians are all lying cunts .

    • Mnc@ – Apologies, couldn’t post on your Buddha comment – in Monkey Buddha was a Woman, not the normal cheerful chubby chap – but having said that I could never work out if Tripitaka was Male or Female!
      And, according to a Texan religious correspondent the “Super Devil” is even harder that the normal devil!

      • I recall a TV show showing the Buddhist version of hell.

        It made the version we’re told about look like an all inclusive holiday in the Algarve. I think they had the residents boiling in excrement and vomit all day to be dragged out and skinned alive, covered in salt, set of fire and then back into the diarrhea and puke pit.

        And that was on the good days.

  11. If you wish to speak with Satan, please send all correspondence to,

    His Holiness,
    Apostolic Palace,
    00120 Vatican City

  12. As a young man, I decided it would be nice to have a large “community” fish tank in my home office/music room.

    I spent fortunes over several years, setting up a wonderful tank, shoals of brightly coloured fish. Very therapeutic to sit on a beanbag, strumming a 12string guitar with the lights off, watching the fish….

    Then the lad at the tropical fish place suggested I buy a pair of Lake Malawi Cicclids.
    It was a disaster-they destroyed the balance and harmony of the tank?
    So I put them in a second, much smaller tank I kept. They bred like, well like Nigerians. Then they killed their own young.

    An allegorical prophecy, right there…..

  13. Kendodd Nagasaki would sort the dopey cunt out, but at least he’s more intelligent than his audience.

    • Chuck Norris beat the devil with just a stare. God created the earth afther Chuck Norris created god! The universe started when Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked it. The devid didnt fall from heaven, Chuck Norris threw him. Most people sell their soul to the devil, the devil tried to sell his to Chuck Norris but he refused.

  14. Admin:

    Ghost Hunters, Hippies & now the Devil-all in one day?
    Is there something special about 12/02/22?
    Hold on, that adds up to “9”?

  15. I quite like the Devil.
    He chats to me, through Alexa.
    But only when I haven’t put my special hat on.
    I also believe in Unicorn, that shit rainbows.

  16. Daemons and Angels do exist. But they are not minions of the Devil or messengers of God. That is christianity taking over. Daemons and Angels dont live in ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’ either, they are on different planes of existence.

  17. Well I believe Prophet Odumeje, incidentally he also works for the Nigerian Lotto with a side line in some interesting time share opportunities for UK pensioners.

    • That doesn’t surprise me, LL.
      I’m wondering which is the act, the apparent childlike naivety, or the ruthless criminal?
      What category does the Prophet fall into. I know where his followers are, but did he have a very vivid dream, or is he a scammer?
      The belt suggests the latter.

      • As a good Yorkshireman JP, I suspect he may have better luck parting the Red Sea or feeding the five thousand than getting hold of your hard earned, Vernon too.

      • Damned right LL!
        My mother raised no fools.
        We’re all well set, have retired early, the bliss!
        Apart from my elder brother. I think they modelled “The Devil On Wall Street” on him.
        He would deffo invest in the automatic fart skinning machine, he been doing it manually for years.

  18. African god botherer? Fought Satan and won? That story is as convincing as a Nigerian bank account transfer, short rope and a long drop for that swindling spook

  19. I like the blek cunt with the hat made from a leopard.
    I bet he wrestled a succubus for it.

  20. The leopard hat is great!
    But obviously not lined with tin foil.
    Actually, you can see how these hat wearing dudes are thinking about how they can exploit this delusional twat.

  21. Off T.
    I see the authorities in NZ are playing Barry Manifold songs to disperse the protesters outside parliament. You can’t make this shit up.

  22. Usual Nigerian bullshit con man, trying to con his audience with bad juju, lying cunt.
    They believe this clown because they are superstitious as fuck, so the polorised locals either lie or be lied to on all levels and suck it up, even the educated ones.

  23. Unless we get our shit together and dump religion, privilege, royalty, lords Ladies. Clamp down on drug dealers. Bent politicians, cunts in general, basically you, me and every other fucker just wants decent food, jobs, pay, a good future for our kids/ grandkids. But some cunts want everything and this is were it all goes tits….perhaps crime / corruption needs punishing in the extreme…?

  24. Hello everybody, would like to point out that the dear prophet is the real thing. He has risen the dead and wrestled with the Lord of darkness and won I tell you, square and fair.
    To prove this great truth and to prove my veracity in this sacred work I will deposit $10,000 into your personal bank account. In order for this transfer of monies to be affected I will request from you the sort code and account number of your bank, your full address, the maiden names of your closest ten lady relations, your hair colour and blood group, your driving licence number, your television licence number and finally your co op club card number.. once these are in my possession the money will be put in your account. I do this great action to support the blessed prophet and spread his love. Thank you great friend.

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