Nusratface Ghani

”Nusrat Ghani: Muslimness a reason for my sacking, says ex-minister”

Yes, we have it in for these people of impeccable peacefulness yet again.

Our government might be a bunch of cunts but it is the most ethnically diverse group ever to have been in office. But like with cricket, it seems that the Slumos are victims. Yet again. (Slumo is Seffrican Indian slang. Nor regarded as offensive when I was there. Neither was P*ki by the way.)

Now we arent sure how this nonenty’s ‘muslimness’ manifested itself. Perhaps she had to have a male relative chaperone? Kissed the carpet at innopportune times? Wasnt served exclusively Halal food in the parliament restaurants? Wore a suicide vest to No 10 parties? Groomed young girls for taxi drivers? Whatever. But discrimination against her ‘muslimness’ was the reason for her sacking. According to her.

We wait for the Hindus, Sikhs, Tamils, Buddhists, Wiccans and Scientologists to rush out to identify with her sorry plight. Just like they didnt at Yorkshire cricket. Or anyfuckingwhere else.

BBC News Link

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

And here’s another, this time from Freddie the Frog

Nusrat Ghani

Another victim of Islamophobia. So she gets the sack, not because she’s fucking useless, but because she’s a fucking Joe Daki and she was told this by a senior politician. In the 21st century!!! In wokie Britain!!!

Yeah……and then she waits 2 fucking years before she starts crying about it!
Sorry, is any cunt buying this shit?

59 thoughts on “Nusratface Ghani

  1. It never occurs to these people that not being up to the job is sufficient reason to be removed from it.

  2. Muslimness isnt a real word is it?
    Shes just got a sore arse over being sacked and this is the easiest way to stick the boot in.

    Ive been persecuted! Waaaahh?

    Bollocks .

    • Be fair, he’s got a massive backlog of unovened cunts to get through. We cunt ’em faster than he can torch ’em.

      • Myself and my shadow business partners are waiting in the wings. You give the order, double stamp it and we are away.
        I’m getting rusty at the left,right thing.

  3. Keep it up bitch … you might just as well be setting fire to your own mosque … no one gives a flying fuck … well except other mudslimes. Cunts … every last one of ’em.

  4. Mudslimes are required to remove body hair every 40 days. Men should keep a beard along with some of the women.
    Muslimness ffs who makes this shit up?

    • They are genuine neurotics.with a yard long list of unresolved mental and psycho-sexual ‘issues’ requiring urgent intervention.

  5. This has got the whiff of bullshit all over it.

    Political parties reshuffle all the time depending on the who needs to be fucked off to another department for whatever reason, look at Frank Spencer tribute act, Gavin Williamson. Defence Secretary and Education Secretary and resigned and sacked from both. Completely fucking clueless. Am I bovvered? No he fucking wasn’t.

    You don’t see him crying, get your snout back down in the taxpayer trough.

    • She will accept nothing less than a formal apology. Well, an apology and a £4 Million compo pay-off, Allâh be praised.

      She looks a bit dirty. I bet she takes it up the wrong’un.

  6. Oh shut the fuck up, these cunts playing the constant victims whilst their brethren are blowing people up,stabbing others and running off to fly blown shit holes to plan more terrorism against the infidel [us] make me want to puke and therefore have no sympathy what so ever from me.

  7. Exquisite timing I thought.
    A scheming backstabber.

    These vermin use the Mullah card at every turn.
    Weaselling deceitful shite.

    They are just biding their time,the filthy horde.


  8. Just another act in the Whitehall farce “Let’s Topple Bojo” by D. Cummings, I think.

    However, it’s rather sweet to see the Tories simulating shock at the allegations of Islamophobia. I mean, that’s very much the default position among the more conservative Conservatives (si conservativae requiris circumspice!) having partially replaced distrust of another non-local religion.

    Just as alleged antisemitism is allegedly the default position in Labour, of course. Biter bit.

    A plague on all their houses.

  9. I’d like to think that she was telling the truth…at least it would show that the Tory Party still has a couple of member with some sense.

  10. This Muslim can exercise her right if she and fellow Muslims don’t like living in GB…..FUCK OFF….to somewhere you will like “a Muslim county ” Saudi Arab land…perhaps …nah, stay here and rip the arse out good old Blighty….cunts…

    • Its not the Muzzies at fault, its the silly cunts who let them in the country’s fault.

  11. Islam is incompatible with democracy. Now some cunts going to call me Slamophobic but I’ll refer them to the Kran.

    Islam governs all areas of a Muslims life, above the law of the county because Islam is the law.

    Muslims seeking election in a democracy should leave the faith. If they are not true believers they lose nothing (but a shit load of Islamic votes) if they are true believers they have no place taking part in infidel political systems.

  12. The bald facts of the matter are that her ilk are culturally and morally incompatible guests in our society. They should have no place in government at any level.

    • Hang on a minute, aren’t guests “invited”? I don’t recall inviting the spotty dogs to come and live down the end of my street!

  13. Looking at that photo in the BBC News report, I’d say she out to wear the full burka.
    The ugly moo put me right off my tea.

    • ‘….she ought to wear the full burka’.
      She’s put me off my spelling as well as my tea.

  14. Nah it’s probably because you are lazy like rest of musdies.

    Not everything is a ism.

  15. Shit at your gig?
    Blame “racism”.
    Go fuck yourself with an
    albino eggplant you fucking non sense apologist.

    • Indeed, SHB. I was an aerospace engineer for a popular plane maker in Bristol for many years, worked with a whole load of indians and a few pakıs.
      Every single time they got something wrong, they played the race card.
      And, because they were indian indians not “British” indians, by Christ did they smell! Spicy BO and lashings of it.
      Good at maths and stress calculations though. And at least they weren’t pakıs.
      Funnily enough, during my dozen or so years tenure, I only encountered one black engineer.
      And he was fucking shite, couldn’t operate the admittedly very complicated CAD system that his CV said he could, the lying bugger.

      • There’s probably loads of unqualified positive discrimination Um Bongos there now. Perhaps there’s a Ghanaian university pumping out loads aerospace engineers?
        Or maybe a polytechnic in St. Pauls?!
        A mental image of monkeys and typewriters springs to mind…

      • Remember Thomas:

        A thousand monkeys, banging on typewriters, will eventually reproduce the complete works of William Shakespeare.

        Or the BLM manifesto.

  16. Not a chance some career political twat would ever risk his career by offending a muslim, a black person, a tranny, or gaylord.

    Wouldn’t happen.
    Itd be career suicide!

    And Westminster types have the survival instincts of rats.
    No way theyd risk the easy money.
    Shes a bullshitter.

    Bet they got rid because she never stopped fuckin whining.

  17. If she was wearing the full burka jacket she may have a case but she doesn’t even have the look, Muslimness, what fuck is that, walking 10 yards behind her husband, not showing her face in the presence of men, only allowed out with a male family member, firing out 10 kids.

    Maybe she has a Muslim smell, wouldn’t want that lingering in the cabinet offices.

  18. Ffs, she’s playing the race card to
    A. Get her face in the press to remind her constituents she’s their MP
    B. See above.
    She smells a surprise disalution of Parliament, and a General Election.
    I think the media have pretty much wrapped Boris in a parcel and labelled it ” for incineration”. All hail, Rishi!!

  19. A thought experiment…

    Forget race.
    Forget nationality.
    Forget 1400 years of history.
    Forget theism, agnosticism, atheism.
    Forget 9/11, 7/7, Cologne, Manchester.
    Forget everything you have ever heard about Islam or religion in general.

    The fundamental point is this: if you read the Koran (as I have, in its turgid entirety) and believe that the ideas and morality contained therein are a reasonable guide to life in the 21st century, then you are saying that you are an immoral and unpleasant individual.

    FYI – I do not recommend reading the Koran. It is an appalling book – dull, repetitive, difficult to follow as it has no narrative structure. I would say that three-quarters of it is complete gobbledygook. Here’s a taste (Sura 66)…

  20. She’s a Carpet Muncher, so she should cover up and shut up till spoken to, and make me a curry, before joining me at 10pm precisely for some sweaty Shamadam.

  21. How very sad, makes me feel bad, how could she be fired not even wired, no Letterbox was she. Why this ignominy. Could the whispered truth be she was a useless fucking arsewipe who far from being sacked for being a peaceful only got the job because she was a peaceful. Take a knee, diversity the word of strength. Fucking arse.

  22. The most shameful aspect of all the immigration into GB since WW2 which still persists today is, no politico of any colour ever asked the indigenous population permission to initiate it. The cunts just repeat the same ” diversity is good for the country ” shite, but these arse holes don’t have to live amongst the shite that permeates as a result of the dross that has been actively encouraged to come here for the last 75 years. It’s not their children that are being raped, it’s not their areas that are awash with crime and drugs.

    A curse upon their house…

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