Luke Cowan-Dickie

Luke Cowan-Dickie is a cunt …

… for this:

I’m quite a fan of the egg-chasing game and look forward to the 6 Nations each year. Yesterday we were coasting to a win (17-10 up with 15 mins to play) and then the Scots launch a daring cross-field ball. Cowan-Dickie could have caught it or palmed it backwards off the pitch but, no, he decides to palm it forwards off the pitch. The deliberate knock-on got him a yellow card but, worst of all, he gave away a penalty try. In rugby that’s basically handing your opponents 7 free points. Cue a 20-17 defeat.

Eddie Jones and the England team deserve a secondary cunting for choosing to go for a try in the final minutes instead of setting up a drop goal to tie the game. That said, they wouldn’t have had to if it weren’t for Luke Cunt-and-Dick.­

Nominated by Dark key cunt

39 thoughts on “Luke Cowan-Dickie

  1. The Six Nations Frottage

    I’m sure this talentless prick made up for it in the post-match all-male showers.

    Why is this man-groping festival on in the pub? If you like watching men molest each other, go to one of London’s homô clubs but don’t broadcast this dull, sausage-fest in my boozer.

    Repressed cunts.

    • Couldn’t agree more Cap’n. Also I have read the nom several times now and I’m still baffled. All the words used are in my vocabulary but what the fuck was wrong with the various actions and this business of winning little coloured cards defeats me. The game is as opaque as cricket to me. I’ll stick to chess.

      • Even the players can’t keep across the rules it’s like five years of legislation.

        And when the ref sets up a scrum he’s instructing the players as if they’re seven year olds and he’s broaching the idea to them for the very first time in their entire lives.

  2. Eddie Jones is a ballsy guy and a breath of fresh air after the stale, turgid, boring rugby played under Stuart Lancaster – he likes attacking rugby and takes risks.
    He will be burning with anger over this one, and I think Cowan-Dickie will reap the consequences.
    I cannot comment from a position of skill or experience as I was sent off after my one and only game of rugby when a big “Prop Forward” type belted me one and there was a bit of nonsense.
    I was further advised to “refrain from playing rugby until I could control my temper” – still working on that one! ?

  3. If the title ‘cowan-dickie’ doesn’t raise your hackles you’re probably as big a cunt as this millennial shitter is.
    Men to boys.

  4. Being fair to Cowan-Dickie…it was just a moment of madness…we’ve all had a rush of blood at one time or another and later thought “Why the fuck did I do that?”

    I watched the game at my Rugby Club of course…we have a good mix of English and Scots so it’s always a good afternoon.

  5. With that beard, methinks it should be serving cappaucino (whatever that is) ala the earlier nom.

    Rugby, I believe is a game played by men with odd shaped balls that are partial to a bit of ‘man love’ it appears.

  6. Pissed.

    Why the fuck should America have the whole world as its ‘sphere of influence’?

    • And Johnson going on about ‘bloodshed for a generation’ why?
      East Ukraine is all Russian speaking. It’s like a civil war. And we will follow America with that fucking geriatric in charge.

      • We need a ‘balance of power’.
        The presumption of America and the West.
        Do we really think that Russia is being ‘expansionist’.?
        No it is their legitimate ‘sphere of influence’. It is their backyard.

      • Wandering a little bit off topic, but as I have zero interest in anything involving an inflated pigs bladder whatever its shape, isn’t it about time we stopped pretending we are a ” world power” and kept our noses out?
        Get your arse back home, Boris.
        You’re supposed to be running the UK, not walking behind Dribblin’ Joe, with a pack of wipes and some emergency incontinence pants!

      • “We need a ‘balance of power’.”

        What, between Western democracy and Putin’s gangster state? Ah yes, poor little Mr Putin who’s spent the last 20 years grinding the Russian economy into the dirt.

        The Russian economy is now smaller than that of Spain, ffs!

        All he’s got left is to invade neighbouring democracies.

        “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”

        Some black bloke called Winston said that.

    • Not only does America and the West seek to uphold Ukrainian sovereignty and independence but Shark vacuum cleaners with their ingenious self-cleaning brush-roll coupled with powerful suction and advanced technologies, including Anti Hair Wrap and bagless cylinder Flexology floorhead with Crevice Tool multi surface free 5-year guarantee also seek the whole world as its ‘sphere of influence’.

      • I dont mind proxy wars. Why? Because it is the belligerents that are doing the fighting. It is up to them to do the fighting. And up to them to get support from powers who sympathize with their cause. Just or unjust.
        What I object to is counties sending their soldiers to fight who have no dog in the fight.

        IOW fuck America being the world’s policeman.

      • There’s over 750 McDonald’s restaurants in Russia and 550 Burger King franchises. If Russia invades Ukraine there will be a Burger King and McDonalds on every street corner – without the West having to fire a shot!

        Is that what you really want?

  7. Sorry Dark Key, totally hijacked your cunting but Minge Juice Bottlers diatribe on the evils of America and the West was well worth reading.
    I’m not sure what the shark had to do, but heighho!
    Onwards and upwards!
    Yes, that’s me off to bed. No talking in the dorms after lights out, boys!

  8. Another public school wanker who is typical of the England set up. They have the most resources of world rugby and the most money yet always turn out mediocrity.
    I wonder why?
    Perhaps the Civil Service and wankers in power have some similarities.

  9. What we need is another bloody battle against the Zulu’s or the modern day equivalent! Maybe this time we could stage it a bit closer to home like maybe Tower Hamlets or Handsworth? More than enough bloody n*gn*gs around those parts to make up the numbers! Lure them out of their ghettos with the alluring smell of KFC, then set up interlocking field of fire with the GPMG’s!

  10. Well while we are on the subject of Rugby, I’m very happy to see that ginger phlegm aka The Cunt of Monticeto has been replaced by that English Rose, the very lovely Duchess of Cambridge! I bet that creature he married is fucking fuming!

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