Koshka Duff – Police Baiter

Poetry by Sidelinesid

Dr Duff – In the Buff
Dr Duff- Hairy muff
Dr Duff – Cunt

Asst’ professor of Philosophy, and author of “A duty to resist: When disobedience should be uncivil.” couldn’t help her self-righteous arse from sticking her oar in when police offers were searching some spotty yoot. Dr Buff got herself cuffed and then decided to employ “passive resistance” by going floppy on the way to the meat wagon. She refused to give her name at the station and a strip search followed. Apparently this was a “very violating and humiliating experience” and left her with PSD that only a pay-out 9 years later could cure.

A time-wasting cunt who bates our public servants and demands the tax payer compensate them for the consequence of their own actions. She volunteered for all she got. If you don’t want the fuzz looking at your fuzz, get the fuck out their face when they are trying to do their job. Go back to your safe and cozy Uni where you are nicely insulated from the violent scum the police have to confront on our behalf to keep us safe and maybe write a new paper called “A duty to Assist: Disobedience in unnecessary”

Oh, and the teenager, who has not been named, was later found to have a six-inch knife in his sock in May 2013.

Nominated by: Sidelinesid

BBC News Link

82 thoughts on “Koshka Duff – Police Baiter

  1. I saw an interview with this creature – her smugness was overpowering.
    Let’s hope that in the fullness of time she sees the error of her ways preferably on a dark evening when she is reunited with the little turd who had the knife in his sock.

  2. “Met police apologise” and thats the problem. Apologising to these cunts just makes the situation worse .Fuck right off Met police.

  3. Mixed feelings on this one-the Met a nest of fucking rats-only a tiny fraction of their transgressions have been exposed, yet the unfolding evidence suggests, they seem unable to operate within the laws which they claim to uphold.

    Yes she is probably a lefty woke cunt-BUT-two wrongs don’t make a right?

  4. She had a bad case of “disco minge” one suspects.

    People generally think the pigs are great until they get robbed and the Police do nothing or transgress a minor law and get hounded for it.

    • My mother was treated appallingly about twenty years ago by the police after her nutjob ex-employers accused her of stealing the company. What a pair of cunts they were, but the police were worse, treated my saint of a mother like shit, she was traumatised by being arrested in her home, put in a cell without knowing what was going on, swabbed, fingerprinted, all that shit. And all over about £600 in holiday pay that she had been given permission to pay herself.

      A few months ago, a man was in the city centre shouting and he had a knife in his back-pocket sticking out, so obviously this was a very pious Christian preaching the loving message of our Lord and Saviour… Nicola Sturgeon. But when the cops came, no wrestling to the ground, no handuffs, just… speaking to the cunt? What? I was just looking on from about 30 feet away, shaking my head.

      I had a non-blood uncle who worked as a cop for about 15 years and he jacked it in as it was so corrupt, creepy, depressing, BORING. And I had a mate who became a cop at age 29 after working for a good computer company ran by a great boss, but he was adamant on becoming a cop. Fuck me, I couldn’t believe it, as Andy was not what you’d call cut out for the police. He used to steal computer equipment from work and flog it on Ebay. He isn’t a bad guy at all, just selfish, lazy, a sensualist, very funny at times. Haven’t seen him in about seven years, he has kids now. He said he’d never join the Freemason, so I said, “you won’t get far, pal,” and he fancied making detective some day, retiring at 52, all that fantasy shit that people have when they become a cop. No chance. It’s not like in the movies, it’s a grinding fucking slog of nightshifts and the same losers at 23:47 every Friday, Saturday beings cunts, screaming, toddlers in the flat that stinks of piss, junk everywhere. Then there’s the dead bodies, the car wrecks, the tracking down of psychopaths. And then there’s your “colleagues” who might be alright, might be annoying and might… psychopaths themselves.

      Nah, you’d have to be mental to join the police these days, the phoney-prestige of that position in society ended a long, long time ago.

      • I have many similar stories. And to think, when I was 17 I tried to join these cunts. At 19 I was already glad I didnt get ‘selected’, and now at 34 I hate the bastards.

      • Growing up, no fucker wanted to join the police. No one. Even now – no one, less than no one! Fuck knows where they get these 18-25 year old recruits from, there must be a huge X-Files type warehouse somewhere in Blighty where the grow them in glass tubes and allocate them to the various cop-shops around our modern Hellscape.

  5. Oh yes, they’re all for abolishing the police until THEY get mugged, burgled or run over.

  6. Being a cunt with the police deserves to be given harsh treatment, what the fuck was her problem.
    She deserved everything that came her way, Stoke Newington, A10 shithole, the police in that area need medals.

    • I make it a point to be a twat with the police at all times. The cunts dont give a shit about LAW, just their annual arrest quota. You try being arrested for something thats LEGAL, and you’ll be the same.

      • I haven’t had any problems with the police, on the few occasions I have had contact it has always been amicable.

        I have no idea about your experience but if you got the shit end of the stick for something you didn’t do then make a complaint.

      • Terrible advice Diablo.
        Ive had loads of dealings with coppers.
        Cop a attitude youll get one back.
        Everything is stacked in their favour.

        Im polite, courteous, and willing to help in anyway when dealing with the police.

        Completely out of character ?

        And it works!

    • making a complaint only has one result, police are twats to you for life. I know the law, I stay within it (sometimes barely), and I give police cunts shit if they try to fuck with me. Current ‘join the police’ campaign should state: become a social pariah, be hated by the public, become a woke, leftie, law-ignoring thug. Free baton and uniform.

      • Your solution seems to be ‘a twat at all times’ but won’t make a complaint if you feel you have wrongfully arrested.
        I am not sure your strategy is particularly sound, but it’s your life so do as you wish.

        If everyone had your attitude then you could see why the police get pissed off.

      • I started off polite and cordial. But its the pompous, arrogant, stick-up-the-arse, I’m-better-than-you, attitude of most of them. Just brings out he worst in me. Especially when they go outside their job description just to hassle someone.

  7. I hope she gets double penetrated up some dark alley by Leroy and Tyrone and the old Bill turn up a month later.

  8. All I’m gonna say is if you are the kind of person that likes to live a wholesome existence don’t get into police provocation because you will get yourself on their shitlist and trust me … you do not want that. You do not get off of it either … not ever regardless of your exhaustive efforts and despite what they may tell you.

    • Exactly Swagger. Anyone who follows Alex Belfield will see how vindictive and corrupt the Police can be if you cross them.

    • Freemasons. Never cross a Mason. Vindictive to the ends of the Earth. Superiority-complex cunts. They cover each other in spunk every Friday night. True story, Google it!

  9. Those defund the police should put their money where their mouths are and add their names and addresses to a database so police can ignore requests for assistance, and attend to matters where people who don’t hate them are involved.

    • This defund the police thing didn’t work out so good in the US!
      Cries of defund the police soon dry up when youve been raped/robbed/stabbed etc.
      Its bollocks.

      Criminals, villianous types, predatory little jackals all respect strength.
      True fact.

      You can reason, plead, compliment their fuckin haircut whatever, doesnt work

      Police show strenth?
      Kick fuck out of them,
      Chuck em down the stairs,
      Accidentally shoot a few,
      Its “morning officer”.

      This hippy cunt should have had her hair shaved off,
      Her Grateful dead albums stamped on,
      Her joss sticks snapped and been given 10 month sentence for obstruction.

  10. Time to shut down philosophy departments. It’s a dead discipline anyway.

    Save yourself money and buy a load of books, rather than being handheld through a three year-long £10k degree run by Marxists and Postmodernists.

    All they do is produce useless, overeducated cunts.

    • Unfortunately at least one philosophy department will be beyond our reach, Cuntamus. If Oxford’s gets shut it will be impossible for public school boys and girls aiming for government to get the mandatory PPE degree. Though maybe they could go for the option favoured by Royalty – History of Art.

      No, let’s have a\ trial embargo on ALL Arts courses and let’s see if it makes any difference at all to the country after ten years. Place bets now.

    • Teach the pre-Socratics, Plato, then stop there. Confucius. Then Schopenhauer and Alfred North Whitehead (neo-Platonist English genius, mate of Bertrand Russell) then let the students form their own philosophy. Most other philosophy is pure pish, people take other men’s work too seriously – Marx! Look where that piss-smelling alkie degenerate led a huge chunk of the human collective mind to. Fuck me.

    • CP@ – If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it do philosophy post grads still get their Giro for pot?

    • Neil Young HATED playing Woodstock! People call him a hippy, but he has never really been 100% invested in that ideology, more the lifestyle. He rode to Yasgar’s Farm in a pick-up truck with Jimi Hendrix. Then in December, he went to Altamont with Crosby, Stills and Nash. He’s never spoken publicly about Altamont. Fuck me, that’s some documentary, Gimme Shelter…

      (90 mins)

      “It’s just a shot away, it’s just a shot away…”


  11. Poor cow, stuck her nose in where it didn’t belong. Got hoisted with her own twattishness. Zero fucks given. Should have put the stabby one in with her. Fuck off.

  12. ‘Not been named’ we deserve to know who the cunt is so we can keep people away from him. Fucking knife carrying twats, as the members here would say: oven the cunts. Ir Dr Duff worth a squirt, maybe with a paper bag on the head?

  13. Another gobby stupid cunt with a stupid fucking name enjoying her 30 seconds in the limelight. Apparently she’s one of those moronic braindead twats who wants to be referred to as ‘they’. If she believes in this shit and that she is gender-neutral, why is the fucking bitch alleging that she was sexually assaulted?

  14. PTSD for a strip search. Fucking vile hag, my grandad was machine gunned spent the day in no man’s land being shelled by both sides. He had to get on with life, even though in suffered from his injures until the end.

  15. Koshka (Russian) meanings:

    Cat (female)
    Grappling iron

    Perhaps her parents were into BDSM?

  16. A legal law-informed twat who knows his rights. Yes. But only as a result of their total cuntiness in my past. They pick on me in the street, I give them a lesson in law, the law they should know and are meant to enforce. Some of the cunts think they ARE the law and can do as they please.

  17. I sat in the back door of a nightclub drinking beer, with permission from the owner. A stupid uppity PCSO said I cant drink on the street. I calmly explained I wasnt on the street, I was on licensed premises. That shut the bitch up…eventually, after a small arguement. PCSOs, less authority but think they’re GOD.

    • Oh yeah, those cunts are the WORST. Jumped-up little ratbags who think they are Robespierre or Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds. The bin-man has more authority than those gimps.

  18. Dirty Harry Callaghan
    Judge Dredd
    Gene Hunt
    Regan & Carter
    Buford T Justice
    Starsky & Hutch

    All great cops.
    Sadly all fictional.

    Nothing better than seeing a criminal get fucked up .

  19. Odd name… Koshka is Russian for “cat.”
    Which reminds me, with a c.21st Cuban Missile Crisis/WWIII round the corner, I ought to brush up on my Russian.
    Or, at least, “Please shoot me.”

    • Apologies, Komodo, I missed your Russian comments further up… I’ve been reading cuntings from the wrong end today (just to bring a bit of variety into my life…)

  20. If karma exists, she’ll use the ‘compo’ money to snare a toy boy who turns out to be the next Ted Bundy, or she’ll step in the cops’ way again and end up getting stabbed in the head by a Lionel Joseph.

    Can’t believe they paid out to this cunt. Well, I can in today’s climate.

  21. Cop an attitude with the pigs and you cop a load of grief. More so if you are innocent..
    I wonder which news outlet will cover the story of having my £150 sunglasses stolen out of my car by the police? My two cracked ribs after being booted to the floor then jumped on by the cops walking home past a pub? (Not a criminal offence the last time I looked).
    Local CID appearing at the pub and the bank opposite it the next morning to remove the CCTV which was subsequently allegedly lost? We need a police force – but NOT a bad one, and that’s what we have.
    This baiting little bitch deserved all she got, but she has learned a very unpleasant lesson – that being a know all big mouth lefty street lawyer will get you nothing but grief from a politicised organisation who only protect and serve their political paymasters.

  22. There’s good police, and I’ve come across a few, who helped me tremendously, and still check in once a year to make sure I’m OK.
    Then there’s bad police.
    There’s corrupt, unsuitable people in every walk of life, it’s very sad but true.
    Police, polititions. politicians, traffic wardens ( may Odins dog piss on them) doctors, local council officials.
    The list is endless, give a cunt a bit of authority and he/she will behave like a bullying thug.
    What’s the answer. Report them. A single complaint about bad behaviour should be enough to relieve them from duty until they’ve been investigated.
    Sorry, but if someone says your a bad ‘un, you usually are.

  23. Give some cunt a uniform, next thing you know they are building “camps”..! People who seek authority by and large are the type who should be kept as far as possible away from it….we’ve all met the type at work. …

    • No they don’t, they only need suspicion. It’s all the in the Police.and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.

  24. Chuck her in a men’s prison for the night and let the inmates gave some fun. Could make a film of it and call it “Gang Bang at Her Majestey’s”.

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