Katie Price Hate (13)

Katie Price Hate is a cunt.

Ok, she’s a trollop and it shows how money can cause issues if you give it to someone with addiction issues and not many brain cells but why do people keep having to hate the woman?

I’m always reading when a murderer or rapist gets locked up that if “they’d been Katie Price” they would’ve gotten away with it. Or if a violent criminal gets some bird for killing people in an old Audi that Katie would’ve been given community service.

Well I have news for these people, if she committed homicide or wiped out a family of immos in an old BMW she would go to prison. Yes she seems to get away with lots but just read the stories of folk who actually kill people in cars and then walk free…not even on a technicality but because their driving was careless and not dangerous,.

I’d be more interested in how a bankrupt can afford drugs, alcohol, cosmetic alterations, holidays to Vegas etc etc etc

Enough said, kiss my balls

Nominated by Spanky McSpank

59 thoughts on “Katie Price Hate (13)

  1. Don’t get the correlation. Most of us think she’s a cunt who doesn’t deserve any attention. She’s constantly in the media by design and because of her own stupidity.

    She does get away with a lot though and one of her drunk/drug driving escapades will likely end in tragedy for someone.

    But if you feel she needs an advocate here, knock ya self out!

  2. How long will it be before she rolls her fluffy pink vehicle, whilst totally off her face and on the hunt for marching powder? The irony is that she would be likely to survive, and some innocent gets killed.
    It’s her kid I feel sorry for, not her.

  3. I don’t hate KP, more of Z list celeb intense dislike in general.
    Now Tony Blah Blah on the other hand!

  4. “Kiss my balls”.

    Katie would willingly do that for you, Spanky, if you asked her. That is, after she has finished kissing Harvey’s bloated taters.

  5. No interest in this nom couldn’t give a rats arse. I’m off to work to do something constructive. If you like the old sloshpot ask her out for a beer and a couple of lines. Is this a wind up ?

  6. I despise Katie Price and think the old spunk bucket gets away with murder.
    Its one rule for dirty Essex gyppos like Katie and another for us.

    If she committed a US style school shooting shed get a suspended sentence.

    Page 3 prison dodger,
    And a banker for Deadpool.

    • Mnc@ – And she has none of the horror acting talents of her Granddad Vincent!
      Shifty no good slappers..

    • The lower class press seem to love stories about the old whore’s mucky mansion. I can only assume that they are referring to her vagina which I imagine just bubbles and overflows with late 90s footballers’ and early 2000s reality TV shows contestants’ semen like a sort of z-list cum volcano.In actual fact, I reckon her dirty box should be preserved in a museum in somewhere like Margate as some sort of British historical record as about three-quarters of the nation seem to have been up there. I’ll be very much like a mining museum in the north of the country. Blokes and their families queuing up to show their future children and grandchildren where they spent their hours of sweat and toil in years gone by. “What did you do in the late 90s, grandad? Did you go in there?” “Well, um, yes, I did spend a few minutes up there. It’s just what we did back then. We answered the nation’s call.” In 2000 years time, they’ll be queuing up in Cairo to see it.

  7. She looks like an Orc extra from Lord of the Rings in that photograph.

    She lives like a gypo in a filthy mansion. Her poor kids should be taken into care. However, I don’t hate her and she’s not public enemy number one.

    But she’s fair game because she’s always pushing herself forward and yet has absolutely no talent except in her tits – and they are past their best.

  8. She looks like an Orc extra from Lord of the Rings in that photograph.

    She lives like a gypo in a filthy mansion. Her poor kids should be taken into care. However, I don’t hate her and she’s not public enemy number one.

    But she’s fair game because she’s always pushing herself forward and yet has absolutely no talent except in her tits – and they are past their best.

  9. The poor woman obviously has mental issues, and needs serious help, which might include a spell inside. It is the media attention I despise.

  10. Being politically correct it’s not Katie price but her lifestyle that’s a Cunt. Saying that she’s still a Cunt

  11. I think it’s more bemused exasperation than hate in this case. She should definitely have gone down for the last incident, even if only for a few weeks. The problem is that the magistrate is probably aware that she’d eventually earn from that. ‘Katie’s prison hell exclusive’ or something would appear on the papers or on gmtv. That’s the reason for the vitriol. She puts herself and those around her in the firing line. Because, in her case, attention = money. No matter how immoral the circumstances.

  12. I think she deserves all the negativity with bells on, when you shamelessly whore yourself and your backward son to get any shred of attention from the media and public, you get what you get, especially when your supposed to be bankrupt, owe millions and should be in a prison cell…..fuck the stupid fuck monkey

  13. I cunted this bint off a couple of weeks ago when I had noticed on the Tellybox that this slag has released a new reality programme.

    Some drivel shite about her doing up her manor. Imagine homes under the hammer with a twist.

    From the few short clips that I saw it was hard for me to understand how she is poor and on the verge of bankruptcy, most likely she’s bent over and opened up the channel tunnel to let a few trains ride through. One scene caught my attention when she was asking her boy what he thought, he just jumped up and down dribbling as he does. Poor child, probably has no idea he has a Piaggio moped for a mother.

    What an example this slag this is for our younger generation, and how the fuck she gets away with bird time whenever she is in front a judge is beyond me (probably lets each one park their little boat inside her when in the dock).

  14. Saw her on tv the other night. What a fuckin state. Thick as two short planks, her mums now had terminal cancer for fuckin 20 years! Can’t wait for the sun newspaper’s headline,
    “Katie price aka Jordan found dead in bath. Drug overdose. Her mums still alive though!!!”

  15. She, and other famous people do seem to get away with things we’d be done for. My problem with her is the constant shit we see, I dont care who she’s shagging, which poor sap she’s married, what drugs she’s on, that she’s gome to rehab… You get the idea. Katie Price was quite attractive at about 18-22. After getting those big slag boobs, I lost interest.

  16. She’s a complete cunt in my books. The epitome of fuckwittery … a lifestyle based on valueless ideology. Blame others for the wrong doings? Absolutely not, she is entirely responsible and accountable for every action she takes. Make an example of it and feed it to the dogs.

  17. She is just a symbol of the talent free shite that infests the media. Look at what’s on BBC3, ITV2 and ITVBe. Then tucked away on 4 and 5. Total mindless drivel which Price epitomises.

  18. Apropos of nothing, has anyone else noticed the there is semen between the tits in advertisements?

  19. This nom is a bit of a strawman. I’ve never said or never heard or read someone say ‘Katie price wouldn’t have gone to prison for murder’.

    The ‘hate’ is for what she does do, not what she might do.

    What a crap nom.

  20. Price is the result of a media and society that celebrates mediocrity over genuine talent.

    Frankenstein’s monster for the 21st century.

    She was always a classless, pie-key slapper-she perfectly exemplifies something I have alway maintained:

    Three things money cannot buy:


    She is now remindful of a drug addict, sucking cocks to feed her “habit”.

  21. She’s a brilliant role model for girls. Teaching them that looking moderately attractive, getting massive tit implants, and being a slag gets you really far. And that drink-driving and other ‘minor-ish’ crimes are overlooked. Did you know, this whores shaved cave is the reason most 14-20 year old girls want a smooth pussy, and why a lot of young guys like it that way? Personally, I prefer a nice bush, but its the girls choice.

  22. Shit when i said veil i meant rug munching, not the young girls, that didnt come over well at all…..

  23. People are fascinated by the slow train wreck that is her life. Too bad her kids are along for the ride.

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