Justin Trudeau [3]

I would like an early nomination for foreign cunt of the year that being that fucking wannabe ( very soon to be ) Castro mk2.

What the fuck is going on out there?

If he is trying to goad the truckers into starting a riot, in normal circumstances it would have happened. The “truckers” ( which basically includes thousands of normal folk eh.
He’s now got the riot police with no name badges or numbers on show. The police are breaking windows on trucks, running over quiet protesters with horses, using pepper spray even on journos all whilst stopping and going after ( even after this is over ) people that have funded the peaceful protesters.

And here in Blighty is this news ? Nope. Blanket wide sedation of this to protect the liberal darling blackface Trudeau.

Dark times in Canada indeed.
Lots of links sorry.





I’m not sure where this is going to end in Canada. They have basically told everyone we are out to get you even if you give up so why would you give up?
Something is going to give

Trudeau is a cunt of epic magnitude and the worlds MSM should hang their heads in shame. Oh and can you imagine if Trump was doing this?

Nominated by: Onceacuntalwaysacunt

104 thoughts on “Justin Trudeau [3]

  1. Ah yes I k ew this cunting was coming soon. This cunt is a globalist asshole who doesn’t know the difference between order and freedom. Canada voted for him and now they reap.
    His face is so punchable.

    • MC@ – I significantly doubt Canadians ever voted for this creature – bit of “Biden counting” going on there.

      • or “Khan counting” in London.

        by the way, wasn’t Trudeau’s mum a bit of a goer back in the day?

    • tenuity is ‘THE KEY’

      the journo’s here are blinkered cunts, such as the cotton slaving founder of the gruniad.

      the result ‘this on yahoo’ https://uk.yahoo.com/style/mia-khalifa-playboy-centerfold-adult-film-industry-wasnt-death-sentence-190056510.html


      translation for those ‘in the know’ spunk riddled filth hose with active inner putrefaction anamolies (allegedly)

      Wow well done journo’s

      Tony B. liar moral compass for society, translation ‘evil satanic war mongering cunt’ – allegedly

    • All the “leaders” of big countries these days have punch-able faces. I’d like to see them fight each other like Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome.

    • Reporting from on the ground in Canada.
      Crime in Ottawa dropped 90% with the truckers in the streets.
      They cleared snow, organised garbage collection and set up first aid stations.
      The homeless have never been so well fed.
      The atmosphere at the protests was festive.
      Can’t come up with a suitable word for Trudeau, CUNT doesn’t come close.

  2. If only “Justin” (what a camp name!) was British – he would be reallyat home with Duckie darling Starling’s bunch of poofters with all the “Toby’s” and “Julian’s”, a bunch of screaming controlling queens.

  3. Dissent was soon brutally crushed by the caring government machine.

    The cunt also invoked emergency powers designed for dealing with threat of war,so now he has despotic powers including the ability to freeze bank accounts without oversight or any judicial oversight at all.

    This could quite easily happen in any First World country.

    Not a peep in the MSN about it,a situation equally as serious as the Ukraine panto.
    Behind the woke mask is just another Stalin.
    A set of totalitarian cunts.

  4. The most worthy cunting of recent times.
    A ‘liberal’ eh?
    He supports blm violent protests. But a non-violent protest against a career ending vax mandate is crushed in this way.
    And the msm hardly gives it a peep.
    Maybe the conspiracy theorists are right : He is a WEF stooge.

  5. The smiling face of fascism, the distracting, youthful looks, the importing of millions of trash into the country. He’s the Canadian Tony Blair.

    Hoo-eee, what a cunt.

    • In the 90s, this Canadian chaos would be all over the news channels, papers, etc. So there you again, the mainstream media gets it’s marching orders from somewhere. Any time the people rise up, the media either ignore it, or spin it into something sinister, when all it is, is democracy and dignity in action. But they view us as workers and consumers and nothing more.

      FUCK ‘EM!


      • There’s no other word than ‘totalitarianism’ to describe what is going on in Canada. It went from a fun protest with bouncy castles mocking the government to police cracking skulls. Trudeau is another of those fake tough guys who are actually pussies but when the heat hits them, they melt and go full psycho on the people they work for.

        Stand tall Canadian!

  6. Great bit of cunting.
    Here’s pretty boy Justin from a few years ago, letting us all know that the country he most admires is China, and their ‘basic dictatorship’.


    Okay; we all know that protesters can be a pain in the arse, but Trudeau’s use of Canada’s Emergency Act to crush an absolutely peaceful, lawful protest was truly a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
    The decision to go after protesters, and even those who just sent them donations, by freezing bank accounts and seizing assets and pressing criminal charges, is not merely vindictive, it’s sinister. Trudeau’s opened the box and let the rattlesnake out, and it’ll be hard to get it back in there again.
    The protesters have gone from Ottawa, but the state of emergency remains in place. It’s meant as a clear warning for the future; toe the line or we’ll come after you and ruin your life. The Stasi is alive and well, and relocated to Canada.
    If this can happen in Canada, it can happen anywhere.

  7. Under Trudeau Canada has become the wokest country on Earth. That means that the bank accounts and assets of those that fail to tow the line decreed by Trudeau can be confiscated. Truly chilling. He makes Putin look an amateur.

      • RK@ – Afternoon Sir Ron – the Canadian Woman the Canadian “police” deliberately trampled with a horse was an elder of the Mohawk tribe – they are powerful people in Canada and they want Trudeau, badly.
        Not a very clever move Justine.

      • Afternoon Sir Vern.
        It’s amazing the knock-on effect that a single action can generate.
        According to news reports I’m seeing, the decision to freeze bank accounts has led to thousands of Canadians taking their money out for fear that the govt. will seize it. There’s even talk of a real ‘run’ on the banks. People are seeing what the use of these powers might mean for them in the future, and they don’t like it.
        And at the same time, Justine is standing up and lecturing the Russkies and burbling on about standing up to the growth of authoritarianism around the world.
        This is going to come back to bite the twat on the arse I think. I hope it’s a fucking huge bite.

      • RK@ – The run on the banks has already happened because some despicable character who has worked in corporate finance contacted the freedom convoy people and advised them to take all but a Dollar out of their banks – and they did, in droves – the banks lost a fortune due to this completely legal action (keeping it legal is important) and started to freeze cash withdrawals, so the next stage was advice to buy a used vehicle using bank transfer then re-selling the vehicle for cash, again perfectly legal.
        The next step is setting up community credit unions which can then then be converted into banks – millions of Canadians are now doing exactly this and the banks are terrified – their draconian stranglehold will be no more soon and it is no less than they deserve.
        Fight mean, take the offensive – win.
        I believe the American phrase is “Fuck around and find out” – the banks did, and they are.

    • MSM have proved themselves to be the propaganda arm of government.
      Having been present at one of the protests, I can tell you that MSM have tried to avoid reporting any facts. When they couldn’t just flat out ignore, they made sure to point cameras in directions away from the main protests to make ’em look smaller than they actually were. They’ve lied by omission as well as straight out distorting facts.
      I only look at MSM to find out what I’m SUPPOSED to believe.

  8. Justiné Castreu press conf about Russia.

    “As we see a rise of authoritarianism around the world, as we see challenges increasingly to democracy and democratic principles. We need to all stand strong in defence of those values and principles.”

    You couldn’t make it up. It’s as if the unjustified use of the war time Emergencies Act to clear legal protests, freezing assets, taking political prisoners (one organiser given 10 years no bail).. it’s as if that just didn’t happen.

    A Canadian MP raised the question about the WEF interference in Parliament. He was shut down by the speaker of the house.

    You have Klaus Schwab openly admitting half of the Canadian cabinet is compromised, including Turdeau himself.

    MSM coverage is garbage. It’s so obvious what’s going on. But hey! Look! Putin is flexing over some dirt no one gave a fuck about before! Fear! War!.. Meanwhile, our nations are being systematically hollowed out from within by traitors like Trudeau, Ardern, Blair, etc.

      • One of the organisers. It was a woman, can’t remember name. Should be ‘faces’ not ‘given’ 10.

      • I guess it is probably the one named in the very comprehensive article linked above.

        Tamara Lich

    • TBCC@ – Yep, the “Speaker” took the fifty pieces of silver.
      So many have.
      And still the sheeple are denying what is now so glaringly obvious.
      I could fucking cry with frustration.

      • Trust the $cience, bro! Yeah, it’s pretty funny watching the naive cunts squirm now that the facts and figures are coming out. They who picked the wrong side will have squeaky bums this year.

    • We ignore Putin’s aggression at our peril. And Ukraine is not just “some dirt no one gave a fuck about before”, it’s twice the country Canada’s ever been, or ever will be again for that matter. If ever there was a nonentity nation, Canada is it.

      • Russia is the non-entity. They ain’t gonna do jack shit! Canada has a bigger economy than they do btw.

        Turn off the BBC and stop listening to our cunt MPs, they’re rotting your perception.

      • Aggression? The US helped overthrow the ‘government.’ Not long after, far-right nationalists took up a number of posts from deputy PM to head of defence. Also, (and rather conveniently) ‘they’ wanted to join NATO. On top of that, both Crimea and the Donbas Region (both pro-Russian) voted to leave Ukraine.

      • Exactly. Let’s not forget that the Cunts.I.A and Mongs.I.6 were out there meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation, as they have done oh so many times elsewhere.

      • Bcc, jd,

        My feeling.

        I really dont see him as expansionist. I mean when Hitler came to power it was on the the cards from the get-go. How long has Putin been in power? Over 20 years I think.

        I really dont know the history.

        Maybe I just want a War to bring us back to reality.

      • Yeah, it’s bluff. Even a novice student of history knows that expanding your territory brings more cost and risks. The era of expansion is over. Limited border quarrels sure, but no nation is going to rock the boat. Not even China.

        The elites are happy in their opulence. It’s all optics anyway. They don’t give a fuck and are all part of the same big club now.

        The world is a stage. Keep the plebs preoccupied, fearful, and buying useless shit. The idea anything that happens organically these days is fucking ridiculous.

      • I’ve said this before but I think it is very true. America is not like a REAL country. It doesnt have a real OLD culture. Its like a made up country.
        An example that comes to mind indigenous dance. I am sure the Ukrainians and the Russians have their national traditional dance. In their national costumes.
        What dies America have? Cheerleaders.

      • @ Chunky

        Canada may have a bigger economy (Spain certainly has) but Russia has a far bigger army and nuclear weapons.

        You need to turn off the BBC and stop listening to our cunt MPs, they’re rotting your perception.

        PS: Eat fork.

      • If you cracked open some of their warheads you’d probably find they were like a shitty kinder surprise, full of scrap metal or maybe a little Lenin toy.

      • I love reading this fucking nonsense. Russia not interested in expansion? Did anyone forget the fucking Crimea? I know there’s a short attention span on the Internet generation but come on? Then there are the adventures in South Ossetia, Georgia, Chechnya?

      • All those territories were under the Soviet Union. Border disputes is nothing like expansion.

      • So was Poland and half of Germany. You think Putin can legitimately lay claim to them too? Doh.

      • The Soviet Union was created by force, a the majority of those countries forced into the ‘pact’ by occupation couldn’t wait to be free, as the did over 30 years ago.
        Do keep up.

      • Expansion is conquering new territory, not fucking about over shit that is at your existing borders.

        We did proper expansion.

      • Eastern Ukraine is culturally and demographically heavily Russian and probably sympathetic to Russian interests.

        I see a proxy war and a partition of the Ukraine.

        Putin gets his buffer zone to protect against NATO/EU aggression/influence/meddling on Russia’s doorstep and the west can go back to worrying about correct pronouns, vaccine mandates and other such distractions.

        As I said in a previous comment – Putin remembers Kosovo being annexed from Serbia by Albanians.
        Sacred Serbian land handed over to Albanians thanks to the usual suspects.

        Can’t have it both ways.

        Putin is a cunt but so is the leadership of the EU and the west in general.

        Just my opinion.

  9. I have been monitoring this situation, and have been in constant contact with the Canadian freedom movement.
    At this moment I am too angry to fully expand on what I/we are doing – but we will not stop, ever until Trudeau is taken down – and when we win, which we will, there will be no mercy and history will remember our vengeance.
    When Trudeau is gone and in prison awaiting a little hemp and scaffold justice Ardern is our next target, then Morrison in Australia.
    And ss Canada falls the MSM reports that the Queen has a sniffle – they are ALL in on this – planned for decades, the stolen US election was the “go” signal for unleashing this around the world, and they MUST BE STOPPED – any way, any how.
    I am like the Terminator when things have to be done, and Trudeau is right in my sights.
    But remember – its just three weeks to flatten the curve..

    • I was watching interviews the other night from people who’d fled the former Eastern bloc tyrannies for a new life in Canada. One guy from (I think) Poland came out with an apt turn of phrase when he said of Trudeau that ‘the smell’s the same’.
      It really comes to something when the state of New Mexico is talking about taking asylum seekers from Canada.

      • RTC@ – Evening RTC@ Trudeau made a serious mistake when he confiscated my ball gowns – certain things can never be forgotten or forgiven! ?

  10. Mincing little prick. His breath undoubtedly smells like Klaus Schwab’s cock.
    Piano wire and lamp post, with any luck…

    • BB@ – I think that is exactly what it will come to – Canadians are chilled, liberal (as in the live and let live sense as opposed to the fascists who call themselves “liberals), kind and tolerant.
      But a very hot fire has been lit underneath them, and I pity any fucker who gets in the way when they really lose their shit.
      The UN aircraft now pretty much constantly landing in Canada filled with UN troops who then masquerade as Canadian “police” and “soldiers” is of course entirely coincidental – nothing to see here, look at what that that naughty Putin is doing in Ukraine, not over here..
      Trudeau is going down (not an unfamiliar experience for pwincess I would contend) and I am doing everything I can to hasten the process.

  11. Justine Turdo

    The poster boy of wokeness, inclusivity and modern Western democracy.

    Oh and the saviour of “peoplekind” (his own made up, on the spot term)

    Loves and supports the Black Lives Matter destruction/movement but not so much the concerns of white and Sikh Canadian working classes by comparison.
    They’re all just mysoginist’s and Nazis who hold unacceptable views. (such as opposing medical apartheid mandates – the horror)

    What an astonishing cunt this man child is.

    Klaus Schwab must be very proud of his protégé.

    • He epitomises the 21st century puppet parasite who is to “lead” us to a New Age of mass surveillance, social credit scores, no free speech and generally a shit version of Logan’s Run meets Soylent Green.

  12. Despite the soft voice and the lustrous 1980s style hair, the mask has truly slipped off this manlet. He has the nerve to condemn Putin for his actions regarding Ukraine, whilst simultaneously banning peaceful protests in his own country.

    Aside from the jarring dissonance between his ‘blackface’ antics and him ‘taking the knee’ for BLM with the zeal of a tramp on a £20 note, he’s voiced his admiration for the Chinese government’s ability to quickly “make changes”. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that they aren’t a democracy, have a ‘social credit’ system and they throw huge swathes of their populace into ‘re-education camps’.

    We need to make sure that this nonsense doesn’t happen here. It’s already taken root, but hopefully the populace will see the danger in time (I’m not holding my breath).

    It lifts my spirits that Ronnie Wood nailed Justin’s mum in the 70’s.

  13. Him and that Arden woman from NZ, are probably two of the most dangerous democratically elected cunts of the free world.

    Their touchy-feely liberalism has soon been scratched to find pure fascism underneath – “do as I say or I’ll kick the shit of you!”

    I just hope voters from both countries remember this come their next respective general elections – never trust a liberal!

    • Techno@ – I do not believe either of these two were democratically elected – the people of both Countries utterly hate them, they have zero public support and are the poster children of the New World Order.
      They will be removed by an enraged people, I am just concerned about the damage, pain and bloodshed they cause before that happens.

  14. As much as this cunt is a massive cunt and no mistake, I knew as soon as I saw his name I the headline it would be like crackpot catnip. Not disappointed. ??

  15. Always makes me wonder about twats like Trudeau The last time someone froze bank accounts was The African Hitler Robert Mugabe. Imagine the Mounties turning up at your house if you had given 50 dollars to the Canadian Truckers ??

  16. Theres something wrong with Justin.
    Something deeply flawed and out of kilter .
    He sets off my Spidey senses.

    He was in a pub my hackles would be up and id never turn my back on him.

    Hes a wrong un.

    I hope hes the focus of a bloody coup and his corpse is paraded around the frozen streets.

    The gay little cunt.

    • He’s a puppet. He got elected by 20% of the populace, apparently. IN that election, the turnout was abysmal and he got in, the snivelling internationalist shit-dick. He doesn’t love Canada, he’d sell them out for a lifetime supply of lavender lube from his libtard ringpiece!

  17. No, it’s clearly just a conspiracy theory by crackpots.
    “Rolls eyes, grits teeth, leaves conversation”.

  18. Canadian “police” holed up in an expensive hotel, shovelling free food down and laughing and celebrating the fact they had just smashed the shit out of innocent people peacefully protesting – dragging them away from the news cameras and beating hell out of them with sticks.
    Deliberately charging police horses into crowds of people with the premeditated intention of doing harm and causing injury.
    Tear gassing protestors then denying doing it even though they were filmed doing it.
    Firing baton rounds point blank at news reporters.
    Smashing into private vehicles, dragging them away by tow truck operators and now threatening to seize them and sell them at auction.
    Convoy protest leader arrested, roughed up and remanded in custody with the very real threat of a 10 year jail sentence for breaking no law.
    UN aircraft landing in Canada filled with UN troops – “Canadian” police and troops with no ID and their faces covered.
    Emergency act invoked – with the support of the Canadian Parliament.
    Cafe owners who have committed the “crime” of serving protestors threatened by police thugs.
    Private bank accounts frozen.
    But – it’s just all conspiracy theories by crackpots, apparently.
    “15 days to slow the curve” ????????????????

    • It’s Flatten the Curve ?

      Here is a short version of events.

      A load of lorry drivers rock up in Ottawa and park up in the centre.
      They are asked to leave, but they say fuck off
      The police make an exclusion zone around the area where the trucks are parked to prevent interventions when removing the trucks
      The trucks are moved.

  19. Wow, I still can’t believe Putin used emergency powers, crushed protests, seized (opposition) bank accounts, and used to filth to really lay down ”the law” for a start.

    Oh wait.

    • Ive always thought of Canadians as a bit ‘simple’.

      They talk like theyre under sedation eh?

      A bit like a nation of Forrest Gumps.

      But they don’t deserve Trudy.
      They should fix that little cunt.

      Come on moosefuckers!
      Show us some anger!

  20. What this last couple of years (from BLM via Covid and the skullduggery in Ottawa) has proven to me is this, at some point the police stopped actually being ‘the police’.

    What we now have is a bunch of lackeys who live on a steady diet of low hanging fruit, such as social media transgressions.

    But when protests manifest themselves, the police decide whether to do absolutely nothing (this could be in response to BLM causing criminal damage, pulling drivers out of cars, looting, assault, murder and burning cities to cinders), or by donning riot gear and cracking as many heads as possible (this could be Covid sceptics in the UK and mainland Europe or the Canadians demonstrating for freedom in Ottawa).

    I don’t know if the green uniformed riot squad in Ottawa were flown in, it’s possible. It’s arguably irrelevant. We have the same problem in most Western countries, the police aren’t the police anymore, they’re larpers. They wear the uniform, but that’s all.

    Like all larpers, they look ridiculous. In riot gear, even more so. Is there any sight more ludicrous than a police officer in riot gear beating a pensioner? Is there any fight less fair than one where only one side has the right to wear armour and use weapons?

    And they want your respect.

    • The militarized nature of the police in all western nations is well suspicious if you ask me.

      They can’t find the cash for local patrols, but can for all these shields, gas, armour, water canons, etc.

      The police ceased being a service a long time ago. They are a political force now.

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