A cunting for the despicable cunts who put rat poison in dog treats and place them in parks, we have seen this in Cardiff.
what kind of pieces of pig shit would stoop so low, there is a group i strongly suspect of this deed, they are the same goat fuckers who want to be accepted in the UK and treated as equels.
The problem we have is your average brit would walk across a thousand of these people to save a dog, in fact most would care about the dog more than said minority, soon to be majority group.
Fuck me these cunts certainly know how to win friends and influence people….
Nominated by Fuglyucker
I’m not a dog lover, but I find this inexplicable. It ain’t normal, and whoever does it is a right cunt.
There are rather too many people out there who are complete cunts. They demonstrate their cuntishness in many ways.
Unkle, you’re going to need a bigger oven.
I AM a dog lover and these cunts need flamethrowering.
If you point me in the direction of one of these bastards, I’ll gladly grind a broken beer bottle down their throats, and then throw them from an overpass onto the Motorway below.
Such Cunts deserve a slow painfull death, then pissing on. The same for cunts who organise or attend dog fights, or run puppy mills. Burn the evil bastards thoroughly….
Hear hear, old chap. Poisoning dogs, it just aint cricket.
What ho, an english stereotype.
When they catch the cunt make him eat said poison, enough so the bastard dies in agony.
Piss now boiled to steam.
Noting that the London park was in Hackney, and with my knowledge of Cardiff, I do wonder if there is any correlation with those of a pissful persuasion who don’t seem to appreciate man’s best friend…
I can’t stand dogs and I see some people treating them better than their husbands – never understood why but, this is abhorrent behaviour and I for one would stand and watch any of these cunts caught doing this being made to eat poisoned food out of a dog bowl.
What the fuck is wrong with people – I bet it’s the same minority whose wives breed like rabbits – dogs killing dogs, how ironic.
Smear the cunt with a dead fox, give him 2 minutes start and then release Lord Fiddler’s hounds. I might even become a hunt follower myself.
It’s hard to understand how anyone could do this. I’d imagine difficult to catch the perpetrators or identify them, but given the hatred certain groups have of dogs my money would be on the towels.
Funny isn’t it – I never see dakis or Raggyheads with dogs…
The moozys hate dogs, if they touch one they have to wash their vessel for 7 days or some such backward, meaningless bollocks, makes no sense anyway, pretty much like the rest of there archaic beliefs…
CM@ – They don’t want anything more attractive and better smelling than their 10 year old Wives.
You see dog.
They see wolf.
Its primeval.
It’s in the DNA.
Dogs ARE wolves, thats why. Its where they came from.
Thank you for pointing out the bleeding obvious.
THAT was my point.
I have to wash my hands if I ever touch a towel head.
As if.
What I mean is, I look at a dog and see a wolf…but that doesnt make me want to poison them.
In islam, dogs are apparently forbidden. They are considered dirty. Hmm…
‘Diversity is our strength.’
What a load of shit !
True. Diversity is definitely our weakness.
Unkle Terry’s oven for the lot of the piss full cunts.
‘Never trust a person who doesn’t like dogs’.
Never a truer word spoken. Most people are cunts, dogs are only cunts when the person training / owning them are horrific, shit stain cunts.
I know which company I would prefer 10 times out of 10.
Not entirely fair. It’s not that I dislike dogs but, having been bitten twice in my life, I simply don’t trust them. Oddly, the smaller the dog, the less I trust the yappy bastard. Having said that, I’ve been scratched by any number of cats, most of the fuckers were mine.
Moggie@ – Our kids dog insists on trying to drive my car whenever the mad smelly beast sees the door open – the little fker! ?
Most dogs will only bite if startled or scared, but some are nasty little buggers – “Small dog syndrome” – the big ones are generally fine.
Poisoning dogs?
What kind of evil wretch would do that?
And yet poisoning pakis seems like a great idea? A difference in the target perhaps.
I don’t advocate poison here, Moggie.
I’m not a massive fan of something that eats shit and rolls in it, but a good personality does count.
This is why I’ll tolerate dogs but not Germans.
I prefer cats. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like dogs. I do like them and would not be unhappy to have one as a pet. But cats, the true master race, are my first choice.
Mudslimes only like dogs to either eat or shag – or preferably both at the same time.
These dog poisonings are probably some Mudslime Honour killings because they sniffed the rear of another bitch.
Not a fan of Dogs, public parks covered in toxic dog bum chocolate and small black bags full of crap hanging from shrubs creating the local poo tree for all to decorate.
As an park ranger in a former life hitting Two year old bags of Dog crap with a brush cutter is truly a shit days work.
I’m a massive fan of dogs,
And this is the work of a uber cunt.
Catch,batter, stab a bit.
Sort of low work a Frenchman would commit.
Mnc@ – The French? THE FKIN FRENCH? Well why didn’t you say?
Loading Rom and Rem onto The Black Pig as we speak..
Dog poisoners need to be hurt.
I have often wondered what it would smell like after 2 years. Can you describe it poetically?
Sealed in a bag after Two summers, It turns into black runny stinking Tar. It turns into a fine mist and goes through my mesh visor. Covers my clothes and equipment.
Smells like rotting chicken & pus.
I have to say, as a dog owner, it absolutely infuriates me to see dog shit on footpaths and verges, in parks and, generally where people walk. I’m constantly stearing my dog round piles of it, and I always pick my dogs doings up. Also, why bag it and leave it hanging off fences, bushes, trees?
Do they think there’s a dog shitbag fairy who’s going to take it away and leave 50p in its place?
It’s like the people who dump broken furniture and any other crap on the verges, it’s fucking fly tipping.
I saw some cunt hang it from a tree ONE FUCKING METRE from a dog shit bit. I had a go at the cunt about it.
I meant dog shit bin
These immoral, immigrunt cunts ruin everything! I can remember when carp fishing was a sport.
I used to fish. It all went back in the river after. Except maybe an eel or two for supper.
A bit OT but just watching a programme about milk manufacture and the treatment the cows get. If I had any idea where these farms were I’d be waiting outside with a large bat and ensuring the ‘workers’ got the same treatment. I wouldn’t stop smacking these cunts until they were squealing for mercy. And I wouldn’t fucking stop then. I may eat meat and drink milk but the animals not only deserve respect, but great overall treatment, anything less is deplorable.
Breaking news on SKYcunt and Ali Baba Beebie – prince Andrew – AKA the dark knight has just settled.
I know this changes the subject of this post but hold up and rewind – this girl was adamant she wanted her day in court and would not be settling, NO MATTER WHAT.
Now the queen has dropped her knickers and offers this bint the crown jewels she accepted an out of court settlement. So, lesson in life cunters, it’s always about the money.
Even I was gullible enough to think she wanted to make randy Andy squirm in court but that ain’t happening now.
I bet she’s been offered a FAT pay out, I reckon at least quarter of a mill – and I bet I bet the Cunty Royal family will find a way of rinsing it out of the taxpayer eventually.
Interestingly, there’s no NDA (non-disclosure agreement) involved in the settlement, so she can still talk and write about what took place between her and the “too honourable” Prince who “never met” her, if she so chooses. And she will. ?
Yes I saw that too – absolutely no conditions for her to shut the fuck up.
I don’t suggest for one minute that nothing happened BUT what young person hangs around rich people like that when they are young and not have some suspicion that somethings not right.
When I was a kid I was involved in an a bit of a nasty incident – I was 13 at time and got the fuck out of dodge, he was subsequently found guilty of fiddling with other kids but I was able to get away, no harm done but the intention was there…
I therefore suspect she knew, or had some idea of what she was getting in to – just saying…
I don’t doubt it. Also her parents must have had a good idea of what was going on too.
He’s dodged a conviction, but heartwarming to know he’s not entirely off the hook.
Minge juice bottler. I surrender my title of grossest name to you sir.
You are the kindest among us.
£7.5 million according to the Dailymail.
That’s our money ffs.
Michael Jackson also settled out of court, or paid”hush money” as it’s also known. Unlike Andrew Windsor, Jackson touched a lot of people’s hearts.
And scrotums, the old child-fúcker.
Bitch knew exactly what she was doing. Same reason little sluts hang around footballers. Hoping to be raped so they can get money. Worlds most expensive prostitutes.
He was in a hurry to offload the Swiss chalet.
I reckoned she’d get between £5M – £10M.
A big wad, if he’s innocent. Which, of course,…
No. It isn’t our money. It’s the family’s money…
Probably settled out of court due to lack of evidence. Either that or she just wanted as much money as possible. Funny how ‘he raped me’ doesnt matter after half a million.
There’s a Nom.
An interesting accident as per the Sloane Princess shall befall her soon.
I did take our pooch to the one and only local Indian mela I’ve been to and was shocked how many of the ‘locals’ jumped out of the way. I could understand it for a Rottweiler, but not for a spaniel.
There are many possible suspects for this crime, but the groups who don’t have dogs such as these would be at the top of the list.
I prefer cats, but I dont hate dogs. Whoever these cunts are, they want rounding up and shooting. I lost a cat by poisoning, its not a nice way to go.
I prefer pussy too.
That too. Always wanted a pet Ocelot though, so cute. When it comes to dogs, I always liked Malamutes and Jack Russels.
Get a Bengal.
They are domestic cats bred with Ocelots.
They are huge! Compared to a domestic cat, and can be very aggressive.
I’ve got a Bengal.
How do you titillate an ocelot?
Oscillate it’s titalot!
Ogden Nash
I dont want an Ocelot because its big or aggressive, I want one because theyre cute.
Given that an Ocelot is a wild animal, will require a licence, special accomodation, ie secure, it’s a wild animal, special food and it absolutely won’t sit on your knee for a stroke, because it’s a wild animal.
Otters are cute,
Pandas are cute
Penquins are cute.
They’re wild animals.
I know someone with a pet Ocelot. Eats steak, soft as shit, purrs when stroked, he takes it for walks on a lead. Scratches the shit out of his sofa though.
I’m afraid I’m going to have to stop responding to you.
Any animal can be tame as long as it’s brought up in the correct environment.
I keep seeing WWF Adopt an Animal adverts.
I quite like the idea of adopting a polar bear, but it would be cruel to keep it in the conditions I currently live in…
I honestly thought I couldn’t possibly hate pakıs with any more contemptuous spite, but I was wrong.
TtCE, we had an incident of this in a Sheffield Park, very, very popular with parents with young children.
This cunt was dropping jelly sweets, which dogs love, laced with rat poison.
Unfortunately, kids like jelly sweets and don’t particularly care that they’re on the floor.
So you can imagine the witch hunt that followed.
There was an arrest, but it’s still bubbling through court. He’s got mental issues, of course.
Evening JO…mental issues?
Like believing in that nonsense that consists of the Quran?!
Wonder if the smelly rapists have a greater fear of dogs or pigs?
I know, it’s like a jerk response these days, isn’t it.
Carnt put me in prison. I is got the mental issue, innit!
The ultimate defence.
Well, if he’s like the one next door to me, he’s probably his grandfather’s son… Mental age about a sixth of his real age.
Mental issues, ha, thats no excuse. I had a mate that was a cunt, yet blamed it on his mental issues, yeah because autism causes you to be a cunt does it? No. Throw the book at him, followed by the shelf and the rest of the library.
When they catch these cunts, they will do nothing for fear of being called racist. If a blind eye was turned while they raped 100s of our kids, what do you think they’ll do about a few dogs?
I’m a dog lover by the way and my punishment would be to bury the perpetrators alive with their families and throw in a decaying dead pig and a bath’s worth of porcine spunk on top of them.
Feed them to pigs. ‘You no eat pig, but pig eat you!’
Remember that line in Midnight Express that went “ For a nation of pigs, it sures seems funny that you don’t eat them! Jesus Christ forgave the bastards, but I can’t! I hate! I hate you! I hate your nation! And I hate your people! And I fuck your sons and daughters because they’re pigs! You’re all pigs!”
I wonder if the cunts can still get into Valhalla or whatever its called if they have been fed to the pigs and recycled into curly wurly pig shit…..
Well, actually, they cant get into their ‘paradise’ unless they live a good life. So, suicide bombers dont actually get their ’72 virgins’ in paradise.
Who’d want a virgin anyway? They’d lay there like a sack of shit. Give me a slut every time!
They don’t have a heaven. How could they? There’s only one place for barbarian pedo followers like those smelly boy fanciers.
Ive had several virgins. Ive turned one or two into sex-crazed sluts. My crowning achievement in this endeavour was taking the virginity of a lesbian.
This dislike of dogs which pervades the world’s most peaceable religion can maybe be traced back to a time when perhaps big Mo himself was having regular run ins with guard dogs when he was out on the ratch, back in the day.
Big Mo? Isnt that eastenders. Dogs are ‘mans best friend’, but did you know CATS were the first pets?
I would pay good money for a cat treat that would sterilize the fuckers. My fellow neighbors are terrible about letting them breed out of control. I’ve rescued all I can and it just never gets better. They are cunts. The neighbors that is.
I’m not a fan of dogs, never had one and don’t want one. They take too much looking after, walking the dog, picking up its shit, not for me. However the cunts that put poison into these dog biscuits are utter cunts. Why do they do it, is it because they see people walking a dog and not picking up the shit, we’ll confront the cunt and if needed smack the fucker in the mouth and feed the cunt cunt the dog shit. It’s not the dogs fault it’s the cunt that owns/walks it.
DLP, being elderly and diminutive, I’m somewhat reluctant to adopt aggressive tactics when I see a dog owner fail to pick their dogs shit up.
However, as I usually have a reasonable supply of bag on me, sometimes I pick it up for them, follow them home and smear the contents on the doorstep, handle and letterbox.
I leave an envelope stuck to the shit.
The note inside says
Pick your dogs shit up, Cunt.
I have done the same with the note just saying ‘woof!’
That made me laugh out loud, so thank you so much, Moggie.
Perhaps this is the only way to stop it. But, wont they start claiming its a racist attack?
The person reported recently received a Police “advice” ( whatever that is ) before being immediately released back to his “Clan”.. There were no injuries sustained to any camels.
Do you mean the poisoner, EyeClaudius?
It was never fully detailed , but likely to have been a poison. The whole story died within hours, and has never resurfaced. Two Labradors were affected, one died one survived.
Filth like that should to be burnt to death.
Sorry, but dogs are cunts! I would allow the working dogs that actually serve a purpose, but those yappy cunting handbag accessories that I see the rich sluts carting around bring out the deranged psychopathic killer in me! Yappy rats can all get to fuck! Bastard fucking vermin.
This is what happens when you let filth into your country.
If the rozzers do have cctv of those responsible, I bet they’ll never fucking show who’s doing it.
‘Diversity is out strength’, and all that.
I bet my nutsack that it’s peaefuls. Plenty of videos and cases of these cunts abusing or refusing guide dogs in their tax dodging rapemobiles (‘taxis’).
I refuse to buy anything off these cunts and won’t get in their taxis either.
Racist? Couldn’t give a fuck.
If they’d behaved differently then perhaps things would be different.
Enoch was right. Send ’em back.
Enoch Powell, a fucking genius!
I dont mind foreggners if they integrate. Try to learn the language, follow the law, be as tolerant as we have to be, pay tax… But there are certain ones who want to live their way, bring their rules, and basically act like cunts. And we cant say or do shit without being called racist.
This really takes the biscuit.
Utter cunts!