Cardiff City Council

I would like to nominate Cardiff council as cunts, absolute cunts without a clue, Cardiff is being ruined and not even slowly these days.
We have fucked roads, half the lanes being turned into cycle lanes,gay rainbow police cars, guess the bin day, 20 watt Street lights they seem to want to follow the non plan plan.
The latest bumfuckery literally to be dumped on its people of Cardiff, now we are going to have gay painted road crossings, I don’t mean the usual Cardiff Frogger Road crossings on the brow of a hill or a blind junction either, you know the ones we’re you look both ways, hope for the best and then run like fuck dodging dooshka taxi drivers, (I could understand a rainbow painted one of those) these are literally the main drag outside Cardiff Castle painted with the fruits rainbow.
The gay LGTYFCJGHRDSVHNHVGUINM has got quite out of hand in my opinion, it has gone from something that was illegal, to legalised, to tolerated, to grudgingly accepted, to not respected but not allowed to take the piss and now celebrated and strait normal people made to feel like they are somehow in the wrong.
There was one killed a while back in a park late at night recently, looks as if he tried to proposition a couple of crack heads and his advances were not appreciated.
When will these groups realise by ramming this kind of bollocks down people’s throats donsnt help their situation, BLM being a perfect example, a group who went public saying only their lives matter and anyone who says no all lives matter was a waaaysist
So wondering what the next shocker is going to be from Cardiff Council, I think we are just going to look forward to being put out of our misery if it means saving us from these cunts…

Nominated by Fuglyucker

34 thoughts on “Cardiff City Council

  1. CCC are inspired by the same fucking nutters who rule as “The Welsh Assembly” .
    (The Assembly by the way, are the cunts who paid £1500 to each 15?16 year old to do “nothing”)
    CCC are equally fucking crackers as zealots of the worst kind. Still, it took the people of Cardiff to elect these fuckers. They need a “Bridgend Fucking Solution”.

  2. I assume these types are trying to make the place as much like Volvograd as possible.
    That’s what you get when you mix libtards and commies together.
    A foul soup of cunts.

    Give them the Iron Duke’s oven.

  3. Hi Cunters. I just want to put something into words here.

    In a tiny country town in Oz today, I saw a tree with a little memorial plaque so stopped to read it.

    Jeezus, just a kid of 12 years, the tree was planted by his primary school friends. Died in 1998.

    It’s a little country town, no one is about and just there is the swimming pool, the attendant is about sixty years and looks local, maybe she’d know what happened.

    On the farm he’d been playing with matches and burnt down a haystack. He was so scared of his father’s wrath he killed himself rather than face him. The whole district was distraught especially his school mates.

    And the dad, was he a bad one?
    No just strict like all the farm dads.

    • Sad story for sure.

      Discipline is long forgotten word in the UK.

      Many youngsters do however know how to say ‘respeeect tho innittt’

  4. Hehe, a crossing just for bum boys, no straights allowed.

    These city councils are a fucking disgrace, my local MP has introduced a bill in the house of cunts to enable towns to break free of these fucking city councils. The local authorities and boundaries bill, giving local people a vote (referendum) to decide to say fuck off to these useless (usually labour run) metropolitan councils.

    I doubt it will get through because it gives power to the people ?

  5. I hear Cardiff County Council are planning on opening a pink unicorn lane.

    I hope it’s not true.

    • Nothing surprises me these days. Never mind; the Gay Hussar’s boys will be here soon to put it all right.

      Morning all.

  6. Fascism and communism dressed up as “liberalism” (they clearly have no sense of irony).
    This will destroy us, and the destruction is intentional.

  7. It’s because of cunts like this in Cardiff Council that the mad Russian is doing what he is.

    The civilian population of Ukraine is being armed, if that happened here my rounds would not be fired at any enemy aggressors.

    • Which is why we’ve the firearms laws we have, they were scared that the WW1 squaddies coming back to the home fit for heroes would discover it wasn’t…and turn their guns on the cunts that sent them to the front.

      As for arming the civvies, much as I’m for it as a matter of general principle, I have to point out that it’s not wise for anyone in an active warzone to be suddenly carrying automatic weapons and not wearing a uniform..the minute they pick up that gun, they’re no longer civilians under international law – as if either side there gives a fuck about what happens to the proles – and that makes them ‘fair game’/lawful targets.

      Of course, the cynical cunt in me knows fine well that’s the whole point of the exercise – more bodies for the war pornographers, more fodder for the ‘Outraged of Twatter’ virtue signallers to vent angry hurty words about (I don’t see any of those cunts heading out to defend Ukraine the way their ‘spiritual ancestors’ went to Spain to fight the fascists)

      Reading between the propaganda lines, the poor bastards they’re handing the guns to know that too.

      See last frame…

  8. I did my postgraduate degree in Swansea. Fucking Welsh cunts cheering against England in the 1992 European Championships. Fuck ‘em. Even ISAC resident hornmeister [name redacted on legal advice] left the valleys because all the sheep have AIDS.

    Freedom for East Anglia.

    • HtB@ – Given how flawed and open to abuse our electoral system is I would have significant doubts as to whether these evil traitor nutcases were ever elected in the first place.
      90% of people disagree vehemently with everything these loons are and do – but more and more of them get elected?

      • A very important observation VF. Have often thought along the same lines. Nobody seems to agree with the cunts but they get elected again and again. Something stinks. Black black

  9. Walking on a flag is the hight of disrespect. Ask the Iranians and their Stars and Stripes ones. Hilarious.

  10. Cardiff is just catching up with London and Manchester, where taking it up the arse has gone from being done in the privacy of their homes, or an off-the-beaten-track public lavatory, to being regarded as an act of great courage and fortitude. All it proves is that Cardiff is 30 years behind London, which, I guess, we all knew already. I believe on cold winters nights in Cardiff people would assemble at the busiest part of the high roads and junctions to see the traffic lights for Christmas,and that was their version of Trafalgar Square. They have hardly seen a celebrity since Harry Secombe came to London, so bumfuckery is now their idea of caberet – indeed, I understand some of the more effeminate of the poofters do try to look like Shirley Bassey.

    This is the problem of voting for local Mayors – they actively support deviance, because they are deviant themselves, and the love to be loved by every minority they can find. I have thought up a new panel game to feature 4 city mayors each week – similar to the old venerable “What’s My Line?” Boggs TV Productions (Mincing Lane Studio) proudly present: WHAT’S MY KINK? – and here in the chair – which is made of glossy black PVC with little bristles on the cushion -is Dame Kweer Starmer.

    • I think Mr Boggs the next time I see two fruity gentlman in my local park late at night I will manoeuvre myself into close proximity and say’-I am standing with you’. ‘I am standing here in solidarity’. ”I am standing next to you’.
      That might put ’em off.

    • Dripford’s son is a deviant, and Dripford looks like either of the Two Ladies of Llangollen.

  11. Politicians of left wing persuasion especially won’t be content until this once-great country is a third world steaming pile of cunt where deviance and the abnormal are normalised. Many so-called Tories fall into this category too.

  12. Meanwhile the permanently cash strapped NHS are spending untold thousands on putting these gay crossings out side of hospitals. Never mind the six million strong waiting list, let’s show how right on we are. They should have separate hospitals for the gays and all their diseases and leaky bums.
    Dirty cunts.

    • Worse than that …..

      Chair of the Sickle Cell Society, Kye Gbangbola MBA, said: “A new treatment brings new hope for people living with Sickle Cell Disorder, the world’s most common genetic blood condition.

      The drug that costs £5000 a pop (the NHS have done a deal with the drug company, undisclosed amount) needed once a month, all for Darkies, fucking racist NHS, how dare they suggest that the sooties need special drugs ?

      All part of the £1 billion to target health inequalities, by that is doesn’t mean the poorest in society it mean ethnics, white man to the back of the queue when it comes to getting NHS treatment.

  13. All councils are cunts, full of tin pot dictators who can’t be trusted with tax payer money. If we ever get a revolution the peasants won’t be heading for Westminster with our flaming torches but to the local council HQ!

    • Norwich City Council would look great over the sights of an assault rifle.
      London in miniature, the cunts…

  14. Don’t these multi-colour crossings confuse old people and guide dogs? Bloody dangerous and should be outlawed. Bunch of idiots.

    • It will surprise no-one to hear that we have had one of these rainbow crossing things in Bristol for a while. It got defaced by god-botherers last year. It is looking progressively more tatty and faded. I struggle to understand what the point is, is someone suggesting that a gay person might be targeted and mown down by homophobic motorists if they venture out in to the road? It’s depressing to hear that this ballbaggery is cropping up in other parts of the country. Down in Exmouth, Devon ,there is a park near the sea front that has a special rainbow bench in it, presumably for those that feel offended by the other benches that are naturally reserved for heterosexuals only. I am reliably informed that people deliberately allow their dogs to urinate on it.

  15. I’m just unsure how all the rainbow Les, gay, trannie, non binary gang get on with this once fair city becoming very much a peaceful place these days just walk around Caton, Splot, Adamstown and you can sense (touch almost, though I don’t recommend it) the enrichment. Never the twain.

  16. I hit a low bridge in the middle of Cardiff.

    I couldn’t see the height sign until the last minute as my eyes were so bad and I didn’t have my glasses on.

    Parking stanleys are good for dodgy HGV medicals, if nothing else.

    It said 14 foot 9 inches, and I thought fuck it, I’m about 15 foot high, I’ll be ok, I’ll go slowly. Bang.

    It had the slogan “you need Brains” painted on the top of the bridge”. That made me laugh.

    I thought, “I need to get out of this shithole quick”,
    and reversed back round the junction, and chained on the displaced steel, and fucked off quick.

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