Blaming White People

Blaming the white man (woman , trans and all that bollocks etc) for the ills of the rest of the world’s population is a Cunt.’s-holding-blacks-back-12025.html

The link above counters the balance a little and suggests that it’s not whitey’s fault but maybe bame themselves need to take hold of life and make something of it.

A scan about on google shows that only 20% of the world’s
Population is “white” 80% bame!! How can 80 % realistically blame 20 % for the way things are for them ?

The Chinese invented gun powder we are taught. Mankind evolved in Africa and wandered north we are taught. So how come they didn’t invent stuff explore further afield? I don’t know but I say stop being a Cunt and blaming those who did.

Get off your backside and become something. Stop blaming a MINORITY.

You’ll feel better for it. I reckon.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

89 thoughts on “Blaming White People

  1. Blame us for inventing Computers, use Electric and the internet. Send you blaming via bongo drums to the Ministry of the Modern world.

  2. Black?
    Short of a few quid?
    Feeling hard done by?
    Fancy a guaranteed income?

    Then just apply for a job on UK television.

    • And if you like biting the heads off Guinea pigs, join Olivia the gorilla on Barclays ad.

  3. White people built the world, invented everything worth inventing and even though we are an “ethnic minority” in terms of numbers we have done every single thing worth doing in the world as others sat in their own piss and watched us – jealous, nasty, resentful but without the will, skill or brains to do a damned thing about it.
    And now, the lazy, stupid and greedy want everything they have not worked for or done a fucking thing to contribute to – aided and abetted by white traitors who are so piss wet and pathetic they would usually be the first ones reaped by the strongest and best.
    We are the Alphas of the world population, the Alphas of world history and are being brought down and exterminated by people who have nothing, do nothing and are nothing.
    Never in history have the weak, lazy and stupid prevailed – but we now have a system where they do, and by fuck are they loving it.
    What goes around comes around fuckers, and when it does you will really, really wish you had not pissed us off.
    We either fight or go out of existence, my choice is made.
    Strong words, passionately expressed.
    That is all.

    • The excess amount of welfare dependants will destroy non-contribution based welfare.

      Lazy welfare scroungers won’t exist indefinitely.

    • What worries me Vern is that this was exactly the situation in southern Africa. The white man was superior in every way. Brought modern farming and inventions to Africa. However, despite being superior, the whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were sold out, with the worst thing being that the sell-out was by other whites. Did anyone in the white world say anything about the white farmers beaten and killed by black savages? No.

      So, I can see us white folk suffering the same fate in our home countries. We will be replaced with inferior races, and it won’t matter if they can do the jobs or not. What will count to the white liberals in charge is that they have suppressed the working class whites and replaced them.

      • LC@ – Rhodesia – prosperous, secure and stable under white administration.
        “Evil racist whitey” hands it back – and it turns straight back into the savage, lawless third world hell hole it was before white people appeared – same with Liberia, Sierra Leone Kenya etc.
        And not a single word from the MSM about the genocide (a strong word I use advisedly) of white farmers as drugged up black teenage “war veterans” sleep on their stolen farms.
        White people are being systematically butchered all over the African continent, but not a fucking dicky bird from all the supposed “human rights organisations”.
        I think it is now time to get all the white people out of Africa, seal the borders and leave the fuckers to it.

  4. I blame black people for the violent crime figures and the fact that robberies in a single London borough in a month are greater than all the robberies in the entire UK in a year in 1930. They have turned London into a shit hole and after 56 years im off.

    • I lasted 35 years in London. 19 years and 7 months free up here in east Anglia. Never looked back.

      • I live in the Peak District and there are no effnicks here at all.

        It’s nice to drive past a local school at tipping out time and see it awash with white faces,- it’s comforting somehow. After all this sight signifies the future for the local area, – providing the youngsters can afford a property here. I don’t want my great grandkids etc growing up amongst this ethnic scum and darkié filth.

        I can leave my house unlocked and go out, and leave the keys in the ignition of my motor at night. It makes life so much simpler.

        Plus the neighbours are good, very curtain twitchy and insular, like myself.

        I often get informed that someone drove down my drive at such and such a time, or someone has been out lamping in the field whilst you’ve been away.

        I couldn’t live in London or a big city for love nor money.

    • I went to West Cornwall and funnily enough we dont do diversity here as a result there is very little robbery or violence.

      • I’m moving to Madeira first chance I get.

        On my first visit some 15 years ago, I saw three pavement apes sitting on a bench by the harbour.

        A little old dear, probably in her 90’s shuffled up to them, said something in dagospeak and they all got up and knuckled off in the opposite direction.

        Enquiring of Mrs Odin what the old girl said to make them move, apparently she told them ‘Get up and get a job. You are making the place look untidy’.

        Gobsmacked at the bravery of the old lady (still in possession of her handbag, may I add), I did mention the Mrs Odin that these actions were heroic at best and downright suicidal at worst.

        ‘Nah, if they had put a hand on her, half the town would be down on them and they would be the unfortunate victims of a diving accident out at sea’

        Apparently diving accidents happen quite frequently to uppity jam Spoons and usually involve them trying to use a cinder block as a bouyancy aide.

  5. If they fucking hate us so much they should, on principle, stop using electricity, phones, cars, trains, planes, central heating, air conditioning, modern medicine, washing machines, computers, the internet, cookers, vacuum cleaners, glass, modern educational methodologies, anything made in an automated factory and clean water piped into homes.

    And I know you like basketball, football and American football… but those are honky man inventions too, sorry.

    Stop using our shit and see how your life is.

    Then maybe, just maybe, you’ll stop fucking whining for 2 minutes at ‘da big bad honky man’.

  6. Bames should get on their fucking knees and do the ‘We’re not worthy’ thing whenever they see a honky.

    Their lives are unimaginably better because of honkies but instead of gratitude, we get abuse.

    They can get fucked.

  7. It also angers me when people like Lammy, Abbott and the vile Dawn Butler peddle the “why-m-I-treated-so-bad ? shit, when they are earning far more than the average person and fiddle their expenses plus freebies – that little wanker Sadiq Khan got free tickets to Liverpool FC and a boxing match in Manchester last weekend, for example. They like to pretend they are doing it for “mar peeple”, but clearly are doing it for greed and self aggrandisement. The problem is far too many people are taken it by their pusillanimous bullshit.

    • WCB@ – They could always fuck off to Africa – but they never will.
      Time for a very serious reaping at the next election.

  8. These people have always had a chip on their shoulder. But what’s worse is that they are aided and abetted by self loathing whites (a.ka. readers of the Guardian and the New York Times) in their fantasies. These are the biggest cunts of all.

    • MMCM@ – Correct – and these pathetic whiny little fuckers will be the first target when we are gone and the animals finally take over.
      “But, but – we supported you against evil whitey” they will whine as the tyre goes around their necks and gets lit.
      A Nation can survive its fools, but not its traitors.

    • Unkle Terry@ – Couldn’t have put it better myself Unkle! ??
      “CRT” The wholly insulting assumption that black people are so stupid and lazy they cannot get through life without permanent assistance and permanent discrimination towards white people.
      And “Critical Race Theory” only ever seems to be critical of one race.

  9. There you have it! Eddie Booth was right, along with Uncles Adolf and Enoch. Even the late D of E gave more than a few clues about the rise of the n*gn*g!

  10. And another thing, the only people that the n*gn*gs can truly blame for slavery… other bloody n*gn*gs! After all it was them that was rounding up other tribes to sell to the gang masters. Sambo obviously didn’t like having them for neighbours either!

    • JTC@ – Afternoon JTC – not to worry – young Fiddler is an excellent shot after blasting half the wildlife on his vast estate into tasty oblivion, one flash of white teeth in the darkness and he will bag the blighters! ?
      Sir Fiddler learned his shooting skills from his Grandfather Group Captain Freddie “Biggles” Fiddler, DFC, GBH, ABH – sent many a Hun into the drink in the Spit!

      • @Vernon. We’ll need all the crack shots ( pots ? ) we can get.
        Tried to get Ethel into shooting, years ago, no joy, she was fucking useless.
        Although, she is very good with a compound bow ?.
        Afternoon, Vernon.

  11. Our dear Government handed Zimbabwe over to the floppies and look what they have done to it. They are incapable of running a bath.

    Fellow cunters, you have seen the future – we are rapidly becoming Zimbabwe – and it’s unstoppable.

    Blame the white man – it’s all our fault


    • That’s it.

      Not only have they failed to make a modern society (Wakanda’ my arse lol), they totally fucked up a country that was given to them in great fettle (Rhodesia).

      Libtards love saying ‘Lessons will be learned’ but they seem to have fucking missed that one (2 if you count soon to be completely fucked South Africa).

  12. Don’t know much about the US but I am sure that the influx of ethnics (Muslims and Blacks) have held this country back. I blame white people for allowing it to happen (successive governments since the end of the Second World War) it should have been stopped in the 60’s when we could see the way it was going.


  13. If you listen to the wind, you can hear Enoch, laughing grimly.
    Ebola and Aids have been a massive letdown.
    Afternoon, cunters.

      • And it’s now costing us a fortune for racially discriminating against white people who are missing out on treatment so the NHS can spend millions treating umbongos for sickle cell.

      • FT@ – Sickle cell anemia in black people is caused by defective genes.
        Prostate, bowel, testicular and lung cancer in white Men kill tens of thousands annually – where the fuck is the NHS funding for that?
        Clear and obvious racial discrimination.

    • JTC@ – Apologies – couldn’t respond to your earlier post – our kid has an RAF expert marksman award – three rounds inside the circle of a 2P piece from a serious distance with an assault rifle.
      I am not as good as him but am a crack shot and very good with a bow as well – it’s a bit fkin rough where I live so these skills could come in mighty useful! ?☠

  14. As an apprentice in the early 70’s I worked with some old boys who said to me, ” the black man just wants to fuck/ breed. Then fuck off and do the same with another female ” rest of the time he just sits around with his dick dangling in the dirt. He said mark my words ” they are starving now, they’ll be starving in 50 years time “no matter how much money you pour into darkland bugger all will change…If whitey had never gone to darkland they would still be running around in lion cloths living in the bush. We all said ” fuck off you old racist scroat” … He was right…..?

    • JM, a long while back I was apprenticed to an old boy who spent an age in South Africa after the Second World War & he told me pretty much the same thing. Idle bastards who couldn’t be relied on to do a fucking thing. Dirty, lazy good-for-nowt back then & still the same today.

  15. A lot of the blokes who came back after ww2 learned more about the world and it’s people than any state indoctrination before. They saw first hand the 3rd world and what a shithole it was.

    Thing is most of it still is, but the fuckers have been importing that way of thinking/ living here since the sixties, as a result “long term. We are fucked”….?????

  16. I feel the shame and the guilt.
    It’s my fault that Black Africa has never invented anything and doesnt do actual democracy. Or anything else.
    It’s my fault that muslims are demented and viscious towards all, including their own.
    The CCP arose through my neglect.

    All this is down to the white privilige of my forebears who died in the pits, ironworks, wars and potato famine.
    And of course, my white privilige growing up on a council estate.

    Mea culpa. (Latin for I’m a cunt)

    • Blimey, we’re 16th. Need to reintroduce the 11+ and grammar schools….I failed mine, but did fine once I got to Technical college ( shite teachers at my sixties sec modern)…✈️

  17. One day a zebra dies and appears at the gates. Any questions before we let you in says Peter?
    Yes, I’ve always wondered, am I white with blek stripes or blek with white stripes?
    I’ll go ask God says Pete.
    Comes back and tells him God says you are what you are
    Wtf says the zebra that doesn’t answer my question.
    Of course it fucking does says Pete, it means you’re white with blek stripes. If it was the other way around he’d have said , You is what you is!

  18. They’ve never had it so damned good! No more lynching. No more hassle from the K.K.K. No more Apartheid. No more ‘slave trade,’ etc, etc, etc. Trouble is that many have a chip on their shoulder bigger than Silicon Valley, & that is not going to go away.

  19. Whitey has been shitting on me for years.
    I know how they feel.
    Chin up , rubber lips.?

  20. If you don’t like white people fuck off somewhere full of people your own colour.


  21. I once asked a pretty black girl if she had any Anglo in her.
    She said, “No”.
    I asked, “Would you like some?”

    Of course this didn’t happen. We all know the only pretty ones have something else mixed in.

  22. Distrust of anything or anybody different is a natural survival instinct.

    Racism will always be a normal human trait.

    Black people have no intention of trying to stop racism, they just want the upper hand, and ignorant, apologetic white people are more than happy to give it to them.

    The only successful black people have integrated with whites.

    Other than taking aspects of their music, white people have learned nothing from blacks.

    Quite simply, blacks have nothing to offer.
    There are no industrial, successful, black countries.

    In Africa they cannot live in coherent societies, they can’t feed themselves, they have no infrastructure, they have no sanitation and they still can’t find themselves clean water to drink.

    That doesn’t stop them having kids that will never be educated.

    They are very good at scrounging.

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