Women Want Equality – Or Do They?

A cunting for women who want equality, but don’t want equality

Well, I guess it was only a matter of time. Yes, women want to be equal, but they want to be more equal and actually DO want to be known as the weaker sex, but maybe they don’t. Who fucking knows.

Apparently, there is “fury” (yes, it’s the Daily Fail) that lone women aren’t being prioritised when they breakdown.


Yes, funny that you wimminz, you have been asking for equality and now you know what that means. It means waiting at the roadside like the blokes, until, invariably, a bloke will rock up in his van and do some bloke things to get your car fixed and going again – it could be something really difficult like changing a fucking wheel, but you wouldn’t know about that as you can’t be arsed to learn as it is easier to get a man to do it.

This is just like my lefty neighbour who is always banging on about wimmin and most men being rapists, yet is on the phone to me as soon as the car battery is flat or she can’t do something on her phone (she is 84, so I do cut her some slack). It’s also like those stupid bints who were moaning about their pensions being the same as blokes – FFS, you couldn’t make it up.

So, there you go, equality is bullshit. Blokes can do many things better than birds, but birds are better at other things. The whole thing of women “firefighters” is stupid – most men could out-strength most women, and that’s a fact. If a women firefighter can’t lift something, who do you think will step in and do it? Another women.

Anyway, so there you go women – you now know what equality means and you’ve got it!!! Daft cows.

Nominated by Lord Cuntingford

135 thoughts on “Women Want Equality – Or Do They?

  1. Women want to pick and choose when to be equal… and when not to be. Funny how the missus comes over all wobbly when there’s a spider in the bath.

      • You’re a ‘Knight of the Road’ Miserable? In your van? You ought to have armour plate, chainmail, pointy helmet in the back of it so if you see a damsel in distress by the side of the road you could quickly put it and help her out.
        We need another ‘Age of Chivalry’ to counter this mean and selfish one.

      • Id help a woman whod broken down Miles certainly!
        Problem is I look like a rapist.
        Big,looning, heavily bearded,
        Like Rasputin or something.
        Theyd lock themselves in the car.

        ‘Aye up luv, you alright?’

        Ive phoned the police!

        ‘you want a lift to somewhere safe like?”

        Ive taken your reg and a photo!
        Leave me alone!

        ” I just wondered if your ok?”

        Your a monster! Help! Help!!!!

      • MNC- Sounds like you stopped to help Millie Tant out of Vis, or the big fat ugly cunt Senior Officer who I had as my line manager. She was a fucking dead ringer for the cartoon cunt!

      • I dont go in for ‘irrational fears’. Only spiders to fear are the killer ones, and we dont really have them in england. What makes me laugh is: punch a gay= homophobia. Homophobia is fear of gays, I punch him because I’m scared? Haha.

  2. Would be nice if they could find equality of noise to signal ratio between mouth and the cerebral hamster. Or between emotion and logic.

    So many words, yet so little actually said.

    • Women have equality.
      Equal pay
      Employment rights.
      Women have the right to vote and get hoodwinked by government same as a man.

      I think any woman doing a job same as a bloke (or better?) Deserves the same pay.

      Not sure where this inequality actually is nowadays?

      I think they should be prioritized if alone and broken down,
      Theyre more at risk from sexual predator types.

      Ive never been sexually molested when broken down,
      Despite wearing a mini skirt and crop top, so point proven.

      Anyway you moody cows get the tea on.

  3. The WASPI women take the accolade for being the biggest cunts claiming to be in favour of equality whilst actually being against it. ‘Women Against State Pension Inequality Ltd’ – yes, it’s a limited company, and a perfect example of Orwellian Newspeak. They’ve been bleating on for years demanding their state pension from the age of 60, whilst the men had to wait until 65. Now it’s 66 for all and these self-entitled Karens still think the rest of us should have been forking out for them for an extra 6 years. Well you lot wanted equality, and now you’ve got it, suckers!
    Women Against State Pension Equality, more like.

  4. I’m all for equality.
    If we have burglars turn up I’m sending the Mrs down to beat them to death while I roll over and get my much needed rest.

  5. They should be careful, what they wish for, there are some jobs more to men abilities and others for women.
    There have been a couple of so called female mechanics i have seen over the years, pitiful, i have also seen some pretty crap men in the motor trade in all fairness, but women in a workshop constantly asking for help from the other mechanics, the same mechanics i hasten to add who are having to watch what they say infront of said bint, just dosnt work.
    I see British airways are now trying to get more female pilots to balance things out, kind of scary when you look at women drivers, but thats for another time…

      • You might be surprised Ron. I flew Cessnas for years, gave it up after my heart attack and I’ve flown with a number of female pilots. They have all been completely competent, some of them very skilful. When flying comercially you really want white anglo-saxons at the front, be they either sex. I have read transcripts of the voice recordings from “black boxes” recovered following a plane crash. When things go tits up there comes a point when our more tanned colleagues loose the controls and scream for assistance from allah. It never works.

    • Dont forget having to be careful what jokes you tell. Though ive noticed that its a white guy that will complain about jokes regarding women/blacks/irish and such. Ive told black jokes to black people, women jokes to women, etc, and no issues except a white guy says ‘thats racist, sexist, whatever’.

  6. Oh and equality is predicated on the soft BBC guardian fluffy kittens lifestyle.
    When things go feral it’s the gents who dish out the good news.

  7. Women! Equality! Tiresome subject … I think they’re all fairly equall … to each other. Some are pretty … for a while. A lot are pretty … ugly … all of the time. All have an attitude all of the time. Some can be reasonable company … some of the time. You get into that false sense of security thinking that you have grown to understand them … then they hit that menopause phase! Fuck me you never saw that comin’ … holy shit you better get prepared … Jekyll and Hyde. I’ve made my workshop totally liveable just as a contingency thing … it’ll arrive all too soon and you’ll need a plan. Sheeesh … women … can’t live with ’em and ya can’t shoot ’em!
    Multitasking masters … my arse. Mostly just cunts!

  8. I was out shopping a few weeks back and about to exit a store when from afar a woman (who was on her phone and in possession of a number of shopping bags bags dangling off her arms) rushed towards the door.

    Too late, I had already exited and let the door close behind me. She brashly turned around and said you could have held that open for me, rude man.

    I retorted you could have sped up, dropped your bags and opened the door for me you silly tart.

    With that she huffed and fucked off.

    • I once saw a man walk into mcdonalds, and he didnt notice the two women behind him. At that, one said to the other ”Theres no fucking gentleman in this world is there”. So i said, ”i’ll show you a gentleman when you show me a fucking lady”, and walked off. She was indignant, but her mate was laughing!

  9. This shit has always pissed me off. Men and women are not just different but more like opposite. Why can’t we just embrace our gender traits and work within our envelope of ability?
    I love holding the door for a lady. I get to have a good glance at her ass yes but it’s also chivalry. We both win.

      • Cant do that, they’d claim sexual assault or sexual harassment. Cant even tell a woman she looks nice these days without a sexual harassment case.

  10. Women want equality – only fair.
    Women get equality – only fair.
    Wimminz want more equality and favouritism – NOT fair.
    Men complain about this illegal gender discrimination – “misogynist monster!”.
    Wimminz want to retire six years earlier than Men despite the fact Women on average live longer that Men – fuck off.
    Motoring organisations prioritising lone Female drivers?
    Simple common sense – but a word of caution – I was recently on the road when I spied what I thought was an flirty floozie – upon closer inspection it was an enormous bearded fellow wearing a mini skirt and crop top! ?

  11. Women and men cannot be equal,- they are two completely different animals.

    A woman is equal in terms of ‘value’, – (unless your a parking stanley of course, where your average woman is valued as highly as dried dog shit stuck between the treads of your boots).

    Men excel at some tasks, women excel at others.

    Keep the missus in charge of the chip pan and iron. Generally, men are not good at making chips and ironing. You might think your chips are nice gents, – but I can assure you that they are wank.

    There are what I refer to as ‘pink jobs’ for the ladies, and ‘blue jobs’ for the men.

    It is simple to sort tasks/jobs into these two basic categories.

    Don’t try to be, or do something, that your clearly not cut out to do.

    Keep it simple.

    Blue jobs, pink jobs.

    • Evening Dick,
      My missus is shite at making chips,
      Whereas im fuckin amazing.

      Am I trapped in the wrong body and should I start taking hormones?

      • Evenin’ Mis.

        My chips are shite and soggy.

        You only think yours taste nice.

        If I sampled you or your missus’ (chips), I know which I’d prefer.

        Stop taking those oestrogen tablets, and the urge to go anywhere near the kitchen and the man boobs will disappear.

        Ironing, I’m a disaster, I once ironed a Gazza tracksuit in about 1990.
        Put a big fuck off hole in it, and all black plastic was stuck to the iron.

        Never touched the iron since.

      • I buy clothing that doesn’t require ironing, and footwear that doesn’t need polishing.
        Chuck it all in the washer. Tumbler for clothes, this weather, radiator for footwear.
        Sorted. Why make it complicated?

      • I’ve booked you in at the Tavistock Centre Mis.

        They’ve got some small tits and a fanny in the fridge, that they hacked off a 14 year old girl last week.

        The consultant said that you can have them sewn on for £50 and a crate of John Smiths. Bargain.

        He said that they are a bit small, but you’ll grow into them.

      • That Tavistock centre I imagine as looking like Arkham asylum.
        Brooding, gargoyles on the downspouts,
        Bars at the windows with sad pale little faces looking out.

        Like the Addams family house.

        They should have that as their Motto!

        “Oh we’re creepy and we’re kooky
        Mysterious and spooky …the Tavistock family”


      • The place is creepy.

        Elton John often chucks ‘em a few quid for a rummage through the skips.

  12. It always amuses me it’s always the women who are gobby, when I tell them to feel free to go pick them up themselves. Oh it’s such a useful service. Yeah fuck off and do one love.

  13. See how much equality they want if it all kicks off in Ukraine and the female soldiers are sent to the ftont line, more chance of me shagging jennifer Aniston

  14. Who speaks for every woman? Women like men have their own opinions, speak to women individually and they will tell you how much of the equality BS they buy into and how much of it they think is twaddle.

    Women with an agenda speak loudest and everyone accepts they speak for every woman. It’s the same with gay rights and BLM, make a big noise and you can become the representative of all those you claim follow you when in fact most of them don’t give a fuck.

    I learned two things today.

    1. Professional pillow fighting is a real thing.

    2. All hair salons must have staff trained to cut black peoples hair in their desired hairstyle.

    Allowing loudmouthed cunts too much influence risks their voice being the only voice that’s heard, we end up with stupidity legislated into law and cunts getting paid to pillow fight.

    • Professional pillow biting?
      Phillip Schofield was welterweight champion from 86-89

      • Someone who cuts black peoples hair?

        Think its called ‘topiary” sixdog.

      • Mis: old Pierpoint could have done with a “black persons barber”-back on the day.

        Little known fact-the death penalty in the UK (capitol punishment act), by hanging, was only removed because Pierpont couldn’t get his noose to fit over a full blown Afro.

        If we had “Ole Sparky”, like the Yanks, we would still have capitol punishment?

        (I have a vision of a certain singer being plugged into the mains-“Smokey Robinson”?)

      • The next thing will be is that you have to actually be black to cut black peoples hair. What’s wrong with just shoving a bone in it? Voila, LaQuisha.

    • Well said, Six.
      Just because one gobby splitarse moans about summat doesn’t mean all of them think that way.
      My two lasses, and granddaughter, are like viking berserkers, I pity the poor cunt who tries to attack any of them should they break down at night and need roadside assistance.

  15. I love the differences twixt men and birds and am happy to be their knight in surly, saracastic armour…for a fair price. This simple thing happened a few months ago:
    “Oh, Mr Cunt Engine, can you go up the ladder and get that box off the top shelf for me?”
    “Why not?”
    “You work in the warehouse, it’s your job, not mine.”
    “But it’s too heavy.”
    “Not my problem.”
    “I’ll make you a cup of tea!”
    “Do you have biscuits?”
    “What sort?”
    “Okay then, a cup of tea and two hobnobs.”
    A very boring and inoffensive story, sorry! But a fair and equitable exchange of resources nonetheless.
    I can’t even shoehorn a rape joke in.
    She’s too ugly to rape.

    • Excellent example Tom. She should quit that fucking job if she’s jot up to doing all that it entails.
      Never deny reality. If you do, insanity is following closely.

      • I don’t mind helping a bird for the smoothness of running the business.
        By way of comparison, I made a woman a coffee last week because she showed me how to do something unfamiliar on Excel.
        And she had a very nice arse.

  16. I think its best to say SOME women want equality but others dont. Some want the door held open for them, others complain if you do. Some want equal pay for equal work, others know that women cant equal men in certain jobs. Political corrrectness, equality and diversity are ruining this country…and the world.

    • Absolutely!
      If a man and woman are doing identical jobs, they should be paid the same.
      Not many women want to do jobs that are, traditionally, male, because they are usually noisy, dirty, physically exhausting, and involve frequent small injuries with the occasional major one.
      What woman would want to ruin her manicure?

      • Exactly. And you try being a receptionist as a man! Thats a sexist job. Remember, equality cant ever be 100%, because only men can be convicted of rape.

  17. The only time i dont do equality is when fighting. Dont get me wrong, I WILL hit a woman, but only in self defence. If a bloke attacks me, he gets one swing and I retaliate, women get two. Thats the difference.

  18. Equality requires compromise, otherwise the whiney contingent are just pushing their luck looking for privileges.

    I go out and work. Mrs Odin sits at home doing her crochet, watching shit on the idiot lantern, looking after the grandkiddie, doing housework and making sure there is dinner on the table when I get home.
    I give her £2k a month housekeeping.

    This is compromise.

    I’m happy to trade places at any time.

  19. Well, I`m a white woman … and all I want is to be a woman of colour.
    Do I get any sympathy? — Not likely!
    … Although, my transition methods appear to be somewhat dubious to some of our more sensitive members of society.

  20. Mutual respect and team work, with a side order of hows ya father, unfortunately what you get mostly these days, is either a useless manipulative angry princess, or a empowered hormone driven monster hagg, unfortunately feminine women with an attractive balanced personality are a rarity these days, but if you bag one keep hold.

  21. I do feel that we have been ignoring the elephant in the room – trannies.
    It will not be long before the AA has to produce a list of priorities covering all 158 + categories of BBC determined sexes.
    Naturally,it will take the poor bugger on the AA phone so long to establish where the motorist is in the hierarchy that the poor sod will probably have died of hunger before help can arrive.

    • Good point Guzzi. I mean who takes priority, the gender-fluid two spirit unicorn or the pansexual genderq*eer person of colour?

      • Both, LL, which is why they despatched Daz to the one, & Gaz to t’other.
        Just because they are both strange is no reason why we shouldn’t send our recently rehabilitated workers to attend to these deviants, sorry, I meant customers.

    • If a chap decides that he’s a tran§bumlord, can he still reverse parallel park a manual car into a tight spot halfway up a steep hill (as any real man can) or does that ability dissipate as he imagines his testosterone wilting and his oestrogen bubbling up to stake a claim on his spatial awareness?

      • I’m sorry, but I’m calling you on this.
        I have the only 10 inch cock in the world!
        It’s been preserved in formaldehyde, is is, alledgedly, Rasputins.
        Woman fail at parallel parking because they have no spacial awareness, unless they’re Spanish, it which case they can park in a space you wouldn’t think big enough for a bike.

    • Which is why one should always have an in date pack of ones favourite biscuit / savoury snack in the car, along with a drink.
      For me, its Jaffa cakes and RedBull.

  22. Off topic- but anyone else think the site is losing something with only 3 Noms in a day?

    • Erm, yes.
      But that’s down to us sourcing interesting topics, & a bit of extra manpower.
      I’d like to get involved, but my computing skills are poor, and I think I’d be a liability.

    • Well Miles, I said some time ago to Komodo and again in the Corona thread, which is almost a whole other site all of its own now, that I didn’t much care for the way some things are going on here.

      Some of the worst racial slurs are thrown around casually as if they have a use by date. There’s a lot more anger and hostility and it seems there are a lot more people having slanging matches against one another.

      It seemed to begin to go downhill around the time that hero/bad lieutenant character showed up. There’s always been certain… erm ‘colourful’ characters who show up once in a while, but I’m not keen on the direction things are heading in.

      I miss the old posters like QDM, Bertie, General Schizophrenia, B&WC and Spoonington.

      Might knock it on the head again for a while. Take up a new hobby or something.

      • Evening Harold….do you remember the laziest ever poster here on ISAC?
        Jane-arse, who only ever used to post:

      • And in terms of the negativity…it is definitely tangible and occupies my thoughts from time to time. I believe that it’s indicative of the current state of the country…the ongoing chinkyflu narrative and the ever worsening uselessness and lies of our politicians. Perhaps people are feeling justifiably nihilistic.

      • It would be a shame if you left Harold, you help tip the balance. But I totally know where you are coming from.

      • Evening Harold

        I always thought the Empire of Cunts was a great poster.

        Norman is a huge loss if indeed he has gone.

        I still enjoy it.

        My joke again (from ages ago when we discussed this) I think we need our 5 a day to stay healthy.

      • I have to agree, Miles.
        But the Admins can’t step up unless WE do.
        We have to make an effort, they can’t post unless they get shit and weird stuff TO post.
        I try and try & I think I’ve finally worked out how to get the last post off, and the new one on.
        Well, off to bed, unbelievably tired & not feeling great.

      • You mean The Empire Cunts Back, Miles? Yeah, you’re right, he was great. A very clever chap.
        Shame JR Cuntley is AWOL too.

      • There are still great posters ghough Harold. .

        About the racial slurs if it makes me laugh I really dont see it as racist. (Fiddlers stuff)

        You know when it comes from a nasty place. And if too much in a given day it can sometimes cause me to think of leaving.

        Arguing in a playful way is the trivk. But its got to be witty. I like those kind of arguments.

        But when it’s nasty ad hominem stuff then its no good.(I think you’re right there has been an increase there)

        Let me be honest the site goes through peaks and troughs. I think were in a bit of a trough at the moment.

        There are still great posters though I repeat.

      • @TtCE – that sounds sort of familiar but I think that might have been before I started posting on here.

        @HJ – thanks for that. You’ve got more patience than me I think.
        I can’t be bothered to argue the case with people on a lot of issues and I give certain threads a wide berth. I’ve had 2 family members die over the last year and it feels like life’s too short sometimes to be arguing with people on the interwebz. No matter what you evidence you present them with you won’t change their opinion.

        What was that quote – a man with conviction is a hard man to change.

        @Miles – yes I miss Empire and Norman as well. There were some others I’ve missed off.
        There used to be a Lady C posted on here. I think she poster a nom and it got slated on here by quite a few people and she never appeared again.

        Also I think a certain notorious businessman called B&WC tried to ply his trade with her and I think she did a runner when he wasn’t looking.

        I’ll admit that I enjoy reading the thinly veiled little digs that Miles and RTC sometimes aim at certain posters.

      • Yeah, the crass slurs need to go. It’s http://www.is-a-cunt.com not http://www.is-a-[nasty word].com and I sometimes wonder if the name of this site puts of hilarious and badass women from coming here. I love the word, but having it in the address must make many people wonder what they are about to click on, especially at work where the word gets sites blocked and even if it doesn’t, your boss could get sweaty if he saw that. Universities will ban it too.

        As for the direction of forums, we are in yet another internet transition phase. A lot of once-great forums suck ass now. Trump and Covid pretty much wrecked open discourse on forums. It made people chose sides and those who chose the “wrong” side are now snookered as they think that they can’t change sides, but you can. I liked Trump until I figured out he was more than just a crass phoney, but might be some sort of Satanist, certainly not the Christian Jesus cheerleader he larps as to his crowds. Covid just fucked everything up, maybe for the rest of this century, kids will be government-lovers in their adult years in the 2030s onward. Exorcising that shit will be a Herculean task.

        But who knows what will happen this year? Could be a great year, I reckon. I feel great, I’m positive. I’ve made a lot of awful choices in my life, but I’ve chosen the right side of history to be on and I hope more people see the light through the curtains of bullshit before us.

        Stick around, Harold and everyone else! The main events of the Freakshow are on their way!


      • Yes Mr C-E the Empire cunts Back. He was as you say a very clever chap. One of my favourite Noms was one of his about Anghony Joshua. And how he ‘trained’ for his body to look great but not for a fight. Defintely worthy of a being published in some Sports magazine.

      • Harold, we had a bit of a spat the other day about 4 by 2’s, but once I pointed out I was one, that particular nail finally got hammered in.
        Also, some cock calling himself Tinkers Cunt did a bit of rable rousing, seems to have gone, but I suspect is still around, & I know who it is.

  23. Also, as Admin has commented, we can contact the Great Admin, through the menu, and not try to drive the twats away, ourself.
    C’mon, Cunters.
    Let’s brighten up a bit. Find something a bit lighthearted, and have a laugh.
    If just done a nom, you’ll love it.

    • For all my bellicose ranting, I’m actually a very lighthearted cunt. I just look at this shit-show and want to destroy it with language. But I get too mental at times. What can you do? It’s not Mumsnet is it? I’ve been on endless forums over the years and it amuses me how they are run and how long-term posters think they own the place and they’ll try to get you banned and I’ve been banned from many forums. Banned from http://www.godlikeproductions.com over and over for starting cordial discussion on what the Earth is, level ocean v curved ocean and that topic is numero uno on the banned list there and all the other conspiracy forums! Makes me know I’m right, but I don’t like the flat Earth community too much, I just stick to seven guys I know who are cool when we discuss the deceptions of this world. It’s not a topic for everyone at this stage in the human saga.

      • I think, CG, because we generally cover a decently wide range of topics ( this is a hint, no football/ racing and deffo no political twats, find something funny, ffs), IsAC is in general, rather funny, if we keep away from the too serious, and look for the lighthearted, are you kidding & too bizarre to be true.

  24. If anyone should be campaigning for equality in england, it should be straight white english men 28-38 who aren’t disabled. We are bottom of the list for everything. Housing, jobs, medical care (except emergencies). Seriously, women, foreigners…they get everything before us. You see, they can say you’re racist or sexist or whatever for not giving me this job, but can I say that? NO! Though a guy sued a company because they actually SAID hecant be a receptionist because he’s a man. Idiots.

  25. Interesting discussion. Certainly agree with Harold and one or two others that there has been a downhill trend lately. Partly because we seem to return eternally to the multicunted topics – every time one of our favourite publicity-crazed cunts demonstrates its cuntery anew we feel we have to cunt it again. I’m as guilty as anyone else…anyone say “Blair?”.

    But Fiddler and Miles (eg) have set a good example by going for some offpiste cunts, and not always seriously. A bit more humour might be a good thing. And maybe the odd cunting going completely against the received wisdom. Sure, this is an echo chamber, but the acoustics are sometimes oppressive even so.

    Oh, and try splitting your often lengthy diatribes into paragraphs. That way even I might read them..

  26. Equality now that there aren’t any real wars to fight any more?

    ‘Over the top you trollops, or it’s the firing squad.’
    ‘But, but, we’re wimminz!’

    Fuck off.

  27. Feminism Equality ++ is what they want. Ill make the Sandwiches, you put up the scaffolding. What a pile of horseshite.

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