Women Want Equality – Or Do They?

A cunting for women who want equality, but don’t want equality

Well, I guess it was only a matter of time. Yes, women want to be equal, but they want to be more equal and actually DO want to be known as the weaker sex, but maybe they don’t. Who fucking knows.

Apparently, there is “fury” (yes, it’s the Daily Fail) that lone women aren’t being prioritised when they breakdown.


Yes, funny that you wimminz, you have been asking for equality and now you know what that means. It means waiting at the roadside like the blokes, until, invariably, a bloke will rock up in his van and do some bloke things to get your car fixed and going again – it could be something really difficult like changing a fucking wheel, but you wouldn’t know about that as you can’t be arsed to learn as it is easier to get a man to do it.

This is just like my lefty neighbour who is always banging on about wimmin and most men being rapists, yet is on the phone to me as soon as the car battery is flat or she can’t do something on her phone (she is 84, so I do cut her some slack). It’s also like those stupid bints who were moaning about their pensions being the same as blokes – FFS, you couldn’t make it up.

So, there you go, equality is bullshit. Blokes can do many things better than birds, but birds are better at other things. The whole thing of women “firefighters” is stupid – most men could out-strength most women, and that’s a fact. If a women firefighter can’t lift something, who do you think will step in and do it? Another women.

Anyway, so there you go women – you now know what equality means and you’ve got it!!! Daft cows.

Nominated by Lord Cuntingford

135 thoughts on “Women Want Equality – Or Do They?

  1. Fuck ’em. Literally.
    They want attention, adoration and a damn good shagging. Just give them 30 minutes afterwards before falling asleep you heartless sexist pigs.

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