Women now in Jeopardy

To much fanfare from TV networks, U.S quiz show Jeopardy! has recently celebrated its top-winning woman contestant after Amy Schneider banked over $850,000 in winnings.

But wait! All is not as it seems because Amy is actually a trans woman and biological man so the “top-winning woman” of fuck all. This is just following a trend of women’s rights and freedoms, achievements and successes being hijacked and rendered meaningless.

U.S girls track and field records have been smashed by biological men as have swimming times and recently Sleepy Joe appointed this monstrosity as the first female four-star admiral in the U.S Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.
News Link

I wonder if they asked Amy “Do women have cervixes?”.

Guardian News Link

Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator

And on a similar note, this from Everyonesacunt

“Trans sport” ( men in drag ) competing against women. Yet again I would like to Cunt this abomination that continues unabated against women and their right to compete against each other.

When will this insanity end??

Had to smile when I came across the story below. However, once you get past the headline

“Man beaten by another man in women’s swimming ?‍♀️ race” : that’s my take on it ; you can’t get past the truly awful situation women find themselves having aliens invade their sport space and shit closets. It really is a Cunt.

FoxNews Link

(Tough one for the feminazis/wimminz I guess – Day Admin)

74 thoughts on “Women now in Jeopardy

  1. Amy Snidey is a bit bland as trannies go isnt he?
    Suggest you invest in a decent wig Amy!
    Nobody likes a balding ginger.

    You look more like Dennis Waterman than Rula Lenska.

    You freak.

    • Ps
      Rachael Levine looks like he should play keyboards in some awful prog rock band.

      Lime pit.

      • He probably only took the job for the uniform Miserable, although I don’t think he will be getting any women weak- kneed like Richard Gere from An Office and a Gentleman.

  2. There should be a separate category for Trans women who want to compete at International or professional sports, but I guess that is too simple a solution.

    • Totally agree. Their problem will be that there are so few of the cunts that they couldn’t get a fucking netball game on. Cunts. Even Bruce Jenner. Katie or something these days says that it’s wrong and he’s right cunts

    • Wanksock, your idea has one flaw; once the trannies have their own category they will demand segments which cater for varying degrees of tranniness.
      The Olympic Games will take years to complete, men, women and 57 types of trannie.

      • Good afternoon CM

        Call it that and you won’t have to pay people to watch it.

        Good Afternoon GG

        They already do that for the Paralympics.

  3. Wimminz (and benders) are enthusiastic proponents when it comes to degenerate nonsense like this, so fuck ’em, they deserve it.
    All the real wimminz should line up at the start of the race with the freak and when the pistol goes off just stand there, leaving the pėrvėrt racing round in what ever frock is most appropriate.

  4. Agreed with admin here. Where are the wimminz in all of this? Why aren’t they protesting in the streets about yet more discrimination against natural women? Why aren’t they shouting “sexism”, “misogynists” and “chauvinism” at these trans women?

    Or is it because there are no equivalent words for these transformers just yet and therefore they’re stumped as to what to call them when they transgress!

    I guess the real reason is that these feminazis are scared of being cancelled by the Woke. For decades they’ve been banging on about women’s rights, while also supporting the Alphabets. But now the fantasies have become realities, and all of a sudden men can become women, and they MUST recognise that fact or be criticised and labelled bigots because of it.

    You reap what you sow. Get out of that one if you will, and don’t go looking for help from ordinary blokes because they’ll just tell you “You wanted equality, well here it is. Enjoy!”

    • Being a progressive fellow, I’ll happily help a womenz who’s in need of a man to put up some furniture or change her poorly-maintained car’s oil.
      A quick nosh if you please, my dear, then make me a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee.
      Oh, and a bakewell tart too.
      Then I’ll do the absolute minimum half-assed job and disappear faster than Boris denying a paternity suit.

    • It’s utterly ridiculous , if you ever needed to understand the physical advantages of men even boys over women an excellent example would be the all conquering (at the time 2017) USA ladies football team lead by the outspoken Megan rapinoe who got taking to the fucking cleaners by the Dallas academy U15 boys who hammered them 5-2 in a complete beat down , according to match reports the boys should have scored a few more goals ..
      It takes years of dedication to reach the lofty standards of top sport and to then find yourself on an uneven playing field must be devastating for top female athletes who have been sacrificed at the alter of transgender nonsense that absolutely trumps their rights
      It’s another prime example of a tyranny of the minority dictating to the vast majority who absolutely disagree with it……

    • Again the feminists remain silent.

      Just like we don’t hear a squeak from the LGBT community in opposition to the Muzzas when they protest outside schools, or throw people off buildings.

      The left wing, with their identity politics, will eventually eat themselves. Just a matter of time.

      A pay to view service featuring all these freaks fight to the death in an arena will speed the process up.

      I’d subscribe.

  5. These trans-bender cunts have had their own category of sporting events, for years: it’s called the “Special Olympics”.

    All the other mentally disadvantaged types enjoy it, because “everyone is a winner”.

  6. The more I hear of these degenerate freaks the more I like it.
    Transbenders will inevitably destroy every institution they infest,as clearly illustrated by the men competing in sport as women and the rapists pretending to be women so they can molest female prisoners.

    The end result of this PC woke panto shall be a joy to behold.

    Give the evil cunts more wigs and lipstick I say.

    • I’m confused, Terry. I walked past a house today that had scaffolding on it, and there was also a board with the scaffolding firm’s name and telephone number on it. Somebody had also sprayed ” Trans Rights” across this piece of board. For the life of me, I cannot make the connection between a scaffolding firm simply advertising it’s contact details, and the supposed oppression of persons who don’t know if they are Arthur or Martha. All this makes me feel very very tired…

  7. I look forward to the 2024 Olympics in Paris. By which time there will be loads of blokes who realised they were crap at their own sports and transformed so that they could intentionally compete against wimminz in time for the next Olympics.

    It would be truly awesome if every transwoman won Gold in every single event for women, while natural women were left to finish outside of the medals.

    What would be the reaction from the IOC, the MSM, Wimminz groups etc?

    Get the popcorn at the ready, this is going to be fun fun fun

  8. The medical profession has a lot to answer for . Performing all kinds of body alterations. Pimp my ride so to speak
    There are rules to sport for good reason and Trans doesn’t just bend them ,it makes a mockery of everything. They wouldn’t have it any other way because their fuckin mental and should be treated as such

  9. Expect much mrre of this trans bollocks if that oily little arsewipe cunt Starmer ever gets ino power, with Eddie Izzard as his Minister For Trans Rights & Pantomime Dames

  10. It will be kids next.

    Little girls will have the right to be come little boys and vice versa.

    Of course that might confuse/annoy our camel-riding friends in Rotherham when they open the boot of their car and find out they’ve kidnapped a transboy!

    What a tangled web etc.

    • Your first two sentences are chilling Techno. Terrified to think they might be prescient.

    • I would never be surprised if Jess Phillips and baritone voiced ex Education Shadow Secretary Kate Green have a fair sized dick in their knickers – poor old “Mr. Phillips”having to give her a blow job every Saturday night – or else!

  11. A womans work is never done, unless it’s a trans woman then then its finished to a high standard, on time and under budget

    • Last year, I cunted the trannîe who won the Nevada Beauty Pageant who is a man. That means men are World Champions of the following competions:

      – Men’s sports
      – Women’s sports
      – Beauty pageants

  12. Amy, or whatever his fucking real name is, looks like Buffalo Bill off silence of the lambs….yes a nefarious looking cunt.

    • “It rubs the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again “

    • Fucking spot on! Oven is undeniably the best option for this creature. Not a woman, not a man but a fucking creature. Imagine if Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein had been a transgender she would have been locked up in some asylum for blasphemy! Robbing graves of parts to bring back the dead is fine, but turning a man into a woman? How very dare she! At least out here the ladyboys actually look female, in fact some of them look more feminine than the females, but with a cock! Not saying anything else, mind!

  13. Oh how we used to chuckle heartily at these mutants with their Barbara Cartland lipstick, baritone voices, five O’clock shadows, Desperate Dan jawlines, ill-fitting syrups, shovel hands , size 11 ladies shoes and frocks straight out of Little Britain.

    Who the fuck were they trying to fool. It was sheer blissful entertainment seeing these desperate freaks going to great lengths to appear to be women, whilst failing spectacularly.

    Now our successive governments have taken away our legitimacy to have a fucking good chuckle under the guise that it is a hate crime and causes the mutants offence and turmoil.

    I, for one, feel utterly robbed. How fucking self-centred and thoughtless.

  14. Apologies Admin off topic..
    The Texas synagogue hostage drama seems to have taken a new carpet riding dimension.
    Luckily the authorities have sorted it all out.
    By shooting the wicked cunt.

  15. Funny how you dont hear of ‘women’ ex male trannies winning sports events.

      • She faced a real challenge in the 100 freestyle from Yale’s Iszac Henig, who is transitioning from female to male. Henig had a time of 49.57 seconds with Thomas finishing behind him with a time of 52.84 seconds.

        Henig, who is from California and has been competing for Yale since 2018, stunned the limited spectators at the race.

        Sorry CC read it and piss your self laughing. It’s in the fox news link

    • We all occasionally wear our missus knickers and bras,
      Maybe a bit of lippy?
      Some rouge,
      but this is a step too far.

      • I’ve certainly sniffed them many a time and oft Miserable, but I’ve not gone that far.
        Mmm, I’ll have a word with the wife tho, sounds like it could be the starting point for a stonking Saturday night in…

      • Hehehe ?

        Shed hit the fuckin roof if I really did Ron!
        All stretched out of shape?
        Truthfully im more a longjohns man in winter.

      • One of my bras has gone missing, funnily enough the other half hasn’t been making eye contact much today. To be fair , this usually means he’s been getting rubbish out of skips again and hiding it in the shed.

  16. girl swimmers need to get together and secretly agree not to swim against these cocks in frocks, They only need to stand still when the starter gun goes off and let the cock jump into the water on his ownm as he climbs out thats when the girls should jump in and do their race…make him look like the prick he is competing against himself.

  17. When these trannîe women become old, do they suffer from male pattern baldness?

    Anybody who has to say, “I am a woman” isn’t a woman. That includes the bald ones as well as Frankenstein’s monsters.

  18. There is no such medical, scientific or biological thing as “transgender” outside the womb (We all start as Female, then hormone levels etc change some into Male – where’s all the flowers and swimming trophies for all us chaps then? – monsters! ?) – Just Male, Female and a strident minority of the truly deluded, the mentally ill and those (the most dangerous type) who would hijack this nonsense to engage in predatory behaviour towards Women and children – wolves in creeps clothing.
    We are ordered to believe that madness is normal and those calling out madness are not.
    Nope, won’t do it. (Sashays off with swish of ballgown)..

  19. I have to say that watching the leftwards, wokes, LGBTQP and, Wimminz tear each other apart Is delicious

    • Very true.
      If some bloke wants to dress in a wig and call himself Vanessa I really couldn’t give a fuck, but if the various loony tunes ‘woke’ factions involved want to tear lumps off each other in the process, I’ll get snacks and beer in.

  20. XX = Female.
    XY = Male.
    Anything else is a mutation.
    Chromosomes don’t lie.
    Fuck off you cunt or you will be extincted.

  21. This is how I deal with this conundrum. If person has a dick and love spuds no matter what they are dressed up as they are male. If a person has gone under the knife and had said dick and love spuds converted into a false fanny they are a male making an effort. Thai ladyboys are blokes with tits, men who claim to be women so they can access changing rooms and toilets are filthy pervert bastards who should be well thrashed.
    Thanks to the decline of mental health services in this benighted nation this tide of deviancy has only just begun.

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