Sarah Moulds [2]

Sarah Moulds, yep that hunting, horse slapping, nursery teacher cunt again,

She has been sacked for her behaviour, I’m sure she doesn’t act like that all the time, or maybe she does anyway it’s fucked her now.
Getting caught on camera acting like a cunt when your a kids teacher is never a good idea and the fact that she was on a fox hunt didn’t help.

this is kind of nice because it proves karma isnt always a bitch, some cunts deserve a good dose of karma and this horrible cunt Moulds is now eating the Karma shit sandwich so to speak, i strongly suspect she will never be allowed near kids and hopefully horses, dogs and foxes ever again.

Hopefully she is still in hiding and the people of Mowbray are going to treat the psychotic horse cock sucking troll with the contempt she deserves.

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

(Phwoaarr, that’s my first wank of 2022 sorted!  – Day Admin)

115 thoughts on “Sarah Moulds [2]

  1. Growing up on a farm we had two horses and I don’t remember ever having to kick or slap them…maybe horses have changed?

    Anyway, I hope this horrible woman gets all she deserves as I cannot abide people who are cruel to animals and birds.


  2. Yeah, well done you silly cow, there’s nothing like a good slap and kick to teach an animal the error of its ways.
    Glad she’s been sacked. I wouldn’t have her educating goldfish, which she’d probably take out of their tank for 5 minutes if they swam in the wrong direction.
    Coat her in fox shit and make her run in front of the hounds.

  3. Day Admin, your first wank of the new year?
    What is it with you and horses ?
    Do you like black horses too or are you waycist?

    Oh that’s brilliant. Wish I’d thought of that. Good one Guzzi. – NA.

  4. Excellent…. nowt like a bit of good news to raise the spirits and lower the blood pressure in these troubled times. ?

    • Sarahs none too bright considering shes a teacher.
      She did this in full view,
      Whatever, shes had her life destroyed for one act of cruelty.
      If I had to grade her it would be thus.
      This term Sarah’s behaviour has been dissapointing.
      Her attendance while good has now dropped significantly.
      She doesn’t work well with others and needs to get her temper under control.
      I hope Sarah takes this on board and raises her game next term.

      Headmaster Miserable

      • MNC@ – As I used to get pretty much every year of school – “Has not performed to his abilities and has a disappointing attitude towards authority”.
        I think this gal needs that fine arse over my knee for six of the best – and if that doesn’t teach her I have a range of further punishments! ??

      • Does it involve 4 sets of shackles and chains, and 4 wild horses?
        If not, I have no interest.

  5. Really glad this hypocrite didn’t teach any of my kids What a despicable individual she is Showed her true colours and should never be left alone with any young children or animals Dole Line for you unemployable you scumbag ??

  6. Sacked her?….they should have promoted her to Minister of Education.her no-nonsense approach would have been just the thing to bring today’s spoiled brats into line.

    What a load of pathetic hysterical whinging… she gave a very large and strong animal a bit of a bitchslap after it started playing up and looking like it could end up in the traffic…if anyone seriously believes that was “cruelty”,I’d be very interested to hear from them and how they deal with large obstinate animals that need,for their own good,to learn who is “boss”….they will also,presumably, be Saints who have never just lost their temper a tad and given some Cunt,,,be it animal or human…a swift backhander.

    Grow up.

    • Maybe they should get in John ‘Claire ‘ Goodier for control of the hounds?
      He could bum some obedience into them?! ?

    • DF@ – A fair point in way of balance DF – horses are loyal beasts, but pretty dumb and easily spooked – and some are just fkin malevolent in my experience.
      Mean as it sounds sometimes being a bit harsh saves no end of trouble.
      And a belated happy new year to all – I was unable to say it last night as some rogue poisoned my lemonade with booze and I ended up thoroughly shitfaced!

      • Aye,I never got round to wishing everyone a Happy New Year either,Vern…..mainly because I don’t wish the majority of people any such thing

        ” Cunters” excepted,of course.

        Happy New Year,Vern.

      • Evening,General…I did and I must admit to being slightly liverish today.

    • I’m assuming that the same people who are so hysterical would also not react if a dog had a snap at them ?…well,I fucking well would,I’d give it a right fucking hiding.

      I’d also bring back corporal punishment in schools…presumably the bleeding-hearts wouldn’t?

      • She shouldn’t have had a mount she couldn’t control. She didn’t just give it a slap, she kicked it several times.
        Yes, I’d give a dog that leapt at me, snarling, a good thump, but dogs are wolves, horses aren’t.
        We may have to agree to disagree on this subject.

      • There was no evidence to suggest the horse’s behaviour was in any way a threat to her.

        Happy New Year Dick.

      • ” She shouldn’t have had a mount that she couldn’t control”…and how would you have controlled it,exactly?…whispered sweet nothings in it’s ear,perhaps?

      • I’d also add,JP…horses can be fucking nasty bastards,the same as any other animal or person. I knew of one that was a “rig” and it would,quite deliberately, try to hurt people..bite,kick and rear right over to try and roll on it’s rider…best thing that could have happened to it when the knacker man took it away for dogfood.

      • I’ll concede that to you, Lord Fiddler. They can be nasty bastards, probably because some cunt kicked and slapped them in their early years.

      • “had it schooled”….don’t think their was a trainer stood right there at the time unfortunately

      • @RT.C..bollocks…any animal of that size playing up or running loose ,particularly into traffic…is a fucking threat.

      • So you wouldn’t allow any animal out until it was schooled to the degree that it could cope with any situation,however stressful?..How would you teach it to behave in a situation that it hadn’t encountered before if you are not allowed to take it there in the first place?
        Animals,like humans,learn through experience and if you’ve got to drill it in for their and your own safety…well,that’ll do for me.

        Not that she was even hard on the beast…it was a fucking handbag job at best

      • Police horses take every situation in their stride ( pun intended).
        Nothing further.
        Simply not needed.

      • Yeah, yeah, yeah… ?

        She had it under control at the time – no excuse for punching and kicking it, fucking bully.

      • @RTC…Oooohhh, a “bully”..that has become a popular word lately,hasn’t it?..usually used by weak Cunts who see “bullying” in anything that doesn’t suit their bleeding-heart view.

        I thought people grew out of screaming “Bully” when they left Primary School…

      • What’s a bit personal? the “bully” thing….yes,you’re right…I’m a nasty,wicked bully and I couldn’t give a tuppenny fuck.

      • @JP………”I’ll concede that to you, Lord Fiddler. They can be nasty bastards, probably because some cunt kicked and slapped them in their early years.”…No,some animals,like some people are born “bad” and all the love and kisses in the world won’t alter that…but a swift kick up the arse might

      • “Police horses take every situation in their stride ( pun intended”……of course they take every situation in their stride…because they have had people dressed up as “thugs” taking a swing at them and they have been trained how to react.

      • @RTC…lost the argument? LOL…Oh,I think I’m doing just fine,ta.
        Run off and tell teacher that the nasty bully was horrible to you.

      • Btw, Dick, I never accused you of being a bully, although you clearly celebrate such behaviour. You know full well that my comment was in reference to the sickening subject of this nomination.

    • As an owner (previous and present) of large guarding breed hound’s, I can honestly say that I have never hit or kicked any of them in anger.

      I just set the wife on them.

      There is nothing more humbling than having a nine stone Rottweiler cower behind your legs trying to dodge the disappointed glare of a 5’4″ Portuguese nutjob.

      • You’ve obviously got a better temper than me,Odin…and a “Portuguese nutjob”.of course…but what would you do if,as happened to The Man from The Ministry,unfortunately, a collie shot out of a shed and attached itself to your calf…would you not lash out at it?…I know I would ( as did the ( rightly) furious Civil Servant.)

    • Do you remember Ubedizzy, Dick ?
      If she’d kicked him he would have fucking eaten her.
      That was one savage horse.
      Bit someone’s finger off once.
      Good evening.

      • Evening,Jack. I didn’t remember Ubedizzy… just looked him up..bit of a sod.

        Only one more day and these dreadful holidays will be over,thank fuck.

      • He was always worth a wager, usually each way.
        I remember him coming fourth in a race at 25/1, the distances were all s/h.
        He was always up for it.
        I too will be glad to get back to normal.
        At the moment we’re watching the New Years Day concert from Vienna.
        Whilst quaffing various alcoholic beverages.
        We’re dead posh at The Rookery
        Get To Fuck. ?

  7. Not this spoon-faced animal-abuser again. What is with these fancy-dress weirdoes who kill animals for fun? What’s wrong or lacking in their lives? They act aloof but are lower down the food chain than an East European, beetroot-plucking country bumpkin.

    I’m glad she lost her job but I’d rather she lost her teeth as the horse reverse-kicked her in her overgrown grinders with a full force hoof. I can’t imagine what stinks more: her attitude or her shitty minge.

    Hunt Scum.

      • Happy New Year Vernon.

        What about the jockeys digging their heels in into the horse’s sides? Should that be banned?

        Or putting blinkers on them impeding their sight?

        Or putting them into the stalls even? A lot react badly to that?

        See it ‘animal management’. People who are familiar wuth animals.

        I am sure Mrs Mould has a love for riding a horse. Not being deliberattely cruel to them.

      • I bet the Captain would ban people sitting on a horse he’s so concerned for their welfare.

  8. I’d possibly bum it.
    But I’d want to go first.
    Sorry admin.
    Find your own lady friend onth interweb.

  9. My mother kicked and slapped me harder than that.

    Discipline is needed occasionally.

    I don’t know much about horses,- but I doubt that the horse was saying “ouch” during this ‘abuse’.
    More like “is that all you’ve got, you pathetic human?”

    Sarah could have kicked and slapped me all she liked a few years back.

    Nowadays, I’d be happy to dribble some spunk onto the gusset of her sweaty jodhpurs.

    She hasn’t hit or kicked any school kids that I’m aware of, so why has she been sacked from her day job?

    She should be measured on the standard of her teaching ability,- this horsey incident has fuck all to do with her employment.

    Perhaps she just doesn’t fit the modern schoolteacher persona, wet, wokey, and worrisome?

    No wonder the modern child is so bewildered.

    I was whacked with rulers and slippers, it never bothered me. Even had a board rubber bruise my head. I couldn’t have given two shits at the time.

    I detest animal abuse. But this just looked like Sarah was disciplining a large animal, for its own safety.

    It’s just another example of cancel culture to a degree, and I cannot therefore support this nom in any way, shape or form.

    • The point is that slapping and kicking a horse is an exercise in futility. The horse cannot understand why it’s being hit.
      She just came across as a bully, and as a parent I personally do not want bullies in the schoolroom.

      • I can see your there point JP.

        I was bullied at school by teachers.

        Maybe I’m a bit of an old dinosaur, but I actually enjoyed being caned,- not in a sexualised way, but more of a, “is that all you’ve got” attitude sort of way.

        The bruises were badges of honour.

        I had no scars psychologically after leaving school.

        When I started work at an engineering firm, I was abused there. The lads would dip a teaspoon into boiling water and burn the back of my neck. Put metal turnings down my pants, tie me to a roller shutter door and leave me up there for an hour, etc.

        School prepared me for all this, and I enjoyed, or at least tolerated, most of the abuse.

        Youngsters are ‘made’ differently now.

        Maybe it is a good thing, I’m not sure?

        But I don’t think that school prepares them well for the somewhat nasty, big, wide world.

      • The big wide world!
        Not at all, the culture shock when they start exploring the job market, it’s almost comical.

  10. She could’ve mitigated the circumstance somewhat by offering to give the horse an apology blowie in the village square.
    Or perhaps her school class might’ve had an exciting project by assembling some sort of balsa wood assembly that allowed her to be positioned in such a way that the horse could’ve taken full advantage, much like that horny vodka slurper Catherine the Great.

    • She did give the horse an apology blowjob, TTCE, and I have the video.

      The cumshot was excellent, and our Sarah swallowed the majority of the offerings.

      I’m a dab hand with a Sharp View-cam.

      I can post you a copy for an extortionate fee if anyone is interested?

      • Bloody hell Thomas, that was a disturbing read. Probably breakfast table stuff for you though, eh 😉

        He worked for Boeing according to that article. Good job the horse killed him, because he might have ended up trying to shove a 747 up his shitpipe.

    • To make the spectacle even more enticing, a clever scientist could invent some sort of DNA emulsifier, to enable the fragrant Ms. Moulds to become pregnant by the horse, resulting in the birth of a monstrous equine comparison to the Minotaur.
      Of course, this feat of hybrid science may well have already been achieved…what else could account for the existence of Miranda Hart?

    • The thing about this that gets me is she did this despite being aware Hunt saboteurs were there with cameras!
      She gave them the ammunition.
      Shes fuckin simple.
      Losing her teaching job and pony club position.
      Then her position with the Hunt.
      They dropped her too in the face of bad PR.
      I wouldn’t let her teach my kids.
      Not because she might kick or hit them.
      But because shes borderline simple .

  11. I’d be more than happy to discipline her.
    Naughty girl that she is.
    And she has to be wearing those jodhpurs an all.

  12. Jury’s out as far as I am concerned. Looking at the woman’s stance, I doubt if that ‘kick’ landed with any force and she obviously telegraphed the slap. There’s not much you can do with a really thrawn horse which does not involve a bit of coercion: a lesson I personally learned when trying to get one into a horsebox once: if some busybody had been filming this and sent it to the media, my name would be mud to this day. In the end, though, the strategic use of a field gate did the trick, much to the disappointment of the woman who had set me up for humiliation by her Connemara. I note that this incident has been appropriated by the urban rats who object to hunting. Of course, none of these would dream of interfering with a horse or its rider going about their legal business.

      • TY, not an approach I would use – or have used – and she’s obviously a stroppy and incompetent cow, belabouring the horse for what was essentially her own fault. And how handy that there was a sab already in position to film her. I’d like a bit more context, there.

        But tightening the girth as the horse is saddled, if the horse declines to breathe out, involves similar if slightly slower, application of the foot as the kick shown. And that’s routine.

      • I have witnessed the damage inflicted on both Horses and Foxhounds, by hunt sabs.
        A lot of sabs are scum off the estates, looking for some “legitimate” violence and vandalism.

        I too was very disappointed in her lack of judgement, knowing the sabs were around.
        I feel, however, she has been sacrificed in the altar of woke-trial by social media.
        Which is a road, no right minded individual would want society to go down…..

        I am no fan of hunting with dogs. I have said on here before, fox control should be carried out with .243 or .17hmr?

      • Hello CG.

        .243? Your determined to get the job done there.

        I’m sure a .223 would suffice.

        Nothing like something thats on top of the job though.

        I’d go balls out with a .308.

      • I’ve never heard of a .17hmr CG.

        .17 as in smaller than a .22?

        I’m off to have a read about them on Google.

      • It’s a safe round Dick-it fragments on impact, so reduces dangerous ricochet.
        Used by pest controllers on golf courses.

        * yes lots of people use .22lr for fox control too. Centrefire may seem like overkill and is a lot harder to get a slot for.

        I was fortunate to have a “mentor”, in rural Cumbria, who, pre Michael Ryan, had a massive gun room full of “toys”, made available to me, under supervision?

      • Horses are also sensitive and empathic animals that detect human emotions, this horse was panicked, so she decided in her wisdom to lay into it, supprised it didn’t kick her in the fucking head, they also shoot the hunt dogs and beat them. She’s a stupid bitch, nice arse though.

        I’m not a SAB but through the Interpages I have seen things. Has for SABS, you should see the inbred thugs the hunt hires so they can protect their day of blood lust, two wrongs and all.

        Just remember a horse is an animal first, the rider is an accessory worn by the horse after it’s given permission.

      • Used by pest controllers on golf courses??

        If the courses are overrun, the clubs shouldn’t take on so many new members. Just wait for the old ones to die off. No need to shoot them…

    • I agree the Jury is out on this as well Komodo and I agree with much of the sentiment of Dick Fiddler’s comments above.

      I’ve been a lifelong dog owner myself and would be the first to condemn animal cruelty where I see it but I just don’t see this woman’s actions as “cruel”
      The horse is an enormous powerful beast and they have the potential to cause huge damage or harm if they become out of control.
      She gave it a few kicks and slaps which obviously looks worse than what it was but as DF allured to – What’s she supposed to do if it’s “playing up” whisper something nice in its ear??
      It’s not exactly a 16 stone skinhead kicking ten bells out of a chihuahua or a kitten.

      I personally think the sneaky fucker secretly filming and those that have overseen this womans employment being terminated through bed wetting hysteria are the true cunts here.

      • Absolutely. Peripherally, I have seen a Highland stallion kicking ten bells out of a Jack Russell. Played it like a football, and wouldn’t stop. The dog recovered, very surprisingly.

      • the cunts don’t give a fuck about their horses unless their cruelty de-values their resale price, love to kick that bitch in the head, one on one i’m her size and match, cunt would end up with a snatch like a water trough with my boot up it, its got a smug face i could never tire of kicking, guarantee that cunt’s a friend of epstiens

  13. The absolute cunt of cunts of cunt……….of cunts gets knighted (I’m not going to type the name, I would just feel too unclean). I really do find it hard to get upset at this bint. It’s not like she went all Tescos on the nag.

    When I went to school (cough) years ago, being dragged by the hair and thrown into the corridor was not unknown. Let’s keep a sense of perspective here. You’re cunters, not fucking snowflakes, save your sympathies for those who deserve it, like her majesty who will have to have that debased piece of filth in front of her with a sort in her hand. Fuck me, if she used it for it’s intended purpose in my book that would put her up with Henry V.

    If she (not her majesty BTW) came round to mine in her riding gear though, she could sit on my face!

    • fox hunting has been banned for 15 years, its illegal, the whore kicking the horse needs to have its cunt face whipped off with its own riding crop

  14. Yes, CT, schools in the 1940’s/1950’s were very different to today’s offerings.

    Parents today would be outraged to hear what teachers did to pupils.

    If my mother noticed marks from a ‘headteacher’s battering’, she would add to them. No sympathy.

    This sort of treatment ’maketh the man’, in my opinion.

    Now we just manufacture the snowflake, and sit there wondering why this once fine country is heading swiftly down the shitter.

  15. AlI I can take from this is that she’s got a nice arse. I wouldn’t mind a bit of rough ‘n’ tumble with her. Would bring out the John Leslie in me (allegedly).

  16. The horse was being loaded by a youngster from the pony club, wasn’t it?
    She was an experienced horsewoman.

    With sabs on quads around, there is a high probability that it had been spooked, prior to this incident.
    Komodo is bang on-footage of the entire incident, including the minutes leading up to the “act”, need to be scrutinise, to form a balanced view of the whole episode.

    *yes, I would?

    • A bit like the Jewish kids on the bus. The only footage shown.

      Did anything lead up to it?

      Just throw that in this New Year’s Day.

      • There’s a newspaper thing calling for al-beeb to apologise for saying the Jewish kids said something racist.
        Never mind what was shouted at them, ffs.

      • But what if they were provoked? It is not beyond the bounds of possibllity for Jewish kids to be a bit naughty.

      • @General….the BBC is also being accused of being pro-Jewish after allowing Epstein’s lawyer to appear as an independent expert without mentioning his connection…and allowing her brother to spend 5 minutes saying what a cuddly,lovable woman she actually is.

      • There’s a newspaper thing calling for al-beeb to apologise for saying the Jewish kids said something racist.’

        The Board of Deputies of British Jews. That would be.

        I wonder why they are called Deputies? The only other time I heard of it was growing up — if you were a Deputy down the pit.
        Ot ‘depety d’arn t’pit’.

        I do suspect it was the Muslim youth. But you just dont know.

        Like the Muslims they get their victimhood from the teat.

      • That was Dershovitz Mr F.

        And he is still one of the accused. You couldnt make it up.

        There was a comment as well by one of the Maxwell brothers that she wouldnt ‘flip’ to get her sentenced reduced.

        Really like two lags talking in Parkhurst.

        The interviewer should have pushed it–‘So she has information about people that she could use to her advantage?

        No I mean that the brother gave up all the pretence that she was innocent.

        What a fucking family.

      • the jew kids were taunting the palastinian kids, thats how they knew they were jews, hard one to call when they deserve each other, roaches

  17. Bitch needs a kick in the cunt with steel toe capped doctor Martin boots, probably lose my boot up her enormous vagina

  18. She’s almost certainly a loathsome witch but it wasn’t exactly Mongo in Blazing Saddles was it?

  19. Leave the poor cow alone. Sure; to court with her on a charge of cruelty (if warranted); then, if guilty, the appropriate fine. Circa £1000 or somewhat less. But don’t deprive her of £40k pa for the rest of her career. That’s just cruel.

  20. You can hunt all the nigpanzees to extinction, I won’t stop you, but hurt a dog, cat, badger, horse any animal and it hits the pit of my guts, i bloody wish i had been there, i’d have taken her own riding crop to the bitch and thrashed her cunting face to shreds

  21. I like her, she has a nice arse. She needs to be punished for hurting that horse though. Might I suggest the liberal application of a riding crop to her shapely backside.

  22. I’m with Dick and Komodo on this one – horses need to know who’s the boss in the relationship (which it is). They’re not daft and can immediately tell a nervous, inexperienced beginner from someone who’s spent their life around them. Some horses will be of a mind to exploit and take advantage of that.
    Used to do a bit of hacking out at a local stables and we had perforce to use the roads in a few places and trust me it’s no joke with traffic filing past when yer hoss throws a wobbler at a crisp packet or a flapping carrier bag caught on a bush and side-steps straight into the traffic!
    And yes we had one that just would not take the girth strap, it’d stand there, stubbornly refusing to breath in and literally take the piss as the unaware attempted to tighten up until you gave it a swift dig in the solar plexus, it then would take a sharp reflexive breath which you then timed with hauling up on the girth.
    I’d have no problems with her being a teacher.

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