A mystic into the future cunting for our lord and saviour – Suckdiq Khunt on this NYE night.
What a shitshow of a fireworks display of virtue signalling, arse licking , vote for me you liberal leftie cunts it’s going to be. I’m thinking massive thank you NHS and BLM mural firework banners.
The fucking drone display with some cunts face made on it , maybe Raducanu or some other effnick sportsperson. Actually we could see the dingy lot holding up sparklers as they float gently down the Thames to a 5* hotel.
Anyway London NYE fireworks display and Sadiq. What a cunt !!!
Nominated by: Onceacuntalwaysacunt
‘SK; up in smoke’.
If only!
Up in smoke?
Aye,Sbobibor style for the dreadful little cunt.
Good of the froth of Khan to waste even more taxpayers money showing his contemptuous hatred for MY Country.
He is well into his personal mission to destroy one of the worlds great Capital Cities.
I’ve been wondering for years just which country London is the capital of.
Well past the tipping point in London now Vernon. I read that 90,000 left the town last year. I’ll bet precious few had a permanent sun tan.
It is indeed a fucking shit-hole. I don’t recognise any of it as the place of my youth.
Very few enclaves left my friends.
The island and likes of Bermondsey will never give in to these cunts.
East London went decades ago.. All fucked orf to Essex innit.
North and North West London always been a mix tbf since before I was born (1970)
But Yea, London is generally fucked and definitely anti- honky working class.
Sad state of affairs, breaks my heart
The little Peaceful shit stain did the same thing last year……taxpayers money pissed up the wall just to advertise himself. Once again he had the cooperation of his very good pals at the BBC. Absolute fucking bastards the lot of them.
They need fucking sorting.
Yea, but his dad was a london bus driver
Christ, thats depressing.
The 3 worst things in life.
New years eve, London, and Suckdick Khan.
Cant imagine how desperate youd have to be to attend that.
Yep, it’s tough up north London Miserable.
I’m hoping that next New Year a misdirected rocket lands on City Hall,causes a conflagration and then rapidly spreads to recreate the Great Fire of London. Now that would be a firework display worth watching.
The little CUNT is in the process of selling City Hall to the highest foreign bidder. Suckdick and Ms Strapon have made London an uninhabitable city for civilised people.
Yea, but his dad was a london bus driver
Was his dad as big a cunt as he is.
Yes-with defective sperm?
Sadiq’s daddy was also probably the husband of his cousin and Sadiq’s mammy was also probably his cousin.
Good Evening
75% of UK Pakistanis are married to their 1st cousin.
More lies from Suck Dick Khan, same as last year, that they would be cancelled due to covid but went ahead anyway.
The little piss licking gnome must think we are some sort of cunts.
The little shit stain is killing London and the sooner some black taxi runs the little cunt over, the better.
I can’t tell you how much I fucking hate this little p@ki cunt.
He is indeed a horrible little paki cunt, and a bloody good reason why any immigration is a bad thing (as we get cunts like that). However, London is lost. The major parties didn’t even bother putting up a white, male candidate as they know only a dark key will be elected. The place is fucked.
I think the casual lying confirms the fact that he regards us as cunts LLF.
I wish I could put up a video on here. East London literally erupted in millions of fireworks at 12, new years. I watched it from my roof. It was fucking incredible. Fuck Kahn, fuck official firework displays. You can buy amazing fireworks well beyond anything we had as kids. My advice to scare the kids shitless is to put one in the ground that should be put in a pipe. BANG.
I remember NYE 1999 in Edmonton, North London. The sky was like the US invasion of Baghdad. I’m sure I could hear small arms fire.
What gets me Smug, is that they kept the location of the display secret and told us to watch the display on the tele! It’s the rate payers money they are burning and the idea of watching it on the tele is fucking ludicrous. It’s like suggesting you should watch an airshow on television; take away the noise and the smell of kerosene, what’s the fucking point?
I fucking hate all fireworks – poor bloody cats, dogs and horses. It was ok when it was just Nov 5 (and they were all sale by the 5th or return). Now it’s fucking diwali, eid, nov 5th, nye and whoever cunt’s birthday it is down my road.
Was his dad a London bus driver?
Humble roots is supposed to make him less of a cunt?
I know his dad was a bus driver a sort of pyjama wearing Reg Varney ,
But so fuckin what?!!
Like hes acheived greatness or something because he drove a fuckin bus?
Not exactly Neil Armstrong,
Hardly Christopher Columbus,
Why couldn’t he get a taxi license like all the others?
Whats wrong with him?
Doesn’t he like raping 12yr olds?
You’re not wrong on the taxi driver front if the image below is anything to go by.
It’s from tonights Bolton Evening News and shows local taxi drivers protesting outside the town hall against the clean air charges (previous nom refers).
I reckon there are about 52 or 53 protestors there. Can you spot the white face? Me neither.
Pity the DVLA and council licencing officers weren’t out and about checking how many Mohammed’s were sharing the same licence or some plods doing spot checks for vehicle defects, no tax/insurance or dodgy MOTs (done by cousin Abduls cut & shut garage) on their parked up taxis then clamping a few.
I went to Bolton once. It was enough.
They look so fucking stupid in their pajamas.
Fuck the NHS. There, I said it.
I’m a believer in the principles of the NHS but ((I suspect) like you ) I find the totemic worship of it just plain weird.
Indeed, you are correct. Well, that and it has some of the worst ‘management’ known to man.
It’s the closest thing to a state run religion that we have.
That DCI character that used to argue here didn’t like it being called a cult. I guess the truth hurt.
Biggest state employer in the western world, bettered only by organisations in Commie N. Korea, China and Cuba.
“That DCI character that used to argue here didn’t like it being called a cult. I guess the truth hurt.”
It was getting increasingly difficult to credibly maintain his position I think.
But on the other hand… I did notice that Mince Pie Guy is back and has thoughtfully confirmed the gayness of tennis.
Problem is, people keep voting for these cunts.
Khan, Burnham, Drakeford and Sturgeon are just four of the people who have nothing but hatred and bile for British values and our way of life.
They use cheap point scoring to undermine what was once a great nation while amassing personal fortunes on the back of their champagne socialism values.
I despise them all.
Explanation for the voting is simple Spanky; it’s tribal.
Spanky@ – I think they “get elected” as opposed to people voting for them.
Anywhere with a muslim community has very suspicious voting patterns, but nobody dare highlight this out of fear of being accused of “racism”.
Am surprised Greta Thunderbollocks wasn’t pulling a spazzy and whinging about her virtue signalling future with all that firework pollution!
Where was XR in all of this? Why weren’t they protesting in the streets on NYE? Or were they too busy getting pissed on bottles of cheap prosecco in downtown Islington and Kensington?
Where were XR in all this?
At home with their special needs helpers and assisted living nurses I expect.
Was his dad a bus driver?
His dad was a smelly, busdriving, dirty, greasy, camel fondler just like him.
Don’t hold back mnc…you forgot one more thing..he was a p@ki…a bus driving one..
My sister went to a meeting and Khunt was there. She said he is worse in real life, short arsed scruffy khunt.
Went to a meeting? With Suckdick? I hope she was wearing the full letterbox gear.
With some mini bombers hanging off her skirts obviously.
I’m ashamed to say I watched suckdicks firewoke display and light show with the good lady and it really was a load of wokey, lgbt, tree hugging shite. Viewers were treated to some junior school level poetry read by some dark key on the millennium bridge before it all kicked off. When the display got to the bit about football, after a cursory mention of englands exploits in the euros, the voiceover focused on football’s support of BLM. By this point the wife is holding me back from hurling my pint glass through the telly. The camel shagging cunt couldn’t just give us auld Lang sign and a few verses of land of hope and glory. Oh no. It has to be about race. Us against them. White man bad. But then I guess that’s what his voters want to hear. I always said that having a parking stanley or dark key mayor would spell the end, and I reckon I was right. There’ll be one in number 10, possibly in my lifetime, certainly my kids lifetimes. Poor bastards.
They are circling close to No 10 – home sec, chancellor – all the top positions of state, given to pakis.
Talking of dark keys and poetry FMC, the BBC sometimes has readings by or of “poetry” by George the poet. It cracks me up; makes William McGonagall sound high brow! I kid you not.
I must look him up. Has he worked out that you can make chiggun rhyme with friggin yet?
And another thing. Back in the eighties Maggie abolished the GLC, mainly because it became a refuge for leftie nutters and communists. Did London suffer from being controlled by central government? Did it fuck! It was always going to have its problems, all big cities do, but at least those in charge we’re accountable. The system of city mayors affiliated with political parties and given too many powers just breeds tinpot Gauleiters like Suckdick and Andy Burnham, to name just two of the cunts. If anything goes wrong, they just blame the government. In which case, give all control back to central government.
33 nominations!!
Popular lad.
All I can glean from this is,
Your all racists.
You should all be ashamed.
Are you suggesting that we only give him a hard time because he’s a filthy, smelly, camel shagging, hooked nose, lying, two faced, hypocritical, leftie, terrorist sympathising, white man hating, vote chasing chancer?
Oh I am Mis. I’m off now to go stand on the railway line. Good bye cruel world!
Off-piste but relevant to this cunting all the same, as this refers to one of the other British Isles tinpot dictator:
So Nicola wants to know what teenagers think about giving it and taking it up the poo-chute. What a tremendous leader. When all (sorry everything) else fails, concentrate one’s efforts on asking young people about shitbox shenanigans.
Perhaps she should ask her “friend” to don a 12″ ribbed, thick, black, rubber strap-on dick and show her first hand.
What the fuck use is data showing how many people like fucking in the ass…I mean, what use is that that?
Maybe sour faced Sturgeon is into “Big Data”?
Perhaps add in a question as to how many folk would like to see her head shoved up her own arse and superglued in? Does anyone in a position of governance in the UK have an ounce of commonsense? We just get mugged off day after day by these braindead cunts and cuntesses.
I thought playing the bagpipes involved anal sex…
Do you remember that hook-nosed, porn-scribbing war criminal Campbell playing Ode to Joy on the pipes outside the Liebore conference a few years back?
What an ENORMOUS CUNT he is.
Notice how the Guardian refers to ‘pro-family campaigners and progressive children’s rights advocates’ as right-wing? For fuck’s sake, is there no end to their cuntitude?
This tells you all you need to know about the Scottish government. Their education system and NHS have gone down the shitter along with having g half the bin men and road sweepers it used to have in towns like Glasgow and Europe’s biggest drug problem. If anyone was not fit for purpose it is Sturgeon.
Tinpot dictator
More like pisspot… At least tin has some scrap value.
So many pics of her show a real hen’s-bum faced, a bit as if something is being shoved up her…
I’d like to see the big nosed ugly cunt emir of londonistabbystan strapped into one of Elon musks starships, preferable one of the prototypes that won’t be landing safely.
Kabooom. How about that for a firework display, you obnoxious little rat shit?
I bet Mr. Cunt Engine would love to give Nicola a good hate – bumming.
I know I would.
She’d never walk again.
Get To Fuck.
Read this crap. After a “public consultation”, fuck off, no one would agree to this. This is just Suck Dick Khan using any excuse to charge motorists more in fines to make up for his poor management of London and lack of income from train fares as he does his best to keep people out of London with stunts like “no fireworks again this NYE”
Aaaarrrrgh, I fucking hate this cunt.
I’m a Yank, so forgive my ignorance. This thread about Suckdiq got me thinking about the governing structure of London. My very quick research has allowed me to learn that there are 32 boroughs of Greater London, and Suckdiq Khunt is the mayor of Greater London, and not the “City of London”. OK, so then I thought I’d take a look at all the camel jockies and pakis he has on his team. What to my surprise — 90% of his appointed cabinet look like pasty white liberal wussies. (I’m pasty white too but not a lib nor a wuss.) After reading all of your very entertaining rants I thought that I’d find most members of his cabinet were named Achmed, Mohammad, Asif, Asad, Sameer, Goat Fucker, etc etc. Please help me understand this. Apologies here if I sound like a cunt.
Hi Boomer, most of the London boroughers are populater with about 60% sand monkeys and parking Stanley’s. This is why this peice of shit keeps getting elected. I’m not too sure of the makeup of his cabinet but there have been a few dark keys on there over the years but they are all English hating communists regardless of colour.
I’ve been wondering for years just which country London is the capital of.
How the hell did this repost?
London is being fucked by two dicks.
Sad and Cressida.