A right Royal turn of the year cunting please for this arrogant little prick (or at least HIS little prick), which has a coltish tooth, allegedly, who keeps finding ever more bizarre reasons why he cannot be prosecuted for have a fuddle duddle with young girls on the old rumpy pumpy. manoeuvres .
According to the latest excuse from his lawyers, Randy Andy can’t face prosecution because the complainant is Australian and the case is being heard in America:
You can be pretty certain that if an American girl had been molested in Australia, Sleepy Joe would expect the Australians to act
It is interesting that Andrew has now gone looking for excuses rather than denying on oath he is a dirty old man even if the Queen’s favourite, and it really is time the dirty old bounder faced the charges and the consequences if found guilty He and Ghislane might be banged up together in the same cell, watching each other taking turns of the dunny – what a prospect!
Nominated by W.C. Boggs
It’s hilarious how Andrew and his lawyers think that dodging the courts is some sort of victory, when it simply makes them look like those Mafia criminals, the “Teflon Dons” who avoid prison through loopholery. Andrew could have been open and honest from day one and avoided all this misery for himself and his mother and family. His daughters must think, “who the fuck is this guy? This is mortifying.” But Andrew must see it as, “nonsense, it will blow over, I’m a Prince of the Realm, don’t you know!” You massive spastic.
January 27, 2023
“In the wake of fresh sex allegations, the helicopter that Prince Andrew has been using to evade justice has crashed in the Pennine mountains. Due to the unprecedented winter weather, the worst snowstorms since 1963, rescue cannot take place at present.”
Great re-edited parody video of THAT car-crash interview…
(3 mins)
I’m off to Pizza Express, followed by a sweaty dance in a VIP nightclub, then… my mind gets hazy at that point…
He allegedly fucked a 17 year old slag in the U.K.not illegal here, got to love America with their Stupid age limits on booze and sex. I spoke to 2 marines getting on a flight in Dallas on their way to deploy to Iraq they couldn’t have a beer in the lounge because they were only 20 what a load of bollox. I’m sure Prince cunty has done a lot worse than the smoke screen he is accused of and hope he rots, but he won’t. The 2 marines had a few beers on us hope they returned ok.
Slag? No, she (along with other girls) was groomed. Also, alleges multiple sexual assaults by him (while in the U.S., and outside it).
I should have put Gizzlane in the dead pool.
I did, five times. Suicide by five shots to the back of the head I predict.
The only thing good I can say about Andrew is,
Of the Queens kids he’s the only one with a decent head of hair.
The others look like they’ve been for chemo at Christie’s.
Hes a right fuckin animal.
Shagging young birds same age as his daughters,
The fuckin mutt.
Like Fred West or something.
Maybe thats why his kids look a bit odd?
Bulging eyes and stuff.
Probably tampered with em.
The fuckin dog.
Most of the girls shagged on Epstein island are in Davey Jones’ locker. The dead don’t speak. Virginia was the one who got away, like the girl at the end of a slasher movie.
Shagging girls as old as their daughters applies to lots of rich men and women.
The dirty feckers.
He’s a bog standard dirty old bastard. Reputation in tatters. The bullshit about sweating and that carcrash interview were comedy gold.
I dont know the legal ramifications of sleeping with a girl who is underage in the USA but of legal age in the UK whilst she is in the Uk but dont feel like they can get at him. The whole Virginia Giuffre thing is funny anyway – she worked as a masseur with Epstein for years and I personally think she accepted the good poundings she got from various people in exchange for the money and lifestyle. She was from a disadvantaged background it was her way up in the world. Shes tried to be clever by becoming a ‘victim’ because the amount of shit she must have seen and kept the lid on means she should probably be in the dock with Maxwell. Think about it
Hmm she may make my next dead pool pick.
She lives in a 1.9 million home in Perth now according to the article.
I’d slip the Queen Mother’s corpse a length for that kind of money.
This lass was 17 and getting paid lots to ‘service’ the rich and famous. Didn’t she carry on, let’s be frank, brassing herself out as an adult for a while too? Unlike the girls gang raped by the filthy Dakis, she wasn’t drugged and threatened with beatings if she tried to leave – or indeed, I don’t think she had her tongue nailed to a table. Naive, yes. Completely innocent? Hmmm.
That (allegedly) half million hush money must’ve ran out.
Agreed Cuntybollocks, apart from the necrophilia of course.
All the same, I want to watch that lying cunt bathed in Corgi shit and left for the ravens in The Tower.
I’d like to see him meet Edward II alleged fate.
It’s more about people trafficking, the sex aspect is kinda small potatoes. We still don’t know the full story of the Epstein-Maxwell international operation to blackmail people through sex and sex trafficking. I mean, that’s a HUGE offence in the USA, they throw the book at people traffickers in Yankland, quite right too. Epstein was HUGE, he must have had mega-connections for decades to get away that shit. The FBI and INTERPOL need to round up EVERYONE involved, This depravity is still going on, there are many Epsteins, islands, Maxwells, politicians, celebrities, scientists, lawyers, etc involved. Andrew is a whipping boy, but he’s just one of many. I wish this thing would blow wide open, even if it means well-loved actors get exposed, fuck ’em, they made the choice to get on the plane of a psycho degenerate, go to his creepy as fuck island.
I’ll bet my left nut both Epstein and Maxwell were working on behalf of the intelligence agencies.
If they were entrepreneurs of blackmailing the rich and powerful then the CIA, MI6, Mossad, would all know about their exploits. Either they remained silent on the crimes or they were complicit in it.
My money is on complicit. Knowledge is power.
He was funded and run by CIA/MI6 for blackmail.
Well, that what her dad – Robert Maxwell – was, he was a sex-blackmail agent and he was wacked by Mossad. An easy kill, just pushed him into the ocean then drove the boat away leaving him to “drown whilst urinating into the ocean.” He must have blackmailed some powerful Jewish dude and the wheels were set in motion, his days were numbered.
Ghislaine then took over the blackmailing business. Met Epstein, and they became the Barnum & Bailey of sex-trafficking-blackmail, but it went tits up at some point.
An interesting stance Cunty. I wasn’t aware of the blackmail aspect and shall look further into it.
“We still don’t know the full story of the Epstein-Maxwell international operation to blackmail people through sex and sex trafficking.”
Yes we do Cunty G..!… and have done for a long time. All you need to know…
Epstein Crime Map Part 1 of 3
TBFH@ – As far as I can ascertain the laws of the land where the incident allegedly occurred would apply, so if the sex was consensual and happened in the UK it could be argued no criminal offence was committed under UK law, but I stress this is a point of legal ambiguity.
But what kind of filthy old deviant preys on a vulnerable and coerced kid?
I think he liked them young at first – with his money he could easily have bought the barely legal brassers. But he couldnt control himself and he wanted the more risky ones who were underage.
I watched the documentary, and was trying to understand his fucked up psyche – its not like he was fucking 4 year olds, he wanted the almost legal teens. In the palms he was ferrying in local 14 year olds from the projects and paying them $400. He could have had any high class escort he wanted for 30 grand a chuck but there was obviously some sick side of him that liked the very young girl next door type. He also fancied himself a philanthropist so i think he thought that the situation was mutually beneficial – sending these piss poor children home with $400 must have seemed like a good deed to him.
Thats why i cant stand the bullshit from Giuffre who was obviously not an abused and used young child like these and is sat on millions of dollars.
Regardless, Andrew is finished, exposed as a pervert and immoral bastard, and Epstein is a dead rapist peadophile. Already the best outcome.
“…the laws of the land where the incident allegedly occurred would apply,”
Yes but the Trafficking for the purposes’ offence would be deemed to have occured in the US when she boarded the plane.
Fucking a 17 year old in this country is perfectly legal. In Mexico it’s 12. What I’d like to know is why is the FBI “ investigating” a foreign Prince but not Bill Clinton. This bullshit is displacement activity. He wasn’t even a dirty old man at the time.
As far as the police are concerned here the age of “consent” in Rotherham and Telford is also 12
Dude, age of consent in Mexico is NOT 12. Maybe it was once, but not now. Isn’t it actually 17 in Mexico these days?
This is about people trafficking, sex trafficking, exploiting people, blackmailing people, possibly murder. This is highest stakes stuff.
Bill Clinton has been formerly accused, he just ignored it, used his power to scare his accusers away. He’s Slick Willy from Arkansas, a state which is pretty much owned by the Rockefellers. Bill is untouchable.
What are talking about. Deary me. Go get me a link saying Mexico doesn’t have laws on age of consent. Never mind, I’ll do it for you…
Oh look, in some regions, it’s 18. D’oh!
I’ve no time for royalty, especially this cunt, but his lawyers claimed that the case should be thrown out because nine years ago she was awarded half a million dollars for dropping her case against Epstein and agreeing not to claim against anyone else connected with him. On that basis I would have to agree with them. Her lawyer is apparently saying that this was a secret agreement so it shouldn’t count. Don’t see the logic in that. It’s a bit late for her to say she’ll give the money back so that she can have a go at Andrew. And apparently she’s not even offering to.
Bet Andrew is no stranger to urethal sounding?
Bet you could drop a handful of change down his japseye.
The depraved cunt.
You are a filthy fellow MNC.
Prince Andrew is a weapons grade arrogant shit. My sister was at dinner with someone who caused a problem for the Royal Family. He told my sister he was mortified about it but all the Royal Family were very supportive, including a private letter from The Queen. Andrew gave him shit. There are too many stories about him for their not to be some degree of truth and now his chickens have come home to roost.
Whatever the outcome of this case Prince Andrew is finished in public life and, as a consequence, should be removed from the civil list.
Andrew has abused his position for decades. All his bullshit “Official Royal Engagement” trips that cost tens of thousands of pounds that were, in reality, golf trips. There should be a website that updates us daily on Royal spending, let that Money Saving Expert run it!
To be fair to Randy Andy, his life hasn’t all been a bed of roses. For example he’s had to endure the trauma of poking it between Sarah Ferguson’s ginger flaps. Be honest, how many of us would have fancied that?
Come on cunters, cut him some slack.
I can’t believe there isn’t a queue forming for Fergie here
I’d have done her when she was younger, but age has NOT been kind to her… Wrinkly AND puffy.
Sophie Rice-Pudding gives me the horn.
Poor old Andy was born a royal prince at the wrong time. A few hundred years earlier under the pretext of the divine right of kings and absolute power of the monarch he could’ve indulged all of his depraved desires safe in the knowledge that mummy would give him a pardon.
How dare those common oiks spoil his fun.
Mrs Huntmaster met him once when he was supposed to be an ambassador for British industry (where he spent more than he brought in). She said he was an arrogant cunt.
He would have fitted in perfectly in Blackadder III as a dim-witted Prince who was easily led astray by a conniving social climber!
We were on a BA flight back from LA with Princess Belletrix and her bf, some chinless wonder who was working for Branson’s space death project, he was in first class she was in cattle class. Of course she was upgraded straight to first.She was the most polite non demanding bug eyed ginge you could ever wish to see unlike the BF.
Mate of mine is working on the Palace refurb.
I am reliably informed that airmiles is a rude, arrogant, entitled cunt of the highest order who has the IQ of a fruit fly.
Truth is does anyone actually give a fuck? It doesn’t matter what his lawyers do or say … the world has him down as a complete fuckin’ cunt. No amount of crafty legal manoeuvres can help him … whatever he did or didn’t do those women has left a mark … one that will never leave him. He’s become that bloke with no portfolio. Once upon a time people would be gagging to have him around or at a function … not now. He’s done and he knows it … stupid fuckin’ idiot.
The woman is just as bad though … knew exactly what was going on and what she was letting herself into.
The more of this he does the more guilty he looks.
Dirty little fucking rodent, but as the “Judge” at the Maxwell trial ordered the records sealed we will not get to find out how many more of the rich and famous were involved in this sordid business either.
It probably didn’t help that Victoria Giuffre signed a gagging order and was paid half a million Dollars and never bothered to do a pretty basic thing if she was, as claimed, sexually assaulted by fatty the sweatbag – reporting it to the police.
Prince Andrew has always been spoilt, forgiven, mollycoddled, indulged, financed and supported by the Queen – a lazy, thick rich kid who is so arrogant he believes he can do anything and lie his way out of it.
Rich Man law – there’s a lot of it about..
Victoria Guiffre must be on the same diet as Priti Patel?
Gone from fuckable to shirley Crabtree in a short space of time.
Some cunts need padlocks on the biscuit barrel.
MNC@ – Sperm retention!
Similar to water retention but much more chance of AIDS..?
You have exceptionally high standards MNC.
Makes me feel like a cheap, immoral slag.
Oh yes indeed MMS!
Im the David Niven of the Northwest.
We’re you served tiffin before, or after shagging that St Winifred’s bird on a pub pool table?
I have sent an application to the Broccoli family, on your behalf, as the next James Bond?
Put St Winifred’s choir down as a reference.
“The names Bond, Pie, chips and mushy peas please Garçon-wit plenty gravy-shaken, not stirred”
*From the upcoming Bond film “Stinkfinger”
Evening Mis?
Hehehe ????
Evening CG.
Live an let pie
The pie who loved me
For your pies only
A northern Bond would reinvigorate this tired franchise!
Fuck Billie Eilish themetunes get in Wigan’s colliery brass band.
For your pies only
Tomorrow’s leftover pies
Never say never again (to pie)
The whole pie is not enough
And of course, how could I forget,
Fuck Billie Eye-lash? Yes you will, in scene 3.
In scene 5, you get seduced by Madonna, who portrays the evil Stinkfinger.
The eponymous title song, to be performed by Lisa Stansfield:
She’s the slag
The slag with the stinking flange
It’s no mans land
Stay away from
Her minge
It’s a web of sinnnnnnn
So don’t go innnnnn
I have once went to a Wigan nightclub in the 90s.
It is still the only time I have seen a lass eating a meat and potato pie in a nightclub. I also got to see two girl fights (probably called her pie a puff).
What a fucking place that was – can’t remember the name but it was sort of wooden fronted.
Wigan pier-famous for Northern Soul (white people trying to dance like knee-grows) and for fat cunts like the one you describe?
That might be it. It was a big place, I remember that – seemed like a massive fire hazard of a place
Some strange ‘fashion’ choices too.
Timberland boots with trousers. Lasses wearing dresses with socks. One bloke had a polo shirt with a tie.
Wigan-the home of haute couture ?
From the Buffet With Love…
“…but as the “Judge” at the Maxwell trial ordered the records sealed…”
(Judge Alison Nathan – a prosyletising militant lesbian jewess – just so we know – Chops)
“…so we will not get to find out how many more of the rich and famous were involved in this sordid business either.”
We already do Vernon, in great detail – as previously posted…
The Epstein Crime Map Part 1 of 3
Is it just me that thinks the plaintiffs whored themselves for money, pushed it for a bit more a while back and are now going for gold?
No, you are not alone. That is exactly what is going on.
While I agree Andrew is a dirty old cunt, I think the coverage this story gets compared to say, the mass, almost industrial scale rape of kids at the hands of the peacefuls, is a fucking joke.
Morally, what he did was reprehensible (if he did it at all, of course), but I’m not sure he even broke any laws if he had it away with her in England. Although I guess he could fall foul of American laws (if she was trafficked for the purpose of having it away with the dirty old cunt). If so, then he deserves the book thrown at him, fair enough.
I’d be digging to see if there were any under 16 (or 18 if he was in the USA). That’d be much more worth pursuing.
But the coverage given to this case? For me, it just takes away from the untold thousands of kids drugged and raped by filthy Dakis, while the cops, social services and politicians stood and did fuck all for fear of being called racist.
Andy is a dirty old cunt, but the mass rape of white (and Sikh) girls at the hands of those bastards is a national fucking scandal. To the point I want them all out of my fucking country.
Do you think Pakistan’s government would let Christian honkies live in their country, had they done the same to hundreds of thousands of Muslim girls?
Not a fucking chance!
Have a read about what happened in Rotherham – bent police actually colluded in it. You had coppers going around to the house of the social worker who tried to expose it and threatening her. Criminal thugs in uniform, it’s not just the Met.
SP@ – I had a lot of contact with Rotherham MP Sarah Champion – for an MP she is one of the better ones and she was the only (and I believe remains the only) MP who has called out muslims for their behaviour and raised this issue in Parliament.
Had it not been for Sarah Champion 90% of this would have never come to light – and I still remember that fat, thick, hairy, smelly piece of brown shit Naz Shah saying children should “just shut up” about being repeatedly gang r*ped by the filthy rats “for the sake of the community” or some bollocks.
Naz Shah deserves dragging to prison by her greasy nit infested hair.
Yes, Stanley I know. There were some good cops, good social workers and yes, even some good politicians who tried to help these girls and show what was going on.
They were silenced by other coppers, social workers and politicians, mostly higher up the food chain. It seems only a few would dare speak up, and those that did were risking their careers.
That’s what I mean by ‘it stinks’. There were some good eggs, but they were silenced by their organisations.
Any white male, guilty of any crime, gets maximum press coverage.
See Tommy Robinson made into the “story”, when arrested for reporting on sentencing at a Muslim grooming gang trial ?
With the press illustrating the story with photos of ‘far right’ thugs, usually with tattooed knuckles, necks and faces.
There’s only so long that they’ll get away with this.
Prince Andrew’s head is one I would never tire of kicking in.
Fuck him and his family.
I instinctively know the kind of man Andrew is.
Hes the kind who has pierced nipples.
The kind found under glass coffee tables where someone is squatting over curling out a turd on.
Hes the kind who likes to be pissed on, called a maggot,
Have cigarettes stubbed out on his belly,
And his balls stamped on in high heels.
Hes a disgrace.
A degenerate.
Hes wired up wrong, hes dad should of sploshed him down the shitehouse wall.
He was always going to be trouble.
MNC@ – Fk me – you have just described the IAC Christmas party! (Dominic Grieve and his Hammond organ got the party going, Litha Nandy was the stripper – Ron Knee declared she was having an attack of the vapours and assisted her upstairs to recover – what a gentleman!)
And Sir Fiddler was in the cupboard with that serving gal for a suspiciously long time when we were playing sardines!
Andrew is a Porchester.
Allegedly, Phil the Greek’s dying words were “Thank Christ I’m not Andrew’s father.”
you and me both RTC
Yep it all looks very dodgy now, randy Andy has more fucking excuses than Lewis Hamalcunt, but the pay off is the most concerning, as it make both parties look guilty of payment to keep quiet or receiving payment for keeping quiet, either way it looks like something along those lines has happened, anyway i dont believe anything either of these cunts say whatever the outcome.
Just for the fact that Andrew is such a horrible, dispicable cunt who has obviously been up to allsorts while playing at being a whiter than white royal means i would love to see him flushed down the bog like the greasy, nutty otter that he is, also if that slapper gets flushed as well a 2 for 1 riddance for the world……
At least Harry the half with and his leech can take a breather while all this shit is going on….cunts one and all
Anyone have Sidney Poitier on deadpool?
They call him Mr Tibbs!
David Brent’s favourite ever actor
Oh no, Sidney Poitier id deid? Oh man. In the Heat if the Night is amazing, just amazing. He and Steiger play off each other to perfection…
Amazing movie. Rock on, Mr Poitier!
In the Heat if the Night (1967, 109 minutes, 1080p)…
I liked him as Philip in Rising Damp .
And as Benson in Soap .
An oily fat prison dodging cunt.
Get to fuck.
It’s time to abolish the monarchy. I’ll take President Starmer if it means cunts like him not having special privileges anymore.
Fuck that for a game of soldiers OC.
Give me the British monarchy any day of the week over republicanism. It is an institution that has served this country well for over 1,000 years and is an integral part of the governance of this country.
Agree with OP, don’t mean to offend but cannot agree with your point of view Wanksock. Offhand, the only useful thing I can think the monarchy has done for us in that whole millennium is when Henry the VIIIth told the pope to go do one.
It’s very difficult to imagine GB as a Republic.
President B Liar, Beckham, Linekunt, Whitty?
How the hell would we actually CHOOSE a president?? Or would we just have a cunt forced upon us by the cunts in Westminster.?
Replace the Royals with the Wombles.
CG@ – “Underground overground fondling thee – the dirty fat wanker has got Giuffre”..
Brilliant, Vern! Top marks!
I don’t really care whether he did or didn’t pork her,whether she was happy enough at the time or was coerced,whether he can wriggle out of it or he can’t….. I’m just happy to see a thoroughly unpleasant,spoiled,arrogant,weak stupid Cunt being exposed for what he is…doesn’t matter if he’s found guilty or never even gets to Court…the revolting Cunt is done. Even the rest of the Royal parasites must accept it.
Good Cunting,Mr.Boggs.
DF@ – Yep, that’s the one – this predatory little fker has had a lifelong party at our expense but couldn’t keep his dirty hands to himself.
If he gets any more depraved he will be entering politics..
Yes, this is the real misery for Andrew and the Royals – this cat and mouse media circus cringe-fest. Fuck me, I bet the Queen wants to just pass away and join Phil the Greek in his Hyperborean afterlife!
As a young man, I wish I had his good looks, his money and his privileges. He was a fanny magnet, with dripping pussies demanding to be drilled at every turn. If a 17 yr old looking like that came for a shag, I’d certainly giver her one.
His mate Jeff may well have forced her to fuck with Andy, but in the photo she looks quite happy with that arrangement. Indeed , I was most interested to learn in her evidence, that she herself recruited girls to service other powerful people.
In short, It takes the heat off the current investigation into W.Yorksire’s pedal ring,
Is Andy guilty? I don’t give a ( pardon ) fuck.
Trying to get off on a technicality is an admission of guilt – if he were innocent he’d have no trouble defending himself and would immediately do so. His lawyers are the best your taxes can buy!
What I want to know is, where is Hunter Biden’s laptop? Plenty of evidence on that your honour!
The upper crust are all at it. Dutroux and his nõnce clan in Belgium, harvested young girls for the elite there.
Trafficking and nónce rings are big business.
All he had to say years ago was, “I was told she was 18. We had sex three times. I deeply regret the pain I have caused.” And so on. But obviously he can’t because this thing is waaaaaaaaay bigger than just him shagging a girl twenty years ago. It’s an international sex trafficking/blackmailing/who knows what else deep dark rabbit of evil. That’s why Epstein was terminated and the Maxwell trial wasn’t all it should have been.
The world is ran by psychopaths. I’m not even sure if there are good guys anymore, none in power anyway, that’s why you have people using the internet to expose the deceptions and evils of this world – no one else will, they are either part of the evil or are scared of the evil. But evil loses in the end, every time. The next few decades will basically be a battleground of good v evil. I know which side I am on! I’m no saint, but fuck being involved with psychopaths, degenerates, creepy motherfuckers.
Wonder what else hes done?
Bet this is nothing to him.
Bet hes broken loads of taboos.
Bummed a tranny wearing the queens wedding dress?
Eaten human flesh?
Had a threesome with the Clinton’s?
Strangled a midget in a hot tub?
Caligula would have blushed…
‘Strangled a midget in a hot tub’
All the stuff you’ve ever seen in horror movies is true, I reckon. And much worse in real life. America, man, what a place. There are people who will kill someone for you now for $5.00. Britain is a right creepy place, too, Britain is a paedo island, Jersey definitely, that place is an enclave of evil. What can be done? A Biblical flood, we’re overdue a cataclysm.
He put a live lobster down somebody’s cleavage…
@Gordon What else? Ever seen Hostel and Eyes Wide Shut?
CGvis starting to speak in tongues.
Good Job i’m not rich and famous . If Jeffery Epstein had invited me over telling me his mansion is awash with pussy , i would of been on the.next flight.
None of us can really condemn the Royal Cunt. There by the grace of god and all that
I don’t condemn him for that either, Fenton. Everything else, yes, especially his responses in that interview:
He should send an unedited copy to the court, they would then understand the sort of person they were dealing with. Truthfulness and integrity ooze from his every pore. No sweat, obviously. ?
Aye, he’s a cunt. But, before this lot hit the tabloids, I wonder what he was encouraged to do for the man (Epstein) who took his photo with Giuffre, Epstein’s wealth was always a bit of a mystery – some of it was apparently conned from the Victoria’s Secret boss, Wexner – but there’s little to back the story that he was some kind of financial expert. Was his service for elite cunts who liked their sex underage, strictly for cash, I wonder? Or was there a bit of (im)moral suasion going on? ( (c)Rudyard Kipling)
So many questions. So few answers left after Epstein conveniently croaked.
Returning to the topic, Andrew is a cunt, always has been, and there is no shortage of former associates who agree. especially Naval ones.
But I doubt Giuffre stands much of a chance – she was handsomely paid off after the Epstein deal, and she lacks confirmation of her case that this was non-consensual: she’s gone off at half cock, fnarrr. If instead she had first gone to the police and made allegations of rape, even if they had not led to proceedings, she’d be in a stronger position now for a civil payout.
But then, but then…the Colston Cunts verdict suggests that merely legal principles have been abandoned in the UK. Trial by woke has found Andrew guilty, and the law may no longer be relevant.
He’s a fucking revolting human being, though I’m not sure I wouldn’t be too, given that much spending money and social privilege, but young Virginia looks to have been enthralled to have his hands on her, and I doubt there’s a real case to answer.
He’s an innocent. I am not saying he is innocent of this. But he is an innocent.
How does Miles know this? Because of his ‘airmiles’.
They come from him flying around the world working for Uk Ltd..GB plc
He wanted something to do which he genuinely thought would be productive after his Naval career.
So he was always meeting ‘delegates’ and going round the corporate block as it were.
He started that business helping .business charity thing.
Also going to developing countries. So started to meet dodgy sorts.
Still in the belief he was carving a role out for himself.
I genuinely do believe he has just got in out of his depth.
‘Pitch@Palace’ it was called.
Yeah, that’s what I think. He isn’t remotely evil, just arrogant and randy. A Royal. Being told you are closer to God than other people fucks with your head. It’s the bigger picture of how this world is run that I want to know, where the buck stops.
If your theory is true Miles, and it’s definitely plausible then he must be much more fucking dumb than I thought.
A fucking prince of the realm would always be a target for blackmail etc. Obviously the merest whiff of young pussy and he fell into the honeytrap. This a man with a 24/7 security detail. How much leverage did this give the shadowy deep state people?
If he was a working class bloke he’d be waking up in a bathtub full of ice water with a rohypnol hangover and one less kidney. Stupid cunt.
Oh you guys! ?
I’d have fucked her.
Not so now, she looks a bit too fond of cake.
I would willingly step up to the plate even now Gutstick. I can’t afford to be too fussy these days
Come to think of it, half a bottle of decent port has a slimming effect, I may have to reconsider my position….?
I also note Andrew hasnt mentioned his whereabouts on the night Madeline mcCann went missing?
Not one to insinuate anything,but….
Her parents killed her. Saw an article where a top FBI crime profiler said that if you cut out their bullshit to throw everyone off the scent about the abduction then its a murder enquiry. Nothing about the profile of the crime fits abduction
Mystic Komodo took a look at the map and there are some big featureless sand dunes a few miles W and inland of the hotel. Mystic Komodo would be using a drone with a multispectral sensor to look for localised enhanced plant growth, because by this time decomposition will have released nutrients into the sand. Particular attention to be paid within, say, 100m of any secluded layby.
@The Big Fact Hunt Swinging? Way more than that. It was reported that a close (male) family friend bathed her on more once. Leaving that aside, I think they gave her something they shouldn’t, there was an accident when the two were out, and both panicked after.
Another thing, dogs don’t lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3AmjQgS1KI
Well this sucked me down an unexpected rabbit hole
MNC@ – The McCanns have yet to explain why there was Madeleine McCanns blood, hair and DNA in the boot area of a Renault Megane people carrier they hired AFTER she was reported missing.
Very, very suspicious – pretty sure I saw a fat Man scuttling off muttering “This heavy thing wrapped in a blanket is certainly making one sweat” ?
I also note with suspicion that Prince Andrew did not serve in WW2..
I think hes Levi Bellfield with a posh accent Foxy.
I bet hes the reason the household staff in Buckingham palace wear whistles and rape alarms?
His quarters are nicknamed the lions den, has a mirrored ceiling, a waterbed with leopard print sheets, and a chocolate fountain.
I dont know how true but heard he has a goatshead/inverted pentagram tattoo on his back!!
And you know what they say about idle rumours?
Treat them as fact!!
Its because they concealed the body the night they concealed her then sowed the story about the kidnap and went back to move and more securely conceal the body.
Theres a big swingers community in that but of portugal – an ex met police specialist who lead the baby p enquiry says they were swingers and may have dosed her to death by accident so they could go out swinging.
That was some square head, no doubt procuring for ex-fuhrerin Frau Dr. Muffley Merkel…
HBH@ – The Hun! I might have guessed!
Shifty no good fkers..
Off topic, anyone have ‘influential’ black actor Sidney Poitier in the pool or that labour dodgy gee Jack Dromey? Someone’s thrown good darts today…
That photo of him and the tart, it looks wrong unless he as an arm like a gibbon. She was also smiling. The bitch is a gold digger. Why did Epstein’s guards get off with falling “asleep”??
A two hour Lunch break, both leaving together , and a man (allegedly ) on SASH Watch? Yeah….right.
Because they were dindunuffins.
Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m really, really enjoying watching him squirm.
I’m taking great delight in it, in fact.
JP@ – Yep – this Man has had a long established reputation for his “wandering hands disease”.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer creepy sexual predator.
A civil case, not criminal, Randy Andy has his lawyers and they (rather than him) are doing everything to have the case thrown out before it starts.
If it goes to court in the US it will end up in a settlement for sure, plus she can say she won.
It’s completely irrelevant if she was coerced, trafficked or whatever, I doubt if Andy had any idea or ever asked questions, did he shag her, maybe but he is fucked either way.
If he was a yank he could run for President.
I want to see Clinton investigated properly for how many trips in the Lolita express and visits to the island.
The last time I saw Slick Willy, he was standing back left in a line-up, looked lobotomised (courtesy of Killary), and appeared to be sweating rivers of slime (syphilis??).
Andrew Windsor has been on a downward slide for years. It’s been driven by his own lack of judgement, selfishness, arrogance, sense of entitlement, and lack of intelligence. When he said on that interview with Emily Maitlis that he can’t sweat and he was in Pizza Express in Woking on the day the events are alleged to have taken place, he showed us all that he’s arrogant enough to think we’re all as stupid as he is. He’s been the author of his own misfortune(s).
In his own words he’s “too honourable”. ?