I’d like to cunt naga munchetty again.
I was somewhat intrigued by a headline on newsfeed that said
” Naga Munchetty hospital”
Oh good, I thought. She’s had a stroke, or been shot by a stalker fan”
No such fucking luck. She’s got herself filmed while donating blood.
I have to say, to all those out there who donate, I tip my hat to you, thank you.
BUT me, me, me Munchetty needs to shut the fuck up.
To all of you who have lost a much loved pet this year, may I offer my sincere sympathy.
When I lost my first dog, I swore I’d never have another, as the heartbreak seemed overwhelming.
Yet, through the years, I have had a steady parade of dogs and cats that have been left, lost, or abandoned through my home. They have all been loved and treasured, and held in my arms for that final goodbye.
Although I have said over and over ‘ no more’, somehow I seem to find an extra bit of love for another lost sole.
It maybe a little too soon for some of you. You may feel that you’re a bit too old, but I beg you to think about the love and comfort you could offer to some little love.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
Ah, come on Admin. You could have edited that bit below the link, although I thank you for providing it.
Lost sole? You got some dodgy shoes?
Careless when sea fishing.
Moggie@ – Flat fish be hiding and all shifty..
Good nom JP?
I hate this lollipop headed anorexic stanley cunt.
If I was on my way out and needed a transfusion and the only thing available was her spicy red plasma id say get fucked.
In fact my body would reject it.
Squirt it back out.
Im racist on a cellular level.
Your thing about dogs? ?
Totally understand.
When my dog goes I’ll weep like a 6yr old girl.
I’ll go into mourning thatd shame Queen Victoria.
In the words of Mr Loaf – If I die i die
I’m not having anyone’s VAX blood put into me…rather die
After 13 years of joy I had to have our little cat put down 15th November, the poor thing. She’s badly missed. My wife says she doesn’t want another one because of the heartbreak. I have other ideas and, since the last one was a walk-in stray, there’s hope for me yet.
Sorry to hear that, Moggie. I’ve never had a cat or dog that wasn’t a rescue. As those of us who support small charities who dedicate their efforts towards fundraising and /or rehoming say, Adopt, don’t shop!
I’ve had 3 walk-ins and a couple from the RSPCA, all lovely animals.
I made the mistake of holding her in my arms when she went. She had a paw shaved and a cannula inserted and given a sedative. I was expecting her to just drift off after the 2nd injection, like you see on TV but the vet said it would be quick and it was like she’d been shot. I was devastated and then, for good measure, she pissed all over my T-shirt. I was in tears for days and often still wake up in the night thinking of that moment. But I felt I owed it to her to be there at the end.
We have always been with our animals to comfort them at the end. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Really Sorry Moggie – we did this 3 times a year back – all our strays that all were over 15 YO – great beasts. It took time but as house was empty we rescued two more from the pound, just orange and white ones, brothers that had been kicked on streets by peacefuls – but settled in well and though it dosent replace the ones you held when they went (what a cunt that is) they do provide a good alternative and they do appreciate you getting them out.
(PS We dont call the vet only as they were old, they all go sick over a 6 month period and couldnt make it through – liver fails, cancers etc)
I really miss the buns ex and I had, all but one were “rescues.” Sadly, cannot have them in current circumstances, wouldn’t be fair on them. Was always horrendous when they went to the great burrow in the sky.
Same here Moggie. We had to have one of our cats put down in August, she was the heart and soul of the family.
I spent over 6 weeks shitfaced.
of all the cats and dogs we’ve had – only one has died peacefully in its sleep. All the rest have been accidents or that last Godawful trip to the vet’s (and the fucker has just sold out to some venal, faceless yank outfit for several millions, os it will be “fuck you” service now).
The yank owned vets are robbers in white coats. Ironically,when I lived near Nottingham the local vet was an American lady who treated every animal as if it were her own ; she didn’t overcharge either being about 45% cheaper than the chain vets.
We had to had Rodney (aka Dave) put down just before Christmas ; he was 19. Now down to three cats I hope for another ‘walk in’ to choose us even though the buggers go for homeless waifs to princesses in about 35 minutes .
I assume you mean Medivet? They seem to have taken over every single vet practice in the area.
I’m very lucky. We have a group of vets, with surgeries all over Sheffield, and they provide a 24 hour emergency service too. They aren’t cheap, my word no, but they are lovely compassionate people who battle like mad to keep the animals well and comfortable, and are as upset as the owners when they have to put them to sleep. They also refuse to put animals down because they’ve become “inconvenient”, and hand them over to local rescues for rehoming.
One of my friends is currently fostering an elderly deaf and part blind dog who’s owners complained about the extra work her occasional incontinence was causing them!
Karma is coming for them.
Good for you, doing your bit for our four legged friends. ?
Give me dogs over people, any day.
Much more dependable.
Good afternoon.
That’s to JP.
I gather they’ll also eat pretty much anything so when you finally get round to murdering that cunt you despise you can just fry bits up and dispose of the evidence that way.
Naga is a nauseating cunt.
Get To Fuck.
She really is a loathesome cunt.
Just stick a needle in the gobshite cunts vein and run the pipe to the nearest drain and then go home, put your feet up for the evening and have a nice double or triple whiskey whilst contemplating why these new L,E,D streetlights are so crap, at least with the new rules for cyclists theres more of them going to come a cropper.
Oh yes that gobshite cunt, oh fuck it pour another large one and consider picking up a book to read, maybe later another large whiskey.
Oh yes that gobshite cunt should be dried out like a vampire Vanessa Feltz has been feeding on her….oh fuck it, dont care, another water of life and then bed….
Maybe apply for some new jobs in the morning….
Quite agree – should have drained her dry?
While dry fisting the nauseating cunt. It boils my piss to see her on the idiot lantern of a morning.
They should have left the machine running and taken 4 litres
A pint!! That’s nearly an armful ?
Don’t give much of a fuck for the Naga, although she looks dooable in those jeans and top.
As for the animals, I’m in total agreement.
Naga got her tits out for the lads at some effnick awards shite a couple of months ago:
I would definitely bang her, just wouldn’t listen to her.
I wish that Belfield wasn’t such a massive twat, even when I agree with what he’s saying I want to set fire to him, the smug cunt.
I know what you mean.
I find Alex almost as annoying as I do entertaining.
Maybe it’s just because he’s got a posher house than me. And boy does he like to show it off.
I like Alex a lot, but I wish someone would strap his left hand down. It’s very distracting.
You’re a fraud Ruff, that was just decolletage. I’ve seen more in offices I visited when I was still at work. I bet she’s got lovely dark areolae though…. er, scuse me, I’ll be back soon.
Yes I’m in agreement too. The little buggers rule you and you are always sad to lose them.
Showing my ignorance what are those little symbols on some posts? Old CuntyMort does not understand those.
The little smiley faces, do you mean CM, me neither. I know they’re called emoji ‘s, but what each one means, I haven’t a scooby. I stick to this one?.
That’s the one in your comment.
I was hoping a poorly (if at all) trained nurse imported from Mozambique had given this poisonous curry cunt an embolism.
Better luck next time for this Quisling vermin.
She’s right up herself and that’s for sure Unk. Another waste of licence taxpayers’ money.
This headline, probavbly cooked up by some leftie lezzer got my piss boiling.
“Naga Munchetty hailed as a ‘lifesaver’ after posting honest video of herself donating blood and encouraging others to do the same”
The only time this cunt does something is when she wants attention. I’d pray for the poor hospital that this cunt doesn’t decide to sue them a few months down the line becuase she ends up with gangrene or some other nasty infection. She’s used to a bit of complaining, isn’t she..!
Total cunt.
That crop haired shithouse needs to have her bullshitting tongue wrenched out with red hot pincers and relocated up its shithouse rectum.
Cancel your licence now.
There,that’s better, more top tips to follow.
Animals beat humans every time.
I don’t give blood for fear that I catch The Aids off a needle previously used by a Fruity Sooty.
I think if your noble enough to give blood you should have a say in who receives it.
Who doesn’t.
Albert Bradshaw 65yr old ex miner? This pints on me .
Nguyu kikgogo 20 yr old raft sailor? Sorry pal, last orders has been called.
It’s who gives blood that worries me….imagine if you’d just miraculously survived some terrible accident only to be told that you’re half-full of Elton John’s bodily fluids!!…and they might have given you some of his blood too.
Id be worried id adopt his mannerisms through the blood.
Squealing when eating a hot dog,
Thinking I can play piano and getting maudlin about dead blondes.
? ? ?
That made me spit my ale out.
I’m off the cider these days due to it giving me fucking heartburn.
You would wake up in a hospital bed and start singing, “Someone’s saved my life tonight”
Then you would swiftly develop gay tendencies.
Like peering through the keyhole in Men’s shower room on the ward, and soliciting for sex in the disabled toilet at night.
If you had some of Naga’s blood, you would would be nipping down to a spring, about 10 miles away, and coming home with a pot full of water on your head.
Then you would light a fire in the middle of your living to heat it up for the missus dishwater.
By week three you would have a bone through your nose.
Living room.
She should give blood by walking round the East End of London after 8pm hugging all the non-Brits that she supports and seing how that fares.
I would use bleach on her, both inside and out. See if would whiten her up a bit.
I would also inject bleach into her brain to see if would cleanse it of all the shit in there
She’s a ratty little slag, just the type bbaljazeera like.
When I got divorced I missed the dog almost as much as my son when they moved out. A Patterdale terrier fabulous little character.
I look forward to the day I can take my ex wife to the vets and give her the needle the horrible bitch.
I divorced in 2006 when my son was 11 and haven’t seen him since. I miss the 3 cats we had far more.
Comment on cunting #1: This is some dark meat I would partake of I gotta say. Thay boy haircut must go however.
She looks like Ellen Degeneres in black face.
Comment on cunting #2: Animals live their lives not knowing they will die. I love giving them a good life for the few years they are around and being there with strokes of love as they slip away.
I have something in my fucking eye.
I donate, but I’m not the type to stick photos on social media etc attention seeking cunts.
CCtCM, that’s what got me. It’s blood, not a lung or a kidney, ffs.
Although if she’d donated her heart, I’d have been cheering her on!
Its all part of the game JP, its would be the same if she was running the London marathon for cancer research or World Aids Day or Veganuary. Every day is an opportunity.
Good work on rehousing cats and dogs in need, pets must have been a real lifesaver for a lot of people over lockdown.
It’s actually quite worrying. A lot of people got a pet because they were WFH, now restrictions have been lifted and returning to work is on the cards, what are all these pets going to do without human company for a good chunk of the day?
Cats will be fine, as long as there’s food and water, I would imagine the lizard won’t give a fuck either, but dogs, mine acts like I’ve been gone weeks after a 10 minute trip to the shop, can’t imagine how he’d be after 9/10 hours.
He does revenge shits on the rug if I’m out for more than an hour Saturday morning shopping.
Separation anxiety JP .
In a big way, poor little cunt. God knows what he went through before he ended up with Jeezum. Two years+, and he’s just started to play with toys.
I hope Dilyn the dog and Larry the cat shat on the No 10 carpet when Boris was boozing and partying.
Hahahaha. Me too, although the dog should have shat in his shoe. It’s supposed to be lucky, an old shawl wearing lady, selling heather, told me that.
So, Jeezum, you’ve had a close encounter wieh Duchess of Pork?!
I got my 25th donation certificate last year and called it a day when, for about the 5th time in a few years, I was told I couldn’t donate because my diabetes meds had changed, for the better. I can’t afford bus fare for no reason and told them so. My blood was used for antenatal, which is quite rare. They emailed me asking to reconsider. I told them to fuck off, just like they told me.
Black people are the lefts pets.
I’ve bawled my eyes out for my two cats who were put to sleep within a year of each other. Not ashamed to say it neither. I buried them in the back garden and we had a couple of little plaques made. When we sit outside on a nice summers day it just gives us a bit of peace when we look down. May be a bit mawkish for some but to me they’re family.
I rent so burying our little moggies 2asn’t an option. I had her individually cremated and placed into a urn, very nice it is too:
Ive buried all our pets in the back garden Bob.
Got a little memorial place for them.
Also had to bury numerous neighbourhood cats that didn’t learn the Green cross code.
But when my dog goes she’s being cremated.
Too big.
Like burying a human.
Jesus this noms depressing!
Some light relief
Off topic Mis, but that clip reminds me of a car I had at work a few years ago. It was equipped with one of those stupid electric parking brakes which have a propensity to release of their own accord after you’ve parked: there are some hilarious clips on YT of such vehicles trundling off down the road long after the drivers have left them. Not much sympathy, should have left it in gear. Anyway mine sometimes did the opposite, i.e. when you pulled away the parking brake did not drop off automatically, as it should. If you were giving it some welly to get out into a gap it could be fairly spectacular, the front wheels spin and the tyres scream as they fight for traction and the locked rear wheels are dragged along very much like a dog or cat dragging its arse across the carpet. It leaves black stripes on the tarmac and the guy behind you drops back. Such fun!
We always had a dog at home when I was a lad but Mrs Brain is asthmatic and is physically allergic to them. However she loves cats and fortunately they don’t trigger the asthma. We have three at the moment the eldest of which is sixteen. We’ll be sorry when he goes.
Fuck me, a thread about putting pets down (that’ll cheer us up!) mixed with Maga Chutney or whatever she’s called.
It’s like Twin Peaks round here today.
Even though she’s insufferable, she gives me the horn a bit. I’d like to do her roughly from behind, while holding onto her pixie ears, as I shout ‘Enoch was right!’
Thank you, Cunty. I laughed until tears and snot ran down my face!
Just imagining the expression on Munchies face. Lord, it just sets me off again.
No doubt this munchkin bitch will soon be reporting the newly released all time record figures for rape and sexual assault and blaming it on MEN. Nasty whitey men obviously.
Fuck all to do with the relentless importation of Peacefuls and Africunts of course. No, they are all escaping from war, persecution and torture the poor mites…..they wouldn’t do that.
I wouldn’t take any of her blood. I don’t want sickle cell anaemia, thanks very much.
I gave blood today (stabbed by evil flora as I was gardening) – did I feel the need to call the BBC to film my “heroics”?
On hold half a fkin hour..
When Naga storms a machine gun nest let me know.
That she is dead.
Right, jolly evening of fun – our kid has had a heart attack so I sense a long night of waiting at the hospital and some rather disappointing tea.
I will not allow the miserable old fker to die – I am damned if I am buying a suit!
Rent one, you tight cunt.
Hoping for a positive outcome, Vern.
Same here Vern. Had mine six years ago, had stents installed and I’ve been right as rain ever since
Shame she didn’t give blood in the manner of “The Abominable Dr. Phibes.” – incidentally, my favourite organist, what a sig tune!!
65 pints and counting…?
Donating or receiving?
Interesting nom.
I think Naga Munchetty is beautiful personally and I definitely would.
Bit woke though isn’t she.
I also get the impression that nothing would ever be good enough for her. Not even a good bumming from yours truly.
With regards to losing family pets – we had to have our little rescue terrier cross put to sleep at the relatively young age of 8 years due to kidney failure last year.
To say we were all absolutely devastated is probably an understatement.
Ended up getting a new pup fairly soon after she died and that was basically on the rebound such was the feeling of heartbreak at the time.
Maybe sounds dramatic to some and maybe less so to others but it’s certainly the way it felt then.
He’ll never replace her but his introduction to the family has really been a blessing to us all.
If anybody can responsibly give an animal a good home then I think they definitely should.
Agree on both counts.?
While we’re on the subject of animals, if it turns out to be true that Boris Johnson authorized the evacuation of 150 cats and dogs before Afghans from Kabul, he will go up considerably in my estimation.
I think we have Miss Carry to thank for that.
Perhaps we could show our appreciation by organising an ISAC bukkake party for her.
Although I’d have to fantasise about Penny Mordaunt…
This nitpicking is beginning to get on my last nerve. Party gate, so fucking what, fine the cunts and have done.
Pen Farthing and his rescues left in a privately funded plane. The animals were in the hold, not sat in seats being served an in flight meal.
Why weren’t there more people on the flight? Ask the fucking Taliban!
Can we please now concentrate on the issues that are affecting us, the people who live in the UK, and not something in the past that we cannot change?
Boris attending parties while ordinary people were prevented by Boris’s law from visiting loved ones on their deathbeds, or attending funerals, or any number of inhumane curtailments of liberty is a big deal imo.
Agree with you re Pen Farthing and his demonisation in the MSM though.
I’m not saying it wasn’t, RTC, but I had a few more people round for Sunday dinner than I, theoretically, should have, during lock downs, as I’m sure other people did.
The prevention of allowing people to be with their loved ones in their last moments, or visiting elderly relatives in care homes, was inhuman, and those who imposed this must forever have that stain on them, but it wasn’t Boris the Buffoon who said that they were necessary.
I think you’ll find Boris the Buffoon did say they were necessary, on too many occasions to count. Why anyone would want to defend the indefensible is a mystery to me.
I would donate the contents of my Bollocks all over her Face, then tell her to put the Kettle on.!!
While you’re lying there love use your other hand to jack me off.
Naga Munchingspagbol always reminds me of Halle Berry in drag.