Gary Lineker (17) Defender of the BBC (58)

Like many I suspect, I’m heartened by Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries’ comments that she wants a ‘new funding model’ for the BBC when the current licence tax deal expires in 2027.

Unsurprisingly however, a number of ‘personalities’ have leapt to the Beeb’s defence, foremost amongst them being none other than football leg end Gary Lineker.

After giving us a roll call of all the things that Auntie is ‘the best’ at, he states ‘the BBC is revered, respected and envied around the world. It should be the most treasured of national treasures. Something that true patriots of our country should be proud of’.

Well, says him. Okay; Gazza’s clearly got a hard on for Auntie that matches mine for Salma Hayek, but I’m left to ponder precisely why that is.

Oh hang about. It says here that the boggle-eyed, jug-eared cunt trousered a cool £1.36m. from the Beeb in 2021, making him comfortably the Corporation’s highest earner.

Now I wonder if that little matter might possibly influence the colossal cunt’s point of view in any way. How about we put two and two together, and see what answer we come up with…

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Nominated by: Ron Knee

69 thoughts on “Gary Lineker (17) Defender of the BBC (58)

  1. Couldn’t give a fuck about Linekunt or the BBC.

    Cancelling my TV licence was one of the most satisfying things I have ever done.

    • Quite agree and here’s the thing, if you don’t cancel it yourself the fake conservatives are never going to do it for you. Yet more talk and no action. There is no point listening to what anything the current government says. When they think they need to bolster public support they “say something popular” but never have any intention of following through.

      Just cancel your TV licence now and if any crapita goons turn up at your door simply say “not today thank you” and don’t let them in. It really is that simple. Everyone should do it.

  2. I can honestly say that I’ve never met a single person who has a positive thing to say about this charmless cunt, yet year after year the Beeb persists in paying him a fortune.
    The jug-eared twat must have the goods on somebody at Auntie.

  3. I’ve mentioned this before but how many fine people on ISAC still pay for their ridiculous licenses?
    I don’t and tend to watch 80’s and 90’s fillums on Blu-Ray and 40’s and 50’s film noirs on DVD, much better than terrestrial telly.
    All they can do is send you pathetic threatening letters although I really hope they send one of their “Enforcement Officers” (salesmen) so I can have the pleasure of telling them to fuck off and die and slamming the door in their face.

    • I refuse to pay but the wife still stumps up, all for the pleasure of watching that cunt Monty Don, who for some reason is a fanny magnet for ladies of a certain age.

      • It’s because he’ll put his fingers in smelly moist places, that most respectable blokes wouldn’t go.

      • In the same boat wife thinks the cunts will take our house off of us, my 82 year old Mum and 80 year Aunty have both done the decent thing and not paid a penny after their free licences were cancelled. The vile bullying shit they are sent through the post is unbelievable.

    • TtCE@ Afternoon Thomas – I used to work for Capita, they are the enforcement goons for the BBC and have zero legal right or authority to enter private property without consent.
      They further have no right to demand your details and they are incredibly sly – there are reports of them pretending to be from the gas board only to announce who they REALLY are when they con their way in – if some shifty type appears at your door hiding their ID and asking “are you the householder”? that’s Capita – film them and demand to know who they are and who the fuck gave them the right to trespass on private property? Then state they have 10 seconds to leave or you will use your legal right to remove them with “justified and reasonable force”.
      Want to stop them harassing you?
      Go to, fill in the online form and renew annually.
      I refuse to be held at gunpoint by clowns to pay for a propaganda network filled with people I would cheerfully beat to death.

      • Afternoon Mr Fox, I won’t even waste my time filling in a form. Let them continue to waste time and resources sending me letters addressed to “The Householder”. Anyone who turns up on my doorstep gets short shrift as it is, unless it’s the postman with my replacement copy of ‘Brokeback Mountain’.

      • I was in the cinema years ago when the trailer came on. Of course, no-one knew the title…when all the cowboy fa99otry started, many chaps were sniggering and when the title “Brokeback Mountain” was revealed, a large amount of the audience broke out into laughter! It was hilarious.

      • I was in the cinema years ago when the trailer came on. Of course, no-one knew the title…when all the cowboy fa99otry started, many chaps were snı99ering and when the title “Brokeback Mountain” was revealed, a large amount of the audience broke out into laughter! It was hilarious

    • Way to go. I estimate they must send out around 35 letters a year to me. If they send this many to every household in the U.K. that doesn’t opt to pay the ridiculous licence fee it’s no wonder the BBC costs so much to run. Must cost a fortune.

      • Watching some of those Crapita cunts on Ytube is hilarious.
        Fucking hell, you must be desperate for a job if working as one of their licence tax goons is all you can find.
        They’re like shit on your shoe.

  4. This smarmy cunt has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He lectures and patronises the great unwashed as if he’s a messiah and font of all knowledge. No Gary, the BBC is not a national treasure, it’s a left wing mouthpiece, a shit stirrer and hater of traditional UK values. A national treasure that kept quiet whilst knowingly covering up a serial rapist, child molester and sexual deviant in Savile. What would your thoughts on the BBC be Gary if it was one if your kids Savile had molested at the good old BBC? This fuckhead should be told to keep his views on gimmegrants, politics to him self. Just keep doing what you do best Gary, be a smug overpaid prick whilst being universally loathed and despised.

    • As Gary ahered to the “take a sponging darkie into your house” ethos, one of his kids might have already been sexually assaulted.
      At the very least, the foreign-type hopefully wiped his arse on the curtains and stole all the crisps out of the cupboard.

      • The only foreighner I would let in my place is a hot young asian woman, because thats my dream girl. Oh, and I mean asian as in china/korea/japan and not india/pakistan/saudi.

  5. Two prime quality cuntings for the price of one! ?
    Fuck them both with a rusty crowbar say I!

  6. I’ve heard rumours that the telly tax might be added on to your council tax bill. I seriously doubt it would work to be honest.
    I haven’t had a license for four years, and the day I cancelled it never felt better. I get loads of threatening letters, but alas no goon has turned up yet. Maybe, if they did turn up, I could pretend to be a spacker, dribbling a bit, incoherent the cunts might fuck off.

    • Cuntington@ The BBC are so sly they are already trying to load their propaganda tax onto broadband bills – we’ll fucking see about that!
      A bit of useful info for you: I used to work for Capita, they are the enforcement goons for the BBC and have zero legal right or authority to enter private property without consent – NONE.
      They further have no right to demand your details and they are incredibly sly – there are reports of them pretending to be from the gas board only to announce who they REALLY are when they con their way in – if some shifty type appears at your door hiding their ID and asking “are you the householder”? that’s Capita – film them, do not tell them who you are and demand to know who they are and who the fuck gave them the right to trespass on private property? Then state they have 10 seconds to leave or you will use your legal right to remove them with “justified and reasonable force”.
      Want to stop them harassing you?
      Go to, fill in the online form and renew annually.

      • Thanks Vernon. Fortunately, I only answer the door to Fedex, as I regularly have deliveries of locks/ parts etc. All other callers are ignored, and friends know to ring me first.
        I did go to the website and filled in the form to tell them I didn’t need a license.
        Here’s a question for any cunters out there.
        If I had BBC iplayer on my iPad, but used next doors Wi-Fi, would it be perfectly reasonable to assume that if my next door neighbour had a license, then all good, or is it that every household must have a license regardless?

    • The other idea that has been mooted is to put a tax on broadband to fund the BBC. God knows why they think they have the right to do that – the idea must come from the thought that people dropping out of the licence scam use the internet instead so they’ll catch them that way.

      With all these stupid ideas floating about I actually hope they keep the current arrangement going and enough people drop out of it so they go bust. Nobody would miss them that’s for sure!

    • My best mate answered the door stark bollock naked shouting “ WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU” never heard from them again.

  7. The BBC is most definitely NOT revered around the world. Everywhere I’ve been and we do get around … like a lot … people laugh at the BBC’s offerings. It was once seen as a benchmark but that’s all it was … something to be better than. There wasn’t a lot of choice in the beginning but things changed a long time ago now and the sad old Beeb didn’t figure it out … now it’s too fuckin’ late. Pretentious. precocious, uninformed self glorifying bullshit promoting dumb fuckwittery stuff to a retarded audience that just sucks shit up. Cunts … destroy the corrupt institution as soon as practically possible.

  8. I’m currently doing back to back episodes of The Twilight Zone on torrent. Fucking love it. I stuck my foot through the other TV and sent the jug eared cunt the bill and a turd in the post.

  9. Funnily enough the Grauniads mouthpiece is some revered institution, a sacred cow that must in the Lefts eyes be defended at all costs as ‘the best of British’ yet at the same time they are the same people endorsing and actively agitating this current cultural bonfire of British history.

      • What is the deal with Monty Don and Mrs Knee, Ron? She hasn’t got an Alan Titchmarsh fetish too? Salma Hayek in a humid greenhouse manhandling some prize courgettes would be a different matter altogether.

      • My Mrs doesn’t like sport, but she watched some of the Ashes debacle, just because she found that the square jawed posh lad Alistair Cook, made her a bit moist.

        Although I think she’s becoming a terrible racist, as she said England’s cricket team (the test team is pretty much all honky bar perhaps one player sometimes) is far better looking than the football team.

        She used the words ‘good breeding and better genes’ ?

      • God knows LL.
        All I can tell you is that he gets her frothing like a stream in flood. My mate Big Al’s missus is the same apparently; she wants to be manhandled by Monty’s big, rough hands.
        Probably something to do with the size of his cucumber, like me with the size of Salma’s melons.

  10. No doubt when Doris and chums get booted out at the next GE those soppy commie Starmer cunts will allow the licence fee another decade.

    All the smug cunts at that rat’s nest of a broadcaster need the oven.

  11. He’s always been a money grabbing cunt.

    The way he disrespected Everton fans, when then Barcelona manager, Terry Venables courted him on live television (at the end of the 86 World Cup Final) showed what a cunt he has always been (the ‘No comprende’ and ‘Si’ pisstake).

    Good on the straight talking Laurie Mcmenemy for calling him out though.

    Go to about 4 min 40 of the video to see it yourself.

    • Great footage that CB ?

      Lineker came across as a snivelling little turd there.

      Mexico 86 was the first world cup I can remember as a kid.
      That shadow on the pitch at the Azteca stadium.
      Probably the best world cup an all.
      Remember being as gutted when Brazil went out as when England went out.
      Something slightly magical about the element of the unknown within the world game that still existed back then.

      • The reason it was good is because each team was not diverse.

        Each team had its own style and the contrasts made for entertaining games.

        Now, every team plays the same way (high press-very athletic). It means that the endgame to this is that every team will be black (more or less).

        Boring as fuck.

        The tournament needs to be diverse, not the individual teams.

  12. The BBC so only “revered” in countries that don’t have to pay for it and which share Al- Beeb’s anti- British stance. It doesn’t serve the people that pay for it.


  13. If the BBC was as good as jug ears says it is, then it would easily survive on its own two feet.

    It was just about worth the money when there was no internet and the channel wasn’t woke.

    Now? It, like every other company, needs to compete and stand on its own two feet. There is too much competition for the BBC to claim rights over you, due to the ownership of a fucking television. What a load of bollocks for 2022 that is.

    They can’t even get the Olympic rights anymore, and I believe the World Cup could be next.

    He’s only saying the BBC is great because the stupid cunts pay him so much.

    • Theyve lost most of the snooker too. ‘BBC Sport’ is pretty much dead. The only reason we ever paid for BBC is they dont advertise, and therefore have no revenue.

  14. I stopped paying mine years ago, I had an officious looking cunt turn up one Saturday morning. I shouted at him out of the bedroom window, ‘are you from the fucking BBC???’

    Errrr nnnoooo he stammered, ‘I’m enquiring about the census’….. Ah, says I… dunno what your talking about. Good day.

    I then shut the window and ignored his mithering.

    The cunts at the Beeb have been eulogising over the Bloody Sunday shooting today. They can’t do enough for enemies of this country, the treasonous bastards.

    As for the jug eared Uber cunt. 2nd only to Blair in the league of cunts. Needs gassing.

    • The cunts at the Beeb have been eulogising over the Bloody Sunday shooting today. They can’t do enough for enemies of this country, the treasonous bastards.

      With you there brother

  15. I despise the BBC and its employees with a passion. In an organisation overfilled with smug, virtue signalling, sanctimonious cunts, Linecunt is the gold medalist, the undisputed champion, the truly colossal CUNT amongst a vast collective of cunts.

  16. Lineker is a cunt, what’s he do at BBC oh yeah presents match of the day, he’s basically the shitty bit between what everyone is there to watch, I could train a dog to do it better, but to be honest watching the dog run about with a ball is better that match of the day

    He can show his prepealed crisp potatoes up his arse but he would probably enjoy.

  17. What would that cunt know about being a true patriot? He thinks we should take as many economic migrants as we can and that you’re a Nazi if you think otherwise. He’s only causing a stink because he’s terrified of losing his huge salary and being condemned to relative obscurity on BT sports. He’s also so lacking in self awareness that he can’t see that his and others pay packets are a big part of the problem with the BBC. He simply can’t be cunted enough.

    • He said of himself that ‘I’m worth it’.
      This shows that he’s either taking the piss at the licence taxpayers’ expense, or is an arrogant, self-deluding tosspot.
      Not a pretty sight either way Field Marshal.

  18. Linekunt was brought up in Leicester in a family of market traders who gave him the middle name Winston, after Churchill. So he wasn’t born a posh, up his own arse libtard.
    No he learned to be a pretentious little fake leftie prick at the BBC. The ultimate triumph of nurture over nature.
    Fucking know nothing cunt.

  19. I see BBC3 is coming back. Guess they finally realised making it internet only was a stupid fucking idea! I only watched for Family Guy, but thats on ITV2 now. What programmes are going to be on it now? BBC been going downhill for over a decade.

    • I thought they were going to have to make cut-backs without the increase in licence tax.
      The cunts are actually swimming in money if the size of some of the salaries they pay is anything to go by. Paying a reasonable salary to the likes of Linekunt and the wankers who read the news from a bastard autocue could save a small fortune for a start.

  20. I actually can’t be bothered, apart from suggesting he shove some salt & vinegar up his hoop, sans packet.

  21. There must be somewhere a complete analysis of the BBCs costs and income. I don’t know how much they make from the license fee, or from selling programmes abroad through BBC Worldwide or through advertising on their OWN website if it is being viewed overseas. Remember all that pulse shit in the markup on their web pages? That’s what that’s for!

    The thing that annoys me about the BBC is programmes made by independent production companies who get to keep most of the production fees for themselves. I don’t know how much they pay for The Repair Shop (Ricochet?) or The Apprentice (MGM Television?) but I bet it ain’t cheap or that old cunt David Attenborough for those dodgy cock and dog fights he broadcasts.

    ITV can afford to pay their Z-List Celebs like Ant and Dec many more millions than anyone at the BBC because it is commercial television as it was called in the old days. The BBC is also commercial, but not in a way they like to remind the license fee payers.

  22. ‘True patriot’

    the words of a demagogue. To think, big ears was cheerfully sending up North Korean propaganda during the 2010 World Cup, now the cunt sounds like them.

    Not sure true patriots are keen on their history being butchered or told they are part of the most violent, destructive group of people on the planet by an uppity transsexual racist (Munroe Bergdorf).

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