These cunts have started a legal challenge to attempts to stop the economic migrants crossing the channel. The ones who seem to have 5 or ten grand to do so.
”Priti Patel has today suggested that tougher measures will stop refugee deaths. But if her cruel anti-refugee Nationality & Borders Bill passes, it will only further entrench a system that chooses hostility over humanity. More people will die trying to find safety.
The British and French governments have shown that they can collaborate on building higher fences – but now we need to see them work together to protect human life at the border. The deaths need to stop and it’s not hostility that’ll do it. It’s compassion, dignity and a recognition of our shared humanity.”
What is never mentioned is that these poor persecuted people, most of whom are adult male, have come 1000s of miles, through ‘safe’ countries to get to the UK.
The argument of these touchy feely lefty cunts may have some currency in Greece or Turkey. But how the fuck can ‘humanity’ apply to leaving a safe haven in France be regarded as fleeing persecution?
Freedom from Torture is determined to destroy western civilisation with an influx of barbarians.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The law means fuck all, as per the previous nom, fuck human rights law or whatever these cunts are quoting.
The majority of British people don’t want these cunts arriving on our shores, majority rule, the law can fuck off.
The politicians are too afraid to say what they think so mask it with words like ‘dangerous crossing’ and ‘people smugglers’ but the truth is they don’t want mainly young men coming here with unknown backgrounds for economic or perhaps more sinister reasons.
Kick them out or stop them getting here in the first place, By Any Means!
Just invade the frogs.
They’ll just run away as they always do. We could send a few six year old girls and they’d be raising the Union flag by tea time.
Then, build a huge mincemeat grinder in Calais and tell these fucking chancers they have two choices.
1. Go back to the shithole they came from.
2. Get thrown in the mincer.
Why do these wankers think that it is the duty of the U.K. to absorb the rubbish of the planet?
Regrettably Britain is now quite riddled with addled brained cunts like this fucking rabble.
They need a good dose of Polish correction.
As for the cynical shithouse “migrants”..mustard gas the vermin mid Channel.
I may not be fully up to speed with all the factors at play here, and I apologise if not, but it seems to me a lot of support for the “dingy raiders” comes from the legal profession in the U.K. Legal cases preventing them being deported, etc.
I can’t imagine lawyers providing representation for free so who is paying them? I’d bet it’s probably the taxpayer and I’d further wager their fees ain’t cheap.
What a disgraceful state the UK is in?
Ever seen maggots crawling over a corpse?
yep, prefer to see them on hoards of dead shitskins in rubber dinghies floating out to sea being eaten by seagulls
More liberal hand-wringing. I bet that the cunts punting this agenda don’t live in fucking Bradford or Leicester either.
‘Human rights’ has been turned into a major industry in the UK, and guess who’s funding it?
Blair and his repulsive “wife” are responsible for lining their pockets and those of other crooked CUNTS.
the blair witch project
wait till the cunts find out heaven is white and a gated community
My methods of remedy are a little to extreme for most, and particularly to those who are squeamish. We have is this country, many organisations dedicated to the destruction of our society and that remain lawfully allowed to interfere at all levels, and to the detriment of the people.
Politicians seem particularly disempowered to deal voraciously with these groups, in spite of public support for their end.!
It is either a Politically supported and approved narrative, or we are Governed by complete incompetents.
The solutions to all our problems are often very simple, but quite beyond the reach and understanding of our political masters.
Perhaps a more extreme expression of our outrage needs enacted.
we are governed by israeli banksters who blackmail pedo puppets to spout their agenda for them, that being to flood europe with sand rats, force whites to breed with mud hutters and create one world workforce of low IQ mixed brown rats that will serve the rich by slaving fort 50p an hour, live in filthy rented huts 30 to a shack and are too thick to question why. the dumbing down of society started decades ago, university students are so retarded its been proven they now can’t pass a 1960s eleven plus exam and all social media promotion is aimed at breeding with fucking low IQ sooties
Much agree, and what boils my piss so much, is that the activists are of our own race. White!
cut their heads off, stick them on poles and impale the spikes on the cliff edges at Dover, light them up at night as a warning if they even try to land they are next
The Government and the civil service have absolutely no intention of ending the invasion, in fact the “border force” are complicite in the whole thing. The entire civil service are now woke millenial cunts.. 150 000 this year is my estimate. Democracy is entirely pointless.
Prof Neil Ferguson could do some computer modelling on how many are going to come this year. He’d come up with some big numbers.
GT@ – After pulling out of his slapper to nip home and order us into house arrest.
Time for the UK to withdraw from the conventions which allow this piss taking to happen, and to any whining about “the poor refugees” I have this advice – get on a boat, a train or a plane, get the FUCK out of my Country and live your lives in the foul, shit infested slums these rats come from – a dose of THAT reality would soon show these bleeding heart soyboys and sandcock hungry Pret A Manger hags what sub human beasts they are fighting to allow in. ?
that’s why i don’t vote, both sides are blackmailed bankster puppets pushing the same anti-british agenda…now get a Boudicca to stand for office intent on eradicating all invaders by the sword and burning their kids alive and i’ll march beside her
We must be of the same mold !
Youd have to jog
She travelled by chariot didn’t she?
“Freedom from torture”.
Are they getting rid of the Politicians then?
There is a guy called “active patriot” who films the dinghy invaders landing – quite legally, in a public area – and he gets nothing but constant hassle and is constantly arrested for doing nothing wrong and breaking no law. Another group called “little boats” monitor things in the Channel, filming the deliberate and premeditated actions of the French and UK Coastguard, Navies and Border “force” – again, perfectly legal but nothing but hassle.
We are being invaded and destroyed, it is deliberate and will not stop until white people and the UK are destroyed.
And our police, Courts, Civil Service, MSM and politicians are not only complicit but driving it.
Revolution or extermination increasingly seem to be the only options left now – I am not being facetious when I say they hate us and they want us dead.
Nowt wrong with a bit of torture.
What made this country great!!
Foreign types expect a bit of torture,
And we shouldn’t disappoint foreigners should we?
A nice waterboarding and their nipples hooked up to a car battery.
Everyone’s happy.
(So you wouldn’t mind a 24 hour sex romp with Diane Abbott, Jess Phillips and Analeze then? Day Admin)
MNC@ – Constructing the Iron Maiden as we speak..??
The English used to lead the world in torture – inventive, agonising and horrifically cruel – yet another home grown industry destroyed by a few moaning fkin lefties!
A good English tradition gone – they’ll be targeting Morris Dancing next!
they already have, morris dancers told not to black up
Them 3 little wallflowers?!!!
Bring it on.
Id kick Di’s backdoors open that feriously shed be walking straight for days.
And 69 pot noodle out of Jess’s fragrant ladycup.
Analeze could film it while I flicked her bean with my big toe.
Im a lion in the bedroom Admin.*
*Lay there blinking as flies buzz around me?
No idea why but Wordfence is having a mare on my posts, apologies Admin.
It normally picks on TtCE! ?
(No worries, mate, it will probably be Miserable’s turn tomorrow – Day Admin)
I think we should encourage them, and then sell them to the leaders of emerging nations to perform menial tasks, such as latrine cleaning, street sweeping and pig herding.
After all, we get it thrown in our faces that we’re slave traders, might as well be hung for a sheep, etc.
just mince the cunts, free pig food
Can we get a group going called ‘Freedom From Arseholes’ ?
So many that need driving into the sea.
I am tortured by having to put up with this inane drivel every fucking day!! Fuck off!
Hmm – wouldn’t it just be more sensible to bring back slavery for children and wokeflakes? – pointless educating kids to be whiny idle piss useless commies dependent on Daddy or the State and the soap dodgers owe the Country a bit of graft and income tax – a few years under a loom or in a match factory would give these blighters the opportunity to experience socialist type conditions and treatment first hand under “Baron Fox of Tripe End, Minister of production” – I would encourage hard work and given my unique Man management skills I significantly doubt any would complain about anything twice – a happy workforce is a productive workforce!
Yes, I cannot but agree. But at least by selling these undisarables, we could at least recoup some of the costs the Navy have occurred. Fuck the RNLI, they started it, cunts.
happy to whip a sooty brat 24/7 then sell it as a well digger to Ethiopia ..or they can cook it and eat it, not fussed
What do you expect from a shit skin?
These are the cunts that I made cry on Facebook.
‘Buy a refugee a Christmas present”
Fuck you, you stupid traitorous pieces of shit!
Buy this cunt a Christmas present?
Fuck right off!
buy ’em a mohamed soap on a rope
WAR OF THE WOKES, the route of civilisation, OULAAAAAAAA!
Work and fight for the Country in which you were born, do not run away and leave the women folk and children to fend for themselves, the men who arrive here alone are cowards and deserve to be flogged, I would gladly be on the end of that bull whip.!!
I hope you mean the handle end, or are you just into S&M.
As CC says in his nomination, if these migrants’ objective was to escape persecution, their journey would end thousands of miles away from the French north-west coast. All the government needs to do is make a list of the reasons why these people risk everything trying to cross the channel and take the appropriate action. What do we give them that the Fogs don’t? Then let them know they won’t get it here either. It’s that simple.
money and free license to rape kids, no council houses in france
Do you think all this shite happening in GB is by accident, eradication of Christian beliefs and morals. same sex marriage, lowering of educational standards, swamping the UK with immigration, removal of our history. The powers at be SHIT themselves when they realised the folly of educating the great unwashed and have been trying to turn the clock back ever since. They know this genie cannot be put back it the bottle. So, they will destroy that which they can no longer control. Why the fuck do you think they demobbed the soldiers so quickly after both wars, educated and armed; that sent a shiver down the establishments spine.. Think on all that is happening in GB is by design…
JM@ – It is not just the Disunited Kingdom this is happening – it is happening all over the western world.
It is on, and the choice is to resist or be annihilated.
no, its the protocols of zion by the book, the book the money collectors say is fake but just happens to come true on every page
God’s will be done.