The Narrative of Dressing up Terrorism Figures

”Police are arresting twice as many white terror suspects as those of Asian ethnicity in Britain as the number of far-right investigations grow, new figures show”


”The number of white people arrested also rose in the year to 101 people – twice the number of Asian suspects (49) arrested.”

This according to the Independent.

So where are the atrocities? The dead and the maimed?
Could it be that daft fuckers dressing up as the SS in the woods are an easy target compared to arresting the 1000s of Asian cunts who do mean to kill and maim? Are these cunts justifying their existence while they practice the usual excuses for the next Muslim attack.
If we were comparing like with like then there should have been twice as many ‘white’ terrorist outrages as Muslim.
Can anyone smell horseshit?

Independent News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

55 thoughts on “The Narrative of Dressing up Terrorism Figures

  1. If you were non-White and planning an act of terror would you keep it secret, or post a picture of yourself on Facefuck or Twatter showing off your unusual vest?

  2. Fantasies of Hitler like power are not uncommon amongst adolescent boys and they don’t usually take any steps to hide it. This makes them very attractive to the useless Old Bill who, as we all know, love an easy nick. This is a shameless piece of bullshitting from the cunts and, unsurprisingly, they feed it to their wokie media friends.
    Don’t forget……we’re all in it together.

  3. Yes, it does my fucking head in this bollocks. Some bloke saying ‘I’d prefer it if only whites lived here’ may make him a racist, but it does not make him a terrorist.

    Or some bellends doing push ups in the woods in preparation for the apocalypse doesn’t make them terrorists either.

    What happened was that almost all the referrals to Prevent were of the peaceful variety. Then, twats like the Moose Limb Council of Britain (and the fucking Labour Party) said this was racist. So the figures had to be massaged.

    ‘We need to add some honkies somehow’ came the cry from the golden pension protector cunts (Cuntinda Dick etc.)

    Hence, some daft old cunt saying we should’ve fought with the Germans looking at the state of things, now gets referred to Prevent if some cunt grasses him. It’s logged as a terrorist referral. Heck, didn’t some kid get referred for looking at UKIP’s website?

    I simply say ‘How many times have honkies tried to blow up/kill people in the name of ‘white supremacy’ or suchlike? These attacks do exist, granted, but I can only think of a couple. There have been fucking countless such attacks by peacefuls and many more are thwarted every year.

    It’s fucking bollocks and it’s just done to allow lefty cunts and peacefuls the chance to sneer on Question Time and say ‘Actually, most terrorist referrals are against white people (applause).

    Get fucked. Where would you rather live then you thick lefty cunts? Afghanistan or the UK? Due to these cunts, I don’t think it’ll be too long until we might as well move to Afghanistan anyway, as there will be little, if any, difference.

    Fuck off.

  4. A fine cunting.
    In order to redress the perceived inbalance between mudslide atrocities and any other type of terrorism the authorities are literally scraping the barrel looking for far right extremists.

    Easy enough to find them just so long as the definition of what constitutes terrorism is watered down to the extent of owning Wehrmacht memorabilia and so on is enough to get a chap in hot water.

    It’s a masquerade so that the spotlight can wander from the actual plotters and murderers that our legal and political leaders are so afraid of.

    Any poor bastard who perhaps 20 or 30 years ago might have got a police caution now can expect the full weight of anti terrorism legislation to be used against him..not because the crime is so dreadful but for purely political purposes.
    All aided and abetted by the media.
    A rats nest.
    A disgrace.

    • Im not sure where the police are finding all these far right potential terrorist’s?
      Although its easy if you class David age 14yrs who has a Airfix stuka and a library book about WW2.
      Its bullshit.
      Smoke and mirrors.
      They don’t like the fact that their favourite carpetkissing pets have a propensity to explode it spoils the myth of diversity is our strength.
      Have a look for a far right party,
      Youll struggle to find one.
      And if you do itll be one bloke with a Hugo Boss fetish and 20 undercover plod.

      • MNC@ – “Far right”? – Fuckwit with an SS poster in his bedroom.
        Islam is a cancer on humankind, everywhere it has infested has turned into a medieval violent regressive shithole – the appeasement of the MSM, the leftwaffe and the “Politicians” does not help.
        And I don’t recall the “Far right” gang r*ping vulnerable girls and blowing kids to pieces with ball bearing bombs lately.
        Keeps the pigs from checking twatter for hurty words and “offence” I suppose..

  5. ISIS and their ilk are extreme right-wing terrorists in my book. There are over 100,000 white Muslims in this country now, mostly converts, and they’re often the most zealous.

  6. Far white terrorists, they are having a laugh, any mention of this goes all the way back to Tommy R (not actually done anyone in as far as I know), the St Jo Cox bloke and white van man in Finsbury Park.
    Trying to big up white terror to distract from the peaceful threat, the question is why.

    I just watched the lunchtime sky news, a report on a travel agent in Northern Iraq (yes an actual travel agent) who acts as a middle man (holding the fees) for those with enough cash (about £2000) to get a rubber ferry from France to the UK.
    The smugglers get paid when the cunts actually get on the Ferry, economic migrants, potential terrorists but not an asylum seeker in sight.
    If sky news know what’s going on how come our useless government aren’t ffs.

    • The question is indeed ‘why?’.
      It’s been a while since a white suicide bomber blew himself to bits in an attack on a pop concert. Lucky our police are so vigilant.

  7. Same bullshit in America. Any anti woke protest is a “white supremacist rally”, even when there are blacks and Latinos taking part.
    And let’s not forget the “insurrection” of January 6th. Oh yes, an organised attempt to overthrow the state, personally led by the Orange Man.
    Do they really think anybody, other than brainwashed wokies, is buying any of this crap?

  8. Tom Clancy’s novel The Sum of All Fears about a Moslem terrorist nuclear strike on Baltimore. However, to fit in with the woke agenda in the filmed version, the bad guys were turned into a neo-Nazi played by Alan Bates, a South African arms dealer and a crazy American white supremacist. I´d read the book and was amazed when I saw how the plot had been so distorted.

    I tried to put a link to a comment on it but couldn´t manage but it´s on

  9. Using absolute figures is disingenuous to start with when the minorities in question make up only 10% or whatever fucking percentage they are (for now anyway).

    If the minority and majority populations were plotting at the same rate, and suppose the minority are 10%, then there would be 9 whitey plots for every effnick one.

    So twice as many.would be a bit light, even if there was the slightest basis in fact.

  10. Clearly old Osama Bin Liner wasn’t really a terrorist, and therefore what happened at 9/11 where 3000+ people lost their lives was more of an accident than an act of terrorism.

    Same with the London 7/7 attack, and the Manchester Arena – those ISIS terrorists weren’t really terrorists. They were “protesting” and just happened to be carrying a few bombs on their person which accidentally went off.

    And Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, the persons who accidentally stabbed and beheaded Lee Rigby, were not really terrorists, but were a bit irritated by Rigby and his perceived racism against Muslims, and therefore were “justified” in having a quiet word with Rigby which went a bit too far. Probably because Rigby called them hurty names and therefore ended up with no head.

    All makes sense now

  11. The gaslighting continues full speed ahead.
    I do indeed smell horseshit CC.
    Whitey has to go if there is to be a tearing down of the current systems to build a new one.
    Resentment is a powerful tool for revolution. So is deception.
    My alter ego LaMarcus Mohammed will come in handy in the years ahead. Anyone know where I can get a wig of long afro-braids gathered on top with pink highlights?

    • Mind you the “independent ” Is so full of shit they reported that Kyle Rittenhouse had murdered three black men rather than two white men.

      • Smugcunt@ – Kyle Rittenhouse did not murder anyone – he acted in lawful and necessary self defence.
        And is currently making millions suing the MSM who defamed, slandered and libelled him as a “far right supremacist”.

    • Anyone ever read The Turner Diaries?
      In the US its a big influence on the Far Right.
      Popular amongst the type who are always in military gear, live in bunkers,
      Its a fictional tale of race war.

      Its fuckin rubbish.
      Like a 12yr olds wrote it.
      Absolutely shite.
      How this influenced anyone to acts of terror is beyond me?
      Those peckheads must be dimmer than a eco-lightbulb.
      Think its banned?

      • Hi MNC. I have a copy but have not read it. I have it because I will not be told by some SJW/Amazon what I can and cannot read. Amazon has banned it but I bought my copy from them a good few years ago. Stupid cunts.

        Your critique supports my guess that it would be crap, hence I had not read it.

      • Afternoon 20?
        I bought a copy out of curiosity.
        It was decried as a seriously dangerous book,
        But was just shite.

        I was seriously dissatisfied.
        I felt the same about seamonkeys.

      • You both actually own a copy? Fucking hell, that’s two more ticks in the white terrorists column.

      • Get caught with a copy of that nowadays and you’ll be a ‘terrorist’ statistic.

        I read it a few years ago. Yes, poorly written and mad as fuck (obsessed with the four be twos). However, it was written in the 70s, and the inclusion of ‘The Diversity Police’ doesn’t seem that far fetched now.

  12. We need the right to bear arms, to protect us from this madness. I’ll always say it, there’s a bigger agenda afoot, for the spineless idiots to simply ignore this non-sensical bullshit, and put the country and british culture in danger.

  13. UK Terrorist attacks in the last 20 years resulting in fatalities, courtesy Wikipedia.

    7/7, Glasgow Airport, Lee Rigby, Westminster Bridge, Manchester Arena, London Bridge/Borough Market, London Bridge, Reading, David Amess.
    Total body count: 94 plus 10 cunts

    Right wing extremists:
    Jo Cox, Finsbury Park
    Total body count: 2

    Current scoreline: 94-2

    • But don’t you appreciate Geordie, that’s because the security forces have been really successful against the ‘right wing’ terrorists. A job well done, I’d say.

    • the low IQ autistic white bloke accused of murdering jo cock is still in shock as he’s never even heard of her and had two alibis on the day…but you can’t blame the real killers if they’re sooties

  14. Back in the 60’s I drew a swastika on my school satchel(remember them!), I still remember a school friends mum asking me if I was a Nazi.
    If that was today I would be arrested.
    Meanwhile in the real world some Islamist is getting ready for another atrocity. Lessons will be learnt.
    Cannot wait for the next one, doubt whether we will see torch light marches anytime soon.

  15. The ‘government’s’ ‘Prevent’ strategy is a fucking massively expensive whitewash. I attended a Q&A with the local police chief and suggested that they and the council were wasting their time and our money making such shit a priority. She (inevitably) insisted that the threat was real and that greater vigilance and saving the youf from white supremacist mentals was essential. Apparently would be terrorists fit a profile (white and a bit lippy to the fuzz or marxist social workers and teachers) .

    Three years later and we still have not had a local terrorist Oklahoma style bloodbath incident. But no doubt this would be claimed as a success for the fatsos in blue and their ‘Prevent’ bollocks rather than vindicating my position that it is utter crap.

    Absolute pile of festering raaycist cunt.

  16. Some cunt with a Peaceful sounding name ( Hakim something or other) charged with arson after some cunt died in a house fire in Reading.
    Hmmm……. I wonder if our Peaceful friend was making a bomb? More importantly, I wonder if we’ll ever be told about it?

    • note the mother who left her 4 kids to burn to death is being refered to by the media as an UNKNOWN WOMAN..the left can’t blame a sooty mother even when its a diseased murdering cunt

  17. The far right or the non woke white?

    Are we seriously meant to believe there’s a serious far right threat in the country?

    The lot of them can fuck off! There’s no chance of stopping terrorism when you’re looking in the wrong place is there? Mind you they have somehow managed to allow Islamic terrorists on watch lists to carry out terror attacks many times.

    Can’t prevent dinghies landing because they don’t want too and can’t prevent terror at table by known suspects because?

    Far right terrorist threats, you couldn’t make it up, but they have anyway!

  18. Easy target for the powers that be. I mean all you have to say is a women cannot have a dick, bang your a transbenderphobic facist. Ipso facto your a right wing evil bastard and need arresting mainly cos your White and no whiteys seem to give a fuck so no rioting, whinging to government etc. Talk about invent an enemy to justify your fucking woke ways. Place is going to hell on a runaway Eurostar.

  19. When you have an agenda to NOT arrest darkies then white crime will appear excessive..For relable data look at pre-1950s crime statistics before darkies were promoted to sainthood

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