The media and selective reporting, again.

Some Jewish youngsters were heckled, abused and threatened in (where else?) London. Completely unprovoked and ugly.

Fuck it, I thought, BNP nutters or similar on the loose. I read reports expecting to see ‘Far Right’ being flogged to death. But, fuck all. No mention. What’s this I thought. An opportunity missed.

But then I watched the footage and saw that it wasn’t racism at all. It was Asians exercising their right to free expression. Against kids.

Just like that slimy, oily, anti-Semitic cricketer cunt.

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble


Update from Cunstable ….

If my cunting of the Muslims verbally attacking young Jewish kids gets a showing can you add this to it please:-

It seems the BBC misreported the incident, claiming these kids used ‘anti Muslim slurs’. Yes, the right-on BBC lied to further wrap themselves in Islamophilic (not phobic note) virtue.
The BBC. Well worth the compulsory tax.

MSN News Link


(Faces pixelated out. No mention of ethnicity, just a “group of men” No mention of racism. Even the witnesses didn’t go on the record about the ethnicity of these cunts. Nothing on MSM. So clearly it never really happened – Day Admin)

And here’s one from Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

The BBC is a massive cunt stuffed full with racist rats.

Apparently, alone among media outlets, the BBC managed to report a major anti- Semitic incident as having also contained anti-muslin slurs!

News Link

The fucking Home Office should suspend it’s licence to broadcast pending a full investigation into the scum that are calling the tune the centre of vile propaganda. Of course, it won’t because Patel is a fat fucking coward.

The fact that our money is used for pedalling this offensive shit is the clearest possible evidence that we are ‘governed’ by sicko cunts.


35 thoughts on “The media and selective reporting, again.

  1. *** IMPORTANT ***

    Sorry for taking this off-topic so soon, but in case you missed this in the previous nom…

    If you’re using Google Chrome as your main desktop browser for Windows, Linux or Mac, can you make sure it is up to date with version 96.0.4664.110!

    There are at least 5 security flaws (including a known “zero day” exploit) in older versions that could make your device/network extremely vulnerable to hacker attack!

    To verify your version, click the 3 vertical dots on the top right of the browser, and navigate to HELP => About Chrome. It may well automatically update itself to the latest version.

    Do this on all devices that run Chrome

  2. Allegedly followed by 1.9billion people, about a quarter of the world’s population.

    20+ Arab countries, 50+ Muslim majority countries.

    But always, always the put upon victims. Everywhere this religion goes, trouble follows. They war with Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians. When they don’t have other religions to fight against, they indulge themselves in vicious sectarian squabbles.

    In contrast, there are about 15 million Jewish people. Muslims outnumber Jews by a factor of 125. Despite their vast claims about their ideology, many followers of the religion of peace and universal brotherhood suffer from a serious inferiority complex. It’s almost as if they know that the ravings attributed to an illiterate desert bandit are not the best way to run a society.

    Funny that.

    My most popular post ever (from November 2018)…

    • Fuck me, that’s seriously nasty reading – even by Ay-rab “standards.”

      Slime? What a load of old shit.

    • Isn’t it also odd that a nation of 6m people in a country the size of Wales with limited natural resources ends up as rich developed democratic economy with orange groves in the desert and some of the most advanced IT/Defence tech on the globe, compare and contrast with the hundreds of millions of Muslims living from Morocco to Iran, invented nothing in last 500 years, nothing to offer culturally, all dirt poor unless lucky to have all oil and all having zero democracy, and to cap it all little Israel could smite all of them with its hands tied behind its back. That really is why they are pissed off with the Jews, it must be really embarrassing to be so easily outclassed.

    • Interesting post that. I´d always thought Islam was supposed to be an egalitarian faith and there was no difference between the Arabs any other people who became Moslems. By that reckoning millions of Iranians, Indians, Indonesians, Afghans etc. are inferior. I wonder if they know this. If so, maybe they´ll have second thoughts and convert to Judaism and get onto the winning team.

      • Oh they know, they know. I have a mate who is a Pakistani, but is a good egg a Qualified Accountant, hard worker and likes a joke and drink like the rest of us, he likes to take his family to holiday in Dubai in 5 star hotels, he was telling me an occasion when he was in the lobby in his casual gear and this bloke working for the hotel comes up to him giving him a load of grief thinking he is a local paki 3rd world worker, treating him like shit, my mate opens his mouth and the bloke suddenly panics as it dawns on him that he is from the UK and a hotel guest, suddenly its all sorry, sorry its a misunderstanding etc, the camel jockey’s are the worse racist under the sun, they treat everyone like shit.

    • The entire Ummah has two nobel prizes for science. One spent his entire career in the US. The other has his tomb attacked in Pakistan for “Blasphemy. Marrying your first cousin for generations is not a good idea and we have to deal with 38% of cognitive birth defects in this country from 3% of the population. Israel are tripping over themselves for Nobel prizes for science.

  3. Got to love the Tikkytakkies, banging the victim drum whilst being the worst offenders, thats why they get this shit in the first place.
    Shammishitta Begum is poster girl for this, the very epitome of general feeling.
    The press are great at tailoring any story to get maximum effect no matter how economical with the truth they have to be…….utter cunts in sheeeet street

  4. The worst insult a peaceful can give is to call you / whoever
    “A J ew”.
    All to do with some fuck called Ismail in their plagiarism of the Jewish Torah. Basically the Old Testament.

    Nothing to see here. Peaceful s are oppressed so goes the narrative.

  5. When PM Modi gave in to the protesting farmers that had been camped around Delhi for over a year I heard a translation voice over once, just once before it was edited out on the ABC an old farmer complain “He (Modi) called us names, he called us terrorists and Pakistanis”. I howled with laughter until I got a cramp. Does anyone like these cunts?

  6. The BBC have a point. I reviewed the video evidence backwards and used some very advanced audio software to analyse the soundtrack. On playing the reworked soundtrack at four times normal speed my neighbour who speaks Mongolian advised me through a Bulgarian interpreter that one of the Jewish children may, may have said something derogatory about Islamic orange farming. I can but conclude that as ever the bbc was displaying its well known impartiality in reporting such matters. What a beacon of fairness in this troubled World.

  7. It was the far right, those P*ki looking chaps were just standing around and were incited by Tommy R (obviously out of shot).
    I saw a report that there were claims of some retaliation from inside the bus but not any actual evidence.

    Obviously being totally impartial my verdict is that it was an Islamist attack on the Jewish community, and in the style of David Lammy, all Muslims are cunts, no I will go further they cunts of cunts ?

    The BBC have form for omitting information and misrepresentation.

  8. Look no further than the BBC for festering corruption and despicable propaganda.
    If I didn’t know any better I’d suspect they were laying the groundwork for their new masters.
    Toadying lying Quisling filth.
    Oh and laughable cowards every last one of the cunts.

    • I’m always delighted to recall that nobody should ever fuck with the Israelis.
      Ask Ali Hassan Salameh.
      Or plenty of others.

  9. Anyone have Jethro in their Dead Pool?

    “Tragically Jethro passed away on 14th December 2021 after contracting Covid-19.”

  10. Will BoJo have the bollocks to defund this bunch of quislings? Nah, fucking thought not. We’ll have to do it ourselves, then.

  11. It’s why the Labour party tie themselves in knots – they are terrified of losing the mozzer block vote, so say nothing about anti-semitism.

  12. All lefty libtard fuckwits hate the Jews. They see them as the driving force behind capitalism and the root of all evil. Therefore any enemy of the Jews is my friend, in the case of the Peacefuls my very bestest of best friends ever. So the lefties will always find excuses for their Peaceful friends no matter what they do.
    This is a classic example from our friends at the BBC. Bunch of fucking cunts.

    • Very true, Freddie, they’re a bunch of gold-plated fucking cunts. With the BBC and the rest of the MSM, it’s often what’s omitted from their reports as much as what’s reported. Invariably you have to dig to get past the bias and somewhere near the truth.

  13. All media is biased in some shape or form.
    What makes me laugh is those that cry the loudest usually get their news and opinions from alternative media which is completely biased. Who needs truth anymore when you can live in your cherry picked echo chamber. And who needs an education either, when ten years of study and experience can be overruled by some swivel eyed crazy on a bitchute video.
    Unless of course those cunts with letters after their name are on message, then their credentials mean something. Hey ho….

  14. Trouble with these random clips is that they show nothing of what led up to the incident…it’s like those youtube clips of pushbikers moaning that someone nearly knocked them off their bike….doesn’t show that they jumped a red light to fucking get in front of the car in the first place.

    • What led up to it, was a bus full of Jewish youngsters travelling down Oxford Street, celebrating the festival of Hannukah and… that’s it.

      The BBC not only stated in error, that anti Islamic slurs were made, they also refused to retract it and also tried to downplay the anti semitism of those muslims, by claiming that it was alleged and not proven.

      • Of course…how could I have been so stupid as to think that possibly a group of schoolkids could have said/done anything to kick it all off…..presumably Jewish children never do anything cheeky etc.,unlike every other group of children.
        Perhaps the BBC refused to retract because the “can’t possibly have done anything wrong…they’re Jewish children” weren’t totally blameless.

      • PS…the truth is that I don’t know just who “started it” and neither do you….but to refuse to accept the possibility that the kids didn’t provoke the trouble really is a bit blinkered.

  15. It is now at the point where I just assume anything the MSM produce is either a lie, a distortion or propaganda. There is not one main broadcaster, on any kind of platform, who will do their job and report the news instead of their version and opinion of it. The BBC is a vipers nest of marxist anti white anti English anti working class “liberals” who in reality are just this side of Joe Stalin in their views.
    It is easier to work out the back story and narrative from what they don’t report – bizarre and very new dual nationality? No description? No name? Mention of mental health issues? We all KNOW who they refusing to talk about.
    Time to stop paying the BBC to fill the nation with poison, but Billy Bunter won’t do it – all the political parties are in cahoots with the BBC in particular and the MSM in general and now Johnson has had his scruffy arse handed to him by back bench rebels who will become ever more emboldened by Bunters increasingly shaky grip on the Premiership many knives are being quietly sharpened for a “Prime Minister” who is now viewed as a joke, a disaster and a national embarrassment and daft lad needs all the media allies he can get.
    I hope tubby Johnson has a book deal and a “Plan B” in place for himself – I get the feeling come late spring he will need them.

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