A simple and quick cunting for the IOC.
In their infinite wisdom they have decided that a bloke competing as a woman no longer has to have a lower testosterone level. anything goes.
It’s time for real women to split and have a separate Olympics.
Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO
And supported by: Dark key cunt
Seconded if only because the IAAF have tried to fuck up Caster Semenya. She might look like a fella but she is a bird and is happy to be one.
I follow athletics a bit and they made some issues purely on 400m to 1500m, the distances Semenya was good at. They did this when CS was a world record holder at 800m, not the others.
This thing was the world record holder for the ‘women’s’ 400m for a while.
Im the world female shotput champion.
Bet your impressed?!
Pissed it,
The others threw underarm.
I bet you weren’t the only one with a beard though ?
Testosterone levels are irrelevant.
Blokes should not be competing as women, full fucking stop.
Exactly ruff tuff. 100% This what you’ve said. Nothing else matters on the subject.
Sir Kweer Swarmer disagrees.
Sport has-been targeted by the woke cunts over the last 2 years quite viciously.
The recent European Football Championships were dominated by knee taking, woke preaching and blaming racists for England losing the final. The ‘fallout’ from what turned out to be about three drunken social media messages, and hundreds from the Middle East,was ridiculous.
The Olympics were even worse. No fans because of the Japanese’s absolute terror towards Covid (when other countries were letting fans into events) and nonstop preacht,y woke shite, einem and dark key pundits, tranny competitors (‘male to female’ only of course ..never the other way around, is it? Pure coincidence, bigots!) gay speeches nobody asked for, male competitors knitting, making heroes out of quitters and ‘competitors’ deciding not to compete so they can both win a gold medal.
Still, a lot of wimmins support all this tranny bumming shite, so here’s your prize, ladies!
Maybe the Latvian wimmiz football team need a few transweirdos in their side after losing 20-0 last night, perhaps some 6ft 6 cunt in goal with a David Seaman tash.
Hehe, 20-0 reminds me of primary school football.
I can tell you, Cuntybollocks, there’s two woman in Sheffield who think it is fucked up nonsense, and that’s my two lasses. Grand kids, Yorkshire through and through.
The apple never falls far from the tree?
Well done JP?
Good on them. It’s just a shame there aren’t many, many more like them.
The tranny shit in schools was pushed by lefty wimmin teachers, for example.
‘non stop preachy woke shite, wimmin’
I didn’t watch any of the Olympics and won’t watch the next one, trannies and kids bike races ffs.
There are some right ugly cunts in the header pic, that lot need a shake up and some decent totty inserted.
SOI. That lot in the header pic look obscenely white if you ask me, obviously not that woke eh.
I reckon Egg & Spoon races will take over.
I have no desire to inspect Ms Semenya’s genitalia, but that look, the eyes, the mouth, screams one thing…
I thought there was loads of strange games in the euros this year. Loads of shenanigans going on.
Cuntflu@ – there were indeed – some deluded fkrs even confused Gareth Wokegates “team” for Men!
The Wokyo Olympics was a financial disaster which the Japanese taxpayer will have to pay back probably for decades.
Men pretending to be Women to be beaten by Women because Men are too useless and cowardly to compete against their own gender is not good TV for anyone sane to watch.
There is nothing which gives Mr and Mrs average entertainment and pleasure the wokeflakes won’t destroy.
What gets me about these freaks is that they don’t even try to look like a bird. It seems they just have the three piece suite cut off so they can win something and have their 15 minutes of fame. It sounds crazy but there’s a lot of crazy cunts out there.
Meanwhile the Winter Olympics in Beijing coming up. I wonder if Charlie Chan will let any of these fucking fuck ups through the door? They’re not too keen on that sort of thing in Chinkyland.
Straight in uncle Tellys wok!!
One thing you can be sure of with respect to Beijing is that there won’t be any individuals or teams from hell-holes claiming asylum as they did in London. Likely to find themselves making trainers in a desert or being sold for organs if they try it.
well mr mustache wasnt too keen on bongo bashers but he had to let jessie owens race
That Caster Semenya pic in the link with the bulging eyes and lolling tongue is probably what B&WC looks like when he spies a fresh bum hole.
They should base their choice of gender on the looks of the person. If the person in question looks like a bucket wheel excavator track set they are male even if they have lost the meat and two veg.
Too many Olympics ,
Spaccy Olympics, normal Olympics,
Give the girls one and the trannies will want one.
I wouldn’t trust one of them puddled cunts with a Olympic torch.
Probably pyromaniacs too?
Sorry if I seem a bit naive, but I would have thought it somewhat humiliating to have to pretend to be a woman in order to win a medal.
Aren’t athletes supposed to strive to be the best, not take a shortcut?
Have these transgender people no pride?
No pride.
6inch clit.
And stubble.
Michael, sorry, Michelle Obama?
Money. Lots of money in wimmins tennis and golf. And athletics too nowadays.
My money though, is on tennis and golf to be targeted soon. Too much money in it.
You don’t even need to have your bits chopped off. Just say you identify as a woman. Then, the half decent amateur bloke from the local club who’s never been good enough to turn pro , can now sack off his job in the call centre and earn a few million playing his favourite sport as a professional ‘woman’.
This is bound to happen soon.
I say let it happen. My love of all things sporty has waned the last decade the only thing I vaguely watch is the Ryder cup , maybe the odd major , bit of test cricket against the Aussies and windies and that’s about it. Arsenal my life long club can take the knee and fuck off along with Sly Sports and the rest of the woke cunts.
these creeps are shameless, but most under 30s are shameless today
Remember the East German ‘women’ shot putters of the 1970s?
Built like brick shithouses and perspired testosterone.
And yet apparently they had all the lady parts.
It’s all terribly confusing.
I could never tell Fatima Whitbread and star of tv show the Hulk Lou Ferrigno apart!
Looked like the same person to me?!
Only difference was Lou was deaf.
So if you shouted “OI!! Freak!”
And it turned round?
That was Fatima.
Or Colonel Gaddafi…
Yes Miserable, the likeness was uncanny.
A weird former workmate of mine was into being dominated and he fancied the gluteus maximi off Fatima Whitbread. Or was it Lou Ferrigno? One or the other.
I heard FW went to see the team doctor once, concerned about hair growth from her navel. The doc investigated and asked her how far down they extended?
FW’s reply “all the way down to my bollocks”
I think the most watched and lucrative Wimminz sport must be tennis. It would be interesting to see what would happen if some cunt tried to muscle in on that. I reckon any bloke in the top 50-100, struggling to make a living, would clean up on the Wimminz circuit. See how fucking Serena would like that.
I reckon it would be fucking boring to watch as well as the geezer bird could blast all those bitches off court on his first service game alone.
I can’t wait for it to happen. Imagine they ban the cunt and a load of screaming trannies turning up At Wimbledon and sticking strawberries and cream up their arseholes. Wokies invading the Royal Box and smashing the place up.
Fucking marvellous!
Maybe some totally irrelevant protesters will turn up and superglue their selves to the center Court.
Wimbledon officials could clean up charging the public to wallop tennis balls at them.
Better yet, get the pro’s to do it and score it like a tennis match.
30 – love, with Serena missing the head shot for a second time!
Sorry, went off topic.
Women’s tennis is so shite I can’t watch it, but I would watch it if Andy Murray or Jokavitch decide to identify as women and go up against some yodling Azarenka types on the court. Should be a doddle for a bloke; wouldn’t even have to play as many sets.
that thing is a dude anyway
Are the fuckwits in the IOC elected or appointed?
Either way, the only way to deal with this is for real women to boycott any event with the mentally unstable trans freaks in it.
When the Olympics starts losing money, only then can anything change back to normal.
Yeah the tree huggers fucking up Wimbledon would get them the kind of worldwide publicity you couldn’t buy. However poshos aren’t going to fuck up a posho sport. They are more likely to be sitting in the crowd at 200 quid a pop.
The cunts.
Bang goes my Olympic wank fest. Women’s hockey will all have beards and ball bags and the swimmers will have the last turkey in the shop hanging in the swimming costume.
God knows what beach volleyball will look like now.
Fuckin Bill Oddie in a bikini
Boris in edible swimwear.
LL, I’ve just been a bit sick.
I reckon the IOC would draw the line at that one, JP.
Beach volleyball?
“I’m Jake the Peg
Diddle diddle diddle dee
With my extra leg…”
Since when have testosterone levels determined someone’s sex?
That would be chromosomes.
If you have 2 X chromosomes you are a woman.
An X and Y chromosome and you are a man.
If there is a doubt about the sex of a competitor then the test is simple.
If there is still an issue then the ‘thing’ cannot compete.
I seem to remember, in the distant past, a young lady, long distance runner, who was forced to have medical tests to prove she was 100% female.
To be fair, she was rake thin, no curves at all, didn’t look a bit feminine but she couldn’t half fucking run.
Wiped the board at the Olympics and other major events for years.
JP@ – Castor Semenyas undescended testicles probably gave the testers a bit of a dilemma!
A medical curiosity (with genuinely no insult intended) – half Male, half complainer, er, “Female”!
Off now before those identifying as “laydees” throw stuff at me.. ?♂️?♂️
No Vernon, it was over 30 years ago, couldn’t have been the Incredible Hulk.
@J.P. Jarmila kratochvílová a Czechoslovakian chick from the ’80s. She had a box like a ballbag.
No, young lady of colour, Ethiopia, Namibia.
Yet another great bit of wokery.
Mind you, I suppose it’s nothing new. Think of all those Eastern bloc wimminz of yore. Some of them looked like Mickey Rourke on a bad day. The thought’s enough to put you off fanny for life.
If that bunch of cunts in the photo are the IOC then I can only spot 3 Wimminz among them. What kind of bullshit “inclusivity” is that?
Perhaps if there were a few more Wimminz on the Committee they wouldn’t be so keen on the trannie freaks.
PS I note they are all whitey too.
Well I think it’s only fair that greyhounds should be let run in the 100 ,200 ,400 meter track events also ,I mean they have rights to
Horses In middle distances running and dolphins in the swimming events
It’s in the interest of fairness and inclusivity
Mockery is all the woke are good for and they are making a show of the human race the fuckwits that listen to them are worse
Love it!
JP@ – Well you may love it but I don’t – I have just been beaten in the swimming by a racist white dolphin, had to take a knee to a black greyhound so lost by a mile and was then beaten in the laydees shot putt by a 7 foot bearded gal from Stockport – being beaten is bad enough, but by a Lady wearing rigger boots?
Luckily I still have my laydees flyweight boxing world championship belt to console me.. ??
Absolutely brilliant, Vernon. I laughed so much, I’ve had to wipe my eyes and blow my nose.
Cheers, much appreciated.
Maybe the bearded girl from Stockport is related to Warrington Minge?
iIn Iran if your a bender,the only way to avoid the rope and crane is with surgery and living as a “women”. Iran will be the new super power of womens sports like East Germany.
Male athletes having cock and balls in the correct place and wimminz having proper fannies is all null and void anyway because they’re drugs cheats, every last one.
I used to love the Olympics up until the Beijing games.
The BBCs coverage got increasingly bad. It became all about the fucking presenters and not about the sport. I remember ahead of the London 100 m final, the cunts Colin Jackson and others sat around in the studio discussing the upcoming race. Spouting off about tactics etc:
‘so Colin what does Usain Bolt need to do to win tonight?”
Of course you never hear the only correct answer to that question which is:
“Stay in lane and run faster than everyone else”.
This went in for about an hour while other events we’re taking place out on the field.
In the days of David Coleman et all, the editors would cut back and forth all over the stadium to where there was some action currently. Not anymore, your choice was listen to the inane spouting of overpaid narcissistic cunts in a studio or press the red button to watch fixed camera footage of the high jump with no commentary.
The final nail in the coffin is woke, the olympics is dead. If course the IOC troughers will prolong it for as long as possible.
BH@ – The BBC were too mean to pay for live rights to anything good at the Olympics so had to fill the studio time with an endless selection of wimminz and black people and Tom Gaily to keep the socialists entertained.
Oh my … the people behind the olympics … they are a shocking disgrace they really are. They treat the whole fuckin’ shit show as a ‘special purpose vehicle’ to manipulate specific narrative in support of ‘on trend’ alternative agenda which of course is constantly evolving. When that circus comes to town the dynamics of everything changes … don’t get me wrong it’s impressive to see the machine in action but it is also the perfect stage for gross abuses of well … everything. You get in to heavy debates about the ‘power of the rings’ … really. They make demands of people, organisations and entities that are highly questionable. Then there’s the sycophants that mince around in the background greasing palms and oiling wheels … the fixers … facilitating (the majority of whom are of dubious background) …. a heaving, stinking, arse clenching kaleidoscope of fuckwittery.
We got invited to be involved with VIP protection for the London 2012 event. Went to three meetings and on each occasion we were sickened by what we saw and heard … none of the boys were interested even though the money was impressive … the bosses told them to shove it … we fucked off to North Africa instead … way more fun.
The IOC needs someone like Sepp Blatter to run it properly
Berlusconi bring a big trade of binge bungas.
Bit of googling tells me she’s up the tub again and tweets.
Ten little fingers, ten little toes.
With love and grace, our family grows. This precious soul that God decided to bless us with. We all can’t wait to meet YOU!
See, even dog loves women in comfortable shoes.
Semen Ya as they say in S.A.
Can anyone remember Jarmila Kratochvilova
Was he the bird with the beard who won the Eurovision Song Contest? What a cunt.
I think it’s mentioned in one of the nomination links.
I can’t say she/he, it’s so debatable.
This is why I refuse to watch most sport, nowadays. I did not watch a single nano-second of the Japs-eye olympics.
The only athlete worth a wank is that David Weir. What a fucking machine ?
The only wimminz Athelstan with a “wank-over” is that Scandinavian runner who was in that “meme”, a few years ago- waggling her delicious derrière ?
Evening CG…any professional sport would be a splendid spectacle if all participants had 5 grams of magic mushrooms and half a gram of coke 40 mins before the competition!
100m in 8 seconds (in the wrong direction!).
I’d watch that.
Off topic-
Anyone just watch the Donald Trump interview with Nigel Farage on GB news?
Great to see Donnie Tango again,
He discussed Sparkle and Hewitt, China, and running again for office.
I for one wish him well
Go on Donald lad!!!??
Mis-I see that the Maxwell trial is being used to implicate/defame Donald Trump.
Has a deal been made??
They are shit scared of Trump-and rightly so?
Evening CG ?
Theyll try anything to keep Trump from regaining the White House.
Upto and including assassination id guess.
Let’s Go Brandon!!
I saw it Miserable. I hope The Donald becomes President again. It will help sort out all this woke fuckwittery.
Evening Thomas (All):
If the olympics were all stunning wimminz under 30, in lingerie or nude, then it would be compulsive viewing ??
Javelin: fill the field with politicians, immicunts, assorted wokey’s etc.
300 cunts, waiting to be skewered. Last cunt standing wins gold medal.
Then Unkle Terry’s Olympic flame-grilled BBQ?
TtCE – Perchance we could include Daphne Schippers – a most fetching gal!
Daphne is a class act. I can even forgive her for being Belgian.
Discerning cunters should check out Aussie Sprinter from a few years ago, Michelle Jenneke. Especially the start line warm-up routine.
Actually Daphne is Dutch come to think of it, better still.
Aah! She might be the one I thought was Scandinavian?
Just watched it. Did she win? Got sidetracked for some reason?
Don’t think she ever won anything, used too much energy before the starting gun had fired.
Russian world record holder in women’s pole vault Yelena Isinbayeva always looked dirty. Mad as a box of frogs talking to her pole an all, but dirty I reckon. Think she liked pole.
I want a real Paralympics. Down syndrome 100m. Spastic trap shooting, mongs doing ski jumps. Beer, popcorn and let the fun begin. I’d cheer more for their Gold medals than the posh cunts with half a hand, or who are colour blind, who at present make up the Paralympics.
Go gerald!!!!!
Already available for your viewing pleasure: check out the “Special Olympics”.
it’ll be disabled transformers next, lilly savage in a wheelchair doing the decatholon
can we fire oompa loompas out of canons too, i’d pay to watch that…warrick davis hitting a 100metre target 50 feet up in the air
Fine being a tranny but bar state-sponsored drug taking for eg Russia. I don’t agree with it, but it seems to be a political movement getting involved with sports again. A bit like the UN trying to flood nations with foreigners its supposed to build Human Rights in their own countries not flood us with cunts.
Can’t wait to see these beared cunts doing the ladies gymnastics in their leotards desperately trying to tuck their meat and two veg up their arseholes, Lilly Savage does Olga Corbet
In response to the OP, Semenya never held the women’s 800m record that record belongs to a Czech bloke from the 80s called Jarmila Kratochvilova and despite my time in the Royal Marines when I was younger, I would fucking take her on.