Stephen “up his own arse” Fry (7)

Stephen Fry is a cunt, isn’t he.

Fry has said he thinks the Elgin Marbles should be “returned” to Greece. Zzzz.

If we listened to this waffling, aloof bore, a precedent would be set and every museum in the world would have to return artefacts acquired throughout history. Apart from being boring places, you’d have to travel to every country to see items.

Furthermore, Fruity Fry doesn’t mention that the statues were obtained legitimately. He omits a lot, like his rant against Brexit a couple of years back.

This stuffed shirt has always pretended to be an intellectual. However, talking mincingly in a camp aristocratic voice makes you neither intellectual nor classy. He looks unclassy himself. He looks like his breath smells of cheap Chardonnay and dick.

Whether this tubby poo-pusher is virtue-signalling or whether he just wants a bit of attention isn’t clear, or about as clear as Elton John’s back passage. What is clear is that Fry is a fat, fudge-nibbling, fake-intellectual, ferociously boring cunt.

Times News Link

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

56 thoughts on “Stephen “up his own arse” Fry (7)

  1. … ask how the Greeks came by the wealth to create such things in the first place. Oh that’s right … they were in to Empire building with all the imperial traits that go with that game … war mongering, looting, ransacking, pillaging etc. etc.
    Never liked the bloke … right fuckin deviant with a condescending voice and attitude. Nope … he’s a cunt and if we were ever compelled to return them for some (EU contrived) reason we should do an ISIS breakup job on them … pop them in a dump truck and leave the rubble pile out front the acropolis.

  2. Of all the celebrities I would gladly tell to, “shut the the fuck up, you boring cunt,” it would be Stephen Fry. Opinion of everything, parrots all the received wisdom of modern $cience, pretty sure he still does cocaine in addition to booze, BBC lickspittle lackey.

    “There are many great plays which contain rapes, and the word rape now is even considered a rape,” he said. “If you say: ‘you can’t watch this play, you can’t watch Titus Andronicus, or you can’t read it in a Shakespeare class, or you can’t read Macbeth because it’s got children being killed in it, it might trigger something when you were young that upset you once, because uncle touched you in a nasty place’, well I’m sorry.”
    – Stephen Fry


      • Fry’s list of shocking statements would fill a book. He’s a nasty cunt, doesn’t the human touch of fellow gay icon, Elton John. Elton is bitchy, decadent but he apologises and has a heart of gold. Fry comes across as a misanthropic elitist at times, despite his countless charity work. He’s just one of those BBC lifers that I wish would fuck off, we’ve all seen enough of him over the past 40 years.

  3. Fry? Talentless, pseudo “upper class” intellectual who in reality is not very bright (which is why he insisted on having the answers to all the questions on QI to appear more intelligent) and to be quite frank a boring annoying cunt.
    I don’t know who bent his nose but another good whack should straighten it.
    I am available..

    • I’d like to see Peter Andre host QI and see if viewers then called the “Mysterious Girl” dumb-bell an intellectual colossus like they did with Fry.

  4. For me the thing about Fry is that he was a very good comedy sketch and show performer, but he couldn’t stick to doing what he was good at.
    He couldn’t resist trying to dazzle us all by showing how smart he is, but he can’t quite escape coming across as a pseudo-intellectual. His musings come across as contrived and rehearsed, with the three or four ‘as GK Chesterson said…’ rent-a-quotes ready for use as appropriate.
    In short, he appears a lot smarter than he probably is, and once he started to show us Brexiteers the error of our dim ways, he was dead in the water.

    Superb nom, Cap’n.

    Oh, and a very merry #OwenJonesIsAWankerDay to one and all!

  5. I liked his Duke of Wellington in Blackadder III. He should’ve stuck to that as others have said. He’s a professional smart Alec.

    Remember the time he flounced off to Europe because critics panned his performance in his play with Rik Mayall?


    • “Our regimental crest, your highness.
      Two crossed dead Frenchmen, emblazoned on a mound of dead Frenchmen”

      Ah, happier times. Before Ben Elton made Blackadder all about his precious class system (because without it he’d run out of material)

  6. Big daft cunt has the head the size of Frankenstein’s Monster and about the equivalent in Brains. His limited acting skills keep him rooted in the 80s comic strip style which back in the day was amusing but now is as funny as having your shin’s Hammered.! Should have both his legs broken and be shoved of Brighton Pier.

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