President of the Girls Schools Association (private, posh, exclusive and very, very expensive) Sam the Slapper has slagged off the “older generations” for mocking the concerns of the yoot about “BLM, sexual harassment, gender identity and climate change” and calling them “wokies” and “snowflakes”.
This, apparently, undermines their confidence.
Tough titty Samantha, maybe they should toughen up a bit instead of having posh bints like you wiping their arses.
She also says “i’m getting a little weary of the older generation saying ‘you can’t say anything anymore.’ The fact is times have changed and we simply have to keep up with them.”
Yeah, and who changed them?…..posh bitches like you who want the plebs to shut up and do as they are told. Well fuck you, you wokie snowflake brainwashing bitch. Fuck off and then fuck off again you fake fucking commie scrubber.
Sorry, can’t do links but you’ll find the Guardian licking her posh arse.
Nominated by: W.C. Boggs
Helpful links supplied by Ruff Tuff Creampuff and Sick of it
Jeez the gooks didn’t engineer the corona pox properly. I kinda hoped that it would’ve taken out 50% of the world’s population by now … that’d give ’em something meaningful to think about. Weak minded fuckups! Still positive thinking and we still might get a decent result. COVID STRONG! ? … where’s ya shit no use future now!
Some should tell the silly bitch that change is not always progress.
Yes, let’s be nice to everyone and forget all those hard learnt lessons of the past, they are irrelevant.
Those that can’t, teach.
‘Things need to change’
Not always.
Mind you, I hope things do change and enough cunts wake up and vote in an Enoch.
Who really gives a fuck what she thinks?
I’ll hazard a guess and say nobody at all outside the priveleged little bubble she inhabits.
Those nasty little oiks etc.
A proper cunt.
She doesn’t look that young to me, well past her sell by date. Used to be you only heard what a woman had to say if you called the speaking clock.
If we pander to the opinions of the young where will it end? They change their minds in a relatively short time and I’d bet money the 30 year old them won’t want to live in the utopia they imagined when they were 16.
Most importantly these kids heads are being filled with socialist shite by faculty staff who much older. Get the young to spout your poison then claim the young must be heard!
Insidious isn’t it?
Yes! Yes it bloody well is?
I am Woke. If it means that we’ve been doing things all wrong the the past 400 years. And we have.
We have or the West has been lurching from one crisis to the next in that time period.
If Woke prevails what can we say about pre-Woke?. Well, rampant Capitalism raping the resouces of the planet. Slavery- selling human beings for profit. Dreadful living conditions in overcrowded cities. Complete amienation from the natural world. Dreadful
working conditions until recently.
It aint supposed to be this way.
The destruction of the family. The destruction of communities.
It ain’t supposed to be with way.
Millions dead in world wars.
The dignity of man torn asunder.
Destruction of the unborn
It ain’t supposed to be this way I tell you.
The destruction of national cultures.
The Arms industry.
Souless Mechanization.
It ain’t supposed to be this way.
Horrible uniformity.
Fad after fad after fad. The endless pointless search for novelty.
We should never have left the sea.
Very true Miles, but until we give up money as a means for survival and status we will make the same mistakes with this new thinking agenda as behind the scenes lurks the greed
War, slavery and usury all go bankrupt to the foundation of the first civilisations.
God we are told erased all life on the planet with the exception of Moses so I think that would be classed as the ultimate genocide.
Capitalism lifts more and more people out of poverty every year does it not? Consumerism is a problem I agree but how do we stop it? Another great flood or the great reset?
The west my lurch from crises to crises but the rest are in permanent crises, which do you prefer Miles?
The other options?
Chinese communist tyranny?
Islamic tyranny?
We seem to live with the least worse option but the other choices are much worse are they not Miles?
The use of the greater good as justification can be seen in Australia where they are now taking people from their homes to isolation centres against their will.
Back to not bankrupt ?
You have set me thinking today Miles. Don’t mean to offend but I think your piece is a little redolent of nostalgia. To quote Thomas Hobbes in the early years of the period to which you refer, life often was “nasty, brutish and short”. My life is vastly improved in every area compared to what prevailed in the fifties and sixties and I’m sure many of the older folks posting on here have the same experience. Even those times were a great improvement for my parents who were born in the twenties and both experienced severe hardships and had siblings who died in infancy. My wife’s great, great, great grandfather was the manager of a pin factory in Birmingham in the 1840s and documented how young children were employed in dangerous work and were inadequately dressed, half-starved and commonly turned up barefoot in all weathers. She had another ancestor who buried both his young children and his wife within two weeks in the winter at around the same period. I am now fourteen years older than my father was at his death and my wife has outlived her father by eleven years so far. This is due in no small part to huge advances in medicine with which we feel a close affinity, our elder daughter being a doctor. This in itself demonstrates the improvement in educational opportunity; my father drove a bus. And finally, if anyone thinks I will give up the car and queue at the bus stop in all weathers, they are off their trolley!
Calling them ‘wokies’ and ‘snowflakes’ undermines their confidence.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
I’d lay with her !!!
No small talk , in fact no talk at all because clearly she’s tuppence short of a shilling and therefore nothing worthwhile to say.
But I’d lay with her. Why ? Why not. Cunt
That’s us told then.
I can’t take the credit for this nom – I didn’t write it, but I do agree with it. Can’t stand these hoity-toity gobby, gobby old bags, who probably gets a new horse or pony each time she sucks daddies cock, or he slips her a length.
Daddies money will make sure she is never a “victim” of any ism so she is talking out of her arsehole.
Samantha being sent to fight the next war then?
Fuck off Samantha.
Imagine a world without Men – sitting around in freezing caves brushing each others hair..
Off now before Samantha finds me and hurts me! ??♂️?♂️
The likes of Samantha actually want a world without men. They think they could get by without the ‘toxic masculinity’, and just replace us with a sperm bank. A few males will be allowed to survive to puberty to keep the bank topped up and to open jars. Their existence will be that of a slave. Theyll be kept in a cage to be tossed off periodically and have jars passed to them for opening.
With the toxic masculinity taken care of the wimminz can spend the rest of their time in their sisterhood utopia knitting yoghurt, munching carpet and scratching each other’s eyes out.
And by the way, what is ‘toxuc masculinity’ if not gaslighting boys and young men into believing they are the source of the worlds problems? All part of the Marxist plot to feminize males and make them wish they were wimminz instead.
She’s the Head arse-wiper at Benenden School down the road from me in rural Kent. In my youth, a couple of posh bints who attended dropped their knickers for me. Delicious, privileged vadge.
This virtue-signalling mare seems like she hasn’t seen any action for decades but I’m not the man for the job. She should be more worried about which Illegal is lurking nearby after landing their dinghy ten miles away.
Calling them “wokies” and “snowflakes” undermines their confidence? That’s fine then, we’ll just call them cunts.
You have to love these posh fuckers, headteacher in Benenden (not much BLM going on there or any tranny invasion). A village where what peasants are left and still be allowed to live on the masters property tug their forelocks on pain of death.
Samantha ‘Now then girls, we have to support those less fortunate than us’
Girl pipes up ‘Do you mean the working class’
Samantha ‘Don’t be silly, that isn’t progressive’
According to the esteemed Ms Price, young people are extremely concerned about climate change and race issues. Really? Most of the teenagers I work with are concerned mostly with the following….
How to get pussy/cock
Looking cool in front of their mates
Where the next joint is coming from
How to be avoid work of any description
Just because her cohort of Tarquins and Penelopes are brainwashed by their lefty parents and teachers, it doesn’t mean every other kid in the UK is.
You forgot pissing about on a mobile phone for hours Field Marshal. That’s what my grandkids want to do all day, watching some Korean pop crap called BTS.
Kids watch that? My wife spends 6 hours a day watching it.
I’ve been away a week and my proto-forgetfulness means I managed to forget her favourite tunes.
I feel your pain Ron my daughter loves that shite, it really drives me fucking mad, though im sure she only watches/listens to wind me up though.
She wants a slap
Samantha’s gels won’t have to worry about climate change…..they’ll be able to afford their electric Chelsea tractors, to insulate their big houses and plant trees to “offset” their ski holidays and trips to sunny climes. They’ll never have to come across an immo unless they are being served by them in some posh restaurant. Their kids will never be exposed to sexual deviants.
No Samantha’s gels can afford to be smug, right on and lecture the proles.
Just like Samantha in fact.
I don’t know about this outfit, but my sis, 7 years my senior, was a GPDST pupil (not as posh or as expensive). From what she told me about the way some staff had the piss taken mercilessly, this dumb posho wouldn’t have lasted a short half term.
I was a pupil too! Just looked at the price per term these days – almost £7,000 a term!
Why do I never see a woke cunt among the working class?. It always seems to be the same fucking wankers who visit the pub once a year at Christmas and complain far too much for their own safety. They live in a self important bubble the rest of the year spouting shit on twatter. Last year with all the crap about social distance, my local boozer was visited by the council because some bellend had walked past and complained the benches outside were too close. Now I might be wrong but I doubt it was Colin the 74 year old ex bricklayer who goes for company since he lost his wife.
Thats a good point Cuntflu.
Ive ñever met a wokie on a council estate.
Or in inner city multi stories.
” I only smoke spice thats ethically sourced”
Down the dole for a crisis loan for a latte machine.
Ive no doubt theres a few but ive not met one.
They sound EXACTLY like the cunts that have successfully discouraged me from visiting local pubs.
You just know that the pampered little arseholes who go to this place just REALLY care about equality and diversity.
It’s why mommy and daddy sent them there, after all.
Everyone knows posh girls ride side saddle.
” I say tip top”….
There’s no other way to say this…..Fuck off Price to your Guardianista chums you fucking woke snowflake CUNT.
Rest assured, Ms Price.
We detest you back, but multiplied many times over.
Hope to see you standing on the gallows one fine day…
Samantha Hitler.