(Fancy a gnosh, big boy? – Day Admin)
Another BBC inspired cunting please for this unbelievable “comedian”. This woman is described by the Corporation as “lesbian, disabled and Northern” (no wonder her current series is called “Box Ticker”
Hear her in inaction here:
How can the BBC be so patronising, and Ms Jones so uncritical and easily led to broadcast?. She sounds (and I know it is not her fault, due to her disability), like a five year old child with the voice up and down like a whores drawers. She makes little sense, but I doubt she would do anyway even if she were able bodied. She sounds like Zara Sultana out on the piss.
I read she has appeared on “Question Time”. The BBC should be prosecuted for cruelty, both ti her, and to the audience who pay to be “entertained” by this poor girl who, frankly, should be seen and NOT heard.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Box ? ticker. Yup that’ll do nicely for b lack bias bullshit broadcasting corporation
What a set of cunts. Comedy ? fuck knows never heard of her don’t participate with the telly.
This is radio – R4 has a recent history of finding wankers so that Guardian reading studio audiences can be reassured Wireless 4 is right-on as is it’s listeners – give me “The Men From The Ministry” any day (I wonder how many remember that show?)
A new depth the bbc have reached. Ffs.
Sadly, the cunts give every indication that they are willing and able to go even deeper.
Well, like Rosie I find disabled lesbians funny.
Small suggestion if I may?
Maybe stick some jaunty music on and have her dance topless?
Nice set of whammers,
Shame to hide them away!!
A whole lotta Rosie!!?
Nice set of whammers indeed, MNC.
Shame they’re always slick with mong drool.
I saw this Doris on a show once and people were just laughing along politely because they felt awkward.
She was about as funny as you’d expect. Well, what she said wasn’t funny.
The delivery of it was fucking hilarious!
Morning mr Cunt Engine ?
I can that live standup might be difficult as people might feel shy, unable to laugh.
But if I led them in a rousing chant “TITS OUT, TITS OUT!!”
While the theme to Hawaii Five O blared out and Rosie did the twist shaking her impressive titties?
Well. I think itd be a winner.
I sincerely do.
That satisfying grin of hers in the header pic, is either due to her finishing off a good dump; or she’s riding cowboy on some geezer (not you is it , Miserable?)
Naw Techno,
Ive got socks older than her,
And as a married man its taboo.
But when a young single roisterdoister?
Id of switched on a strobe light and as she started to buck and gyrate,
Saddled up!!??
Never heard of her, and quite frankly don’t want to. There’s enough mong comics in the shape of dear old Greta!
As for this “nosher” – I suppose her humour is pointed at the usual soft-target suspects (white blokes and Brexiteers perhaps?) , and if you don’t laugh at her jokes then you’re some kind of misogynist hate-crime cunt.
I suppose also she makes jokes about her own disabilities, and again that’s okay to laugh at because its approved; but if some ordinary comic took the piss they’d be locked up for 10 weeks for ableism.
If ever Hollywood think about another Jaws sequel!
Her tits look interesting though
The TV is flooded with “stand up” comedians??? Never heard of any of them. What do they go, just slag brexiteers and tories off??
Code for “I work at Starbucks and have a blog.”
generally their material consists of anti britain, anti brexit, sucking darkies nobs and let immigrants fuck their daughters, usual lefty shit
I am unable to understand this theory that , in the name of inclusion , every door should be open to every person regardless of ability. It won’t be questioned until we get blind people performing open heart surgery.
Morning all.
A friend if mine worked at a college once, back around 2006.
They had employed a blind teacher.
I shit you not.
art teacher most likely, probably taught tracey emin
in america they’ve got a two headed teacher, i shit you not, two heads one body, kids love fucking weird shit like that, the documentry called it twins, but its a freaking monster
A shit joke told badly with off-timing is crap whoever does it. If anybody laughs, even at this awkward thing, they’re just patronising this little, frothing lezzà. The BBC is probably giving her some TV experience before she takes over Match Of The Day.
“disabled Lesbian” ? Does that mean her cunt is deactivated ?
What a shame she wasn’t born 30 years ago.
I’m certain the BBC would have made A Comedians Face Off.
Her vs Bernard Manning.
I’ve had the unfortunate experience of seeing her on a comedy show and Question Time. Fuck me, it takes her ages to say anything. Even Stephen Hawkin could give her a run for your money.
Her jokes are like a four year old who has not grasped the concept of what is funny.
Best avoid at all cost.
That Stevie Hawkins?
Fuckin rubbish!
I didn’t find him funny at all?!
And he had me thrown out for booing!
The bulldog faced dalek cunt.
I don’t think it was so much the booing, more the shining of the laser pointer in his eyes, that got you thrown out.
I was quite captivated, the way it made his head turn 360 degrees.
I suggested that he incorporate it into his act.
That’s when I got thrown out. ?
The cunts.
Morning, MNC ?
Comedy is supposed to be all about timing.
This young lady looks like she has difficulty timing her bowel movements with her toilet visits.
The disintegration of the West continues apace.
Looks like rain, again.
Get To Fuck.
Mong bitch that ain’t even remotely funny. As someone else mentioned … just the BB fuckin’ C and their miserable tick box agenda for forcing shit down ya neck. Cunts … all of ’em!
I have seen her and feel embarrassed for her. She isnt funny, no surprise there, and seems to be given exposure to be inclusive. Like the majority of the unfunny ‘comedians’ the BBC nurtures but with a sort of circus feel.
Oh, I don’t know; she came out with a good one about Greta Thunderpants that she should only be concerned about “drinking Lambrini and getting fingered.”
Can’t be all bad then.
Must say that she’s another one I’ve never heard of. I’m just so out of touch with ‘the modern world’.
Morning all.
I don’t think she needs to be concerned about getting fingered. I, for one, couldn’t get pissed enough.
Great pair of knockers though.
Need covering with baby batter.
Challenging…. But not impossible
QT is definitely not the right platform for her, nothing against her other than she is a leftie but the BBC should really think before inviting people to be on the QT panel.
Mind you, I have yet to see anyone who slightly right wing since Lawrence Fox and the Audience is 100% woke and or sub primate.
There would be zero chance of me getting in there, comments like ‘fuck the channel migrants, send the cunts straight back’ wouldn’t go down that well ?
In the US we would call this cunt a “butterface”. Everything looks good butterface.
It could also be said that she has a face that would make a freight train take a dirt road.
Anyway Google Rosie Jones page 3 so your clocks will come out of hiding. ??
Fuck me, she really has let herself go since getting married!
Nice baps for a mong, have to admit.
I wouldn’t though, but I bet a few degenerates on here would crawl over broken glass for a go on it.
Stand-up comedy jumped the shark in about 2016 when Trump came along. It brought out the worst in comedians and they have not recovered even though the Orange Buffoon is no longer doing his own shitty stand-up comedy act. It was fun to watch Trump basically wreck the office of President and show how meaningless it is, but we need to move on from all the tedious wank that passes for comedy now and get back to the staples of comedy: prolapsed anuses, dead parents, shitting on kids, the time you shit your pants on a bus trip to a wedding, etc.
Laughter is the best medicine and you can never overdose on it, yet many abstain from this wonder-drug.
You a “Connolly” fan, Gordon?
Yeah, I love the Big Yin, he’s one of the greats and a really nice guy in person. So sad that he has had to retire from stage and screen. He should do a podcast from his hoose. That would be one of the best pods out there.
At one point, he was the best in the world. Up there with the greats?
His autobiography is a good read.
Also had the fittest wife on Television (in her prime ?)
Billy isn’t a good writer, it has to be said. He admits that himself. His medium is his gob flowing out the mad thoughts from his fantastic wild mind. When you read him, the flow, that torrent doesn’t come through. Written comedy is a bitch. George Carlin’s books are great. Alan Clarke’s diaries are probably the funniest memoirs I’ve written. That guy was fucking mental!
For non-UK folk: Alan Clarke was a give-no-fucks Conservative MP under Thatcher who did and said some of the craziest shit a politician has ever came out with in public.
“…Alan Clarke was a give-no-fucks Conservative MP under Thatcher who did and said some of the craziest shit a politician has ever came out with in public.”
David Irving tells a fadcinating tale of the event that finally finished Clarke’s career. He threw a launch party at his London apartment for his “Churchill’s War” biography with 150 odd guests from the literati, press and political spheres; halfway through the intercom buzzed and it was his long term acquaintance/fellow historian (Barbarossa) Alan Clarke “hello David…I’m coming up.”
He grabs Irving by the elbow and leads him into his study where Clarke waffles on and then stood in front of a framed copy of the Volkische Beobachter says “Y’know Irving… there’s no doubt that he was one of the most remarkable men of the 20th century… …oh and can I have a copy of your new Churchill book?… oh and a Hitler’s War while I’m here?” ….”don’t suppose you have a carrier bag or something to wrap them in do you? (cheeky fucker didn’t want to be spotted carrying them back through the thronging hacks)
He then spots the plate of cocktail sausages and searching for a cocktail stick he picks up an enamelled crested lapel pin off Irving’s desk stabe a banger and heads back out … using Adolf Hitler’s personal insignia tie pin as a fucking cocktail stick! (Hitler had given it to Christa Schroeder in the Berlin Chancellery bunker as a parting momento 2 days before he ate lead on the 30th Apr and Irving interviewed Frau Schroeder and his other 3 secretaries extensively when researching Hitler’s War. She in turn passed it to Irving.
The journos did a double take, finally clocked that it was Alan Clarke, then Defence Secretary, and that pulled the chain on his career.
Must get a few of his titles, those memoirs sound like a hoot.
Box ticker. But most of them dont think outside the box.
They go along with what is required of a box- ticker.
Namely material that ticks the boxes. They are ‘boxed in’.
Absolutely NO comedians should go on a political TV show, unless they go on and start riffing on Jimmy Savile, Epstein, Prince Andrew, all the child rapists, etc. They honestly should get David Icke on Question Time, that would get 15 squillion viewers, it would be mental. David Starkey, David Icke, Frankie Boyle, Rees-Mogg, Eddie Izzard, Greta Thunberg and of course – ME! Bloodbath!
Another unfunny so called comedian, what is going on when the guys in the pub are funnier than the so called pro,s and now it seems like we are watching an endless parade of ugly wimminz who are about as funny as a mild stroke each worse than the one before, its all Jo Brands fault, she started this parade of losers, so now we have what we see here, proper hecklers need to be brought back just so that there is no confusion and she knows she really is shite as a comedian and she may as well work the tills in her local supermarket.
Shouldn’t she be on the “Sunshine” bus, along with Greta, Dawn Butler and Jess Philips?
There’s actually quite a lot of disabled stand-ups (yes, even the ones in wheelchairs, an old gag) and the ones I have seen have been hilarious. I’ve seen Rosie Jones and she is very funny, but someone has politicized her and is using her as a stooge, which is sad. Stand-ups will do anything for their shot at success, it’s a tough road, or it was, it’s easier for a hack to get fame now in the comedy world. The days of sleeping on piss-stained motels eating stale junk food for 10 years seem to be over. Not a bad thing, but being on the road and getting ripped off, getting bottles thrown at you, playing a gig in a hotel lobby filled with disinterested guests with no amplifier are what makes a comedian tough and develops a reservoir of stories and HATRED for society. If that ends, then comedy will just be people telling stories about memes they saw on webz.
Comedy is hardest job in the world. Almost no one can do it brilliantly. There’s no 6-year training institute for it. Making a room full of people laugh their balls off for an hour is impossible, but about 500 people in the last 100 years have done it. It’s like the Olympics, but with people throwing cups of piss at you – even when you succeed.
Are you a stand up comedian?
Kudos if yes?
I’ve never been on stage, though I might do it next year. I’m starting a podcast next year. You have to have life experience and something to say. It’s not enough to be funny – there are loads of funny as fuck people in the world, but if you put them on stage in front of 50 people, they’d freeze or after a couple of gags, they’d bomb and bombing is what makes a comedian. Bombing, bombing, bombing, bombing, did okay, did okay, did great, crushing. Most people want to crush in the first year and when they don’t, they quit and get a normal job and become bitter and annoying.
But everyone who is naturally funny should do ten minutes at an open-mic night. Even if they are 54 years old, fat, sweaty or are 18, smoking hot and have a unique style. Funny is funny. We now more than ever need REALLY funny motherfuckers to combat the nihilism, the “sourful deadliness” as Hank Bukowski called it, that has crept into life.
What I need is more single malt and the energy ( and women) of my 25 year old, self?
If I was a very unfunny comedian and the BBC offered me a load of money for a “comedy” show which would only be watched by 1% of people in the UK I would probably accept.
As have Stephen Fry, Nish Kumar, Emily Atack, etc – in fact pretty much every “mainstream comedian” around.
Comedy used to be funny on occasion, now it is just a left wing party political broadcast.
If this gal hoofed her tits out I would definitely watch her shit act though! ??
In showbiz, you really have to take the money and run when it’s offered. Nothing wrong with that. It can then set you up to do what you really want to do. That’s what Russell Brand did. He knew he was an annoying cunt with a short shelf-life, so he prostituted himself and he’s now a calmer, happier family man in a nice house doing his podcast, spouting his shite. To be fair, he is often a decent listen, but I can’t listen to him regularly, he’s very repetitive, but it’s a podcast and most of them are like that.
Political satire is awesome. But most comedians can’t do political satire. What they do these days is rant about politics and forget to make it funny and that is their motherfucking job – to be FUNNY. Even Dave Chappelle is like that now. He was amazing back in 1997-2006, but these days he just rambles, rants, says “nigger” 77 times per show as if that word still had shock value anymore and got paid over $120 million for those six specials. The first three are good, the fourth is okay and the last two were horrible. “Let me tell you all for the 88th time about the TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY!!!” Yawn. Fuck me, do some material that has a cache of humour, that topic has NONE.
This is the problem. Comedians are taking topics that have no real comedic potential and just ranting about them. They saw George Carlin do this, but he was 67 when he started ranting without punchlines and then he died at 70 with a massive body of great work behind him. You can’t do that at 45-50 years old just yet.
That’s why Doug Stanhope is, for me, the best living comedian. He doesn’t pander to the audience, pretty much rejects politics, political parties, politicians, pundits and just tells you about his fucked-up life while drunk.
– Don’t preach/pander (but have a point)
– No politics (unless it is SAVAGE satire)
– Tell personal fucked-up stories (being drunk/high is optional)
When a comedian strays from this trinity, they become cunty and boring.
And some “comedians” are STARTING their career at 18-25 with ranting, no punchline, no tag bits as their schtick. Jesus, fuck me, is it asking to much to hear a story about the time you got caught wanking to a Jesus statue in church or something like that?
She belongs in a circus, I would pay £1 to go and stare at her in a cage, especially if she had those magnificent swingers hanging out.
My comedy heroes were Les Dawson and Ken Dodd. If only Les had had my mother-in-law!
I wonder what the BBC will use as their next box tick? The mind boggles. Somebody certifiably insane I suspect for that Tuesday feelgood 1830 “hilarious” comedy slot/
Decent Milk round on her.! Looks like she could eat an Apple through a tennis racket.!!