Resilience, or lack of it

As if there were ever any doubt that this country is running permanently ‘hot’ here’s a few examples of how the incredible lack of spare capacity, or even good old fashioned ‘contingency planning’ has nearly brought us to the glorified status of Zimbabwe.

1. Storm Arwen.
It beggars belief that there are citizens STILL without an electricity supply, two weeks – TWO WEEKS- after the event. As ever the army were mobilised far too late. See also 2. below

2. Petrol shortages
It’s all gone quiet again now but how the fuck did the mere rumour of fuel shortages cause such unnecessary disarray?

3. Carbon Dioxide
St Greta constantly berates the planet for frying in the stuff, but it turns out the country’s entire food processing industry relies upon just 2-3 Fertiliser factories Oop North…… who produce CO2 as a biproduct. They threaten to shut due to high energy costs, result, chaos.

4. Heating gas
Apparently the whole U.K. only has capacity to store less than a weeks LPG compared to 50-60 days common on the continent. WTF?!!

This isn’t Covid or Brexit. The simple lack of foresight and basic contingency planning beggars belief. Does anybody running this shitshow even know where the next one will come from? Here’s one for 2030….. insufficient power cable capacity to cope with the shift to electric cars etc.

Nominated by: Isaac Hunt

50 thoughts on “Resilience, or lack of it

  1. 5) Insufficient compulsory sterilisation of immigrants, England-born enemies of our once wonderful country and ‘never had a job’ white dole scum.

      • Ok, compromise.
        Hot bath, bottle of gin and a coat hanger for all pregnant immigrants.
        Male ones a compulsory boatride to a destination of my choosing.

      • You soft cunt Miserable. A boathook twisted up the chuff would be my choice. Same goes for white dole scum.

        Good afternoon.

      • Afternoon Ruff?
        You well?
        Im struggling to get up my normal venom as its Christmas,
        Im up in a morning and subconsciously put on my Rudolf slippers rather than my jackboots!
        And whereas normally When working I’ll whistle Horst Wessel or the Darth Vader tune from Star Wars im whistling little Donkey☹️
        Cursed by Santa.

      • You need the booster, Miserable. Did wonders for me. I swear it’s made me feel and look 20 years younger!

      • My Rooster Booster is booked Ruff.
        Dont know if works on everyone but scientists are saying it makes you irresistible to women?!!
        And as you said, like a young Robert Redford.
        Im surprised more of the tinfoil community arent snapping it up!!
        They need it more than I.?

    • The fucking dinghy invaders complaining about ‘poor quality food’, send the cunts to complaints department in Calais.

  2. The civil “service” in this country are a bunch of useless,lazy, working from home cunts. Scared shitless of Omricon (Which I have at the moment. Its less than flu and to be honest id prefer this to a bad cold. Symptoms tiredness. My wife is more tired but hasn’t been vaccinated.Thats fucking it). They refuse to do anything that isn’t woke, carbon neutral or dingy people loving bullshit. Id do A Ronnie Reagan and sack a million of the cunts.

  3. Good cunting. But there’s nothing new here. Those that have ruled England and the UK for the past 1000 years have always been useless cunts. A few examples –

    King Harold running north to beat the Danes and then not taking a rest whilst the Normans depleted themselves in Hastings.

    Henry VI losing France.

    Henry VIII losing 6 wives

    Charles I losing his head.

    Charles II losing his trousers.

    George III losing America then losing his mind.

    Edward VII shagging and gambling his away around London.

    Edward VIII giving creating a constitutional crisis.

    Chamberlain and “ peace in our time”.

    Eden and Suez.

    Heath, Wilson, Bliar, the Maybot, Bojo.

    Feel welcome to add your favourite catastrophe.

      • She had a right to be bigoted living in Rochdale

        If Gordon had to live on Entwisle road he may end up a bigoted old woman ?

      • To add insult to injury, when the “bigoted woman”, Gillian Duffy, was given a seat of honour next to Tony Benn at the Labour Party conference, he fell asleep on her when she was talking !

    • James II/VII ran away from a wierd little Dutchman.
      George IV and William IV both obese gluttonous smack heads.

    • Edward II – raving shit chute shuffler, lost to the Jocks at Bannockburn (which they keep reminding us).
      Still, got his just desserts with a red-hot poker up the tradesman’s entrance.

  4. From an IT pov, an old bugbear of mine is the lack of foresight by some big corporations when it comes to disaster recovery and business continuity.

    The basic premise being is that if you have a hardware problem, or suffer a virus attack in one of your datacentres, it shouldn’t be beyond the wit of IT bods to “flip” over to their backup scenario at some other unaffected datacentre, and therefore keep businesses up and running while the IT grunts sort out problems in the back ground.

    As it is, however, we see many instances of the likes of Facebook, Instagram, TSB, DVLC, HSBC and many other larger corporations suffering an outage and leaving their customers in the shit, especially with online banking, ATMs and paying at supermarkets.

    One only has to have seen the drama when Facebook went offline for a few hours a month or so ago!

    One hint of a problem and everyone runs round like headless chicken, while customers constantly ask for updates and get fobbed off with any old bollocks.

  5. The stress tests that were introduced on banks after the total shambolic casino events of 2007 should be applied to all the critical infrastructure.

    The NHS goes from crisis to crisis, isn’t it time to stop resisting a bit of privatisation and bring it into the state of being fit for purpose. Free at the point of need is fine for emergencies but the rest needs to sorted.

    The power grid, the rush to wind to be the major supply of power is a fucking disaster waiting to happen, with a yet to be achieved ‘power storage backup’ the nuclear supply needs to be doubled if gas is to be cut back (not that gas will be reliable as per the nom)
    If CO2 is a problem then rather than shooting ourselves in the foot, look at more ways to mop up carbon and it’s going to be a piss in the wind if China and India continue to increase CO2 output.

    Water, how the fuck can we have water shortages if we have a couple of weeks of sunshine when is pisses down the rest of the year.

    Food supply, crying about not enough EU labour, well any cunt who has been out of work for 12 months needs to be put to work to earn the benefits, a few weeks picking veg may give them incentive to find a job.

    Planning for a flu epidemic is fine if the epidemic is flu, shame they didn’t plan for something else. £10 billion or more spent each year on shitholes, money better spent on ensuring critical infrastructure doesn’t fail.

    The country needs a wake up call not a fucking woke up.

    • Soi@ – What the UK needs is a right wing nationalistic Government which rejects foreign influence and puts the welfare, wealth, interests and future of its OWN people first.
      But anyone trying – as has been proven in the US – is taken down sooner or later.
      It does not fit the agenda of global control under one socialist ideology.

  6. A lot of this shit, possibly all of it, is by design – confected crises to further some nefarious aim. Fossil fuel shortages to further the green agenda as but one example.

    It’s also done to keep the ‘state of emergency’ and emergency powers in place to further the nefarious aim of imposing a totalitarian state. Covid passports are a trojan horse to digital identities, digital currencies. Then they’ll control every aspect of your life. What you can spend, when you can spend it, a personalized taxation rate, interest rate.

    If not confected crises then definitely exploited crises. Doing nothing about the dinghy people also adds to the sense of crisis.

    The Covid charade will continue for as long as they can get away with it to force through this dystopian shit. The principle weapon being fear.


    • By design, be careful Berks, someone will cause you of being a tinfoil hat wearer. That’s said, I agree with your points, factor in a compliant and supportive MSM and the sheep will lap it up.

      A great deal of the populace still watch the idiot lantern and espouse the theory that ‘ I saw it on the BBC so it must be true’.

      • The tinfoil hatters have an uncanny knack of being right through. Watch this space as your vaccine passport morphs into a digital identity and currency.

        Then when you go to the NHS for treatment the AI bots will discover that you once bought a packet of fags or exceeded your alcohol quota or ate some meat and you’ll be denied treatment. Meanwhile some dinghy rider with no records won’t have any record of transgression so will get treat ment. It’s coming.

    • With the shower we have at the moment, if all this were by design they would have fucked it up anyway ?

  7. Good nom.

    Hot planning used to be a thing. We managed to play a full part in the fucking Berlin Airlift with more than 5,000 tonnes of food and fuel flown in every day for almost a year. Nowadays we cannot plan for a fucking storm in winter. In less than 75 years we have become a nation of sheep led by mongs. Cunts.

  8. 40plus years membership of the EEC, EU etc.

    Those in power, and the career uncivil serpents have had to do nowt in all that time, they literally just rubber stamped every dicktat and order issued by the Brussels Nazis.

    None of them know or understand who to run the proverbial…

    Factor in to the mix over 50years of lefty indoctrination and common purpose into the education system and the production of clones, incapable of critical thinking or able to take decisions, carry out actions or even understand right from wrong is the outcome we see today.

  9. We’ve become a cheap and nasty country.
    Politicians sell off the infrastructure claiming it’s too expensive yet fire off billions in foreign aid.
    Just a bunch of fucking spivs.
    And cunts.

  10. The cuntry is run by cunts. I feel sorry for my grandkids. We have had the best daze. No future, fuck all to look forward to anymore. Christmas used to mean piss up, snog and grope. Now the sex offenders register…… fuck em all, try and have a fun holiday.

    • Thank you, Harry. Hope you have a good ‘un, too.
      I too fear for my granddaughter, her future doesn’t look rosy.

  11. We are run by greedy inadequate fools who ordinarily would not be allowed to run a stall at a village fete, but wealth, privilege, opportunity denied to others and the sure knowledge of their own right to rule means we get the worst making the decisions, not the best.
    We simply lurch from AVOIDABLE, FORESEEABLE crisis to crisis and every one of them somehow only seems to be resolved by charging the working Man more as the perpetrators slink off into a taxpayer funded retirement,
    Garbage in – garbage out.

  12. I don’t think we need to worry about the 2030 one – we are unlikely to even get there at this rate.

    Like the Gilets Jaunes say: “we’re not worried about the end of the planet we’re worried about the end of the month [you cunts – I added this bit?]”!

  13. My zombie apocalypse plan is simple.
    Feed my girlfriend to the zombies, grab my shotgun and find a new vulnerable, lost and better looking girlfriend to hunker down with.

    • I shall offer safe accommodation at the homestead, to attractive wimminz under the age of 50, in exchange for sexual favours.
      (And single malt).

  14. Insufficient power cable capacity is irrelevant, as the UK will be unable to provide sufficient power to cause it to be a problem.

    • JP@ – “Government press release – all wind power will now be generated by Greta Thunberg sitting in a pool of her own urine blowing on a dandelion, Boris Johnson grunts “splendid” before 9 course dinner and bed”..
      It’s as sensible as forcing people to drive electric vehicles in 8 years with 1/10th of the National Grid capacity we need and no idea who is going to fund the necessary power increase (although my money is on the mug who always seems to foot the bill for these fantasies, the taxpayer).

  15. when the zombies run out of cola and fried chicken and all the deliveroo boys are eaten, it is then i will have my two shotguns primed with 1000 cartridges by my side waiting for the first wave to wonder to where i reside.
    they will be easy pickings as there blood sugar levels will be low
    The next wave of zombies will be a sterner test as they work together with diversion and sacrificial offerings creating confusion but they they will succumb to ring fence of kerosene (the last of which i have from the oil tank)
    Awaiting the final and most sinister of Zombie attacks (as word has got around) i will introduce them to my little friend , the GPMG with 10,000 rounds belted in a continuously . i won’t be moving from my position but it will be mounted on an AC tripod with spare barrel when things start to heat up
    i should hold out for a week or so until the government put a stop to the Zombies

    • Im not bothered by zombies.
      Theyre slow, scruffy, stink and have bits falling off.
      Like the house of Lords.

      • Good evening to you Sir Mis , forgot me manners , haven’t been posting much shagged tired work time of year for me Forgot to add Alec not Baldywin got his first break in a Zombie film and he loved it .
        he was the hero who shot anything that moved.
        He still suffers from flashbacks apparently

      • Evening Mecuntry ?
        Ive never seen Alec Baldwin without a gun in his hand.
        Gun mad that lad.
        He denies shooting his load recently on set.
        Premature ejaculation .45

      • Evening all. I have been watching ‘Fear the Walking Dead.’ Fucking seminal zombie series, stuffed full of useful stuff on what to avoid in an apocalypse. The main thing seems to be to avoid everyone else. Come to think of it, this is a good strategy even without the advent of zombies.

        Of course, zombies are the inevitable next stage of the current ‘pandemic’. I am surprised that SAGE have managed to keep it a secret this long.

      • We never had as many Zombies in every facet of life on a global scale as we have now. Governments, MSM ,Health services, Police forces, local councils, Schools and Universities and just about everything else that reads the hymn sheet that they dare not question.
        If that does not raise ones eyebrow, well then you must be one of them.
        I like films to end with the Zombies wiped out, I’m kinda old fashioned that way

      • watched Mosul the film on netflix the other night
        its about a group of Iraqis soldiers
        subtitled but a superb film i absolutely i recommend this film
        i won’t spoil it but it is the closest we are ever going to get to it as civilians but too the armed forces that served in that place , my sincere and utmost respect

      • Aye, his finger is a sensitive trigger the Alec baba and his forty rounds of MSM. they want his mobile phone , not in America but Mexico
        it might go all Orson Wells on the cunt yet

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