(Lord Fiddler’s new diverse Masonic Lodge 2022 – Day Admin)
The Masonic Hall in my village has been kindly provided to the NHS as a Covid vaccination centre…as I was peeping through the eye of a portrait of one of my glorious predecessors ” Grand Wizard Felonious Fiddler” to make sure that none of the Great Unwashed were stealing any of my treasures, I heard some very rude comments about the Masons….it’s a fucking disgrace….we do a lot to help the community….I for one know that I’d have never got planning permission for that field in the next village without Brotherly help…then where would those Barratt-Box dwelling, “Country Executive style housing” incomers be,eh?
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
The fellow at the front is smiling because Lord Fiddler has just pinned the Curious George Cross to his blazer.
I like it when they smile you can see them coming on a dark night.
Lordy Jeebus Thomas!
I just laughed so much I had a tena lady moment. ?
One of my unassailable new year’s resolutions, Odin…same every year: to be more spiteful and racist, but in a witty fashion…
Happy New Year admins.
No one trusts the Freemasons do they?
Secretive, upto something…
All bollocks of course.
Do no harm far as I can see?
Nowt wrong with a group of men meeting in secret to share secrets in dark rooms and wear pinifores.
Perfect explaination for this that escapes me at present.
Howdy Mis:
I saw your nomination-off your drink?
Perhaps you need to change things up, as our American cunters might say?
White wine spritzers? Blue bols and lemonade? Sweet sherry?
Tempt you with some of RTC’s Irish Cream?
A sad day indeed ?
Afternoon CG ?
Yep, getting bit worried now.
Known as someone who can drink!
Im struck with ale impotence ☹️
The Mormon curse.
All I can think of is just before Christmas on a night out id been drinking pints of mild.
But at the venue after watching a band I was on a IPA called ‘Neck Oil’.
It were fuckin shite,
Worse pint ive ever had.
Think its destroyed my ale gland?!!
I bought a box of Dorset ales-for Christmas-as I didn’t fancy red wine with Christmas dinner and my usual tipple, Single Malt, is best drunk after dark?
These ales are bloody lovely-currently supping “ Fursty Ferret”?
Almost certainly. Tut, tut!
Whatever we’re you thinking, MNC?
Or had you reached the stage where thinking was a serving suggestion?
Were, not we’re, fucking phone deciding my language choices.
We are all doomed, doomed, I tell you.
No JP!
Was ok on the mild,
But where we saw the band did theyre own beer, micro brewery.
Terrible ?
Reckon this qualifies me for a ‘blue badge?
For sure, does it say please don’t serve me random microbrews?
Try Marston’s Pedigree MNC.
Nice drink on draught, but it will destroy your anal gland the next morning. Get a bottle of Toilet Duck in ready.
Yeah like Marstons!
Have a few of a Sunday.
All the best for 2022 Dick,
Good health to you sir?
Warmest regards for 2022 Mis.
I’ll be back up to speed soon.
I keep nodding off on the settee of an evening.
At first I thought this was one of Black & White Cunt’s noms, what with them two blicks in the header photo and all.
Why? Why?
Cos he’s a Freemason of course!
Not a lot of cunters know that…
Happy New Year everyone! ?
Happy New Year Ruff!
Will you be see in the NY with fireworks on the main lawn of Creampuff Manor with the very pleasant neighbourly gays for a socially distanced celebration?
I shan’t be seeing the NY in with anything, LL.
No Sir!
As usual I’ll be safely tucked up in bed by eleven with a hot toddy (that’s a drink, you smutty minded common person you!) and be in the land of nod well before midnight. I leave Lady Creampuff to conduct the celebrations, she so loves to watch those tacky firework displays from all around the world on her little portable telly, in bed eating chocolates. Reckon if it weren’t for separate bedrooms I’d have topped myself long ago.
Speaking of people topping themselves, we haven’t seen hide nor hair of the gays for over a week now. I fear we may have an Orton /Halliwell situation on our hands… ?
Ruff-that portable Telly connected to the interweb?
Might be she is watching a different kind of “bangers”?
Re: nom photo wimminz.
2nd from the left is built for the bedroom.
Fuck yeah!?
What? The geezer sitting in the corner??
He said no?
I forgot all about Grand Wizards when I saw those cheeky ladies.
UT@ – Well I’m not in the Klan but I tell the Laydees I am a wizard under the sheets..
Has anyone got the horn?
Good question.
Bodies built for sin…
Surely those two sun-tanned gentleman would never gain membership of the Masons-surely they are “Black-Balled”
*is that our very own B&W Cunt, in the photo?
For his masonic duties as a junior member he has to valet Fiddlers Rolls Royce in the car park.
Valet, you say?
He was very thorough-he removed the stereo, the hands free telephone and the wheels?
A happy and prosperous new year to one and all.
Special thanks to the admins for keeping it running.
To add to your other accomplishments, you Admin guys show impeccable taste when it comes to identifying a beautifully formed arse!
Happy New Year!
(Thank you, Ron, we do our best – Day Admin)
Let’s join in the celebrations;
Has Toyah had her gnashers done? She now looks like Bingo from the Banana Splits.
Those new teeth accentuate her speech impediment. Shame.
I thought they were animations, CGI or something. Now you’re saying they are real people?
Another example of how to get the kids to go to bed early!
Hahahaha ?
Mad as hatters but happy, by the look of it.
My dear old father-in-law was a mason (as were some of his relatives), but I’ve no idea what that actually entailed. Are they some sort of secret society which practices esoteric, possibly nefarious pursuits?
Or is it just a glorified boozing club? (they seemed to do plenty of that).
There’s all kinds of positive, negative info on the Masons, but I think it all comes down to: they look like cunts in those aprons and Mickey Mouse gloves, don’t they? They are like a cosplay Mafia who congregate inside an Earth, Wind and Fire album cover. Most Masons can’t be arsed with the heavy-going esoteric teachings, it’s just a mystical social club for most of them, an old boy network. But there are definitely sinister cunts who happen to be Masons. And I’ve had one 17th degree young man at an airport tell me that the Earth is indeed flat not a globe, that’s one of the big secrets you get told at a certain level. He just said it matter of fact, I was expecting him to laugh when I asked, but he was being honest, his girlfriend nodded in agreement. I guess that cat is out of the bag now, but it is a real knife-fight on YouTube!
Doesn’t being a Freemason involve a lot of man love?
Can Mr Diddler really be Mr Chaser?
A favour for a favour? Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more……..
The inner secrets of the masons revealed?
My mate left the Masons and told them to poke it. £40 for a Fray Bentos pie and chips at one of their shindigs. He said it was full of dirty old creepy perverts who wanted young blood to join the ranks. Not my words but his.
The Freemasons are very class oriented. They have upper class, middle class, lower class, and pérvert Fray Bentos class lodges.
Needless to say, HRH Prince Philip belonged to a very posh lodge. Not a lot of cunters know this, but he advanced to the Third Degree of Freemasonry on the very day that I was born, 4 May 1953… two days later, some slag scraped a pile off her arse and it grew into Tony Blair.
Small world.
Wow Admin….. what a fabulous array of arses. That is one of the best photos of the year and goes alongside the other one with those three bints recently.
Thanks for all your efforts in 2021 and here’s looking forward to more of the same in ‘22. ?
The blonde tart with the cigar was another masterful mom pick too.
Happy New Year cunters!
J edgar Hoover
Lord Lucan
Jeremy Bamber
Lord Chamberlain
Bob Hope
All famous
All accomplished
What have they got in common?
Dont know, picked at random,
But guarantee some cunt jumped straight to Freemasons.
Lord Lucan’s membership is overdue.
Aren’t they all transvestites?
Only one amazingly.
The rest are just sexual deviants.
Afternoon MNC…a little-known fact is that the leader of the masons in the UK is none other than RuPaul.
A daring choice, but more masculine than the runner up, a certain Duncan Norvelle.
Interestingly, part of the gruelling selection process for the post of Head Mason is managing to insert an entire Peperami into your jap’s eye.
A guy once thought I was a high-ranking mason because I had apparently given him a masonic handshake. I was astonished as I had always associated masons with the Orangemen in Scotland, a herd of Protestant extremists who never set foot in the kirk and whose idea of a good time is to parade past Catholic churches wearing silly bowler hats and carrying rolled up umbrellas, to the accompaniment of flute bands.
Freemasonry is a secular movement. That said, new members are expected to acknowledge a belief in a God-like superior being, often referred to as the Great Architect of the Universe….
When you get high ranking fuzz and military, lawyers, royalty, and other assorted cunts becoming high degree masons it breeds corruption.
All the esoteric guff and silly aprons appeals to the elitist desires in man. We love a bit of secret and mystery.
It’s just another power network setup to be utilized by the Vatican. All these types of orders are. Knights of Malta, Rosicrusian, Opus Dei. They all share the same stupid garb, ceremonial pageantry, and symbolism.
Fuck em. If what they have is so positive and spiritual then open up the books for all. Otherwise you’re just anothet bunch of conniving lying cunts as far as I’m concerned.
How the hell did he get in ?
One black ball and your fucked, let alone Two black balls…
Happy new year fellow Cunters……
I will join the club with the second header pic, start my initiation at the left and if I ever reach the far right it will be a miracle ?
Is this an example of the ‘perks’ available round the Lodge? If so, where do I join?
I watched a documentary a good few years ago about a ‘hotel’ beach resort, either in Venezuela or an island close to Venezuela.
You check in and then select a bit of totty to spend the week with, a bit like all inclusive ?
Wot, just the one?
I thought that but the theme was like a companion/shag, there was one bloke who swapped his half way through because he didn’t get on with the first.
The bint in the middle wouldn’t shit straight for a week.
Masons, the lowest orders are just overgrown boy scouts looking for business.
The upper echelons a filthy, degenerate nest of shitters.
Change my mind.
My dear old Dad was a Mason.
Or maybe it was a motorist?
All the best for 2022.
Wonder if James Mason was a mason?
And what about his blue-skinned vampire chum?
Ken Barlow?
Definitely ????
Christie Elan-Caine? Naw, had it been a Mason it would have succeeded in Court and we would all be renewing our passports with an X instead of M or F.
Happy new year admins and cunters, a spiffing 2022 to you all. Mrs CuntyMort has retired to bed. Looks like I am drinking alone. Bollocks
Get into schizophrenia, you’ll never be lonely again.
I don’t agree.
Nor do I!
Me neither!
Try wanking. It’s sex with the one you love most!
I’ve just snorted rum down my nose, Ron, and it don’t half burn, but damn me, that’s funny, so thanks.
Apologies JP. It’s nasty when that happens!
For the “Brotherhood” to change Lodge rules that a Muslim can be admitted, is the Hallmark of hypocrisy.
And also the beginning of the end.
Congratulations to the yoof of Londonstabistan, for breaking the record for fatal stabbings of teenagers. ?️?
It went to the wire, but they triumphed.
Respect !
Here’s looking forward to a record breaking 2022. ?
Get To Fuck.
Just on my mind Jack!
We cant’ win the Ashes or the football and rugby but by fuck we know how clean house (and the gene pool) with minority yoots.
Hope you and yours had a fine Christmas, not bothered about NY, overhyped shite for pissheads.
Rather jolly, thanks LL.
Not much time for NY.
Cunts setting fireworks off.
Freaks the hound out. ?
I hope it starts pissing it down.
Good evening.
A nom for this, posted today?
Fiddler’s a Mason ??!!?!?!?!
Christ, I know they’ve been going through a recruitment crisis, hence allowing dark keys in.
But Fiddler ?
They really must be up shit creek.
Good evening.
Re wired the Masonic Hall in Brighton back in the 80’s.
Very bazaar… They had this hall that was like a kangaroo court, with signs of the zodiac on the ceiling where people were judged. Fuck knows what happened to them after.. Probably chained to lampposts and left to the Brighton gays and homeless to be buggered to death.
Brighton chapter if the freemasons? That must be ground zero for the gayness.
I’m seeing the Old Year out with all my Pals from The Lodge,The Hunt and my Rugby Club…I expect most other Cunters are just having an early night.
Cheers Dick
Depends on what time I pass out.
Happy New Year one and all…
I’m sure the two of you will have a spiffing evening?
Happy New Year, your Lordship?
Not if I can help it!
I had a Grandpa nap this arvo, so I’m good to go for several hours.
Whos feeding the pigs?
? All the best for 2022 Dick
Hopefully, John “Claire” Goodier.
He’d be more likely to fuck them.
The filthy cunt.
Hopefully, while feeling low, he’ll slash his wrists.
A marvelous end to the year.
Some hikers who strayed mayhap, or cyclists? I know both classes have pissed off Mr F in the past.
Totally disappointed by the lack of crazy conspiracy crap, was hoping to be ‘enlightened’ by some real gems!
Sorry GJ, sometimes we’re just frivolous!
And all the better for it JP.?
Evening all.
Prince Phillip was a Grandmaster . He actually died in 2019-it was the Thelema Magik, perfected by the previous Grandmaster of his lodge, Aleister Crowley, keeping his corpse “Animated”.
Not sure who succeeded Phil?
Over to fellow Cunters?
Fair play GC, that’s a gem. Made me smile anyway.??
Good old Aleister. A very interesting chap, albeit flawed.
Rumour has it he played some part in the lineage of President Bush.
Since then, it’s impossible to take remotely serious. ?
Our resident Grassy Knollington came pretty close…
That was a classic Viz strip Ruff?
Happy 2022 to all cunters?
And admin/s for all their sterling work and looking after us even when we’re naughty.
I won’t see in New Year because I hate it always have,
I’ll be consoling the dog due to the fireworks spastics best attempts to replicate the Iraqi war .
All the best of luck?
Have a good one MNC, to you and yours.?
And to you and your family GJ??
Oh yes, MNC, I’ve already got my pupper wrapped in blankets, the heating turned up to tropical, and some fucking Brahms playing.
I’m sat here in a vest & shorts, but I’m going out at midnight….
Masons. We shit ’em. They are small fry compared to the club I’m in.
The Illuminati.
Bow down to your lizard king.
Happy New Year and all that shite.