Plebs in my Masonic Hall

(Lord Fiddler’s new diverse Masonic Lodge 2022 – Day Admin)

The Masonic Hall in my village has been kindly provided to the NHS as a Covid vaccination centre…as I was peeping through the eye of a portrait of one of my glorious predecessors ” Grand Wizard Felonious Fiddler” to make sure that none of the Great Unwashed were stealing any of my treasures, I heard some very rude comments about the Masons….it’s a fucking disgrace….we do a lot to help the community….I for one know that I’d have never got planning permission for that field in the next village without Brotherly help…then where would those Barratt-Box dwelling, “Country Executive style housing” incomers be,eh?

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler




172 thoughts on “Plebs in my Masonic Hall

  1. Best wishes to all, from The Rookery.
    Thanks to admin. for all the hard work. ?
    And GCHQ, for their continuing restraint. ?
    Chin chin.

  2. Im in the Bilderbergs.
    I have some illuminati boys fagging for me at the moment .
    Run little errands .
    Top up my glass of babies blood,
    Pop round Ghislaines for the new catalogue etc.
    Hail Satan!!!???

      • Hehehe ?
        Just playing along with the conspiracy thing JP
        Not really a satan lover!
        Miles performed a exorcism on me when I started on ISAC.
        Im just a ordinary run of the mill Scientologist.

      • I feel bad for it, but I’m strangely attracted to Ghislane Maxwell. I must add its in spite of her depravity rather than because of it. Silly bitch, I could have done with a sugar mama, and that’s one that wouldn’t have needed a viagra and a bottle of vodka to bang!

  3. New Years Day the most superficial day of year, when you wish everyone a Happy New Year, then hate the same fuckers for the rest of it.

    I’m still doing Christmas, how the hell did we get here, eitherway for what it may bring, HAPPY WOKE BASHING NEW YEAR CUNTERS/ADMIN!!!!!!!!!

    • However, when I wish people a Happy New year, I actually mean it.
      I hope my neighbours will find some joy, after losing their partner.
      I hope my friends who have lost their pets will find it in their soul to get another lost, left behind, pet.
      Wishing you all well.

  4. I must be drinking too much, I’ve been waiting for that black guy in the image to start singing MAMMY, with jazz hands.

  5. Happy new year all you cunters and admins, I’m sure there won’t be any shortage of material for 2022, a better year hopefully for everyone.

  6. “This year, 2021, we welcomed our daughter, Lilibet, to the world. Archie made us a ‘Mama’ and a ‘Papa,’ and Lili made us a family.”

    She’s always talking in that ‘develomental’ way. Like in ‘The Bench’ this is where Harry was to bond with Archie.

    ‘This is your bench, where life will begin, for you and our son, our baby, our kin’.

    I’m suprised she didnt put ‘our kith and kin’.
    Silly woman.

  7. My 60th birthday, and I’m on a night train between Berlin and Zurich. OBB were so fecking stupid that they couldn’t provide our any sleeping car, just crappy couchettes, all Austrian staff behaving like proper little Adolfs. Hitler or Eichmann, the choice is yours.
    Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and smug-filled New Year

  8. Damn, I just can’t take my eyes off those luscious bottoms.

    (7 luscious ladies, one for each day of the week. Very nice – Day Admin)

      • I wouldn’t want anyone to get the notion that I’ve got an obsession with smooth, tight little ladies’ bottoms by the way, just begging to be oiled before receiving several well-aimed disciplinary strokes from my handy little whip…
        Nothing could be further from the truth in fact *gulp*

  9. They held a beer festival in one of the local Masonic Lodges. And very good it was. There was plenty of publicity about them becoming more open…let’s hope they don’t go full woke!

  10. I imagine there are Masonic Halls all over the country filled with pisshead refugees from the Socialist Republics of Scotland and Wales. That’s what you get for voting for commie bastards you muggy cunts. Stay at home and stare at the screens filling your empty heads with propaganda you wankers. I hope they all get mugged by architects.

  11. ISAC for interim cabinet after the fall and firing squad for Doris and his vermin.
    No Masons allowed.
    Thanks for another great cunting year Admin.
    To your health!

  12. Happy new year to all cunters and thanks for your great work admin…. I don’t get much chance to comment or cunt anymore but I still read every cunting and I’m still loving this site just as much as I did years ago.
    Happy 2022 cunters! ???
    Keep up the great work!

    • Hear hear, Mr Sausage.

      I have been a regular reader of this site, my first post being the Libyan Rebels who desecrated our War Graves. I have only posted occasionally, commented a little more, but read it every day. Having dealt with bereavement, illness and work issues, it has been a delight to see some sanity from fellow cunters in an increasingly insane world.

      Admin do a great job, and I heartily endorse the Special Award to Mr Knee.

      I predicted 2021 would be a bumper year for cunts – 2022 looks like it will be even bigger

      Happy New Year one and all

      Keep cunting


      Big Al

  13. I see Joanna “Plastic arse-Ghurka fucker” Lumley has been made a “Dame”.

    For services to creating the biggest Asian ghetto in Hampshire, presumably ?

    • I’ll never get an honour for printing tat, yet its more honourable that he cunts that usually get nominated.
      Ah well…..

  14. Yeah, Blair’s name put up for a knighthood by the Labour Party and could have had the pencil through it like so many times before. But Boris decided to let it go. Yet another example of how we are governed by Carrie Antoinette’s pliant pussy hole.
    What a fucking cuntry eh?

    • Knighthood for Blair ! the greasy, weasel faced gypsy fucker.
      What he deserves is a septic tank to drown in. Bastards – never content with robbing the taxpayer, they have to guild the lily.
      Cunts – the lot of them.
      Revolution this year anyone ?

  15. On the rum now. Watched the Al Ja Beeba New Years celebration with plastic Kylie, the Pet Shop arse Boys and some squeaky little fart with a Blackadder haircut.

    This link was found to be a good remedy.

  16. So Betty White is dead and Keith Richards still alive. Proving for once and all that they were not the same person!

  17. Happy new year to all my IsAC bretheren.
    Many thanks Admin team for all your hard work.

  18. New years already?! Fuck me Well I’m gonna have to delay it and celebrate tomorrow or something. I can’t be fucked to celebrate it now

    I’m still celebrating Christmas I’m jonesin for a continuance of it and smoking these little Christmas trees here Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy kwanza to your black African brothers at the Masonic lodge Sir Fiddler! Cheers cunters

  19. Happy New Year, fellow cunters

    Mystic Meg says 2022 will be a bumper year for cunts – starting with the New Year’s Honours list

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