In an act straight out of Big Brother, Shergar tribute act, Jacinda Ardern and her batshit mental leftie CCP kowtowing govt are to effectively ban smoking in New Zealand. Anyone turning 18 in 2025 will be the first generation never to be able to buy cigarettes in NZ, older smokers will eventually die off and the country will be smoke free, that is the Nanny-in-Chiefs master plan.
I understand that smoking is an emotive issue, on here there will be smokers, ex-smokers like myself and those that cannot stand the habit. The real point of this cunting is what right do the government have to do this? Is this the Nanny State on steroids? This is a government already drunk on power following COVID lockdowns, mask wearing and vaccine mandates, what will they decide is best for people in the future and decide to ban? Fast food? Alcohol? Coffee?
Its worth noting that there are higher smoking rates among Maori and Pacific Islanders so increasing the cost year on year and face accusations of racism by persecuting a minority over a lifestyle choice was never going to be an option best to ban every cunt. At an average cost of NZ$33 (over 15 quid!) a pack, it makes Chancellor Itchy Ballsack’s recent hike seem pretty tame.
The big winners will really be those sneaky rinky dinkys and other black marketeers, flogging toxic weapons grade cigs. “Herro you! I do you velly good plice, 20 Mallboro onry 15 dorrar. Just rike old days”.
I understand the sentiment behind it but it just seems too tyrannical and too much government overreach, this is more North Korea than a supposed liberal western democracy like New Zealand and I don’t think this is the way to go about it. I think we may have a second French Revolution if they tried it with the frogs.
Link to story. (Link provided by Miserable northern cunt)
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
A much more cost-effective alternative to tobacco (if you smoke rollies) is Damiana, a plant related to rasberries, I believe, the shredded leaves of which smoke just like tobacco and it’s only three quid for a huge bag that’d last you months.
I tried dried marshmallow leaves. About £3 for 50g I think. I used it to pad out my dodgy Belgian bacca. It was ok.
Before the power grab riding on the back of the Yellow Death Flu this would not have been considered.
Anyhow,fuck the mental Bolshevik cunts.
They’ll need to call out the tanks to thwart a 20 stone Maori who’s had a few beers and fancies a quick coffin nail.
The position of that cigar the blonde piece is holding just about sums up my current disposition!
Anyway, what were we talking about?
That is one lovely young lady, oh yes.
And you can be sure Techno that the ad men positioned the cigar precisely for the photo.
“From now on the Government will be your only source of truth” states socialist crackhead Stalin impersonator Ardern – my Nephew snowy the gaslight boy thinks Ardern is the second coming (but then again he is a cartoon watching sniffhead weedhead soyboy prick who is middle aged and still lives with his parents), I think she is an evil little cunt who rigged an election to steal power – and, weird one this – Ardern had a net worth of less then a million NZ Dollars at the start of the plandemic, but is now estimated to have around 25 million.
Sly, evil, self serving, marxist, gaslighting, lying, power mad piece of shit – and the worldwide poster girl for smirking dictatorship.
Smoking is destructive, financially ruinous and unhealthy – much like communism, and Ardern is one of by now a very long line of “politicians” I would like to see swinging from a noose for crimes against the people of New Zealand and treason.
Who the FUCK do these people think they are?
You can trust everything she says, after all, it’s straight from the horses mouth ?
Soi@ – well, we can’t have any neighsayers! ?
If Sir Fiddler spots Ardern he will be saddling her up for the dressage!
Modded a fucking gain. ???????????
(I guess it must be your day to be picked on for hate crime by Wordfence. I can’t really see why some of your posts went into the MQ other than perhaps for one that mentioned “freaks”. I don’t think we as Admins have much control over what word filters WordFence uses but we’ll do our best to find out – Day Admin)
I dont smoke anymore.
So dont think anyone else should get pleasure from it either!
Especially a bunch of facially tattooed sheep botherers.
Fuck em.
Well done Olive Oil?
A tight ship you run there girl.
Evening Miserable.
Stopped smoking in 1983. Since then I’ve saved over £70,000 from not buying tabs. Still got a few King Edward cigars and a couple of Castellas which I let Lady C smoke at Christmas. I’m alright Jack. ☺️
Evening Ruff.
I don’t miss it at all.
£70 grand? Not bad eh?
A good incentive.?
I only smoked to look like David Niven.
To be glamorous.
But nowadays, no smoking jackets, no cigarette holders,
If people don’t make the effort why bother?
DA@ – Thanks, WordFence seems to be in a mood today! ?♂️
4 Peer reviewed papers have shown that smoking wards off Covid. This makes sense . Heat in the lungs kills viruses. In the 17th century boys at Eton were caned for not smoking during the plaque. New Zealand is insane.
I gave up smoking about 20 years ago, my vice was Dunhill Menthols.
Penny, if you’re reading this, please pop round with your cane.
And so on… One vice is merely exchanged for another.
HBH@ – My Dad used to smoke some monstrous things called “Park Drive” – they were nearly as brutal and terrifying as he was!
I stopped a while ago, I use the money saved to buy new bikes.
Prohibition (albeit of something else) has been tried before. It worked really well last time, didn’t it?
Gangsters solving their differences in the street with Thompson Submachine Guns really helps build a better society…
Despite the link being virtually unreadable, due to the pop-up ads, I think I’ve got the gist.
But, and I’m baffled by this, if the legal age for smoking is 18, why ban 14 year old, surely it’s a moot point, or are they saying that if you were born 14 years ago, or less, you will never be able to buy tobacco in your lifetime?
Presumably while everyone else can gaily carry on. I foresee a surge in the sale of forged ID cards, illegal smoke-easiest flourishing everywhere and a sudden drop in tourism, especially amongst countries who traditionally smoke like chimnies.
Use Brave browser JP. No ads.
Thank you, Cuntflu. Help with It is always welcome, technology is moving far to fast for me. Buzz Lightyear might manage it, but I’m still with the Ewoks.
Also JP, if you use YouTube on your phone, don’t use the app, just use it through the browser. I’ve not seen an advert for years.
Smoke easys, ffs
Crikey, what would you have to be smoking to imagine the bird in the photo was Jacinda Ardern?
Asking for a friend.
It sure ain’t tobacco, but it’s definitely rock and roll!
That repugnant bitch needs a bag welding over her head. Still plenty of scope for tobacco smuggling!! More crime, still commies like crime look at the States.
What a great example of victim blaming.
This deserves a nom all of it’s own, Harry.
San Francisco deserves a nom all of its own, its woke Ground Zero in the States.
Bring back Dirty Harry!
Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice
Harry, I’ve posted a nom using this link. Please go and add your own observations.
Tourists that smoke will not go there.
Every film ever made that has people smoking in them will be banned.
The will be no TV programmes with people smoking.
Heroic figures who enjoyed smoking, such as Churchill will be written out of history.
This is the first step into something very nasty.
Indeed AC, as well as Churchill they’ll cancel other famous cigar users too:
Groucho Marx
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Jimmy Savile
Bill Clinton
Joan of Arc smoked as well, didn’t she? Well her embers did, anyway.
As the flames rose to her Roman nose and her hearing aid started to melt.
The Cock in the Frock and her government have basically bought and paid for the media down in NZ last year.
Single source of truth remember…
Anything that challenges the Shergar version of the truth is just conspiracy theory… Obviously.
Not a smoker and never have been personally.
Never agreed with me thankfully due to the nicotine rush almost always making me throw up whenever I dabbled but each to their own I say.
I thought the ban in pubs etc was harsh as part of the pub experience involved a pint and a cigarette for so many punters.
Even though I never even smoked, I thought it was extreme cuntishness and nanny state overreach to actually ban it in boozers but in my conspiratorial mind – it’s just one of many nails driven into the coffin of what was a major British institution.
(see burgeoning peaceful demographic and the dreadful Con-a-virus overreaction for further evidence of some other nails)
But actually banning people from ever smoking altogether? Fucking hell!
Coming to a country near you no doubt.
Alcohol next?
When I was reading more into the story there were actually ‘experts’ predicting that the NZ experiment could become a global template to eliminate smoking. I think that is hyperbole, they are thinking of introducing it to Australia but a testcase on the law got voted out in Tasmania. I don’t how regular Kiwis feel about this, maybe they are more compliant but should be fucking mad, smokers or not.
I’ve only ever known two Kiwis, and both of them will be spitting blood at this.
I’ve smoked for years and packed in a few times. In the last 25 years I’ve restricted it to only when I have a beer. Since march of 2020 I’m up to 37 pints a day.
Well done, Cuntflu
Yes this is classic. We tell you what to do, what to say and what to think. Yes, it may seem harsh but it’s for your own good, we know best, you know it makes sense. Look at the lifestyle of the average lefty fanatic ……. that’s your future.
Meanwhile, the likes of Cleopatra Horseface and her rich pals will be living it up and doing what the fuck they like. But you’ll never know about that, they’ll control the media…..we don’t want the peasants getting upset do we?
Got a light mate? ……… for my petrol bomb you understand.
It would be like Demolition Man, where Sly Stallone’s character wakes up after 40 odd years of being cryogenically frozen to find out that have banned all the good stuff.
Imagine him waking up today and being told Sleepy Joe is in charge, Kamal Toe Harris is his VP and women now have penises.
John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality statute.
Demolition Man. The cinematic Nostradamus.
Stallone has been trying to get a sequel off the ground for a few years but can’t see it happening for some strange reason…
Ban freedom of speech/hurty words
Ban a free press
Ban Co2 (coal, petrol, diesel)
Ban illegal immigration
Ban Smoking
Ban Alcohol
Ban Meat
Ban certain freedoms
Ban porn
Bans, bans and more bans
All part of the Great Reset
Don’t feel guilty wanking. You need to exercise your prostrate in middle age, and I heard jizzing is good for it. I read it on the internet somewhere.
Good enough for me that.
No more guilty feeling after the jizz mop. You’re doing it for the good of your health.
Don’t forget the increased green taxes to pay for all the hard work it takes MPs to go “Yerrrrrrr!” in the commons. Banning things is expensive business you know!
TBCC@ – They are told to say “rhubarb” as it sounds like background conversation and means no swear words are picked up (boring true fact)
I wonder if Ardern will ban smoking crack?..
When the Labour shadow home sec was waffling hysterically today he brought up the story of the boy who cried wolf, saying “in the end there really was a wolf!”.
The microphones picked up some female MP saying, “yes, that’s right!”.
Fuck me. What a congregation of useless cunts!
And also allow Antifa, BLM, insulate Britain, extinction rebellion and any other Rik (with a silent P) middle class cunts to protest which is mostly peaceful. Mostly
Bans means farts!!
Best thing I did was give up smoking about 7 years ago.
Fucking hate the smell of it now.
Smoking is bad for you, but so is booze, fast food and jumping out of bushes stark naked, but we’ve all done it.
I havent done fast food.
They banned `menthols` a while back … so now I just thread several Polo® Mints on to an ordinary cigarette. You can also re-create Sobranie Cocktail cigarettes by substituting Fruit Polos® instead.
Menthol health issues?
There’s an interesting product called instahit. Check it out, Sam.
You can order it online.
Interesting, JP; but having given up, I feel the only thing that would now tempt me would be to wrap my lips around a Sobranie Black Russian®. And suck it to oblivion.
Why hasn’t there been an attempt on the lives of one or more of these corrupted power crazed villains pretending to be politicians?
They are running absolute fucking riot and blatantly taking the fucking piss yet they carry on and on with their crap.
Apart from David Amess (who was one of the few decent ones interestingly enough) I’m surprised there haven’t been more attempts to be honest.
There are so many reasons and so many horrible cunts to choose from so please don’t hesitate should anyone worldwide feel the urge.
One always wonders how the hell B Liar manages to pilfer oxygen…
I completely consent to actions of violence against these absolute power pissed cunts. I have more respect for the family of rats that live under my shed. I have a gun and used to shoot rodents. My Mrs is Buddhist as fuck so won’t allow me to shoot rats anymore but she is more than happy to shoot politicians. Her theory is if ever suicide is an option, take out a few cunts first and then reconsider. My list is very long.
As a strict Buddhist, is she allowed to swallow?
Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, Cuntflu?
It seems Nz is actually an abbreviation of Näzi.
What amazes me is that they, the conspirators up top, actually believe all these bans will work! It shows a complete failure of understanding human nature.
Take away all the fun and enjoyment of life and you’re going to create a mob who’ll find new enjoyment in peeling the skin off unsuspecting politicians in order to get some kicks.
Catholic buggery and Islamïc nutjobs are what happens when you dam up the tensions of life without an outlet. It doesn’t fucking work.
Jacinda Hardon is a power-crazed lefty loony, end of.
I haven’t smoked for 25 years but if i get a whiff of someone smoking i don’t feel repulsed by it , i actually still like it.
#MeToo, Fenton. I attended a funeral last week and some of my relatives went outside for a tab so I took the opportunity to luxuriate in some secondhand smoke. It made my day.
This cunt certainly hates me then as a former ‘evil weed’ grower, let’s be honest the black market is going to boom in NZ thanks to Shergar Vidkun Adern and her power grab, I think she needs a fâgg to calm down a bit, the quisling harridan!!!!
She.s following Capone/s business plan surely ?
Why the fuck would they do that?
Every cunt and his offensive wife knows smoking tabs makes you immune from Coronavirus – FACT.
Kids should be encouraged to smoke, it’s the only way NZ is ever going to be Covid free. That Jacinda Hardon thing (does it have a cervix?) is a blithering idiot.
Jacinda has missed a trick.
Anyone reporting smokers should be allowed to choose a item from the criminals home.
This way the wealthy smoker is more pressured,
More to lose!
Whereas your poor/homeless smoker not so much?
Maybe just a short prison term for them.
Imagine your glee at informing/grassing on a celebrity and taking his car as payment?!!!
Like winning on Bullseye!!?
MNC@ – I will grass up Sir Fiddler – bound to be a few good antiques in there – I shall have a wander about as the blaggard cools his scoundrel heels in the cells! ??
Good man Foxy!
If hes hiding in the attic like some Northumbrian Anne Frank he’s a fire hazard!
Get him grassed and take your prize I say!!
Id suggest if they arent smokers planting 20 embassy and a box of matches and denounce them to the authorities anyway.
These bastards won’t be happy until we’re all living like the fucking Amish or, more likely, some fucking P*ki in the Punjab.
The New Zealand shagnasty with a gob full of cheap crockery has definitely left her cuckoo,s nest on this one. Perhaps a gratuitous shag from some down an out bum from the backstreets of Auckland might straighten out those gnashers where dental surgery has failed. We need to find a down and out for that service ! Any takers chaps ?
I wonder if all of this shit is dreamed up at the Bilderberg Factory ?
If they’re gonna ban smoking make it across the board, no Jamaican woodbines,
No camel shit, nothing. Those cunts that smoke fuckin cannabis they stink like fuck. Have you ever been in a shop behind one of these smelly bastards, it’s enough to make you puke. Cunts.
Just keep your mask on pal, then you won’t smell us filthy cunts.
? ? ? ?
What has cannabis got to do with tobacco?
They are both smoked, often together.
Apart from that they have fuck all to do with each other.
Meanwhile over 100 Conservative MPs have voted against Covid passports. Johnson’s days are clearly numbered. ?
Looking good for Tories losing the by-election on Thursday.
Correction: 98 Tories voted against. GBN original report was incorrect.
I become steadily more appalled at the direction New Zealand is taking. I have known a handful of Kiwis, one a Maori, all dependable, trustworthy men and women. I’m reminded of Keith Park and the third largest group by nationality of Battle of Britain pilots in the RAF, i.e. the Kiwis.