Marie Buchan – Mother of 8 and on Benefits

(Usual hard-up poverty story, but note the Apple phone! – Day Admin)

An octagonal cunting required for this benefit sponging bike who must by now have a snatch like a butchers bin.

This tart is whinging because she is now having to frequent the food bank, because 2 of her litter are now to old to claim benefits for and now she is £160 down a month and no one will give her a job….

Now this sickens me, is it just me who thinks what fucking business has she got popping out 8 fucking brats probably by various different blokes and expecting the system to pay, which is you and I to pay for them.

The leech has fucked up her life, no boss in his right mind would employ someone with 8 kids, image how often she, s going to want to start late, finish early, not turn up, sue you when you sack her.

Maybe she should look at hiring them out, or getting odd jobs done around the council estate she lives in, you know cut grass, pick up dog shit and broken glass, wash cars that sort of thing, at least Katey Price used Harvey to make some money.

I know everyone including me gives the dinghy divers a hard time, but I don’t think cunts like this are any better, just as fucking useless, the only thing I think she needs is a lorry load of condoms and a video on birth control.

Ho Ho Ho it’s Christmas so surely it’s time for another bun in the over for her to claim for…. Cunts like this need to be told no, I you can’t support one don’t have seven more, she obviously follows to non plan, plan, maybe time for her to start filming rough porn to pay her way….

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Nominated by: Fuglyucker

52 thoughts on “Marie Buchan – Mother of 8 and on Benefits

  1. Comparing a yo-yo knickered benefits reaper with dingy-divers is mental.
    I don’t remember reading about slags off the local escape murdering MP’s, stabbing up gays in the park or trying to detonate a bomb outside a maternity hospital.

    • Fair comment CG, but I meant it from a sponging, burden, waste of space and oxygen point of view, I reckon dingy divers be turned around and sent back to the snail catchers and any spare inner tubes can be used for slags and their collection od future spongers, see how well they do in Mogadishu….

  2. A pox on her, and on all professional pram-pushers. Why should they work when they can get paid for lying on their backs and pumping kids out? We’re the daft bastards for handing it to them. I’ve said it before, people should have to get a licence to breed, after convincing the authorities that they’ll make fit and proper parents. And benefits should be limited to two kids per couple.

  3. Why aren’t the Greens up in arms about this? Protecting her marshy wetlands from public drilling?

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