A joint nomination please for John Goodier (who’d like to be known as Claire), the Daily Mail and the justice system.
Already twice convicted for possession of indecent images of children, Goodier has now added a conviction for bestiality while high on cocaine. At least the judge has seen fit to jail him despite the best efforts of the defending counsel to play down the depraved act.
Almost as disgusting as the act itself is the fact that both the Mail and courts pander to this pêr-vert by referring to him as she. A blind person down a lights out pit shaft at midnight shown a photograph of Goodier could not mistake him for a woman. FGS refer to him as he. He was, is and always will be male.
Nominated by: Dickie Dribbler
And on a similar note, this from Cuntybollocks
John ‘Claire’ Goodier
Who says trannies are mental cases? Are you one of those ‘trannyphobes’, or whatever pejorative they use to make it seem as though it’s you that has the problem nowadays?
Clearly, this individual is not a mental. Thinks it’s a woman and demands to be addressed as one, despite being about as convincing a lady as Geoff Capes in a frock.
This thing had already been put on the sex offenders list for life for being a pea dough, so what next?
Shagging dogs it seems. Got caught and has been sentenced. 20 months, out in 10 – if it manages to not shove a pigeon up its arse in the prison yard during its sentence.
It’ll probably be put in a wimmins’ prison too.
‘It puts me in the girls’ prison or else it gets the hose again.’
Just put the cunt down. And all these fuckers are mental by the way.
If you don’t think you belong in your own body, then there is nothing more mental than that.
I wonder if they teach our kids about this sort of sex case shite, which seems to be quite prevalent among this group?
Funnily enough, I only saw this story on GB News and Breitbart. The BBC et al, seem to have missed it amongst all their brave tranny stories for some reason.
Don’t want to go to a big grown up prison?
Well now I have the answer – on my next Court appearance for muggery, thuggery, buggery, genocide and stampeding cattle through the Vatican I shall declare myself the worlds ugliest TV (with the exception of Carrie Symonds) and demanding “understanding” via a Go Fund Me page.
Justice is a warm Gatling gun for this fkin deviant and future Labour MP I say!
Notice they always try to look glam?
They always wear go-go boots, mini skirts, etc
Nowt like a real woman.
Never see em in curlers an dressing gown!
Or a rainhood and pulling a shopping trolley!
Or wellies walking the dog.
They always try to look alluring or sexy!
Well sorry but a Adams apple like a fuckin cricketball, 3day stubble and a cock like a fire hose is a bit of a turn off.
Only a bit mind….?
Curlers and a dressing gown, MNC?
Like that paragon of womanhood, Les(ley) Dawson?
Morning Tommy ?
Yeah, not dolled up like some half arsed Dolly Parton,
But peeling spuds in jogging bottoms.
Hair scraped into a knot and no lippy on.
A woman.
Theyve always got to look like they’re at a hen party,
Glitter, perm, Gene Simmons make up!
Must be tiresome?
All that effort and still just a bloke from a pantomime?
Always full Lilly Savage
Try to be more frumpy,
Make little effort
Full Lilly Allen?
It’s Brian Jones.
All that cods about him drowning.
Les Dawson has really let himself go.
oh you are awful, but i like it
‘It rubs the lotion on its skin……’
I bet you couldn’t make Silence of the Lambs today, not with the character Buffalo Bill being the ultimate transvestite anyway.
Hed be the fuckin hero nowadays.
Clarice would be locked up for hate crime and harassment.
Too right. Bloody victimisation of oppressed minorities!
Morning Mis.
Morning mate?
It’d be voted Wamman of the year and given a rainbow pedo parade and a golden cunt award with built in fleshlight, all the sand rats would be queuing up behind Suckdick Khan to fuck it’s dog
That thing had a dog as well, all dog nonces
The majority of trannys are fucking freaks. Yet they demand special rules to accommodate them. Give them the fucking needle and be done with it. Bollocks to the lot of them.
petrol, matches, fuckin sorted
Katie Price’s uglier sister.
I’ve absolutely nothing against any transgender person who just wants to live the best life they can. I believe they suffer from dysphoria, but that’s not a crime.
‘Claire’ however is just an out-and-out cunt, a criminal, and the court’s done the right thing in this instance.
Morning all.
i believe they suffer from brain damage from watching too much porn…pervs
Looks like Tim Healy’s character in “Benidorm”.
Life imitating art, yet again.
This cunt needs burning alive. Happy New year.
Petrol, naked flame, let’s dance.
I refuse to be gaslighted. These Decepticons are human garbage that should be chased out of town with whips to live with the other animals. Those who go along with this insanity are worse than those who have let themselves succumb to their most base selfish instincts.
I put faGGitts in the same category. Just because they are more accepted doesn’t mean shit. All deviants that should share the same cave outside of town.
I’m in a foul mood today.
I wonder if “she” shaves her armpits??
that’s an IT
I noticed IT was dressed as a dog in IT’S poodle fur coat, no doubt trying to attract young pups for a bit of back alley dogging.
That fuckin dog nonce looks like Grayson Perry, his cunt name is Claire the cocker spaniel as well
For once I wouldn’t.
I wish the Alsatian would have bit his cock off.
Monstrous piece of filth.
What’s the matter with you all, are you blind? You’re dismissing this vision of loveliness as though she was just some plain Jane. You know you’d like to unbutton that coat and discover her hidden delights. I’d be there like a rat up a rhododendron.
It’s Waycissssst not to date a dog nonce, my cat told me that
Claudia Wrinklebum is looking a bit tired these days.
That cunt has a mask exempt lanyard on, jesus if anyone should wear a mask, then this be the time.
A gas mask.
Filled with Zyclon B?
I heard “Pets R US” are doing a roaring trade in dog chastity belts to keep these transformer nonces at bay
For starters https://c8.alamy.com/comp/C7GCC9/luxembourg-country-burning-of-the-witch-margaretha-knobling-in-1620-C7GCC9.jpg
The main https://c8.alamy.com/comp/C7GCG1/luxembourg-country-burning-of-the-witch-margaretha-knobling-in-1620-C7GCG1.jpg
Finally https://l450v.alamy.com/450v/c7gcjf/luxembourg-country-burning-of-the-witch-margaretha-knobling-in-1620-c7gcjf.jpg
Holy Moly!
The thing has escaped from one of those annoyin-as-feck Marc Jacobs ads… Because we’re perfect the way we are.
Because there aren’t already enough real fugly munters in the world.
There was a French poet called Jacqies Prevert.
And Monsieur Hulot went on holiday.
Sorry, in reply to Mr. Cunt Engine’s previous Prevert ishoos…
This cunt did NOT shag a dog. The dog shagged him, up his arse, in a gangbang. Let’s get it straight.
Does that make him more or less of a cunt? Paedo as well.