Foreigners in Oz

For nearly two years now Oz and especially West Oz have had closed borders. That means no new foreigners and the ones already here have had time and no excuse not to learn English nor not to integrate (not assimilate) to the few basic social graces our antipodean society considers the norm,

I would point out South Viets, most Commonwealth folk Japanese, Koreans and some Euros adapt quickly.

Stop eyeballing me, it’s a challenge and I’ll react accordingly.

Stop standing so close, it’s creepy and annoying when you shout to you companion in your quacking language with your foul breath.

Walk on the left side of the path. Do you drive on the right side of the road when it takes your fancy?

Standing in front of the doors of a train (I will walk through you), pushing yourself to the front of the line and especially on the bus asking questions when there is all the relevant information on the stop post whilst every one else is either getting baked in the sun or getting rained upon.

Don’t be foul to service folk for no reason, their job sucks, they receive minimal recompense. You’ve no right to make their day harder.

If you were some muck a muck in the old country it doesn’t matter anymore here, you left your shithole for a better life, don’t bring your shit with you. Remember who’s face is on the coinage, Good Madge Bess not Xhite Jinprat.

If you came here on the wealth qualification don’t think you can get away with imposing the shit labour laws that made you rich in Shitholia upon us. We spent a thousand years creating the society everyone prefers to live in.

Just don’t be a cunt, Do you notice how many people from the dominions live in shitholes, not many and there all looking to rip the locals off, sex criminals or both.

Nominated by: Shackledragger cunt

48 thoughts on “Foreigners in Oz

  1. Good nom Shackledragger.

    All that applies in spades* in the UK.

    * My apologies, didn’t mean to be racist, sorry.

      • Way too late Sick.

        Every year I see more and more ethnics.

        I can remember seeing some spades for the first time in the late 1940’s.

        I asked my mum why they had black faces.

        I was genuinely confused.

        We can’t turn back the clock, but we could aim for “damage limitation”.

        Never mind Crap26.

        The ethinics will completely ruin this country before any climate disaster.

        There is no ‘climate emergency’, but we undoubtedly have an immigration crisis. We and our indigenous successors are in for one hell of a shit show once these mudslimes get the upper hand.

        The youngsters and lefties just don’t seem to see it coming.

        This was once a quality country.

        Now it’s nothing more than a landfill site for the world’s undesirables, and other parasitic leeches.

        Fuck off.

  2. Grew up in oz. Brisbane Queensland no idea what it’s like now but to a young lad in the 60 s and 70 s it was paradise. Hope the new age gimirants are fucking it up. Set of cunts

  3. My once only ever visit to oz was 15 years ago. In a suberb of Sydney and I thought I was in Hong Kong. My Brother lives in Northern Territories and is now fluent in Cantonese, Urdu and some other fuckwit lingo.
    Apparently Oz is now so woke and PC ( due to the idiots they vote in ) that Oz is fast becoming another latrine.

    • That is very very sad, when I was there it was a healthy mix of Aussies, Abo’s, Pom’s, Frogs, Dutchies and Kruats. We all knocked about together spoke aussie english and lived the Australian dream.

      My parents brought us back to the UK because my elder brother got drafted to go to Vietnam. War. It’s a cunt.

      • My Brother served in the RAAF and retired 8 years ago, and now lives in NT, no way would he come back to UK..

  4. No fucking chance I’ll ever visit Oz. Basketcase, as is Nz.

    Turn it into a nuclear testing ground for the Chinese. It’s done.

  5. OZ was different a while back … used to eject undesirables as a matter of course. LOL … I got kicked outta WA as an illegal alien ?. Jeez when the system turns on you there it becomes a shitfest real quick … TV coverage n everything. I should add that it wasn’t my fault but the corporate entity that engaged us … some ‘technicality’ with our visas (who knew they didn’t like our Russian connection). Needless to say we’re on the old shitlist and not allowed back … like ever. Cunts … the lot of ’em.

  6. I’ve been to Oz once, 25 years ago and loved it. Sadly they say it’s going down the woke shitter now, sucking up to the Aborigines because they got there first. In 60,000 years their sole contributions to human development have been the boomerang and the didgeridoo.
    Captain Cook probably achieved more in his first afternoon.

  7. I visited Oz once, 25 years ago, and loved it. Sadly they say it’s going down the woke shitter now, like everywhere else. In particular they have to suck up to the Aborigines simply because they got there first. In 60,000 years their only contributions to human development have been the boomerang and the didgeridoo.
    Captain Cook probably achieved more in his first afternoon.

      • yep, we took everything they had, a bag of rocks and a half eaten lizard turd they’re been saving for a special occasion, rotters aint we

  8. You’re right, OP, there’s enough uncouth beer-swilling drongos in Oz wrecking the joint without spendthrift wealthy Wangs jetting in with their ancient customs and Confucian wisdom.

  9. I’ll have a slab of very cold VB cheers.

    Politics down under is fully infected with woke commie loonies from what I see.
    The last place I thought it would happen..
    It appears all sorts of flotsam can now live there,just like here.
    What a mess.

  10. I’ve lived in Melbourne on and off and still have half a property there but despite being the best part of Australia, it’s still a shit Britain with sunshine. Too many Greeks, Nîps, VietCong, Indians, and Irish bunging up the roads and fpogging useless tat. The Lebbos and Afgans don’t assimilate at all and there seems to be tall, skinny Afrikans on every corner bleeding the system. I recall little John Howard tackling the boat crisis well, however.

    • You are an ex cast member of “Neighbours” and I claim my £5 voucher for Fosters lager. And Kylie Minge-ogue’s phone number?

      • Aww, fuck yees are roight. Aaafter Oi saw Mrs.Mangle waanking off Bouncer ta feed her pussy, I quit that shit.

        Koiley toikes it ap the shitter nowadoiys, moite.

  11. My Grandmother came back here in the 1930s thank fuck. My ancestors were on the second shipment out. I’m more Australian than most Australians. Aus has gone covid insane.

    • Never been.
      To fuckin hot for me.
      But I like how Aussies approach things.
      And that theyre patriotic and made something of their country.
      They should not make the mistakes weve made letting in a hoarde of plague rats from the 3rd world.
      As for the Abbos, well if theyre resentful?
      Paint a sand painting about it.
      Or a nice dirge on the didgeridoo.
      Express yourself artistically.
      I saw a advertisement for Australia called ‘Romper stomper” and it looked great!!

  12. I have dozens of Oz relatives, mostly bogans, but one of my dad’s cousins was a firefighter who came out of retirement to combat the fires a couple of years ago, so they aren’t all bad.

    • ‘Bogan’ is one of the all-time great descriptions. The first time I heard it was coming out of a bar in Caulfield with a Convict. “What’s a bogun?” said I, naively.
      “Aww, fack moite. Roight there!” he replied, pointing at a toothless junkie covered in soup stains slumped on the pavement outside Coles.

  13. My favourite Aussie was probably that downs kid that got killed by a stingray.
    But also like Crocodile Dundee.


    • MNC@ – Don’t forget Mad Max!
      And Danni Minogue who definitely took it up the bum, unlike her frigid titless Sister Kylie!

  14. No need to go to Oz, to meet Australian’s-just go into any fucking pub, in central London ?

    I have been “down-under” on quite a few wimminz, from down under.
    I found Kiwi birds were dirtier?

  15. My mums great uncle (The Black Sheep of the family), became a multi-millionaire through sheep farming.
    When he died, the money wa offered to my Nan, who refused it-she was ashamed of her older brother.
    It was split evenly, between her two younger sisters, who had married Canadian Airmen during WW2 and emigrated to Canada.
    They both become millionaire business women, on the back of that windfall.

    Most folk have an Ozzy connection?

  16. 8 AM here. Am sitting on the back verandah, coffee and bacon and eggs to hand. Looking out to the east at the gloriously blue Pacific Ocean and to the west is the gloriously blue Lake Macquarie. Lorikeets and Kookaburras having a squabble in the gumtree. forecast temperature is 26 today. May get a shower later on. I reckon many of you lot are freezing your bollocks off. Belmont NSW….very, very few ethnics here and those who are are bloody beaut!
    You lot can all get fucked. Australia is much much more than just the capital cities.

    • enjoy it for now, the cabal are still emptying out the middle east to take control of their oil and gas, several million sandrats heading your way in the next few years…glad you’re outside of the cities

  17. and the ones in black bin bags need to stop pissing on the pavements, sick of seeing puddles appearing round their feet, fucking disgusting ugly cunts stinking of piss

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