A cunting please for Miliband Major, sanctimonious poser for International Rescue, who always looks as if he has just accidently sat on one of Mandleson’s larger buttplugs.
The self-important little motherfucker gave an audience to Wireless 4s Today programme yesterday (27th November) and blamed the government for the fact that 27 people drowned themselves attempting to cross from France to the RNLI Kentish taxi rank earlier in the week. He sided with Macron (I reckon he fancies him) and, of course, blames Brexit:
I am sure this was a pitch to ingratiate himself with Kweer Starmer as his beak senses a smell of a Starmer government and he fancies talking down to the people of South Shields. That little arsewipe would do anything for money.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Both he and his brother should be impaled and hung from Tower Bridge. Neither is a credible politician and both are shit deep in creaming from the public. As for his comeback South Shields would simply tell him to fuck off.
‘Credible politician’- the next of those I encounter will be the first and I’ve be lurching around the planet for 69 years.
I couldnt give a fuck about dingy people drowning. More the merrier as far as im concerned.
As with the simpleton Harry Markle-Hewitt and his hilarious ‘job,’ I would be fascinated to know the selection process that netted this nonentity his 700k sinecure.
The Millipedes (numerous fingers in numerous pies), represented the lowest point in labours history (excluding the last election).
All the shite are coming out of the woodwork, sensing a need for stronger Labour leadership and “opportunities”.
The thing that makes me the angriest, about modern British politics, is the way the academics and metropolitan elites have stolen the Labour Party, from the working class.
Leaving no credible opposition, to keep the Cuntservatives “Honest”.
It was a terrible personal blow when they chose his mongy brother to be PM in waiting instead of him. The poor cunt never really got over it and had to fuck off to some other country to fill his pockets with other people’s money.
He needs to stay there the cunt, we don’t any more libtard parasites over here.
Blair, Brown, Lawson, Major, Maybot, Cameron, these pair of fuckwits – all have one thing in common: they were complete and utter failures when they were in government!
But they don’t want to open those particular rusty cans of worms. Instead they want to take a swipe at the current government and the “ignorant” electorate for being useless, bigoted, selfish and uncaring etc.
They do this in the safe knowledge that they have nothing to lose, no responsibilities, no accountabilities. Just a nice bit of attention-seeking via a sycophantic MSM ever grateful for cunts like these to take potshots from the outside looking in.
For them, the real world is someone else’s problem. Instead, they live in a fantasy world where whatever they say is true and righteous… and of course comes with a nice £100,000 cheque or two for a 500 word soundbite!
The Kray twins of New Labour.
Very rarely do you get two children you wish youd put up for adoption.
Normally one is ok
The other you have to suffer.
So imagine mrs Millipedes dissapointment when both sons were utter cunts?
“Im thinking of going into politics”
Worst thing a parent can hear from its child’s mouth..
In defence of Lawson, the former fat tory slug that raped everyone with high inflation and high interest rates in the 80s but now looks like a tortoise without it’s she’ll, he is at least actively giving the government shit over net zero, having set up net zero watch (formerly the GWPF).
Still a cunt, but he’s in our side about this at least.
I want the cunt to go and look for the dead architects at the bottom of the Channel.
Best if the rotten cunt stays there.
That Ed Millipede looks like theres something deeply flawed in his genetic makeup.
Sort of Nick Parks animation,
With his buckteeth, boggle eyed,
Oddly shaped nut.
Jesus, throw him back in the bucket…
Once again, it goes to show how out of touch ‘political’ cunts like this bellend are.
Dinghy people drowned? Good. Should have stayed in Syria and tried to sort out their own shitehole of a country. We don’t want them here Dave, get that plain fact into your malformed cranium you weird looking spaz.
Still suffering from Brexit remainer syndrome, aww. poor diddums. Go a lie in a darkened room for a few days. It was a democrat vote. You thick cunt. I
Anyways, that said, blame the BBC for giving a voice to Millipeed and his ilk. No decent broadcast outfit would give him the time of day. Just another non entity – but sadly to BBC luvvies, lefty’s and Islington tossers, the son of a Marxist agitator is manna from heaven…
I blame the UK, if they had army patrols on French beaches they would have been shot before they got anywhere near the water.
The cunt has almost a million dollar salary for running a terrorist resettlement scheme, not that he needs to worry I am sure Miliband Island is well protected.
Heir to Blair, malevolent little spider.
A devious and shifty little mong who’s own brother thought so little of him that he fucked him over. I fear we haven’t heard the last of this fucker as far as the Labour Party is concerned. He’ll be sniffing around if Rear Harmer wins or, more likely, loses the next election. He could paint himself as the saviour of Labour in much the same way as Bliar has been rumoured to be thinking of doing. Dog help us.
Miliband’s a (just let me make sure that I spell this correctly)
Blaming the government for the Channel deaths is cynical political opportunism at its worst.
Morning all.
It’s the logic of people who say rape victims were asking for it because they wore a short skirt.
In the case of the UK, we’re asking to be raped by these cunts because we have an attractive benefits system.
Don’t forget the devious Milliband brothers used some obscure loophole to change their dad’s will AFTER he died in order to save tax. Typical socialist hypocrites.
Their dad was a utter cunt also
Instead of grandstanding about the potentially illegal immigrants that drown in French waters he should find out how many British citizens have drown in British waters because the life boat service and the Royal Navy have been busy elsewhere, used as a fucking taxi service.
The pair of cockwombles.Bin please.I am glad these surgeons and rocket scientists went to their watery grave.STAY IN AFRICA YOU BLEEDING RATS.
Politicians, at least 90% of them are no different from middle managers in your average medium sized enterprise.
They think they are important but they are only there to act on orders from above.
That leaves 10%. 90% of the remaining 10% are there because of circumstances. Diane Abbott, Lammy and Rayner for example. Angela should be operating a till in ASDA, Diane should be in a home for special people and Lammy should be deported.
The few left are the puppets of the elites and decide whose money buys how much influence. I don’t know if a single MP of any party I believe has any real integrity.
Occasionally I’ll listen to George Galloway. I don’t agree with George about much, often I disagree with his right to breath but he is more consistent in his beliefs than anyone from the main parties.
Robin Cook was another I disagreed with but admired how integrity. Mrs T, you knew she believed in the policies she set forth.
Boris wouldn’t recognise the truth if it mugged him in broad daylight and Sir (socialist) Starmer is worse than Boris.
More than anytime since the end of the war we’ve needed leadership we can trust and we’ve suffered with fools lead by pigs.
Robin Cook, principled man apparently.
David Amess too I understand. Notice a trend?
Frank Field, a genuine man of the people who did his best for his constituents. There are very, very few of them.
Hence why he’s someone’s pick in the dead pool?
I believe he’s terminally ill, BH, so he’s a bit of a certainty for the DP. I for one will be sad when he goes.
This news had not reached me in the States yet GT, thanks for enlightening me. My access to UK news over here is patchy since I don’t do BBC or Sly News.
Bad news about Sir Frank well probably not see the like of him again.
David hasn’t forgiven Ed for drawing a willy in his Beano book when they were schoolboys.
Pair of pointless cunts…
Fuck that, Ed gave us the Ed Stone so he can do no wrong in my eyes….sorry
The Ed Stone, what a stupid cunt. I had to assume that his advisers we’re taking the piss to see how fucking dumb he was by presenting him with obviously dumb ideas.
They must’ve presented it to him as. some kind of Moses on the mountain tablets of stone scenario, when it was obviously going to be seen by everyone else as his epitaph. The fact he was called Ed just made it more hilarious. I’d love to have been there the moment he realized what a cunt he’d been.
Anyway, morning/afternoon cunters, taking my leave of you now to go stalk a firefighting elf.
There was a fake Ed Stone in a pub / greasy spoon in London a few years back but nobody knows the location of the real deal.
My guess is it’s in the same warehouse as the Ark of the Covenant.
The bloke is a failed politician that no one has the slightest bit of respect for. As for his cause regarding the detritus that relentlessly invades our shores he seems to forget that they are fuckin criminals that spend every waking moment trying to thwart the rule of law … cunts the fuckin lot!
Like the rule of law applies. To them, how quaint!
Multimillionaire communist father changed the will to get more money. Typical socialists, total cunts.
If parasites choose to engage in a dangerous and illegal sea crossing and die because of it then fuck them – the only “fault” and “blame” here are theirs.
And I don’t recall “finger in a million pies” marxist (how surprising) Milibland (and good friend of that paragon of virtue Hillary Clinton) opening up any of his mansions to house alleged “illegal immigrants”.
I have never known such soulless vampire bastards infest politics – they have already stripped the corpse they created from their time on the taxpayer funded gravy train but they can never resist coming back for one more chew of the bones – morally bankrupt money and power obsessed degenerates.
We have one, and I believe quite possibly our last, chance at the next election – send a message for REAL change, vote for leadership and captains who do not deliberately head for the iceberg in order to shock the safe open – get these bastards OUT – ALL of them.
Where’s a snooker ball and sock when you need one ?!