The yellow peril has unleashed a pandemic and are about to unleash a banking crisis via the Evergrande property collapse.
Evergrande is a Chinese property company owned , like everything else in China by the CCP.
Will they let it collapse? Will that destroy the West? Could they prop it up with the trillions sent to China from the West thanks to our “great leaders” who let the yellow cunts into the WTO.(Thanks Clinton cunt) .
In other words we have paid for the massive development of the Chinese “people army”. Well done everyone. America is far more concentrated on “white Privilege” to do anything about the imminent invasion of Taiwan.
My advice ,keep HMS Queen Elizabeth well out of it.It will be sunk within half an hour.
Nominated by: smugcunt
Helpful link supplied by: W.C.Boggs
The Chinese economy is always tenuous. Artificial manipulation of the Yuan, the Chinese stock exchange, loans they have spent the last 40 making around the world being defaulted on, rising raw material, fuel and labour prices have left China in a very weak financial position and all it take is for one domino like Evergrande to fall and it all comes crashing down – the CCP know this and they are terrified – starving people remove leaders. This is the reason for all the sabre rattling and bellicose posturing, the reason they are desperate to start mineral extraction in Afghanistan for a new income stream, the reason they are desperate to invade Taiwan and absorb it into their economy (good luck with that one – the Taiwanese are hard little fuckers, intensely patriotic and seriously tooled up).
And also the reason they created a plandemic so they could cripple the worlds largest economy, arrange a communist coup ant then sit back and reap the financial benefits.
China is an evil, dangerous, strangling snake and needs dealing with. But with a puppet US “President” and a western world that seems to have mislaid its collective spine, balls and moral compass I am doubtful anyone will step up.
Bullies can only flourish in an atmosphere of fear and weakness.
Show none.
Fucking old cunt Faucci has so many ties with china and experimental drugs, he wants to be immortal. billionaires ? fucking billionaire? Can you imagine how much of a cunt you would be if you was a millionaire? Times that by astronomical figures
The article says Evergrande’s liabilities exceed $300bn.
Well I’ve just looked up the USA’s current federal deficit, and if I’ve got my figures right, the USA is racking up another $300bn dollars of debt every 6 weeks. The USA’s national debt is now just shy of 29 trillion. That’s 29 with 12 noughts after it, believe it or not.
Frankly, some shitty, Chinky property company going tits up is nothing compared to the financial shitstorm that’s on its way.
Like most governments,the Yanks have kicked their national debt into the long grass for decades. What government can hope to get re elected if they decide to tackle their national debt in a meaningful manner?
GT@ – 29 Trillion? You could almost buy a Premier League footballer with that!
The issue being Evergrande is state funded and very over leveraged financially – if the state bail them out it leaves a massive hole in the Chinese economy, the Chinese economy contracts, there will be a lot of secondary fallout and the whole world suffers the consequences – it also sends a dangerous signal to any other chancers that they can be as reckless as they want and the state will bail them out – just like the 2008 banking crisis the taxpayer is still paying off.
Rich people will be OK though.
They always are.
Indeed. It’s called moral hazard.
The money printing goes disproportionately to the
already wealthy elites, who know fiat money isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, so they buy real assets with it as fast as they can, and get richer from the dividends, rents and capital growth while everyone else is left holding increasingly worthless fiat tokens.
A bit of context, US Debt is $29 trillion, but its economy is worth $24 trillion so its debt is around 120% of GDP same as France, UK level is $3 trillion or roughly 95%, anyway China has a huge debt pile, The Government has pumped trillions into banks and property/industrial conglomerates with total Gov debt of over 200% or over $20 trillion. Its a house of cards and its about to get very very ugly.
We are due for another “global economic correction” anytime soon, just as we saw back in 2008. Although back then it was more to do with bank loans and subprime controversies..
I don’t think the World Bank know what to do next – most western countries deeply in debt, inflation on the rise, with interest rates not too far behind. These covid scares won’t reassure the markets, and now we have China fucking itself with money it doesn’t really have
Add to that China’s threat to kick the shit out of Taiwan; ongoing problems in Afghanistan, Syria and South Africa. Then there’s Russia moving over 100,000 troops on the Ukraine border; China and India playing silly buggers on their borders; and Iran’s enriched uranium capacity currently at an unprecedented 60%. Another 30% and it will have full nuclear capability – sufficient enough to threaten Israel.
But what does Sniffer Joe concern himself with? Placating the woke with shitloads of virtue signalling and throwing trillions of pretend dollars at social problems that will never be resolved.
What would really cap it all off is if China’s economy collapsed, bringing down the whole house of cards with it.
Merry Christmas!
Any cunt with any sort of knowledge about the might of the American “War Machine”, around China, will know that China ARE shit-scared of a real conflict. They might inflict massive collateral damage elsewhere-but they would be wiped of the surface of the Earth.
Particularly if their military equipment is as well made as their motorcycles ???
Yeah but can I still buy bog roll and petrol without a mask? Fucking cunts.
The inscrutable little cunts are cosying up with russia, but I think Putin has enough sense not to do anything that might get his black sea dachau nuked. There are billions of the soul-less insect people but the yanks have better weapons and should be able to destroy most of their navy and warplanes on the first day. And the fuckers eat dogs and cats with tiger penis for dessert. Tiger cock and rhino horn are clearly ineffectual as the average erection in china is between 3 and 4 inches. This may explain why they are so belligerant. Koreans are cut from the same cloth, so if your teenage daughter has a crush on JLS or Kim Jong Un you need to explain to them that ultimately ther are going to be disappointed.
Off topic and yet more glad tidings?
IsAC’s favourite racing driverist & Social Justice Warrior has NOT retained his drivers championship.
Well done Mad Max??
Oh dear, what a shame, never mind. Next. 🙂
I think that Max may be surprised at how popular he is in the U.K..
Expect Hamilwank to throw some R cards out of his pram any time soon!
But that’s for a different nom
Obviously racism at it’s most blatant…expect the result to be reversed immediately.
Well Mercedes are protesting the result so……?
Mercedes went all wokey up before you go go Hamilton knee cap
The Red Bull happened to stick with the brave no quarter given and won
Congratulations and Jubilations
i want the world to know I’m as happy as can be
Well done Max. (Hunt The Shunt Mk2).
Any cunt who feeds their dog a vegan diet deserves to have every point deducted, for being a complete and utter wanker.
The woke ‘man with a tan’ will come up with some bullshit as to why the title should be his.
i know enough that i know fuck nothin
The west has been printinting money for a while and especially more printing when covid arrived .China is holding a huge amount of IOU s and i just wonder
we certainly are in for a kick in the bollocks
It seems to be a race about who will go bankrupt first.
Perhaps the West is winning by a head but we live in very interesting times and if Evergrand start to default on its loans/dividend then all bets are off for our Yellow Chums.
The globe is addicted to printing money and living beyond its means.
An invasion of Taiwan would make the perfect distraction but the commies don’t like having to fathom on a dust up with the Yanks.
Egg Foo Yung the cunts.
They build bunkers, a bit like our old mate Adolf. They are so shit scared little girls of anyone who questions their plans of domination. My particular local MP is going to be followed for a while now. The cunt won’t know why he had the plastic bag over his head.
Never fear….our Overseas Aid budget will be increased to cover any Evergrande losses…and we can also invite any Chairman Mao who doesn’t own at least a 3-bedroom house to come over here and get one off the Council.
Diversity is our strength.
Am surprised we’re even allowed to call China “China”, for fear of being racist or something equally pathetic. (vis-à-vis the India Covid variant rebranded Delta)
So let’s just call them Cunts instead.
The Epoch Times refers to the chinqui bat flu as CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus.
Their inglorious leader looks like Winnie the Pooh with a bad skin complaint, and the slitty-eyed, gobbing fatsoes eat all sorts of shit.
What’s to like??
India is fucked off with China anyway. It’s our best ally. American people just want to stoke the grills of racism.
Bit of a naïve, albeit genuine, question: who, exactly, do we owe this national debt to?
The Rothchilds and Rockefeller type families of the world?
Is it the people who own banks (who own corporations / who own lobbyists / who own politicians?)
Can any ISACunter kindly advise?
I’ll spike yer guns,you naughty Cunt-Engine….
1. Two-fifths of UK government debt is owed to the UK government itself
2. The UK government’s extra spending during the Covid crisis has been paid for by borrowing from itself, through the Bank of England
3. Over four-fifths of UK government debt is owed to people and institutions in the UK
4. The UK government can currently borrow at the cheapest interest rates in its history
5. The UK government is paying the lowest amount of interest on its debt in recorded history, as a proportion of GDP
6. UK government tax revenue (as a proportion of GDP) is the third lowest of G7 countries, and well behind other European countries
7. The debt of the UK’s private sector is 2-3 times bigger than that of the government
8. The UK economy has the second largest deficit with the rest of the world of any rich country
9. The UK’s finance sector is the most exposed to a crisis of any G7 economy
Fuck me, that’s some grim reading, Mr F…but thanks anyway!
No doubt all the 3rd world flotsam and jetsam coming over the channel will help to redress the trade defecit.
It’s a load of bollocks really….everyone knows that The Jews are behind it all.
I don’t believe that is the complete truth. Good and bad in everyone.
I just wish people like Alan Sugar and Merium Morgoles were to recognise they wouldn’t be on this earth if it wasn’t for good people and could mind their own fucking business. Then they join labour who frankly are the most anti semetic party going. Some Jewish people don’t agree with Isreal? Why? It’s beyond me.
I’ve been in awkward conversations with people in a business setting and they chat about politics in work. It usually comes from the mouth of labour and people of the middle eastern heritage.
Not about improving systems or peoples lives, just simply hating on people. It’s normally the same cunts who are out with the hope not hate banners.
But still they live here. They might have a passport and so did Shemena Begum doesn’t mean they are not traitors.
I do agree though they’re are dark forces behind us to stop the UK being united.
DF@ – Not forgetting the massive decades long debt predicated on future tax returns that simple Sunak has dumped us in with China (of all fucking places) by selling them Sovereign Debt Bonds so half the UK could sit on their arses for over a year on furlough.
Played a blinder there Rishi – what a credible, loyal and trustworthy money Man you are..
He is a top wanker.
They owe you and your pension fund
In short most of the debt is circular, however the BOE has screwed itself as it now has a stake in what happens to interest rates, not so neutral after all, and why they won’t put interest rates up anytime soon if they can keep pumping the nonsense that inflation is transitory.
On UK private debt, please note assets offset debts by at least by a factor of 4 (houses/pensions etc). Government debt though is not supported by assets in the same way.
Evening Mr Cunt Engine.
Creditors comprise a wide range of institutions and private investors.
UK pension funds/insurance companies (29%)
Private corporations / other financial institutions
UK building societies (buying government gilts to invest their savings to get a decent return)
UK Banks
UK Private investors
Foreign investors (foreign banks and foreign investment firms (20%)
Bank of England Asset Purchase facility (Quantitative easing)
All at the behest the Jews, obviously. ?
Evening RTC, nice explanation…this must be the most sensible/boring thing I’ve ever posted! I can feel myself turning into John Major.
I’d better have a quick think about Edwina Currie’s enormous jet-black minge to restore my equalibrium.
Has she been posting on InstaClunge again?
TTCE, your mention of Currie’s minge puts me in mind of the skirt if the old Ramsgate – Calais hovercraft, which ironically may’ve been called Princess Margaret…
Mostly Lloyds Banking Group and RBS. I’ve never had a dividend back. All it seems to me is if you want to build a business your damn sure that cunts will destroy it. And tax you in the process and also call you a racist cunt to really kick you in the minge when your down.
Easiest solution is bomb China
EW@ – DCI warming up the Lancaster engines as we speak..
The Chinese are always up to something. A local Chinese businessman around my area, selling fishing chips with a number 74 of Clocking Cars and Number 98 for money laundering down the local casino. The funny thing is he was banged up for cocaine dealing and car clocking a while ago and now he is doing it again in plain sight but because all the local police have disappeared he ain’t getting shit done about it.
Country is going to shit because of this white privilege bollocks coming from America.
If hunger, cold, death, disease, rioting and hopelessness is your bag, you will be able to fill your boots in the coming shit storm.
I going to start prepping now.
Add a crossbow to my Crimbo list.
Fuck that Cuntalugs.
I’m asking Santa for an AK47.
Ha ha.
Don’t think Amazon do them.
Would be a nice stocking filler along with some RPGs!
China are into Africas mineral wealth, and buying up fast.
Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia are rich in copper, manganese, iron, gold etc.
The split links have plans for this and arent slow to act.
Local labour is cheap and plentiful and not open to scrutiny.
Sounds like a Chinese name!!
If I was a rinky-dink overseeing an African chain gang, I’d be rather worried about being eaten by the tribe.
Adds a whole new dimension to “having a chınky meal”.
They don’t even do stun guns or tasers. I’ve looked.
So some cunt can stab me to death with a knife from Wilko, and I’m denied the privilege of applying 5000 volts to their neck and spazzing them out.
I’m sure a few capacitors could be charged in parallel then discharged in series? Either way, they are pretty lethal items.
Christ, I wouldn’t like to get on the wrong side of you Belinda…
I’ve already got two. A little one next to my bed for the next savage who tries to nick my bike for the 5th time and a bigger one for the cunts.
I am expanding my home defence arsenal, a kitchen knife and a golf club won’t do you much good against multiple armed intruders. And I have started hoarding potnoodles again. Trying to form a vigilante militia group, everyone is keen at pub chucking out time, but enthusiasm wanes the next day. Good job we can rely on the police to protect us from pikie gangs and other undesirables who may wish us harm.
Will need a lateral flow test next week as a prerequisite for attending a specific event.
Just picked up a box of tests from the chemist.
Printed on the end of the box are the words “Made in China”.
How ironic!
Fuck their fucking fake tests