Anti-Vaxxers (Admin Warning)

I know a lot of members of this site claim to be civil libertarians and will argue against me here.

But I want to put to you all a simple scenario.

You have a vulnerable relative with an underlying medical condition. They can not be vaccinated. Your view is that whether or not to be jabbed is a matter of personal freedom and that anyone who decides not to be should be allowed to go about their lawful business unimpeded. The only trouble is that many of these non-vaxers are tradesmen or carers who may have to enter the home of your vulnerable relative. One who does is a carrier and your loved one is infected by this person. Sadly, they get very ill and then die.

What is your reaction? Are you content that this anti-vaxer preserved their civil liberty even though it cost of your relative? Is that a fair exchange?

I don’t want to hear smokescreen arguments such that the vaccine doesn’t protect everyone or that workers who enter care homes have to pass a flow test.

If someone turns up at your granny’s house she won’t ask them to take a test. What about her freedom FROM being infected by a deadly disease? Anti-vaxers only ever talk about freedoms TO do something. It is just about them with no regard for anyone else. Most have not suffered the loss of loved ones.

No, I don’t advocate people being held down while they are injected. If they won’t participate in the vaccination programme then that’s OK but they will have to accept that their life will be more limited for the sake of the community as a whole. Other countries are making this choice and are being compared with the Nazis. This is a ridiculous argument. The Nazis introduced programmes to kill millions of innocent people, modern governments are doing it to save millions, exactly the opposite reason.

Let’s not get side-tracked by civil liberties. We’ve heard it all before with drink driving, smoking, seat belts et al. All were opposed by the self appointed freedom warriors. What about my simple example of a loved one?

Nominated by: Sir Streeb Greebling

(NOTICE. Play nice please – Day Admin)

336 thoughts on “Anti-Vaxxers (Admin Warning)

    • A like from me for your comment DA.

      May I take the opportunity of wishing you and NA and your loved ones a very Happy Christmas.

  1. It’s simple, you just have to ask for their vaccine passport, just like the bastard government. We are told that 90% have been jabbed so no problem.

    • You are correct Freddie, just under 90% of those eligible have had at least one dose 51.5 million and the boosters are flying off the shelves.
      Your neck of the woods is lagging behind, P*kis, Blicks, East Europeans. Deport all foreigners who refuse the jab!!

    • Funny how the biggest care home of decrepit old fucks in the country, the houses of parliament, is exempt from the vax pass.

    • So the 10% who can’t be vaxed don’t matter then?

      Democracy is government by majority for the benefit of all (including the minority)

      • Of course they matter but they have to accept that life involves risk. And, again, for posterity, the vaccinated are still able to spread it.

      • @OpinionatedCunt

        There’s no evidence that there is person-to-person transmission of respiratory viruses full-stop.

        Certainly prior to this great ‘pandemic’ if someone had suggested to a doctor that if you showed no symptoms of something you could still spread it simply by being in the same room as them, they would have laughed in your face and told you to get the fuck out of their office.

  2. I have had all 3, for whatever reason. I couldn’t give a fuck is someone as not had one.

  3. But the vaccines have been proven not to stop transmission in either direction so the nominator’s point is invalid.

    • No it’s not. The evidence is that vaxing helps prevent infection and makes it less likely to be passed on. So your point is invalid not mine.

      • It cuts the risk of infection but it doesn’t stop it by any means. Ergo, it’s less likely in your scenario but still likely. Just look at Ireland, Gibraltar and Israel as examples of that.

      • SSG@ – The evidence shows the exact opposite – people who have been “vaccinated” are much more likely to transmit than those who have not. “Vaccines” that do not vaccinate, do not prevent transmission and do not prevent reinfection are not vaccines – they are lying by stating otherwise but not one person in politics or the MSM has called out this small but “rather important” fact. “But the vaccines make the symptoms less severe” they whine – but VACCINES are supposed to VACCINATE – if people want to lessen the symptoms take a Lem Sip but please stop insulting our collective intelligence by pretending something is different to what it is.
        And I have full con fidence in Pfizer, the pharma giant which has received the biggest fine in history for their malpractice and dishonesty, and the same pharma giant which cannot be sued for side effects and deaths from their human guinea pig experiments and tried to get all (and believe me there are plenty) deaths and adverse reactions kept secret for 75 years.
        When are we seeing any of the virologists and epidemiologists from The Great Barrington Declaration allowed a studio debate to put THEIR relevant medical opinion on record and challenge “politicians” and “health expert$” who appear to believe what we did or did not have for dinner at the pub has a direct bearing on transmission.
        Every single thing the “tinfoil hatters” and conspiracy theorists” told us would happen has, and BASTARDS Raab and Javed are already laying the groundwork for yet a fucking nother lockdown.
        Massive London protest yesterday, not a word from the MSM, massive protests across the world, not a word from the MSM and the WHO have stated that your child (read that again – YOUR 6 YEAR OLD CHILD) has given “informed consent” to be jabbed by the very action of being at school.
        Does it take being dragged to the “not concentration camps at all” we were constantly told were not being built as they were being built before people wake up to what is going on here?

    • We’d all be better off if they had handed out free Ivermectin. They could actually have sent this excellent, Nobel Prize winning medicine to our homes and let us take it ourselves. Instead we were given… well, no one really knows what it was. Henry Kissinger’s ass-sweat for all we know.

  4. Some bloke on the wireless this morning talking about that shit heap London, apparrenty Suckdick has declared a state of emergency. I’ve no clue what this means but it’s been done due to the amount of cunts there that won’t get vaccinated. This bloke was say the usual bollocks about reaching out to the community leaders and mosques. We all fucking know what communities aren’t getting jabbed with poisonous white man’s juju. It’s about time someone said it like it was to these cunts, get a jab or fuck off back to whatever ‘istan’ you came from. Foreign bastards, mooselimb cunts.

    • “State of emergency” used to mean a terrorist attack, now it means that some in Greggs sneezed on a stake-bake.

      • It is mere political grandstanding by the little cunt.
        He was on the Marr show yesterday (the last one Thank God) , and mentioned all sorts of minorities who were not getting vaccinated, the only one he forgot were the Mosque attendees.

        Saj Javid was his last guest and gave him a polite send-off. If it had been me I would have thanked him for everything Marr had done to support the country and the Conservative Party. His June 2016 interview with Nigel Farage, where he focused on 10 year old quotes ensured the Brexit result, his December 2019 interview with Boris gave the Conservatives an 81 seat majority and his interviewing style has given us a Conservative led government for the last 11 years and then wished him a happy future.
        The look on his face would have been worth it.

    • He said there’s only about 2/3rds of the cunts had the vaccine. No wonder the national figures are up, they must be skewed by these bastards. Trump wanted a wall, what a fucking great idea.

    • On talk radio a politician said a third of London has not taken the jab.
      Currently there are just under 9 million living in London
      Which means 3 million are unjabbed.
      Government says 5 million are not jabbed in the country which means only 2 million are scattered around old Blighty.
      Thats pretty good going for the rest of the country.
      But wait, a couple have doctors and a medical journal have let slip in conversations that it could be up to 20 million un jabbed?
      Until I have the full figures of how many have died WITH IT or OF IT and the amount of people that test positive and have no effects and all the rest of the data I will not believe a word coming out of this farce of a government
      My parents are 85 years old one has had the full boost one has had Covid and no vaccine.
      Both say what the fuck has the world come to that we are living in fear. Bombed out twice in the war. One direct hit on pop’s house in Islington. I’m proud to be their son. People should grow some balls.
      If anyone thinks that the ruling class have your best interests have a look at all the politicians and celebrities and wealthy not giving a flying fuck about wearing a mask and adhering to rules they make.
      I was not born to Save the NHS nor worry about other people protecting yourself against a fucking cold.
      Live your lives you only have one and two years so far have been taken away from you.
      Rant over.

      My name is Ben Elton good night.

      • Govs UKHSA Surveillance Report week 50.

        23.5 million unjabbed in England. Which is almost half the nation.

        They are clearly lying in an attempt to coerce people. Two possible reasons: Vax pass/DigitalID needs total buy in, and removing jab control group.

      • One real casualty of all this will be the government’s population figures. I believe (and I stand to be corrected) that the official figure is about 64 million but when all those vaxxed and unvaxxed are added up I bet it comes out at well over 70 million,

      • @Chunky

        We had this maths quiz the other night

        51.5 million have had one dose, that is almost 90% of those eligible.
        For your figure of 23.5 million to be correct the UK population would need to be 75 million which it isn’t.
        You can use a figure for England and then equate it to the UK population as a whole.
        Opinions are one thing but facts are something else, why do you skew your arguments by giving false information, you accuse the government of lying but you are doing exactly the same.

      • There are conservative (small ‘c’) estimates of over a million illegal immigrants in London alone. I believe them.

      • You are quite right moggie but I doubt that they are counted in official figures, as the mayor of Calais said ‘it’s far too easy to work illegally in the uk’ when referring to the pull factor for economic migrants.
        Remember at the start of the pandemic the government were encouraging illegals to register with a GP with a promise it wouldn’t be used to track them ?

    • That’s been my point exactly. It’s the moose limbs and dark keys (along with a smallish number of honkies) refusing the jab.

      The jab does reduce the chances of getting the Rona and certainly reduces the risk of serious illness and death. If you’re after perfection (100% safe and 100% works for all), you’ll be waiting a long fucking time. Case in point, my sister was vaccinated against measles and got measles a few years later. It happens. Doesn’t mean we should stop the measles vaccine.

      It’s a fucked up situation because one the one hand, you can’t hold people down and inject them of course, but on the other, allowing the status quo to continue means that yes, hospitals will be overrun with admissions for Rona. You may change your mind, as many have in some countries, if it’s you or a loved gasping for breath in an overrun hospital with no oxygen available.

      What’s the answer?

      I agree with a lot of the points in the nom. The figures are out there, worldwide (with one or two exceptions like China/North Korea). It’s a done deal for me.

      You are at reduced risk of death or serious illness by taking it. That’s a fucking done deal and all other cherry picked bollocks is irrelevant. I don’t give a fuck what one PhD cunt says against 50 others saying the opposite.

      I think reducing freedoms for cunts not bothering could be the only way now. The alternative could be overrun hospitals (I’m getting rather tired of the ‘Shipmanesque’ legend ‘They’re old anyway.’)

      The other alternative is to open everything. No restrictions. Even for those refusing the jabs. I’m vaccinated so I’ll almost certainly not be brown bread because of Rona if I catch it. But some old cunts might, and they may have had a few more years left in them.

      If it was just the cunts refusing the vaccine who died I’d say go for it, but I’m not comfortable about the older cunts caught up in it, that’s all.

      The sad thing is, I’ve seen some (on here too) saying no matter what (think about that) they will never take the jab. It’s become some kind of stubborn crusade for these cunts (yes, not all those against the jab say this of course). The ones that do think like this are saying even if a 100% safe vaccine is made and is 100% effective, they won’t take it. In that scenario, only some of those die, so all is good.

      It’s a tough one but yes, comparing restrictions on the anti vaxxers to Adolf is fucking childish. Perhaps stop behaving like Dakis and dark keys and celebrate a modern medical marvel from honky scientists, how about that?

      It’s not perfect, but it helps. A lot.

      • One answer might be a referendum asking the over 70s if they’d rather spend their remaining years in absolute freedom or with restrictions to protect them.

        If the oldies voted for ‘fuck it lets have the freedom’ then problem solved really.

        Or we all cut the BS, be honest and say , ‘Let the old cunts die. Fuck ’em.’

      • I see the loonies have arrived. Life is too short. See you on other threads (why do I bother lol).

        Peace love and let’s cunt the cunts, these threads do me bloody blood pressure admin – good job I’m vaxxed then, innit ?

      • “I think reducing freedoms for the cunts not bothering might be the only way now”

        Fucking hell CB.

      • Well I did say ‘might’, I don’t think it’s a black and white thing. I’m not talking about troops outside your house keeping you indoors.

        I’m talking about keeping them away from care homes/the vulnerable etc without a negative test (see RTC below).

        I get called all-sorts by those with similar (right wing) views. I’m on me bloody own me, so I definitely can’t be called a sheeple (although some have).

        I see all this as a massive open goal missed. Yes, incredible. I think for myself. Dark keys and peacefuls spreading it everywhere (and causing more mutations – the latest from Africa btw). Honkies make vaccines but they don’t trust ‘da honky medicine’.

        Instead, we get a few of honkies joining in too.

        Well done everyone! Open fucking goal that was.

      • As I’ve said before mate – the collateral damage caused by all of this is worse than any variant.
        Suicides, unemployment, businesses destroyed etc etc etc.

        I’m a fit, healthy, unvaccinated honkey, with a questioning mindset, running a business dealing with hundreds of customers and I personally know of more deaths and injuries that would appear “vaccine” related than that of this fucking virus.
        That’s just my experience and I’m sorry if it doesn’t suit the narrative.

        I’m not a “tinfoiler” or a “loon” sat in my mothers basement – I’m out and about, every day, witnessing society tearing itself to shreds.

        Although I might not be out and about or be running a business for too much longer unless I agree to an experimental medical procedure.

        How democratic.

      • If it’s a matter of a negative test then that I can get on board with.. Quasi-mandatory vaccination, though, is another matter.

      • I’m ok with that too OC.

        I agree we cannot continue the way we are and need to get back to normal, but there are too many who will even refuse a test before entering a care home/an ICU unit for example.

        I’m at the point of exhaustion with this shite and at the point of ‘Fuck it. I won’t die but others will. Open everything for everyone and we can blame the daft cunts later.’

        The open goal I talked about gets to me though.

        Merry Christmas anyway all.

    • The only emergency in Londonstabisbendertrannystan is a shortage of new three and four bedroom houses for dinghy riders and other friends of suckdick. The little cunt really is an arsehole.

  5. If loathe vulnerable or infirm want to shield, then fine, I suggest however not watching the Media as eventually you will piss yourself to death, not by laughing.

    Provide an NHS that can cope, after all they get billions every year from our taxes.

    Do not mandate or impose compulsory jabs, that’s a path to Nazi tyranny.

    If you want to wear a mask feel free, but don’t get arsey when others don’t as the science is far from settled.

    Deny treatment to the un jabbed… fine if you want that discussion, but also include smokers and drinkers.

    Lockdowns, shove it up your arse.

    That is all, I have to go to fuck now, to keep the economy funded and save the international NHS via my taxes. I’m a fucking hero.

    • Agree LeonardoDiCunty, only I would suggest that the science on masks is well and truly settled, in that they well and truly do absolutely sod all at best to protect the wearer from any virus or anybody else from the catching anything off of the wearer, and at worst are actually of possible detriment to health in many ways. If someone wants to wear one regardless then I have no objections, but that cuts both ways.

    • HJ@ – Like yourself I have no problem with vaccines that work and do not harm the patient.
      “The hospitals are filling with the unvaccinated” they lie, in direct contradiction of the facts – and I notice the Nightingale Hospitals costing half a billion Pounds were quietly mothballed at the height of the so called “pandemic” – why were they, and so many other hospitals empty then?
      Buying a 500 quid car? “Do some checks, do some investigation – you’re a fool if you don’t!”.
      Buying a new house? “Do some checks, do some investigation – you’re a fool if you don’t!”.
      Suspicious of untested medical experimentation which might injure or kill you ? “Tinfoil hatter, conspiracy theorist, loon”.
      See the point here?

  6. Here’s a deal for you, to test just how sure you are of your convictions. You are now a policy maker;

    Let’s say we limit the freedoms of people, like me, who don’t want any jabs. Ignoring of course that the governments will likely never return those freedoms.

    Ok. So you ruin my life. My job or career, my business, my ability to participate, my ability to exist as a healthy human. This will inevitably drive people to poverty, suicide, and death.

    Then.. a few years down the road.. it turns out you were wrong. The science was wrong, intentionally or mistakenly. The jabs didn’t work at all for example, or something else.

    Are you now prepared to be held liable for all the suffering and death that was a deliberate policy action on your behalf? Assuming you get to trial, and aren’t ripped up by an angry mob.

    Just how sure are you?

    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – B. Franklin

    Your position is inherently contradictory, intellectually wrong, and morally repugnant. These jabs don’t provide immunity, they don’t even stop transmission, they only reduce severe symptoms. It makes absolutely no difference if I’m jabbed or not.

    Punishing healthy people who refuse a medical product, because the product failed to protect those who actually needed protecting who took it.. is just fucking retarded.

    Your position contradicts itself. You are actually openly admitting the jabs don’t fucking work!

      • Makes my comment above redundant
        I wish I’d read further down first.
        I shall endorse this comment and if I may be so bold cut and paste it for future reference
        Thank you Big Chunky

    • On the money again Chunky ?

      A bit like the government, media et al and their vested interests with pharmaceutical companies.
      Sorry that should read “in the money” when it comes to those cunts.

      ? ? ???

    • For goodness sake. The vaccines have already saved millions of lives around the world. How can that FACT ever be proved wrong?

      • It’s not a fact. You can’t even prove it. You can’t repeat the circumstances again without a jab and compare outcomes.

        You can say you believe. But you can’t say you know, and it certainly is not a fact therefore.

        People who are jabbed are still dying. And the jab is maiming and killing people too. Now that IS a fact.

      • It’s just a hypothetical. If you’re that confident in your convictions you should be able to answer it.

      • SSG@ – It is not a fact – it is an opinion by big pharma which Governments slavishly follow.
        Please explain the difference between “dying of covid” and “dying with covid”..

    • Specifically what can’t you do today that you could do before Covid. (Other than go to France or Germany)

      I think you are coming around to accepting vaccines, ‘they only reduce severe symptoms’ ?

      • I’m just repeating what the manufacturers originally claimed it was designed to do, nothing more.

        I still maintain these jabs are useless, and I believe those who’ve taken it may well come to regret it.

      • I was getting worried, I thought you were coming round, good to know you are sticking to your convictions ?

      • I’ll tell you what you can’t do these days – have a rational conversation about serious subjects and how we are moving towards a China-style society if we don’t show the government and media how badass we can be if they fuck with us, especially our kids.

      • Soi@ – Vaccines do not “reduce severe symptoms” – they vaccinate.
        Still no answer, from anyone, why something which does not vaccinate is being described and sold as a vaccine.

    • TBCC@ – It of course fills me with confidence when Pfizer are trying to demand a 75 year moritorium on reporting any adverse effects and deaths from the “vaccines” – not suspicious at all.
      They told us Thalidomide was safe at the time..
      A good overview of yours there BTW.

    • At its most absurd this fucknuttery reduces to the following ‘argument’ – I’m feeling cold, I want to put my coat on so I can warm up but it will only work if YOU put YOUR coat on too!

      …say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?

    • Thanks for this great comment. I am unvaccinated myself, my position being I feel it has had insufficient testing. Rather than get into arguments with people about it, I prefer to say I am pro-choice and prefer to wait a bit longer to see how it pans out. I don’t go around harassing people who’ve been vaccinated or wear masks etc and don’t force my views on anybody. My own experience is that all the animosity is coming from the vaccinated, I am guessing because some feel rather mugged off that they went along with it all and still have the inconvenience of PCR tests for holidays and so on. Anyone who cannot see at this point that the situation is being cynically exploited to control peoples lives must have had a knock on the head. If you are in favour of all this control and monitoring by the authorities, you should probably consider whether all of your favourite pastimes would be regarded as decent and wholesome..possibly not if you are a heavy drinker, enthusiastic user of pornography or given to gambling,for instance. Not that I wouldn’t defend someones rights to do those things but you might find yourself on the wrong end of a poor ‘social credit marking’ if you do indulge.

    • These jabs don’t provide immunity, they don’t even stop transmission, they only reduce severe symptoms. It makes absolutely no difference if I’m jabbed or not.

      Wrong on all counts by the way.

      Are you seriously saying they stop transmission in any way? Are you seriously saying they stop some people even getting the virus?

      Lots of ticky shite from mental cunts I notice. I can do the same too if you want.


    • Spot on! Lot’s of cunts i know and many here, will take an experimental concoction just to spite people who are rightly skeptical of this
      unscrupulous government.

  7. Here’s one for the pro-vaxxers. If refusing to be jabbed by something that’s causing all sorts of adverse reactions, and is funded by people who think the world is overpopulated makes me selfish then so be it. I don’t care about you or your elderly relatives, and guess what you don’t care about me or mine either – you’ve been happy to watch thousands of livelihoods, families, small businesses and social lives be destroyed because you’re a cowardly, dense piece of shit frightened of a rebranded cold. So with the greatest of respect, the moral high ground clearly isn’t yours so bollocks to the lot of youse!

    Even though the immune system is considered a wild and dangerous conspiracy theory nowadays, I’ll be trusting mine regardless.

    Hope I kept it civil enough, Admin!

  8. Oh fuck me, can’t we have a moratorium on the Covid/vax pish until around January 5th? Christmas at ISAC should be 1-2 weeks of more lighthearted cuntings like, “Cellotape is a cunt,” or “Relatives who start shit at Crimbo are cunts.”

    I’ll just say that it isn’t about anti-vax it’s about who is anti-government/media and who is still being a snivelling wee compliant conformist to these creeps.

    (Funnily enough from Christmas Eve to Boxing Day inclusive, most of the scheduled nominations will be relatively light-hearted, with the odd nutjob nom added for a bit of flavour – Day Admin)

      • It’s the cunting RESIDUE that sellotape leaves behind. Fuck me, NOTHING removes that gunk 100%, there’s always a remnant of stickiness, bumpiness, visual grunginess that visitors spot.

      • OpinionatedCunt: “Sellotape can indeed fuck off. I’m sick of constantly losing the end.”

        Fold the tape back onto itself once you are done with it.

  9. Reminds me of the time I tried to enter this boozer in Greenwich. The meathead on the door wanted to search me and I walked away. The bird I was with asked what I had to hide. I said “any place where they have to search you on entry is not a place I want to be and neither should you.”
    Similarly I don’t want to be in a place full of dimmos who think they are invulnerable because a lying bastard government told them they are. No thanks. They can stick their fucking passports up their arses, where they pulled them out from in the first place.

  10. Trouble is, the next step on this path is to ban anything that might make you ill. Look at new zealand – now they are banning cigarettes completely. Ban cars and gas heating for the sake of the environment. I can see motorcycles being fully banned in a few years. Cunts

    • LC@ – “From now on the Government will be your only source of truth”.
      Jacinda Ardern, communist dictator who by complete coincidence increased her personal wealth by 25 million NZD in 2020..

  11. One of my satellite friends, a supercilious, smug prick (the sort of person who likes Jamie Oliver and has a “fully vaccinated” rosette on his Facebook profile pic) has had all his jabs and is currently ill as fuck with chınkyfľu.
    I’ve never had it, despite others around me getting it. Never had a single vaccine dose.
    Almost 50 but slim and very physically fit which I believe to be part and parcel of never getting ill, either from this load of bollocks or anything else.
    Why are “they” so desperate to get these non-working chemicals into you?
    For your health? ?

    • The vaccine coercion is truly off the scale.

      If that doesn’t make people suspicious then nothing will at this stage.

      Morning Thomas

      • The government have bought over 100 million doses. Gotta get rid of the fuckers before the year expiry date. 2 more jabs sheep just two more jabs to go. One in may June time the other a year from now. Then by March 2023 the trial ends.

      • Pushing everyone to get vaxxed so when the side-effects actually start to show-up, there won’t be a control group to compare against.

    • The suppression and demonization of cheap, effective treatments (HCQ, Ivermectin) should make people even more suspicious. The state of Uttar Pradesh in India eradicated Covid with Ivermectin, zinc and vitamins. I hear Japan is using these protocols with good effect too.

      If I had a choice, which I don’t, I’d take my chances with safe, effective drugs with something like thousands or millions of patient years of experience over an experimental gene therapy ‘vaccine’.

      • Japan rolled out millions of doses of Ivemectin and it has been a great success. It won the doctor who developed it won the Nobel Prize and he has been treated like a wacko. UK/USA media seem hell-bent on demonizing Ivermectin.
        I mean… where is that Holy Wisdom coming down from? Satan?

      • One if the inventors of mRNA, Dr Robert Malone I think his name is, has also been treated as a wacko for saying ‘er this isn’t a good udea’. Likewise the esteemed US heart surgeon (McCullough?) who wants to talk about the sudden epidemic of myocarditis/pericarditis.

    • dead right about keeping fit. I’m on the “large side” but walk every day, and do a long cycle every week. I felt shit last week, but still went out on bike and it did me the world of good.

      • “…dead right about keeping fit… did me the world of good.”

        True; spent 10yrs as an open water scuba instructor, yearly full medicals, heart like a racehorse, chucking myself into water that rarely got above 10degC four and six times a week and I cannot recall ever catching so much as a sniffle. Stopped active training in 2010 and that Nov caught the meanest fucking flu I’ve ever had before or since! I seriously thought “…fuck me Chops this one’s got your name on it… is this how I go?
        I’ve smoked 10 a day for 45 of my 60 years and obviously paying a price in pulmonary efficiency and caught a cunt of a flu a few weeks back. Was I worried? Was I fuck. Did it make me wanna rush down to Jab-Central/ Did it fuck!

  12. I am pro vaccination – for anyone who needs it or wants it.

    Pro choice for those who don’t.

    But I am also strongly anti Covid passports, anti lockdowns, anti mass testing, anti mandatory mask wearing, and of course anti mandatory vaccination.

    On the other hand, being required to take a Covid test before entering the home of someone who is vulnerable or has been unable to get vaccinated due to medical reasons is perfectly reasonable in my opinion.

    • Good. But the question is would you be happy to let an antivaxer visit your beloved great aunt and then be equally sanguine when her existence is wiped out?

      Everyone so far has ignored that question and gone off at tangents.

    • Is it though? If I were a vulnerable person I wouldn’t be putting stock in a test when that person could still pick it up in the interlude. If I were that vulnerable and genuinely at risk, I’d want to shield. I wouldn’t expect others to sacrifice themselves for me though, and if I needed help then I’d have to concede the risk should be mine.

      To pick up on OPs point, I have no right not to be infected. It’s called nature. Life. To legislate against it is as absurd as trannie warriors trying to legislate biological sex definitions.

      • I was classed as clinically vulnerable when this shit all kicked off although I was never told why. I have no idea and it’s possible that some useless, overpaid diversity manager in the anychess knows something I don’t. I’ve had both jabs and a booster but I don’t really know if it makes me more or less likely to get anything or what would happen if I do. Getting them was my choice. If you don’t want it, I don’t care and I will never know. Vaccine passports? Another nail in the freedom coffin.

      • Apologies if I’m wrong, Moggie, but haven’t you often posted that you’re a fat cunt? If so, that would explain your status as clinically vulnerable.

      • Not wrong RTC, I was 18st 4lbs in March. I’m now 14st 4lb, but at 5’9″ I’m still about 4st overweight, fucking hyperthyroidism caused this. But it would have been useful to know why I was classed as vulnerable. I suspect my breathing but it’s so much better now.

      • Thanks OC

        I’m drinking myself silly at the moment but in the new year that all stops and I’m going to carry on losing the weight.

    • This is a huge thread and I don’t have the time or inclination to read the whole thing, so apologies if another cunter already made this point, but the testing bullshit is based on a false premise of ‘asymptomatic’ spread. This is bullshit made up to increase the fear levels by raising the spectre that the perfectly healthy looking person next to you on the bus, or the other side of the street, could be infecting you. No other respiratory virus works this way. It’s confected bullshit designed to create fear and division.

  13. I don’t really give a fuck about the Anti Vax mob, bunch of deluded idiots but as for the notion of protecting the vulnerable with all we know now then that should be achievable without the need to vaccinate everybody.

    The only aim for the government is to ensure vital infrastructure doesn’t fail, power, water, transport and food supply and achieve this by any means and if that means restricting everyone to prevent millions being off work (including those essential workers then so be it)
    I don’t care if the NHS is struggling or pubs are struggling, I do care if the electricity supply fails (look at the fiasco from storm Arwald or whatever the fuck they called it)

    If people want to protest, then protest against something worthwhile like the government wanting to put us at risk to achieve a pointless net zero.

    Anti vax, fuck off, if you are against lockdown fine but keep your weird ideas to yourself.

    • I said the same thing last year about it regarding the utilities workforce. With all them off on the sick the country would be completely fucked.
      Morning sicky.

      • Yes, for me that is the big issue with this Omicron, ok it may be less severe but if it transmits like an std in an Albanian brothel it could put us in the shit.

      • Moronic variant -a hypochondriac wet dream.
        It is less severe – yes a bit like a fucking cold.

        Here’s a radical idea then all you utilities sector workers – take your vaccines, medicine or whatever else and get to fucking work because the chances are there’s absolutely fuck and all wrong with you.

        No testing = no cases.

        Grow a fucking spine, stop listening to the BBC or Sky news, go to work and keep the country ticking along.
        Just like you did before

        Nothing conspiratorial or anti vax about that.

      • Haven’t missed a day in the last five years, never mind the last two.
        Don’t watch Sky news and only listen to radio four on the commute for a blood pressure test.
        My spine is present and correct.
        Perhaps an early night instead of truthing til the wee small hours might do some on here a power of good.

  14. As others have said the fact that the vaccinated can still transmit the virus means that the entire basis of the nomination is invalid. Furthermore, even if this wasn’t the case we live in a free society and such events are the price we pay to have medical freedom, as the alternative is worse.

    • Extremely well put sir! I’ll just add that no human trials prior to approval and distribution and that all previous animal trials were 100% fatal is disturbing to me.
      No thank you!

      • MC@ – People are the human trials – the lab rats refused until it had been fully tested on humans..

    • Piers Corbyn attempting to “rap” with whoever the other cunt was has to be one of the most toe curling things I’ve ever seen.

  15. In addition, drink driving, smoking, seatbelts etc are poor examples to bring up for a myriad of reasons. The main one being that we know the effects of such things whereas we still don’t know the long term effects of the vaccine as of yet.

    • Oh come on. I recall fools arguing that they drive better with a few pints or a couple of whiskies inside them. Or that it was their right to inflict a fug of smoke over everybody else in a pub or office. And that they didn’t want to be trapped in a seat belt if they were in a car crash. These were all false and rather ridiculous arguments which no-one would try to use today. And all these measures were taken to protect public health and safety as was putting fluoride in the mains water. Plenty of people (mostly with no teeth) protested at that. No difference with the vax programme.

      • None of those are medical procedures though, and none of them have involved being effectively forced to put something into your body as a requirement for participating in certain activities. I’ve had two jabs by the way but again, it’s a poor comparison.

      • No one is forcing anybody. That is a false argument. If you fly abroad you HAVE to prove you are covid free. And soon countries will demand a vax passport. Many already do similar for established infectious diseases. We have to live in the real world not the fantasy planet of anti vaxers some of whom believe we’ve all be violated with Bill Gates’ implants. N’est-ce Pas?

      • Those old style seat belts were a pain in the arse, the introduction of modern seatbelts were truly liberating ?

      • Sir G you seem to put a lot of faith in the word of those who have proven themselves continual liars.

      • I don’t trust Boris or like his self-serving government.

        But we are not trusting HIM are we? We are following the scientists who have done a fantastic job of saving lives in the UK and around the world.

      • Internationally is a different matter, but domestically this sort of thing has never been tried before and there are reasons for that.

      • What about Fauci? That motherfucker has been the Covid tsar from almost day one and he’s a fucking lying creep. He wants the government to force the vax on Americans, he said so on live TV last week.

        2022 will be the year that separates the government-compliant conformists from the freedom-lovers of this world. We’re at another crossroads in the human saga. You’d have to be totally insane to side with the government-media-Big Tech-Big Pharma industrial complex at this point in the (rigged) game. These cunts are almost full-blown desperate so when the truly crazy shit kicks off next year, don’t pick the obviously wrong side, duh.

    • Cunty Gordon, you’re right! I’ve realized that most people just do not have the mental resources to think beyond what’s been spoon-fed to them from the start.

    • That’s a matter of opinion. That’s like saying there is no right to be free of poverty or starvation. No government can guarantee to eradicate every serious problem 8f society but it’s not up to much if it doesn’t try to.

  16. It’s also rather suspicious that the nominator isn’t normally seen on other noms/threads, indicating that they may well be 77th and/or a zealot

    • No, Thomas I don’t spend all my waking hours on ISAC. I have a life to live.

      Does that make my views any less valid? Or is there a rule book I haven’t read? Or perhaps Thomas makes the rules? Very democratic.

      • Oh dear Thomas. That is a desperate response. I love the old Guardian. I’m a real wokey me. Owen Jones is my poster boy.

        Because we disagree over one issue, albeit an important one, that makes us opposites in everything does it?

        Enjoying reading your Sun by the way.

        (Careful – Day Admin)

      • A desperate response? Almost as childish as saying “maybe Thomas makes the rules”, eh you prick?

        (Steady on. No abusive personal attacks please – Day Admin)

      • Oh You’ve lost it Thomas. You have stooped to personal insults and calling me a name that in real life would see me swiping you across your rather unfortunate face with my leather glove and challenging you to a duel.

        I suggest we use vax needles as our weapons and whoever pierces the other first is declared the winner. As I am more experienced (treble jabbed) that is likely to be me and you will be the prick(ed).

        (Any more baiting and certain comments will be deleted to start with – Day Admin)

      • It is a little suspicious that you pop up on this thread all of a sudden and are virtually nonexistent on the rest of the site…

      • Another conspiracy theorist. I didn’t realise I had to enter other every debate before I could offer my own nomination and then comment on it.

        You and Thomas TTE obviously dislike any new opinions which disturb your sense of righteousness.

      • A surprisingly high proportion of noms are penned by cunters who have not been seen before.

        And unlike Sir Streeb, many fail to subsequently comment on their nom and are never heard from again.

        Why do some of us here feel so threatened by diversity of opinion? Surely we should be welcoming cunters like Sir Streeb, not trying to hound them off the site.

      • I don’t feel threatened RTC, I just find it odd is all. Same goes for the other examples you’ve mentioned. He’s welcome to stick around so long as he’s civil because quite frankly the last thing any of us want here is an echo chamber.

      • I like having my views challenged, makes me reevaluate my opinion.
        Much better than another Internet echo chamber.

  17. How many times do you want a needle in your arm before you begin to question the validity of the vaccines? The fourth shot? The 5th shot? Maybe by the 6th shot you’ll start asking questions?

    If you want a vaccine and are happy to have it as many times as you are told you need it I have no problem with your choice.

    The comparison with the nazis isn’t really aimed at the Nazi party but I think at the people who enabled them, the German public who turned a blind eye until it was their turn to have nazi ideology forced upon them against their will.

    We are told that 90 plus percent of the vulnerable are vaccinated up to their eyeballs, we are also aware that omicron is much less likely to cause severe illness.

    But we have people telling us that the unvaccinated are the problem?

    The most telling fact and this is straight from the CDC, SAGE etc is the vaccination doesn’t prevent you catching, carrying or spreading COVID. All the vaccination will do is prevent you becoming seriously ill from Covid…….possibly.

    That in mind a non vaccinated person is of no more risk than a fully vaccinated and boosted individual. If he non vaccinated are a risk it is a personal risk.

    Setting up straw men arguments that allow a section of the population to be treated like second class citizens is a totally nazi thing to do.

    I respect your rights to free speech and to make your own decisions about your body and I’ll fight hard and dirty against anyone who tries to deny me those rights.

    • I think the comparisons to Nazi Germany are perfectly legitimate quite frankly, especially now that Austria and Germany have opted for compulsory jabs.. which shows they’ve learned absolutely nothing from their own history.

      • Right on Chunky.

        Rumour is that old Angie is going to refuse to leave office and is planning to burn down the Reichstag any day now. It’s history repeating itself isn’t it? It’s deja vu all over again.

        If only they’d listen to us…

  18. If you want to save the NHS it’s surprisingly simple.

    1, Stop manipulation the figures.
    2, Stop bullshitting the public.

  19. In my region abut 80% of those in hospital, ie very ill, with Chynese flu are unvaccinated. Make your choice from that.

    • As they say ‘it reduces the risk of severe illness and death’ by up to around 90%, once the five spice gets in your throat or nose having a ramped up immune system is a big help.

      • To me the obvious answer is what they have done in Singapore, if you have been vaccinated and are taken seriously ill by Covid and need to go to hospital then fine, that is what the NHS is there for.
        If you haven’t been vaccinated then the first question the NHS should ask is ” may we have your credit card?” In Singapore they take about £12,000 and then you are eligible for treatment.
        If you don’t have £12K them all that should happen is that you are given a packet of Ronapreve or Lagevrio, charged for them less the cost of what your vaccines would have been, and told to fuck off.

      • That creates a two tier healthcare system though, which is technically a form of tyranny as it entails a state organisation deciding who can and can’t be treated.

      • Hello OC

        It has always been a 2 tier healthcare system. The older you get the more NHS points you lose thereby altering the level of treatment you get. A case in point was my 85 year old mother who suddenly went doo-lally. Our local GP (who my dad had left £1K in his will) diagnosed Dementia and recommended palliative care. We knew that was bollocks as it had come on so quickly. We went private and she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and was then given the appropriate chemo drugs. That cost about £10K for the week + about £1K a month for the remaining 12 months of her healthy life. We were bloody lucky we could afford it.

      • Soi@ – The salesmen selling it would say that.
        And as there have never been any side by side peer reviewed studies they cannot do anything except speculate.
        And the “vaccines” actually damage and deplete the immune system.

      • Good to hear it worked out in the end Wanksock, but I’m talking more in terms of the Hippocratic Oath etc. Such an approach would effectively lead to that being disregarded.

    • Hi Mr Wanksock. Your point about the NHS attitude to older people is further underlined by the fact that GPs have been told they can suspend health checks for the 75 and overs so that they can focus on the jib jab boosters. It is utter bollocks to claim that this is about protecting the most vulnerable.

    • “…abut 80% of those in hospital, ie very ill, with Chynese flu are unvaccinated.”

      derived from the Covid 19 Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 50

      Govt’s own UK Health Security Agency… (used to be Pub. Health England who declared on 18/3/2020 that SARS CoV2 was a class 2 pathogen of no consequence so it had to be shut down, re-branded and its former pronouncementts anulled) …stats say that double vaxxed and triple vaxxed account for 80% of ‘covid’ deaths over the past month!

  20. I am not an anti-vaxxer, I have had loads of vaccines as a child and for foreign travel. This current jib jab is not a vaccine (it is a transfection) as it meets none of the criteria expected of a vaccine. I would therefore urge anyone who asked me that they consider the matter carefully before getting injected. Check out the yellow card data, check out studies done in other countries, consider that it will not stop you getting Covids or from passing Covids to others. In short, make sure you make a properly informed choice.
    Consider also that it will not be just one shot, it is an open ended commitment to future ‘boosters’ all to guard against what? A virus that 99.98% of the infected will recover from. Most with symptoms little different from a cold or flu.

    There is a lot of vakzine regret around now, leading to people refusing second doses and boosters. That is our best hope of getting out of this seemingly endless cycle of shit.

    Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    This seems sensible advice as

    • Agree entirely.
      I’ve had COVID but had to have my second dose yesterday or I would have lost my job.
      I’m so fucked off for all the reasons above plus I now feel lousy. My immune system has mounted an entirely appropriate response to this foreign material.
      I won’t be getting a booster but no doubt will be forced to on pain of loss of income.
      And it will do nothing other than add a tiny amount to my natural immunity but with the same level of risk of side effects. Who has done that calculation?

      • It should be a matter of universal outrage that you have to take and invasive medical procedure simply in order to keep you job. That it is not, shows how far we have fallen.

        Take care.

  21. Macron has just denied that Germans will be banned from entering France like the British. ‘Germans have, and always will have the freedom to enter France at a time of their choosing’, he said.
    Well you’re not wrong there mate.

  22. People can decide if they have the “vaccine” or not but one thing I can tell you, it’s not just a cold or bug you get, it’s very nasty indeed.

    I had it properly in the summer and it put me out of action for at least six weeks.

    I don’t drink, smoke like a chimney or eat junk food and am not normally sickly or fat as a pig so Mr Average I guess but it took me out good and proper.

    I don’t think it being handled well, all the stories of corruption, vaccines that don’t work and people flaunting the rules have pretty much ruined any good will I have for the government.

  23. I’m looking forward to seeing what COVID eventually morphs into. Killer of all mankind or just a nuisance virus that people get from time to time. No idea … I’ll just get the jabs cos I have to (job and vulnerable wife).
    I consciously avoid close contact with everyone except the missus. I’m happy to wear a mask where and when required. I’ll go out of my way to make sure I’m not causing others any distress by doing what I need to do. Trouble is I require the very same in return … get in my space/face … show a direct threat, heightened level of disrespect/disregard … expect extreme and serious blowback and the probability of getting hurt … very badly. Cunts!

  24. Demand that they have one of those blue box lateral tests. Better than a vaccination that you had four months ago.

  25. Even if your vaccinated you can still spread it . I know of 3 people where i work who are fully vaccinated got Covid and we’re told to self isolate . If they were not infectious then why were they told to stay home ?
    If people choose not to be vaccinated then that’s down to them if they catch it.
    But i won’t accept that it’s only the unvaccinated that spread it.
    It’s more about non compliance than anything else.

    • FF@ – With no facetiousness or insult intended your post kind of boils all this madness down to its essence – if people are “vaccinated” but the vaccines do not work what the fuck is the point?
      They can lie and change words all they want but the fact is that if they do not vaccinate they are not vaccines.

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