ABC News and Alec Baldwin

ABC News Interview with Alec Baldwin.

If it wasn’t bad enough that this left-wing wokester shot and killed a woman on one of his film sets he’s now appeared on ABC News to make excuses for himself.

This arsehole is trying to say he didn’t fire the gun that he was holding and seems to be trying to blame the gun itself for killing the woman rather than the cunt holding it.

I’ve heard some lame excuses in my time but this one just about takes the biscuit.

Baldwin was asked if he felt guilty about the fact that he had blown away this young woman and he said “No!”

What is it lately with these lefties? They seem to think they can turn themselves into the victim no matter what the circumstances. This Baldwin interview really has made my blood boil.

Nominated by: Big Al

NYPost News Link

77 thoughts on “ABC News and Alec Baldwin

  1. How on earth can this twat say that he was not responsible for killing the woman- it was in his hand and he pointed it at the woman.
    No more needs to be said.

  2. If it had been a known Republican like Mel Gibson, Clint Eastwood, Charlton Heston (RIP), Chuck Norris or Bruce Willis who pulled the trigger then the interview would have been given a very different news slant.

  3. He always seemed to me as a self important, selfish, smarmy test and this interview confirmed it. No humility in the bloke, same with a lot of lefties, it’s either there way or no way at all.

      • My advice to Hollyweird and anyone gormless enough to co-star alongside Alec,
        Is get in first.
        A boiling kettle, a kitchen knife, snow shovel whatever.
        Use what comes to hand.
        Because hes stonecold.
        That interview where hes mewling?
        Trying to blame everyone from the work experience kid to the cameraman?
        You dont think for one minute that the interviewer hasnt got a gun behind the chair?
        Safety off.
        He needs to be stopped before he strikes again.

  4. So the gun fired itself?
    I wonder what Baldwin and his fake lefty friends would say if a copper tried that defence after shooting some black criminal?
    Probably rip the piss out of him on Saturday Night Live.

  5. Last week he had managed to convince himself he didn’t kill this woman. It was the studios fault, apparently, for leaving the gun around for him to play with.

  6. A self firing gun…hmmmm….almost on a par with the self driving car coming out of Manchester United’s training ground about 20 odd years ago.

  7. Sirs:

    Baldwin is like most of the American left — whiny little shits at best, complete psychos most of the time.

    They also believe that inanimate objects commit crimes. Hence “fight gun violence,” not “let’s put criminals in prison forever.”

    So it’s perfectly natural for Baldwin to say the gun went off by itself. Just as it’s completely routine for CNN and the Washington Post to declare that a car ran over those people at the Christmas parade in Wisconsin, not the driver.

    Unless of course the gun is wielded by a regular white guy, or the SUV operated by same.

    Then we’re looking at white supremacy, and if you question that conclusion, you are Hitler.

  8. This bloke is a classic psychopath, not an ounce of remorse or compassion in sight. His lunatic wife isn’t far behind, either, but if I were her, I’d run as far and fast as possible.

    • His wife is uber-mental. She passed herself off as Spanish until it was revealed she wasn’t and had barely spent time in Spain. LOL!

  9. Does he really expect people to believe that the gun fired itself? This isn’t a Terry Pratchett novel.

    • Those vintage Colts can go off if you cock them wrong. The hammer can come down on the pin without you pulling the trigger. See my post below.

  10. I’ve never liked Baldwin…..ever since he was shagging Deirdre behind Ken’s back.
    Mind you, she was no Mother Teresa. Remember when she brought a stinking A-rab back from holiday in Morocco? He ended up getting battered to death by some racist Brexit voters. The writing was on the media wall even back then.

    • “It was Jussie Smollett, he thought the victim had committed a hate crime – ask anyone”.. ?
      I have handled and used firearms – first, second and last responsibility for firearm safety lies solely with the user, nobody else.
      Baldwin is a lying whining cunt, and like many actors who play tough guys on screen thinks he is one in real life and throws his weight around to threaten and bully people.
      Sitting in the gutter with a broken nose soon stops all that nonsense..
      Right, time to get a saw and work out who is the weakest and most easily intimidated neighbour – I need a Christmas tree!

    • FtF@ – I remember that – wasn’t gravel voiced temptress Deirdres husband called “Grooming Gang”?

    • Mike Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross would be awesome!

      “It takes brass balls to sell low-cost denim clothing!”


  11. This sounds like the classic ‘The Knife Went In’ phenomena. Theodore Dalrymple explains it in his book of that title. To paraphrase, the perp is mysteriously present at an event whereby someone is stabbed by a knofe that somehow oprates from his hand but not by his hand eg ‘I was arguing with this bloke and before I knew it the knife went in’.

    The explanation works just as well/magically for guns/shootings ‘It just went off’.
    Judges and juries must fall for this shit as it is used so often by way of mitigation. Social workers are effortlessly fooled. Victims, their families, and anyone else with an ounce of common sense are not. Cunts.

  12. If you don’t know about handguns then this tragic accident can seem like cut-and-dry negligence and there was certainly negligence, but not on Baldwin’s part, though he should take some blame.

    This movie, Rust, is set in the 1880s. The guns used are vintage Colt pistols. Those old Colts don’t have safety mechanism. Modern handguns whether they “real” or “movie props” have many, many safety mechanisms, mainly “plates” that prevent the gun from accidentally going off, for instance if you drop the gun. With modern handguns, you have to squeeze pretty hard on the trigger, whereas in the era of “quick draw” wild west gunfights, you barely had to squeeze, hence, “hair-trigger” pistols. Even loading and cocking a modern handgun is complicated. If you think about it, you wouldn’t want it to be easy to load, cock and fire a gun. That’s why you have specialists on movie sets to make a zillion percent sure that nothing horrible ever happens.

    Baldwin was handed a gun that was said to be 100% safe, it was a “cold gun”, ie. not loaded, not cocked. But in the walk-through of what how the scene was to play out, something horrible obviously happened. What probably happened was that he was handed a loaded gun from what people say was previously used on some cheap-jack Mexican movie and the armourer, 24-year-old Hannah Gutierrez Reed, working on her only her second film wasn’t on the ball and she or stagehand handed Baldwin a loaded vintage Colt that was either cocked or he unwittingly cocked during the walk-through and he accidentally pulled the hair-trigger and there was bang and Halyna Hutchins fell and it took a while for everyone to realise what had happened. She had been shot and was mortally wounded then she died.

    So… Baldwin then tries and tries and tries to explain what happened. He meets with the family of Halyna Hutchins. He seems genuinely sorry, but he is also covering his ass legally and has made an ass of covering his ass because he is an asshole, one of the biggest assholes in showbiz. But is he a murderer? No. Was this second-degree manslaughter? No. It was a stupid, avoidable accident.

    This has been another of those “media madness moments” where as tragedy has been turned into a drama and in the meantime, Ghislaine Maxwell trial has been covered like it was a small claims court serial shoplifting case. What should happen to Baldwin, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, etc? Sued in civil court for at least $30 million. Finish the movie, dedicate it to Halyna Hutchins. Baldwin lays low for a few years, goes to shrink to un-asshole himself. I don’t know. There’s crazy shit going down in 2022, that’s for sure.

    Anthony Cumia, radio host and gun-nut explains some of this vintage guns v modern guns stuff:
    (17 minutes)

    • Good post but, why was it necessary to have a live round on a movie set, regardless of who dun it ?

      • Live rounds are often used on movie sets. I’ll have to look into it and not get it wrong, but I sure I read that Tarantino and his crew use live rounds on his movies. It sounds insane, but if handled right, it’s safe and looks amazing. But that will all be over now after this Rust/Baldwin tragedy. It will be 100% CGI guns, ammo, muzzle-flashes, holes, etc. Insurance companies must have shit brick over this.

      • They were supposedly twatting around between takes, shooting at cans and bottles with live ammo.
        Very “liberal” behaviour…

      • EC@ – My point exactly – even with a blank care has to be taken because a close discharge could easily do harm to someone – why the hell was the firearm loaded in the first place and why did Baldwin not check it?

    • Right ive had enough of Alec dodging justice.


      I’ll meet him on co-op carpark 23/12/21.
      At high noon.
      Weapons of his choosing*.
      Let honour be restored.

      *Hope he doesn’t choose guns!
      Heard the crazy cunt shot some bird?

      • The Baldwin posse (how many brothers does this cunt have?) might show up, Mis, so we cunters will meet up at the corral at sundown.

      • Gordon@
        Let his whole clan, that nest of vipers show their faces.
        Why ISAC is full of cutthroats and desperados!
        We’ll leave them in the dust with just the smell of cordite and spat tobacco to show we were ever there…?

      • MNC@ – Your reckless bravery, challenging this gun totin’ maniac!
        To even things up I have secured the services of notorious Stockport ‘Ard man Owen Jones – let’s see how butcher Baldwin likes being chased around by a man waving a pink handkerchief shouting “you beast, you macho, gorgeous beast”!

      • Foxy@
        If Alec shows I plan to use Owen as a human sheild whilst screaming in fear.?

      • The Big Cuntry (1958)
        The Magnificent Cunts (1960)
        A Fistful of Cunts (1964)
        For a Few Cunts More (1965)
        The Good, the Bad and the Cunty (1966)
        Once Upon a Time in the Cunt (1968)
        True Cunt (1969)
        Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Cunt (1969)
        The Wild Cunts (1969)
        Pat Garrett & Billy the Cunt (1973)
        High Plains Cunter (1973)
        The Outlaw Cunty Wales (1976)
        The Lone Cunters (1980)
        Dances With Cunts (1990)

  13. So the gun did it ??!? Fucking really!! So what kind of weapon was it then? A Transformer, robot in disguise; self aware?!?

    By that utterly ridiculous reasoning Ted Bundy didn’t murder all of those women. No, the garrotte, the knife or the bludgeoning tool was to blame. Ted was just there, wrong place, wrong time.

    But for you, Mr Baldwin, pulling the trigger, that discharged the weapon, the victim(s) would still be living. Malice intended or no, it’s manslaughter at the very least.

    So fuck right off with your revisionist, woke, denial of responsibility. Don’t feel guilty? Then you have not a shred of humanity left in your entitled, elitist body.

  14. It seems to me as if someone on the set of that film did not like Alec Baldwin very much.

    Like Charlie Drake, “In 1961, the later series was brought to an abrupt end, however, by a serious accident which occurred during a live transmission. Drake had arranged for a bookcase to be set up in such a way that it would fall apart when he was pulled through it during a slapstick sketch. It was later discovered that an over-enthusiastic workman had “mended” the bookcase before the broadcast … Drake fractured his skull and was unconscious for three days.”

  15. This POS is a truly unsavoury fuckwad … real funny (not) fucker with his mockery of Trump but hates the fact that he’s now being ground underfoot by the system. No matter what he says or does he shot the woman and is unquestionably responsible for her demise. All because he is an arrogant cunt. Rot in hell Baldwin … you deserve absolutely nothing less. Total cunt.

    • Baldwin has been very close intimate friends with the Clintons for aeons, so he’s untouchable. He skated his scandals for decades, even calling his daughter a, “pig” on the phone that was made public. Beating up photographers, screaming at people on pretty much every movie he has ever been in. He’ll probably have to shovel some shekels to the family of the deceased, but maybe not. I can see the movie being finished next year and 2022 is going to be an apocalyptic shit-storm so this wee drama will be blown away and forgotten.

  16. Prior to this interview he no doubt spent a fortnight in a bunker being trained by his crack team of lawyers.

    Why the fuck else would you go on TV?
    “C’mon Alec let’s git ahead of this goddamn story!”


    • Word on the street is that he did this interview of his own recognisance (Christ that’s a big word!) and then his lawyers went ape-shit and that’s why he deleted his Twitter. No lawyer would be that dumb to let their client do an interview like that with cliched melodramatic music laid over it with the camera prowling around the set. It reeks of Hollywood cluelessness just like those videos that Kevin Spacey puts out at Christmas. Hmm… has he done one this year…

      No. Not yet.

    • I watched an analysis by body language experts recently.

      They seemed somewhat unconvinced by his performance during the interview, bearing in mind his profession. Even speculated the tears were coaxed by the use of peppermint essence on his palms.

      • I would love to see the raw footage of that interview. NBC should upload the raw footage to YouTube.

      • Yeah me too CG.

        No doubt there would be hours of it. Take after take before they edited the fuck out of it.

      • Well that’s just it – if it was a legit, unscripted, unrehearsed interview, then it would probably only have about 60-90 minutes of raw footage. The interview in three parts amounts to 31 minutes. Why was it shown in three parts, btw? Milking the ad revenue?

        To me, this is more about how the media fucks about with a tragedy and turns it into a melodrama. Meanwhile the Epstein-Maxwell case has been covered in a minimal way. Covid and vaccine confusion was treated in a shoddy, biased way with no real discussion on it.

        Fuck the media.

  17. Should not have had live rounds on set full stop. There is absolutely no reason for them to be there. Culpability ultimately lies with the armourer, as it’s their responsibility for all firearms, both real, modified, and inert props.
    Hot gun, if that term is ever used would be regarding it being loaded with blank ammunition, which has its own safety issues.
    Anything else is bullshit.

      • In a murder or robbery I’d agree, but in a film, no. It is the duty of the armourer to provide the appropriate prop, be it an inert prop or a blank firing firearm, and instruct the actor on its correct and safe use.
        The average actor, director, crew and associated staff will not be able to tell if a firearm is loaded with inert prop ammunition or live blank rounds, so that is why an expert is required.
        There would be no way a film project would get insured if this was not the case, and definitely not if there was any hint of live ammunition being anywhere near a set.

      • Spot on GJ, the armourer is there to ensure the weapon is not going to kill but look good. Simples, she fucked up.
        Why were there live rounds on set? Because it’s America. There’s guns and live rounds everyfrickinwhere.
        Baldwin needs to remember his lines, nowt else.

  18. I stand behind Baldwin 100%………………..Standing in front of the murdering cunt is far to dangerous. He is above the law , like the Clintons.

  19. Watch this space, this twat’s gonna end up in a Quinten Taracunt film about the whole fiasco, titled:

    “Once upon a time in Hollycunt”

    Bet Bald win has a bald cunt cos he ain’t got no balls.

    • Responsibility Dog (1992)
      Media Fiction (1994)
      Truly By Chance? (1995, Tony Scott)
      Alecky Brown Pants (1997)
      Kill Halyna (2003-2004)
      Guilt Proof (2007)
      Insincere Basterd (2009)
      Jerk-off Unchained (2012)
      The Hateful Fake (2015)
      Once Upon a Crime in Hollywood (2019)

  20. Baldwin is a cunt. Whatever else is said about this incident two inescapable points make him culpable for what happened IMO:

    He was part of the management running this budget movie and as such, surely, you have to carry the can for a monumental health and safety fuck up whatever else;

    From what has been said about this incident “dummy bullets” were being used. Bullets that look like live ones but with a spent primer and BBs instead of propellant. Difficult to tell apart from live rounds. But here’s the thing: how easy would it be to fire the gun into the dirt six times to make absolutely sure it’s safe. Why the fuck wouldn’t you do something like that if the gun is going to end up in your hands for the screenplay?

    How must the child, husband, parents of the dead woman feel with Baldwin trying to wriggle out of his responsibilities? I can’t understand how come he’s not been arrested for corporate manslaughter at the very least.

  21. The bottom line on this and many similar accidents is lack of training.
    I have used a lot of fire arms, fuck rockets,even artillery.
    The first thing I want to know is, IS IT SAFE! I don’t want it going bang until I want it to. I will check any weapon before I handle it, like wise in my current job we have cartridge and gas powered nailers and customer bring them back live with gas/nails/batteries in them!
    I work with children, ok they are all over 26years old but I know that one day one of them will pick one up and shit will happen.
    Mr Baldwin is negligent because he did not check or clear that weapon and before you touch a weapon they are the first things you need to know.

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