(Hot sweaty fish sandwich with a crusty yeast filling anyone? Day Admin)
TV has (not unbelievably) reached a new nadir, something so… unbelievable, repellent…
1,000 lb Sisters. On Discovery Plus, if you have bizarre tastes. I am sure even our resident diehard(on)s would struggle.
Landwhales? You get easily get two or three out of each one. Preferred method of transport? A gravel lorry.
Please Dog, that we don’t get to see them jogging on the spot; the Earth would be knocked out of orbit.
Nominated by: HBelindaHubbard
You weren’t fucking kidding were you DA.
Apart from the part about getting the horn.
Not sure I’ll be able to get it up even with the firewoman pics later now, thanks a bunch.
(You’re welcome – Day Admin)
I am sure that we can rely on Cuntstable to rise to the occasion.
I like blondes.
Don’t worry CC, there’s probably a blonde orbiting these two lard arses. Pic was probably taken when said blonde was on the dark side. Imagine the horror – NA.
The one on the left looks just like the spouse did 35 years ago. It’s uncanny. “You can’t get over a girl like me, you’ll have to get up and go round”
Got to love Dr Narzardian
Holy balls! Its obvious the one on the left is doing most of the 1000lb heavy lifting.
The bigger one doesn’t ever look human.
Like some CGI monster.
Imagine being a pallbearer when the tub of shites heart stops/explodes?!!!
The sister has a dodgy eye,
Off to the side,
Probably from years of eating worrying that Sis is gonna snatch her dinner.
Youd have to pay me over a tenner to suck her pissflaps.
I’m sure the one on the left was the stunt-thing for Jabba the Fat Cunt in Return of the Jedi
MNC@ – I think it will be more a case of a lubricated slipway as opposed to pallbearers – when the corpse gasses up in the ocean there will be a very real risk of death by bathers being showered in semi digested twinkies, whole cows, chocolate covered houses etc when it explodes..
Christ almighty.
Does the one on the left have Harrison Ford frozen in the fridge?
“HO! HO! HO!”
“Does the one on the left have Harrison Ford frozen in the fridge?”
Dunno BB but I was thinking you’d have to be Indiana Jones to find your way in and make it out alive.
Even seeing these land whales fleetingly before I hit the mute button on the ads makes me want to machine gun them! (On other disappointing news I am not allowed a machine gun!)
Billy Connolly has the best “diet plan” I have ever heard – “eat less, do more”.
It works.
Never fear, it won’t be their fault that they’re slightly over the recommended BMI.
Mental isshoos, and all that. Plus you can’t say anything negative otherwise you’ll be arrested for Fat Shaming.
How easy is it to pull a fat girl?
Piece of cake..
Fail safe pickup line from Tyneside
‘Ye doont sweat much fer a fat lass’
Works every time
Dyno Rod on speedial.
A call out every day.
Turds as big as your arm.
Enjoy your tea.
Try not to think of the gussets. ?
I would.
To paraphrase Brody from Jaws: “You’re gonna need a bigger bed!”
BF@ – Saves buying a water bed! ?
??? Be a sight if it burst. You’d be covered in half a ton of semi digested pies.
Did you ever fantasise about doing a pair of sisters Bob?
I bet you’d love to jump into their laundry basket and sniff all those 3 week old stained gussets!
You really are deranged – NA.
Definitely Berkshire. Like twin and sister porn. Especially like the Milton twins.
You’d have to use a bike to get from one to the next
In the name of all that’s holy…..
Throw them back into the sea.Pair of whales.
Bag of chips Eddie an they’d drain your balls dry.
Whats not to like?
MNC@ – An inability to find a JCB to lift the bag to her mouth?
? Sistas are doing it for themselves ?
Because if no one on IsAC will do it for them,
they will have no hope elsewhere.
This is the gutter.
This is how the minogue sisters would look without fame.
? They’ll be lucky, lucky lucky lucky ?
Which one’s Kylie?
The slim one.?
If I’d have bagged the Minogues in a threesome while they were in their primes, I’d probably still be jizzing now.
I’d have been dead.
If you were around in the 1960s and wondered whatever happened to the pop group The Lovin’ Spoonful well – this is them today – The Lovin’ Shovelful
They’d be regarded as Top Totty in Sunderland.
Yes, I’d like to lick them out on the banks of the Wear.
Then take them to South Shields for dinner.
88 in Bingo.
Take them for a slap up meal at the old fire engine at Whitley Bay. Top Nosh!
Definitely double baggers. Her bag would have to be the type gravel is normally delivered in.
Yes, a Hippo bag.
The smaller one has had a baby so someone must have shagged it. Or a turkey baster.
I only know this because I watch discovery channels and you can’t escape the ads for the shitshow
And I thought Ancient Aliens was the lowest Discovery could go…
Ancient Aliens is History Channel over here BB.
How do I know this? I must confess to a certain guilty pleasure watching it. If you put the tinfoil hattery to one side, it’s quite informative about some archaeology and mythology, both of which I’m interested in as a scholar of the yooman condition.
I also love the predictable logic:
“Ive pondered this for literally 5 minutes and can’t explain it, so aliens must have done it.”
Proves the point that any old minge will do.
Oh dear!
Not that I watch such puerile shite, but they were supposed to be losing weight, but the one on the left made zero effort.
The one on the right did, however, and although still huge someone did the deed, because she had a baby!
Whoever it was deserved a medal.
Cuntbubble, again. ?
He covers some miles on that pushbike.
The dirty bastard. ?
I doubt very much these fuckers work. The one on the left would need a large hydraulic winch and a team of about 17 entrants from the World’s Strongest Man to get her off the couch first.
It should not be possible to get that fucking fat on bennies. I’m guessing the local Deliveroo cunts know them on first name terms. I bet they’re called out three times a day.
They’ll probably spend £40-50 a day on take outs.
Never understood how cunts on the dole manage this.
A fellow removalman asked a woman whens the baby due.
The frosty reply
“Im not pregnant”.
Hehehe ?
Just a big fat dosser.
These fatties require some house removals Mis.
They only live at Levenshulme, so I gave them you number.
Ideal opportunity for you to go rifling though their knicker draws I thought?
I expect they get their knickers from Rent-A-Tent.
Why do they look like they are lay down in the header pic? Especially the fat one.
But they are actually sat up.
I’m confused.
Fart and give us a clue…
Lady Creampuff has started to look a little big-boned recently.
I dont mind a bit of meat on the bone.
Keep you warm at night,
Cheaper than putting the heating on?
And like people with a good appetite.
I was taught to clear me plate an be grateful,
Cant be doing with fussy eaters, lettuce fondlers an the like.
But these are yanks.
Dont eat Shepherds pie or steak n kidney pud.
The dirty fuckers eat any old shite.
It’s okay. We have separate bedrooms and electric blankets, so we’re alright, Jack. ?
Electric bloody blanket?!!!
You must be rolling in money!
Sod that.
Told mrs M, if your cold put another pair of socks on.
Maybe a balaclava.
Evening Ruff ?
Evening Miserable. I am rolling in money, I thought you knew that? ?
I did know that.
But dont fritter it away on novelties like leccy blankets!
I bought the missus a wedding dress, lovely it was.
Only wore it once!!!
Must think im bleeding Rockefeller or something.
I like to watch the pennies Ruff,
I still wear my school uniform
Its a bit snug and a little threadbare but still …
Does your missis also still wear her school uniform, MNC?
Whilst slapping that riding crop against her black leather glove clad hand?
I still wear my long johns and socks in bed in winter.
It can drop to below 40 degrees f in our bedroom at night.
I’ve still got my ceramic hot water bottles, Mrs Dyke knit some wooly jumpers for them yonks ago.
And we splashed out on some of those new squishy type hot water bottles. I’ve got a rabbit themed cover on mine, and Mrs Dyke’s has got a teddy bear.
Electric blanket sounds very posh RTC.
I’d be shitting myself incase it caught fire in the night.
I’d end up being scorched to a crisp.
My corpse would look like a burnt-out Somalian.
Malnourished and crispy.
Land whales. Yummy.
The one on the right resembles a sea slug.
I don’t think they should be allowed any health treatments, should they need it, after all – their bodies, their choice…. to stuff their faces all day and night.
That’s all good evening and fuck orf.
Extras from a bargain basement Total Recall.
Can’t work out which one is the Poundland Sharon Stone though..
Both would have gone down a treat on Its A Knockout..Stuart Hall would have had an aneurysm.
Dear me.
Is that Therese Coffey and her daughter?Nice to see Therese has lost some weight.Fat bitch.
Total waste of oxygen. They soooo fuckin shite n ugly not even a sniper would take em out!
Im really impressed by Armitage shanks ceramics that it has been able to support the load that these two deposit, probably ten times daily
Fuck a duck! They must have been brought up on burgers, pizza and KFC family buckets.
Surely the parents have a lot to answer for in cases like this?
They must need a small truck to bring their grub from the shops every day.
A sniper??
You’d need a fucking Panzerfaust.
They look positively svelte compared to my ex-fiancée Fanny Fiddler l
Any relation to Dick?
You bin gone so long Smeggy you missed the engagement of the century!
C’mon Cunters, let’s be charitable: hidden somewhere below the mounds and mountains of sweaty purulent blubber, you might find two beautiful human beings… Either that, or a pair of terminally greedy cunts that could clean out every KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut in a 50 mile radius.
Fucking hell, put a picture of of those 2 trogs on the fridge to end that midnight snacking, these space hoppers need a fucking gastric bypass ASAP, no more burger King and deliveroo for this pair of hippos, for their own good, oh and put the mirrors away so Theydon have to give themselves a daily haunting..
Good nom, this reminds me of those cunts who need shooting for here comes Honey Boo Boo, the likes of which will never be seen again…. Cunts one and all