A cunting for the fucking shit show that has been blown up in the media over some cunt being called P*ki
The P in question made 43 allegations of which 7 were upheld, the club decided that it was banter so let the witch hunt begin.
Yorkshire cricket is now deemed to be institutionally racist, yep that’s it, because they didn’t go full knee taking and self scourging they are the most racist cunts on earth.
The so called banter between a white player and an Asian involved the slur P*ki, the response was Zimbo ( a racist term to a Zimbabwean)
The Media have gone ballistic over this, unlike the very much muted response to the industrial scale grooming and rape of young girls by hundreds of the poor oppressed P*ki cunts.
The board put these incidents down to banter, big mistake, the knives came in before the chairman could say ‘I resign’, sponsors pull out, the ECB said that Yorkshire cricket cannot host international games.
Well the Chairman has resigned and been replaced with a P*ki
There are lots of stories on the net, here are just 2
Nominated by: Sick of it
Hot on the heels of Sick’s nom, Cuntybollocks doubled down with this:
Michael Holding
This race baiter has been running his mouth again. This time, in the fall out regarding the allegations of historic racism at the Yorkshire Cricket club. In summary, a Muslim former player was allegedly racially abused (and it does seem he has a case to be fair, with regards to a recent report). This abuse took place years ago (around a decade ago I believe).
Now, if the other players were calking him the daki word to his face as banter, then they were fucking idiots. And yes, the guilty ones deserve to be suspended if they are still playing.
However, this is not enough for old ‘Mikey’. He wants to entire club suspended from functioning for at least a year, possibly longer.
This would punish many innocent people at the club just making a living. It would also punish the fans of the club too,of course.
But somebody said a hurty word 15 years ago so let’s close the business down.
Well I recall a few dodgy comments from Sky employees. See link.
Well,surely Mikey wants Sky shutting down for ay least a year too then? Sky employ him and pay him handsomely to commentate, of course. But somebody said hurty words a while back within the organisation so shut it down, right?
I’m not holding my breath for him asking for that.
Funny I’ve known lots of P. Aki s in the past Lots. All happy to call each other by the name. All very wracist towards the Jewish folks but apart from that ok. If being vehemently racist can be??? Set of witch hunting cunts the media. Clearly a throw away comment blown all out of proportion. Cunt
Same with the Turks. They’re a bunch of cunts also.
I’ve heard snippets of this story on the BBC radio stations over the last few days.
Safe to say it has been portrayed by those cultural Marxist wankers as the most harrowing story since the 9/11 or the holocaust for that matter.
Ban the county of Yorkshire from everything and anything ever again come the cries from the usual anti white race baiters.
Storm in a Yorkshire teacup more like.
Get fucked you absolute cunts.
I’m deeply offended by grooming gangs, who target children specifically by race, who are still operating in Yorkshire.
People from Pakistan, mostly of a suntanned hue, cannot be called P@kis because that’s racist.
People from Great Britain, mostly of a milky hue, can be called Brits and that’s not racist.
That’s a very good point. Never thought of that. Paki is a derogatory term, I suppose? Fuck me, I’m thinking too much about it.
That’s a fair question, DCI. Who decided it was racist though? A mere abbreviation cannot be a racist construct, based upon the example given. At some point, it must have been decided that to refer to someone from Pakistan as a P@ki was an abusive term. It’s not racist by definition, but I digress. Breathing in the presence of a black person is denying them oxygen and thus a hate crime these days.
If we’re all allowed to use abbreviations of country of origin, that would make people from Germany, Germs. 🙂
I prefer to call them “inbreeding carpet kissing degenerates”
It helps avoid confusion.
In the old Commando story books I used to read as a boy often had the Germans referring to the people of these islands as “Englander” or “Britisher”
Were they being racist I wonder.
Haha. Gott in Himmell!!!
Donner und blitzen!!!
In this country, it simply means “smelly, backwards, anti-white, probable terrorist, rąpist pædo” with no ambiguity.
First four letters of their countries name…it’s not that bad is it? Aussie Israeli russkie or kiwi yank get a grip folks wear your diminutive with pride
Is this bloke looking to be ‘compensated?’
A selection of underage white English girls, an endless supply of drugs and alcohol to ply them with, a full row of terraced houses for the extended family and a brand new mosque paid for by the UK taxpayer at the end of the same street are on their way as a peace offering.
Sorry if it would appear that I’m tarring all these cunts with the same brush but what can I say – I hate them.
I fucking hate them too?
They bring absolutely NOTHING positive to the United Kingdom and have ruined numerous areas and destroyed numerous young lives.
Hopefully the Indians will give them a whooping one day. How they are part of the commonwealth is beyond me. We had wars with these cunts trying to lecture the Indians. Oh it’s ok bin liner come and hide right next to our airbase. We won’t know you’re here.
Why is it that P@kis are hated worldwide? Strange phenomenon that.
Yorkshire, well parts of it don’t seem to able to say long words, so P*ki, this also applies to towns, in and around Castleford you will never hear that word, you will only hear Cas.
P*ki has been around since I was a kid, sometimes evolving into Stinking P*ki, where I grew up they were disliked and mistrusted, areas of the town were pretty much Pakistan. Having said that the place Rochdale was a total shit hole anyway but there was never any integration so people ignored them, it is only in the last few years people are waking up to what these cunts have been doing with the grooming scandal(s)
Fuck the cunts, what do they call us when they are in the mosques, Kafirs.
The bowler’s Holding the batsman’s Willey.
I was about to post similar…
One benefit is that Michael Vaughan is under fire for making ‘ racist remarks’. Mr Vaughan adopted a sickening holier than thou attitude regarding texts sent by Ollie Robinson (when he was a teenager) about fancying a Chinese girl.
Michael Vaughan stands to lose a lucrative tv contract and being branded a hypocrite. It couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke- my arse.
Indeed Guzziguy, how heartwarming to see Vaughn hoist by his own petard.
It’s beautiful to see cunts like Vaughan squirming.
Although he’s in the same situation that every white male on the idiot lantern now finds themselves in.
Worship and gobble the ethnic cock or face unemployment.
*heterosexual white male
Philip Schofield, Rylan Clarke et al are of course exempt for obvious reasons.
Selection of a few old county cricket nicknames….
1. Somerset, England and TMS legend Victor Marks = ‘Skid’
2. Gloucs journeyman Phil Romaines = ‘Human’
3. Best of all…. (and good evening any readers from the EHRC)….
The suntanned Middlx bowler who once blitzed the Aussies at Melbourne …. Norman Cowans was known as ‘Omo’. (Washing powder not with an H missing). Unaccountably this one isn’t being reported on MSN.
I can’t help wondering what that legendary South Effrican cunt Brian McMillan must be making of all the Yorks shenanigans. He’s only just recovering from De Cock’s moment of fame last week! Note to Admin : He’d be a shoo in for After Dinner Speaker at the Is A Cunt Christmas Dinner!
Oh Dog, please spare us from any more of this sanctimonious humbuggery.
A p@ki goes for a job on a cruise ship.
The captain asks if he has any experience.
The p@ki says, “No, but I’m hardworking and an honest man.”
The captain takes him on and two weeks into the cruise the p@ki is mopping the deck when a huge wave hits the ship and washes him overboard.
The first mate sees the whole thing, rushes to the bridge to see the captain and says,”You know that p@ki you employed, the honest one.? Well he’s just fucked off with our mop.”….
Ha ha ha ??
So a truly great county club ruined by another shit skin.
The assimilation continues.
The remorseless destruction of our country with the majority of the population as audience.
Fuck the cunts cry baby wailing.
They are rotten filth.
Apparently the banter took place 15 years ago…
I suspect far worse was said on the field of play by the Aussies as they smashed everyone from the late 80s until the mid 2000s.
As for Michael Vaughan, now he gets a taste of the other side of the shitty stick.
Indeed. There was a great documentary series about the 2013 Ashes test series.
In that, a few Aussies were using what could be described as ‘homophobic’ slurs towards England players (picked up on stump mics – not broadcast to viewers live for obvious reasons).
Some cunt will whip those clips out I’m sure
I loved all the ‘sledging’ back in the day, but the Aussies went soft after Steve Smith murdered 700 orphans (well, he got his team to tamper with the ball, but they made out like it was the end of the world.)
Bunch of poofs nowadays.
Sophie Dark-key says “kill whitey”-silence.
That Pak E on breakfast television mocks the union flag-silence.
See a pattern here….
Fuck woke, weak minded fools who are enabling this torrent of anti-white, anti-British cuntishness?
When I first moved the US, I worked in an office where there was good banter. I was often referred to as “Lymie”, the origins of which can be found here:
Was I offended? No! Did I poke fun back? Of course. My favourite being, “At least I’m from a country with heritage. What was your country doing 300 years ago? Oh that’s right, nothing! Hahaha”. It wasn’t about not getting along. It was actually about getting along, pulling each others’ legs and having a bit of fun. Happy times.
On a related topic, I work with a guy originally from India. He’s in the Chicago area. He’s heavily accented, speaks English in an usual way the Indians do, but get this. He refers to Indians in IT still in India as “low grade, uneducated, cheap labour”. He cracks me up. He totally sees through it and calls it what it is. I guess you can’t be racist if you’re slagging off your own kind.
When I’m bored, I like to phone random people in India and ask them if I’ve been involved in an accident….
Naser Hussain used to call the Pakistani team “Pak*s” on his cricket commentary. I never thought anything about it. Is he now to called out for it? Aussies, Brits, Yanks, etc. Are these names now to be deemed ‘racist’? I’m sick of it. Making an issue where there isn’t one. The ethnics are not even the problem. All this is caused by woke idiots, inadequates with nothing else better to do. Instead of telling them to fuck off, idiots such as footballers, politicians and D list celebs suck up to these pricks and make matters worse.
Limeys get it right.
He’s a Paki, simple as that, just like a Swede, a Turk, a Yank, I could go on but what’s the point.!
I wonder what Sir Geoffrey thinks…
He was on talking pints with Farage a bit ago. Before this…
A real sense of despair about the situation.
Maintained all that matters is merit.
He was a doughty batsman. He would never give up. Stay there until the end.
Now the long shadow…of Woke.
They’ll get him out in the end.
There’s no umpire.
I wonder what Dickie Bird thinks…
Probably in tears.
It is the white Left who are responsible for pushing this shit.
Unable to obtain power democratically via the ballot box, they instead seek to promote division and social instability to achieve their nefarious ends. Something, incidentally, they’ve been doing quietly for decades.
Now it’s been turbocharged!
Most blacks and Asians I know are appalled by this turn of events and want nothing to do with it.
Of course, it is. Bloody stupid.
Can you say ‘loony left’ anymore or has that been banned?
So, 7 allegations were upheld out of 43? 36 were lies then. What sanction does that attract? Oh, nothing, cos he’s a parking stanley. How about sack the troublemaking fucker for being a cunt and trying to destroy the club…?
Fuck them all back to their shit hole homeland.
This country has become far too colourful.
They can take their white running dogs with them.
The enemy within.
What do you call a geordie Pakistani submarine captain
Gandeep Underwatta
Pa ki is only deemed a derogatory term because the people themselves are deemed a negative on society, which they caused.
It’s why it’s not deemed racist to say ‘Aussie’ for example.
All this name calling bullocks. I couldn’t give a flying frisbee. Call me what you like, just don’t call me late for tea. Especially if it’s cake. ?
So a darkey is hurt be something that was said over 10 years ago (I think) by a naughty whitey.
Let’s Polyfilla over this by replacing a darkey as the new chairman – that’ll sort things out. Let’s all sit down and have a nice cup of tea and slice of cake, aunt Sally – cunts.
This seems to be the response these days, put a darkey in charge of controversy and all will be well.
Now, here’s a question for you all. I had a darkey mate who used to call me a ‘Brit’, wasn’t offended in the slightest but as the P work is short for Pakistani I sometines don’t understand this.
Therefore, one could argue a darkey calling someone from Britain (and white) a Brit racist, just a thought…?
As far as I can make out he actually had 2 spells at Yorkshire!! Can’t have been that bad then??!!
I think he’s retired recently do after a few quid.
They’ll all be at it. All the dakis and dark keys will say ‘He called me a ‘whatever’ in 1979 at a booze up I demand 500k compo and the ruination of the other chaps’ lives.’
Floodgates opened.
The lesson?
Don’t fucking employ them.
I don’t see Paki being racist. Its where they are from. Its the same as an Australian being an Ozzie a New Zealand being a Kiwi and a Frenchman being a Cunt.
7 out of 43 allegations were upheld. So, presumably, the other 36 were dismissed as lies. Will the club be sacking this bastard for lying as part of his campaign to bring the club down? Thought not.