Warwick University Go Weepy over “Trigger”

I have just watched a report and I thought it was a wind up, or maybe an early April fool.

Well it isn’t and Warwick University need a cunting

It seems that students may be upset by trigger warnings, you know letting them know that the content of the material they are being exposed to may contain things like, for example, homophobia. This is so the poor darlings can prepare themselves to be able to cope with hurty words.

The poor darlings are sooooo sensitive they may even be upset by the word trigger, so trigger warnings have been replaced by ‘content notes’ (see, this why I thought it was a joke)

I think anyone who is so sensitive should stay clear of University, in fact stay clear of anything and spend their lives in a dark soundproof room or maybe a dose of compulsory military service would give them a fucking backbone.

Can it get any worse ?

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

And on a slightly different tangent it would seem minorities don’t like the trigger word “Christmas” according to CuntyMort

Daily Mail News Link

Wokies and Ethnics

Having seen this puke inducing load of bollocks, I thought I would share it with you fellow cunters.

It seems that the woke and ethnics might be offended by the term Christmas. Oh dear how sad, tell you what it is Christmas so fuck off and go back to bongo bongo land or fly blown spot on the globe. As I recall this is still a christian country. If Christmas offends you please feel free to fuck off. For the woke cunts Unkle T’s oven is over there please feel free to use it now.

One unexpected bonus after Christmas I only work one day. Lovely.

68 thoughts on “Warwick University Go Weepy over “Trigger”

  1. Clearly these little poofs have mental elf problems. I mean real mental elf problems not made up media bullshit.
    Basically they don’t know their arse from their elbow, as my old Mum used to say .

    • You have ‘foot and mouth’ disease in cattle. And It can cross from cattle to humans.

      If it does crossover it is calked ‘Arse and elbow’ disease. Sometimes termed ‘Elbow and Arses’ disease because the people afflicted dont know their own arse from their elbow or ndeed their elbow from their arse.

      A very distressing condition withthe patients not knowing ‘if they are coming or going’.

      It is particularly prevalent in media types.

  2. I watched an old Hitchcock film on Talking Pictures TV the other day called Young & Innocent. In it was this brilliant restaurant scene which they issued a trigger warning about before the start of the film. Personally I can’t see what all the fuss is about.


  3. They should worry their little head about hurty words, after 3 years doing a degree in an ism, all they need to learn is the following “Would you like fries with that”, and then they are ready for their new job.

  4. It defeats me how a University that offers studies in Literature can condone, and even encourage, the distruction of a language.
    Content, not trigger? Really.
    What next, A Christmas Carol to be renamed A Festive Carol.
    Anyone who allows this without protest should be made to stand against a wall while several people pull the content of their rifles that are aimed at their hearts.

    • You have to bear in mind that these creatures operate on a completely bizarre wave length to normal people .
      Some of them actually believe the shit they spout.

  5. What a bunch of softy cunts. Back in the day got into a mass brawl at uni, took a kick in the face. Laughed about it in the bar next day, with black eye, nose and cheek.

  6. Feeble little shits. Universities should be for the best and brightest, not feeble wretches.

    Drown them in a pond.

  7. It’s a “campus” style uni where everything is on site for the lickle dears.
    If any of them plucked up the courage and go into town they’d most likely get their empty heads kicked in.

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