Unvaccinated Care Home Workers

If you’re one of those that doesn’t have a job tomorrow (11th Nov) because you work in a care home and refuse to be vaccinated then you’re a cunt.

I was listening to some stupid woman on breakfast telly this morning banging on about how being forced to have a jab was a violation of her yuman rights. Interestingly she wasn’t brave enough to show her face. She also reckons if takes away her right to choose.

This is bollocks on several fronts :

Firstly, her choice isn’t being taken away. Her choice is either have the jab and carry on working in a care home or don’t have it and work somewhere else.

Secondly, what about the yuman rights of the people she cares for? These are on the whole elderly vulnerable people with underlying health issues. They have a right to be protected.

And, thirdly, this is not new. My daughter is a radiotherapist. When she returned to work after several years of caring for her son, she had to prove that she’d had several mandatory vaccinations before she was allowed to return to work. A Covid vaccination is just one more added to the list if you want to work in the NHS.

So if you’re an out of work care home worker tomorrow then you only have yourself to blame for being a pig ignorant selfish fucker and you deserve to be unemployed.

And I’m forced to add that if I was your next potential employer then you’d be asked at the interview if you’d had the vaccine, otherwise I wouldn’t employ you because I have a duty of care to my existing employees.

So for all of the above reasons, you’re a cunt…

Nominated by: Dioclese 

Daily Mail News Link

186 thoughts on “Unvaccinated Care Home Workers

  1. Well cunted, exactly how I feel. It shouldn’t be mandatory for everyone to have it should remain their choice. However if needed for a job to protect people it should be. Also it should be a choice for businesses to say, can you prove you’ve had it as part of a recruitment process if they would like to. Who wants the whole workforce dead or seriously ill because they act like fucking petulant children. Although I was pissed off which vaccine I had to have, fucking £20.00 a pop rather than AZ.

  2. I had the first jab and genuinely thought that I’d be lucky to wake up the next day….I’d tell them to shove their jab up their arse.

    First step before everyone has to have it….” to protect the NHS”.

    • All these ‘carers’ coughing and sniffling over Doris age 97yrs?
      Crying about having a jab?

      Type who demand a window open on a plane.
      Door open on a submarine.

      Look, choice is simple.
      Jab or sign-on.

      Crying about ‘nuremburg’ and their rights.
      Fuck that.
      They refuse to wear a mask?
      A divers helmet padlocked on the cunts.

      Get down the Jobcentre you whining cunt.

      • Oh!
        And never mind think of the children.
        Id vaccinate the unborn and the recently deceased.

        Ill get a solicitor and see you at Nuremberg.

    • I’ll also add that if it came to a choice between my own health and someone else’s health….well.you can probably guess my answer.

      • Aye,canny,Mis.

        Just settled down to watch the rugby…Ireland v All Blacks….had to turn the commentary off to drown out the obligatory Tart squawking on.

      • Never you mind about what Jesus would do…you just thank your lucky stars that he doesn’t bear your lot a grudge…

      • Why would you bear my lot a grudge?

        I’m a White Anglo Saxon Protestant by upbringing, an Agnostic by choice.

        Presumably you’re a Papist?

      • Correction. I misread your reply, Dick. I should have written:

        Why would he bear my lot a grudge?

        I’m a White Anglo Saxon Protestant by upbringing, Agnostic by choice.

        (Forget about the Papist bit, although I’m sure Jesus would be a Protestant if came back today).

      • I never said that I bear your lot a grudge…I said that you should be grateful that Jesus doesn’t bear your lot a grudge.

        You should never presume anything about me,RTC…it’s a fair bet that you’ll get it wrong.

      • Ein beaya.

        Btw, after giving it some thought, I reckon if Jesus came back today he’d probably be a Born Again Christian.

        Are they still a thing?

      • Born again Christians still a thing ?….I really don’t know,RTC..are you considering converting ?

    • Shame The Govt. weren’t so terribly concerned about Old Doris when they were shipping infected people out of Hospital and into care-homes.

      Perhaps they’re hoping to finish a few more off with a lack of carers.

    • Afternoon Dick.

      I doubt you need the jab. You’re young, healthy, a smoker, live and work in the sticks, chances of you catching it is minimal, and even if you did it’s unlikely to lead to serious illness, let alone death.

      • Afternoon,RTC.

        I’m genuinely torn on this one…I can see why the vulnerable need protecting but it worries me that it’s just the thin end of the wedge

        The Govt. have so much invested in the “pandemic” that it makes me wonder if they just can’t bring themselves to say “Enough is enough..we must move on”

    • I wonder how others got on here (those that had it)?

      I was fine, just very tired afterwards and slept for about 14 hours. Proper deep sleep too. Lovely it was. Then had a normal nights kip after having a very sore arm for a few hours, with loads of proper mental dreams. Got the raging reoccurring horn on the second night too (went like a train, Mrs was happy).

      Everyone I know had mild symptoms, but my uncle was like you DF. He genuinely thought he was on the way out and he’s no soft cunt (although he’s an oldie now).

      • I had no reaction at all. Not even a sore arm. Neither did my missus. Or our vegetarian next door neighbour. His wife felt a bit fluey for a bit.

        Hopefully the booster will knock me out for a couple of days, could do with a break.

  3. This cunting is morally, ethically, and intellectually wrong. I won’t cunt you because that’s against the rules, so all I’ll say to you, and the other fools who cheer this on, is the following;

    1. If you’re in a public facing role you *will* be forced to have it too, it’s only a matter of time. Which is everyone.
    2. These ‘heroes’ have somehow magically survived 20 months without it.
    3. Why not antibody test first before dropping them?
    4. The vax doesn’t even stop you from getting/transmitting it.
    5. Firing them on 11.11 was a deliberate cynical message. Who implements a new policy on a Thursday.
    6. Firing health workers in a pandemic, after 20 months, when the vax doesn’t even work, when we need all the staff at this time. Fucking logic.

    Try looking in the mirror before you accuse people of being ignorant. People like you are helping to shepherd this country into a tyranny that will require bloodshed to escape from.

    In times of crisis we see who is really underneath the mask. Congratulations, you failed.

    • Saved me from typing that lot, young Chunky👍

      It’s gone from banging saucepans like demented fucking sea-lions for our wonderful carets, to breaking one of the most important articles of the Nuremberg code:

      “It IS illegal, to use coercion on another, to make them undergo any medical procedure, against their will.”

      The elderley residents are jabbed anyway, the fucking Vakzine does NOT stop you catching it transmitting the “virus”-75% of hospitalised “Covid” patients had been double jabbed.


    • Personally I wouldn’t dream of mandating something that doesn’t seem to working all that well.

      My boring post in another thread showed recent UK government stats that say in the 60 plus age group, 80% of the double vaxxed are the ones going to hospital with covid infections, and in the 30 to 50 age groups, its a 50/50 split.

      Why put people out of job with figures like that?

    • Chunky, you saved me typing out a similar long response.

      I cannot agree with this nom. Care workers are the thin end of the wedge. Be very careful what you wish for.

      Here are a few extra thoughts on top of Chunky’s.

      I am a British expat in the states. A condition of immigration was that I had to prove my vaccination or immunity stratus to a list of diseases, the usual suspects, TB, measles, influenza etc. This meant I had to get some shots. I didn’t mind this. I also grudgingly beared my arm for the Covid vax to keep my job (a no jab, no job mandate). Why was my attitude different in these two cases?

      Because the conventional vaccines for immigration are tried and tested, effective and proven safe.

      People need to understand there is nothing conventional about Covid vaccines. They have proven already to be ineffective, and they have not been proven safe. They have not undergone the normal rigorous safety testing. Furthermore, the gene therapy technologies they use,mRNA and viral vectors, have never been used in this way at the population scale before and have a chequered safety record. This is a massive experiment on the global population.

      Much has been written elsewhere about this so I won’t replicate, but if you mandate someone requires something for their job, you have a moral responsibility to ensure it is safe. This is not the case with Covid shots.

      Another thing to be gravely concerned with about Covid vaccines, which is unique tocovid vaccines, is that there is evidence that the spike protein they code for is itself a biologically active toxin which causes blood clots, hence clot shot.

      Next they will be mandating for children who are at virtually zero risk, which is a criminal act.

      Finally, there is no need for vaccines because there are effective therapeutics, a fact which has been ruthlessly suppressed. This is something that should terrify everyone.

      • It terrifies me that so many people have a lack of “critical thinking”, over this issue 😉

        That spike protein, has been observed in large quantities in bone tissue, the reproductive system and the lymphatic system. In young people.
        Now that IS fucking scary.

    • To me you only have to make point number 4. It does not stop you catching or transmitting the virus. So how is making these people have the vaccine protecting anyone at all?!? If it did, then I’d agree it should be mandatory, but the only person the vaccine may help protect is the person having the vaccine.

  4. Does the Vax keep you from getting Covid? No.
    Does the Vax keep you from giving Covid? No.
    Help me out here. Is it for those around you or to simply lessen the symptoms for you?

  5. “Help!!”
    “Save us!!”
    “Save us!!”
    Came the cries from the NHS.

    Weekly applause at 8pm every Friday…

    “Thank you key workers” came the patronising rhetoric in every window and vehicle up and down the land.

    One year later…
    “You’re fired you very same key workers – for not wanting to partake in the clot shot experiment”

    Crock of fucking shit and yet another example of grotesque, ill thought out incompetence and outright medical tyranny.

    Good luck to anybody unfortunate enough to have an elderly loved one in one of these soon to be very understaffed death camps.

    • That’s alright-perhaps some of those 1000 plus per day sand-w.ogs are fully qualified and vaccinated care workers 😉😉😉

      • I fear not Cag, their ranks are filled with architects and engineers I think you’ll find.

      • With the number of New mosques being built, across the UK, the two things we need are more architects and engineers…

  6. What we are witnessing is the systemic collapse of the leadership of this once great nation. Utterly fucking horrific, they drank the kool aid and watch out below. Never tell the truth when a lie will do. Fuck facts let’s manage the narrative and tangle the web some more. Gods teeth, it’s no wonder that people are going mad.

    Personally I have responsibilities as well as rights, however diminished, oh and fuck off.

  7. Fun fact:
    The animal trials for these gene therapies that are being called vaccinations were 100% fatal. Mostly mice and ferrets. Not a typo; 100% fatal. No human trials done until approved for emergency use. I am choose to be part of the control group.

  8. This cunting proves beyond any doubt that the 21st century inner Nazi that lurks within certain sections of society has been well and truly, unashamedly released.

    Shame on any braindead brainwashed imbecile cunt that thinks forcing medical procedures on to people against their will is acceptable.

    1933 Germany is that way!

    • Herman@

      I wear my inner nazi on the outside!😁

      Wheres my Luger?

      Evening mate👍

    • If the vax actually stopped transmission and covid had a death rate comparable to the bubonic plague, then there might actually be a debate to be had.

      As it stands covid is insignificant and the jabs aren’t worth a drop of piss. There is simply no justification for mandating them at all. It’s clearly about control and not about a virus.

  9. Down here we have the Pfizer brand vaccine and according to the government/medical bods….

    1: If you have both shots of it, you are 95% less likely to catch Covid (albeit only initially, as the effectiveness of the vaccine deteriorates until you’re down to around 40%)

    2: If you do catch the virus, you’re 90% less likely to develop serious symptoms

    3: You’re 80% less likely to need to go to hospital if you do catch it.

    Now, aside from the fact that even after having the vaccine you can STILL catch the virus AND transmit it (both the Government and the medical bods say so) my question is this…..Why, when the above 3 points are broadcast religiously dozens of times a day, are vaccinated people so afraid of the un-vaccinated? Its completely counterintuitive. Surely the propaganda should be telling the un-vaccinated to be afraid….but it’s not. It’s all about “protecting others” nothing about protecting yourself.

    We even had one fully vaccinated office lady quit at work as she “didn’t feel safe working with un-vaxxed people”. Just plain weird and doesn’t make sense, not to me at least.

    Also, given our case numbers vs number of deaths….I’ll take my chances. Less than 1% attrition rate does not equal bodies piling up in the streets, as the Government backed epidemiologist doom-monger cunts keep telling us will happen.

    Mixed messaging has caused the uncertainty down here, not necessarily the vaccine itself.

    Ps. I’m not even anti-vaccine. If others want to take it, that’s entirely their choice and more power to them. It’s a numbers game for me….cases per population/ deaths per cases. Both locally and globally, this thing isn’t stacking up as a doomsday scenario. If that should change, I’ll be happy to have the vaccine….hopefully one that works better.

    • “Mixed messaging has caused the uncertainty down here, not necessarily the vaccine itself.”

      The imposition of proto police state with 15st coppers choke holding 12yr old girls, macing them in the face, throwing them to the ground and hauling them into police vans is hardly a “mixed message” KC, it’s an unequivocal statement of intent that legal and moral norms are now in suspension.

  10. It is going the way of unemployment for the jabless, fuck, some of my regular contracts I’ve had for years are now “requesting” covid information.

    The main reason isn’t for anything noble about “public health”, it’s to keep lining the pockets of the mega wealthy with even more money than they can ever spend.

    I’ve had mine so if I mutate into Pyramid Head then at least I can take a few cunts with me.

  11. Dioclese: have you thought this through?

    They emptied hospital wards and sent covid infected patients into care homes and hospices-avid did hasten the death of many very elderly folk, with co-mobidities. As would a severe cold or flu / chest infection.

    Many thought this was literally, state sponsored murder, to reduce the social care deficit.

    Are you telling me you will refuse hospital treatment? Because I can tell you certainty, that a massive percentage of health workers are unvaxed and will remain so.

    These care workers wear masks, gloves, aprons, hand sanitizer and are continually tested.
    Being jabbed will NOT reduce the risk to the elderly in their care, one fucking jot.

    Your anger, shows the deliberate division of society is working….

  12. Hang on. Didn’t our senior citizens get the jab first?
    Then everyone waited with bated breath to see what happened before rolling it out nationwide.
    Effectively, they used them as Guinea pigs. Now they sack their carers for being concerned about the vaccines?
    Now, I’ve had the jabs and haven’t grown a third eye as yet, but it’s got to be personal choice. I’m offered the flu jab every year, which I refuse.
    I’ve had precisely one cold in ten years, so they can fuck off with that malarkey!

  13. How many people would have had the vaccine it they had to pay for it directly?

    Say £25 at the point of vaccination rather than through increased taxation.

    There would be an outcry over all of the points raised (it doesn’t work, it doesn’t stop you getting or spreading the virus, etc).

    I haven’t had the vaccine because I am concerned about a number of things.

    Here, people are given an appointment to go and have the jab.
    At the medical centers no questions are asked.

    It seems to be unimportant if you have had covid in the past or even if you have it at that moment.
    No tests are taken.

    No medical questions are asked about existing conditions, what medication you might be taken or even if a woman patient may be pregnant.

    No….. You just sit down, roll up your sleeve and get injected and fucked off.

    It just isn’t right.

    There are many thousands of NHS workers in the UK who also have not been vaccinated.
    They know about these things and have made their decision.

    I believe that in April they also will face unemployment if they refuse the jab.

    My view is that the UK government are deliberately trying to shift the blame for an NHS that is in a state of suspension to the actual NHS workers themselves.

    There will be strikes, obviously by the unvaccinated workers but hopefully by their vaccinated colleagues who see that an individuals freedom of choice is being taken away.

    I don’t consider people who have been vaccinated as ignorant or stupid, it’s entirely up to them what they want putting in their bodies.

    But similarly, I have no time for anyone who suggests that I am selfish and ignorant for not wanting this procedure.

  14. Oh, if you did refuse to employ somebody on the basis of them having a vakzine, then you better have deep pockets and a good lawyer.
    You would need it-they could take you to the fucking cleaners😉

    • My thoughts exactly.

      Refusing potential employment to somebody based upon their compliance to a completely unproven vaccine ???
      What – even if you’re a brickie or a landscape gardener who permanently works outdoors??
      What a fucking morally repugnant concentration of bile to spout.

      Small wonder the western world is sliding into tyranny.
      It’s been a doddle for multiple governments due to the public being such generally dumb cunts.

  15. LOL … still don’t give a shit ’bout any of it. I had to have jabs … clients and company mandated it … doesn’t bother me. In my line of business I regularly face the real potential of death or serious injury. Had so many shots for stuff I’m pretty sure that I’ve been genetically modified! 😃 Iraq back in the day … what the fuck did they pump into us there? Dunno don’t care …
    Oh and that being a Nazi thing … what’s that all about … just a different slant on things ain’t it? Sieg heil 🙋🏻‍♂️ …. and there it is …. beer time.

    • People get dead upset over this topic, corona.
      I never really think about it.
      I said on here ages ago about this, jab or job.
      Thats why I had them, pretty obvious it was coming.
      So if a thick twat like me saw it coming how come these daft fuckers in Health Care didn’t?
      Maybe they thought it wouldn’t apply to them if they got tearful enough?

      Its a choice.
      Make your decision and accept what comes as a consequence.

      • Absolutely 👍

        Would never fall out with you Mis-your fine family values, love of the outdoors, animals, beer, chips & gravy😄 and hatred of cunts in general, means we are “Brothers in Arms”🇬🇧👍

      • 👍👍👍 Brothers in ISAC.
        Might disagree with you and others but doesn’t mean I disrespect or disregard your point of view!
        Debates all about innit?!!😀

      • It’s the most divisive topic on here MNC. I’m with you on this topic but I’m fine if some cunt doesn’t want to take it. The care home thing I can totally understand though. Just my opinion though.

        Main thing is it’s real and the rinky dinks caused it and don’t give a flying fuck. Spent the last 2 years causing a ruckus on the Indian border, sending ships to the South China Sea and threatening Taiwan, while accepting no responsibility whatsoever.

        The fucking cunts.

      • Evening Cuntybollocks 👍
        You well pal?
        Agree, its the Jackie Chan’s fault,
        And in honesty its a choice,
        But you have to accept the outcome of your decisions in life.
        The Government are definitely trying to cajole and coerce people to be vaccinated.
        But then we knew this would be the case!
        I go in residential homes as part of my job, elderly, vunerable, etc
        So knew if I wanted to carry on id have to be tested occasionally, vaccinated, wear a mask on request.
        It hasnt harmed me.
        So if these carers are upset theyve had plenty of time to either shit or get off the pot.

      • I’m fine fella, thanks for asking.

        It’s the way it’s going to be,like it or lump it. Vaccine hesitancy in the UK (which includes those who will never take one no matter what) is 4% of honkies but 21% of dark keys. Goat shaggers at 14%.

        Therefore, you are going to get customers of all businesses and services wanting to know if they employ the unvaccinated. I knew that would happen. Also travelling abroad would be impossible without proving you’ve been vaccinated. So I took it and fuck all happened.

        Nobody should be forced, but this was always going to happen, like it or lump it.

        It’s a shitty state of affairs either way, perhaps a better vaccine will get made at some point? One that kills the fucking thing forever with no nasty side effects, and gives me a 16 inch nob (this 20 incher does my head in).

      • @MNC…..”might disagree with you and others but doesn’t mean I disrespect or disregard your point of view!….”

        Excellent attitude and one we all strive for.

        A shame the same cannot be said for the powers that be, as they are the polar opposite. Any debate or reasonable objection to any of this is shut down in the blink of an eye.

        Example: a “go slow” went out yesterday onto the main highways around Auckland, basically a rolling blockade driving at 50kph, to protest lockdowns and the effects on local businesses (note: not directly about the vaccine).
        The organizers and participants were immediately denounced in the media as, and I quote, “a fringe minority of extremists, who are spreading deadly misinformation which will cause deaths”.

        Wonderfully unbiased comments from the TV talking heads and it’s that fuck you approach taken by Government and media both, that has brought this to a head, in my opinion.

  16. How does a world wide deadly pandemic in 2020 increase the planets population by 81 million people, basically another Germany….

    • I agree with this nomination. I don’t like needles and I’ve had AZ1, AZ2, the flu jab and the Pfizer booster. I don’t want to give Covid to anyone and I’m fucking sure I don’t want anyone giving it to me. If they call me in for another shot I’ll be there. Who should I take advice from, conspiracy theorists or the medical profession? Didn’t take me long to decide.

      • Sadly, much of the medical preofession are little more than paid shills for the pharmaceutical industry. The same industry that gave the world thalidomide, vioxx and seroxat/paxil to mention just a few drugs that killed more than they cured.

        There are plenty in the medical profession urging caution who are silenced, smeared or accused of being conspiracy theorists

      • Alan, if a very senior medical professional told you it was potentially dangerous and they had no intention of letting the vakzine anywhere near them or their family, would that make them a conspiracy theorist?

      • In fairness to Allan, who I assume is older than 60, there appears to be a risk for older people, increasing as you go up the age scale. I empathise with the concern but the risk has been blown out of proportion. I don’t see the global population in peril, do you?

        Unless you look at data, you will be controlled by your bias. Pubmed is the central repository for medical studies from all over the world on this disease (and others of course). This is where we can learn, not from the headlines. New information emerges regularly, whilst some studies might be biased or flawed that is something to take into consideration as well.

        I’d rather we had discussions about the data, efficacy of vaccines, whether presented data has flaws, than have the pitch fork crowd get away with absolutist statements implying the unvaxxed are stupid cunts who should have seen it coming. They sound like a flat earther had sex with a ‘Nartzi’.

      • “…Pubmed is the central repository for medical studies from all over the world on this disease.”

        PubMed Urged to Include Funding Info, Conflicts of Interest with Study Abstracts

        “One signatory, nutrition scientist Marion Nestle of New York University, has for the past year tracked industry-funded studies on her blog, FoodPolitics.com. By her count, of 168 funded studies brought to her attention, 156 have reported results favorable to the sponsors’ interests, and just 12 have reported results unfavorable to the sponsor.”

        And for the avoidance of doubt…
        “…The federal government spends $300 million a year to maintain PubMed.”

  17. And at half time it’s been a bruising first half with goals at both ends, with the scores level it’s all to play for in the second half

    Tinfoils 3 Nazis 3


      • Hehe, tell your friend he’s either in or he’s out. it was noted that neither side took the knee at kick off

    • Is it only half time, Mr Sick?

      Oh fuck, I’ve run out of popcorn! Never mind, still got plenty of beer. 😊

      • Yes RTC, we are still on the first page 👍

        I think both sides will need to bring on subs in the second half.

  18. Through fear some people will gladly see other people’s rights removed.

    The vaccines (which they had to modify the definition of vaccine to call them such) don’t prevent infection or transmission of COVID.

    The average age of a COVID victim is still above the average National life expectancy and if the actual deaths of people who died from COVID were used we are looking at 5000 or so deaths.

    The care sector is around 100k staff short and I’d think losing another 30k will probably contribute to more deaths and suffering than any non vaccinated carer’s ever could have.

    But screw reality, I’m afraid and because I’m afraid I’m willing to see others lose the very basic freedoms established by the Nuremberg treaty.

    Perhaps we all have an inner nazi when we are scared into being irrational.

    Maybe if you’ve reached a point that you’ll call for others to undergo medical procedures because you’re afraid you’re all but dead anyway.

    • Basically Dio’s argument in a nutshell. I respect him for sticking his neck out and can see the argument but it will lead to far more deaths than it prevents.

  19. Much as I disagree with this nom, it is ironic, gratifying and depressing that the standard of debate here on ISAC is far better than anything heard in parliament, as has been the civility of the discourse here. Remarkable when you consider what our acronym stands for!

    • Too fucking right. The level of debate in the MSM is abysmal too. That’s why we’re in this fucking mess.

      “Single source of truth”. “Trust the science”.

      It has become a religious cult devoid of real dialogue and discussion. Next up, killing the heretics.

      • The brotherly love shown towards each other after MNC and CG”s epic battle above brought a year to my eye.

        My work here is done, onto that Uber cunt Tony Robinson.

      • My eyes were tearing up as well BH.

        I thought Miserable was going to quote Voltaire at one point –

        ‘I disagree with what you but I will defend to the death you’re right to say it’.

    • I think it would be a cool convention if we started to referring to other cunters as The Right Honourable Member.

      (I’m easily amused, especially by my own jokes! Only child syndrome. Tumbleweed is my friend.)

  20. A Vaccine so safe they have to force you to have it and a virus so deadly you need to take a special test to see if you have even got it.

  21. My brother is a care home manager , he says forced vaccinations are the thin end of the wedge.
    The cunts that run the home are now telling the staff that they must not socialise or sleep with anyone other than there regular partners.

    • FF@
      To fuckin right.
      These sleazy promiscuous Health workers should learn the virtues of monogamous relationships!
      Or is the right to shag anything that moves in the Nuremberg act as well?
      Dirty little bleeders .

      • Perhaps we need to send Cuntstable & RTC undercover, in the nations care homes-disguised as residents.
        As two of IsAC’s more priapic “members”, they could satiate the libido of the hornier care workers. (Wimminz, obviously)👍

      • Leave me out of this.

        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, labelled, numbered, or told to fuck anything that is fat, over 50 or is not fit!

        My horn is my own. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha….

  22. Look at it another way. If all this vax does is give you milder symptoms of the virus, I see that as causing an issue rather than curing it.

    We have been told it will not stop you getting it. It will not stop you passing it on.

    It will however give you milder symptoms.

    With this in mind, maybe, just maybe because of that you will think you have a cold. Not bother getting tested, not have time off work…..and spread it like a bastard….that makes you a cunt, because lets face it. There are people who have been tested that didn’t know they had it, let alone your chances of dying are minicule.

    • Excellent point: a lot of people equate the vakzine with removing the necessity for being careful.

  23. Radiotherapists, several years of mat/pat leave full pay for 18 weeks plus full pension make up.
    Care home worker, living wage, no pension (notwithstanding NEST)
    The hypocrisy is there to see. The middle class can pick n choose, the minions become just a number. No dis to you, Diocese.

  24. Aarghhh. Mis spelled so apologies. Still no intended disrespect Dioclese.

  25. UK death rate for those dying “with” (which is NOT the same as “of”) covid is 0.2%. No fucker should have to be jabbed for this variant of flu.

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