Two weeks David Amess MP was slaughtered by an Islamist, Peaceful, Somali. He was stabbed 17 times in a church with a machete while doing his job. A bit like how Jo Cox was in 2016 but much more violently and, given that this time it was by a Peaceful, much more predictably as the cunts are endlessly at it.
So why the lack of reaction compared to Jo Cox. When she was attacked it was supposed to tell us a lot about “Brexiteers” and the “far right” but, let’s be honest, there’s fuck all “far right” in England, certainly not compared to the much smaller but much more violent, stabby, bomb-obsessed Peaceful section.
What was the reaction?
Southend named a city.
Amess’s dog being given “dog of the year”
Some stories about Ames’s in Parliament
The shifting of blame onto the general public for saying (imagined) nasty words online
Where’s the shutting down of this cunt’s Mosque, or the heavy-handed response on this cunts friends and family? Or why not a proper crack down in general on any suspected terror-loving Peaceful? How about going in hard on all the illegal, criminal, Peacefuls coming over from France?
A hard, hasty, and significant response to Islamist terror is the only appropriate response. But, as usual, it’s fuck all.
Oh and Salman Abedi’s cunt of a brother fled the UK this week as well.
Nominated by: Darren the Cunt
Islam gets a free pass for everything. As long as there’s “white gammon”, “Karen’s”, Brexiteers or Israel to blame.
Somali privilege. Cunts the lot of them
I’ve yet to see any evidence of them being of any benefit to this once fine land. Certainly a burden and a curse.
Fuck them.
They are of no benefit Grumpy.
They will just drag the country down and down further into the mire, until it reaches the pitiful standards of their homeland shitholes.
They are repugnant cunts.
This is spot on, everything the cunts (followers of Mohammed) do is dumbed down but if there is the smallest microscopic of ‘the right’ it blown up out of all proportion.
There has been more coverage of some cunt being called a P*ki at Yorkshire cricket that we saw over the killing of David Amess.
More cunts coming over the channel today, maybe we need the Polish Police/Army patrolling the beaches around Calais rather than the useless French cunts.
I would be happy to use my taxes to pay £100 million, £200 million for some Polish style action.
The media throw a blanket over islamist terror acts.
Play it down.
Anyone like to listen to Oasis?
Theyre uncomfortable with it
It doesn’t fit the agenda.
The Far Right are a much more convenient bogeyman.
Some teenager got arrested a few months back and they made a big deal about the fact he had some books on the nazis.
No weapons, no bombs, just a couple of books.
There isn’t any real far right in the UK
No BNP, No NF, No Combat 18.
Its bullshit.
No threat at all .
Theres no Far Right
I know, ive looked.
Mein Kampf or how I stared to hate the J’s , maybe the left should think about who they call Nazi ?
I used to work for a BNP activist, even stood for Parliament a couple of times, nice bloke just didn’t like blicks and peacefuls, mind you he wasn’t to impressed with J’s either ?
He gets my vote.
Hehe, I doubt he is still active, he must be high 80’s by now, if he is still alive
The MSM quote the term ‘far right’ to cover what I consider just mainstream working-class views.
The MSM’s views are actually extreme,- as they probably only reflect the views of a minority of the British population.
Most of us viewing the media, through its many medians are actually thinking ‘what the fuck is this shit?’
The MSM are therefore ‘extremists’, due to their wayward rhetoric and warped viewpoints.
I’m sticking with that theory.
And fuck the lot of them.
Absolutely spot on there northern cunt.
The mythical far-right..the boogeyman that don’t exist, all made up to appease these vermin.
The powers that be are shit scared of the truth, because they know its beyond their control if it kicks off.
They fuckin know they’ve let a huge number of filth enter this country over many yrs, and still doing so.
The left in action
It’s no wonder the rag heads are empowered.
9th November, the anniversary of Kristallnacht. An appropriate time for that bunch of thugs at LSE to demonstrate their rampant hatred.
When Jo Cox was murdered, Sadiq Khunt never stopped:
“Rascism, islamiphobic, far right”, etc, etc, etc.
David Ames, a decent family man and popular, hard working constituency MP, murdered at work, because of his good work with various Jewish organisations. Khunts response:
David Ames has sadly “passed away”.
But a fucking fucking disgrace that mid.get shitstain is?
As said before, diversity is his strength for his people. All lawyers lie to defend the position of their client. His client is islam. No more No less.
P P P = Privileged Peacefuls are Protected.
Thought everyone knew that..
Suckdick Khunt, and the Mudslime Cuntcil of GB (FFS, THAT is a terrorist HQ, if ever…) should be ovened, without the benefit of Ouragan D-2, the filthy, goat-fucking bastards.
And just LOOK at that pic – why are slime wimminz so bloody ugly?? It beggars belief. Which is, I suppose, a change from buggering goats…
Given the choice I’ll take the goat.
The Calif of Ilford, some old Islamic preacher, released from prison a year or so ago, (cant remember his name) was straight out there on the Friday Sir David Amess was murdered, claiming it was some sort of judgement, the mealy mouthed Sadiq Khan the motherfucker Mayor of London referred to Sir David “passing away” – as the murderous cunts say jump, the MSM and the BBC will say “how high?”. Total hypocrisy of course, but that seems to be the way the easily offended snowflakes like it.
I think it’s partly a sign of the times and the de-sensitisation of all things abhorrent.
I remember when I first moved to Houston in 2001, a local was killed in a car accident where the other driver was an illegal immigrant. In the country illegally, no drivers license, no insurance, etc. There was quite a loud outcry over what happened at the time.
If the same thing happened now, I don’t think it would even make the local news.
It’s like we’re supposed to just accept things like this as part of the price civilised society has to pay to be inclusive, diverse and accepting of other cultures.
This planet is finished.
IY, I think it was Isaac Asimov in his essay The Good Earth is Dying (polite way of saying this planet is fucked) that as the human population grows, human dignity is diminished and diluted. We are seeing his prediction play out
Yes we are, BH. So much is changing and has changed in our lifetimes. It’s simply terrifying now. Traditional values are now deemed hateful. Advances in communications technology serves to isolate and alienate people and cause conflict. Up is down. White is black. Good is bad. Expressing an opinion makes you a far right extremist. The list goes on. I don’t know if society has experienced this degree of change this quickly before.
It could well come to pass that in my life time I will not be able to buy and drive a new petrol powered car. In part down to some ill educated, socially awkward, non-scientist mong child from Sweden who thinks she knows better than the rest of us and the media makes her into a hero!
Bizarro world is unfolding before our very eyes. I’m not liking this one bit.
I fine comment IY
The one thing that I’ve became acutely aware of, probably more than anything else in the last 10 to 15 years, is the nefarious, overwhelming corruption, power and influence of the mainstream media.
From a personal individual perspective, one can try to avoid these evil warped bastards all they want but unless you’re maybe a billionaire on your own private island somewhere in the middle of nowhere – it will still eventually catch up with you and be ultimately detrimental to your life and well being.
Agreed IY, one of the most depressing elements for me is that the potential of the internet for bringing people together through communication has been completely hijacked. At least ISAC still has a foothold
Herman & BH: Agreed guys.
Mrs Yank is a Yank (obviously) and I tell her about a time when I was a kid when TV news was just the news. Kenneth Kendall, Richard baker, Trevor McDonald, Angela Rippon, Anna Ford, etc. They read out the news and let you know what was going on in the world. No agenda. No propaganda. No (obvious) bias. Just reporting on what was going on. Who would have thought that “fake news” would become a thing, where news networks would have a political stance? That people wouldn’t just have facts, but “alternative facts”.
I honestly believe the corruption, hypocrisy and manipulation is done by people so they can accumulate sufficient wealth such that they can avoid the consequences of the demise of society.
If you’ve got $10M+ in the bank, does it matter petrol is over $7/gallon in California? Nope. Does it matter illegal immigrants/criminals pour into your country to commit crime and take anything and everything they can get their hands on? Nope, when you live in a gated community with private security on a 10 acre lot. Life’s good for the wealthy.
It’s the masses (like us) who have to deal with the decline in everything while the elites live the high life. It’s absolutely sickening.
IY, what you say is all true, I can’t quite put my finger on when this news and media manipulation began. It was the theme of the Bond Film Tomorrow Never Dies in the 90s where the arch villain was Rupert Murdoch styled news magnate. At the time I thought it too far fetched but now it’s reality.
The relentless pursuit of the $$ to enable you to pull up the drawbridge you describe sounds like a death spiral.
At this stage in proceedings appeasement is seen as appropriate by the weaklings that supposedly govern us.
When the brown vermin have the whip less than a lifetime I dare say…then all the soft as shite liberals will be their slaves or dead.
The gloves should have come off after the first mudslime terrorist attack..wholesale deportation and paramilitary action to clean out the plotters.
It says everything that the attacks go on and will never stop.
Lessons will be learned.
Shameless cowardice in the face of the obvious enemy.
To learn who rules over you.
Simply find out who and what you cannot criticise.
This cult and its brainwashed followers can now operate with impunity.
Doesn’t matter how trivial or how abhorrent the crimes committed are – best not to take too much of an issue.
As a possible microcosm of the larger mess that the UK and most of the western civilisation finds itself in – look no further than the recent Yorkshire cricket over-reaction/witch hunt.
The west lacks the will to defend itself anymore.
No matter what angle I approach the problem from and no matter how much booze I consume the analytical training I received in the past leads me to the same bloody conclusion we only have ourselves to blame. The vast majority have remained silent whilst bemoaning the pc libtards but doing nothing about them. Infiltrating every corridor of state with their poisonous illogical bullshit. Their hands now firmly on the levers of state they are free to transform whats left of our society into a mass of self interest groups constantly warring with each other over pronouns, gender and what happened hundreds of years ago. The chosen will lord it over a nation of splinter groups the members of which wil not realise they are fucked. The peacefuls will not be in charge but they will be played like a violin to do the bidding of those on high so they may well think they are. What really bothers me is that if the time comes to fight for the remnants of this green and pleasant land. I’ll be to old and knackered.
Oh so true Black Biscuit. Ideological Politics need dumped.
Become a Royalist then and actually defend the Nation. When the nation is protected peoples rights are protected. Good luck getting through Crapita they might call you a racist.
Another 9/11, but this time in London. 5000 dead. ISIS definitely to blame but the media will say “They were provoked by Western Imperialism”
Someone bursts a balloon and makes a couple of people jump with fright. Some drunk bloke to blame. But media spin it “Far Right, Brexit racist bursts balloon in hope of mass murder of newly arrived Afghan refugees!”
It’s cunts like this why we’re where we are.
Please take a look at this utter bell end.
Its funny but, racism is very unfashionable now.
Seen as worse than murder.
But I really enjoy it!
Put a lot of work into it.
It’s something I enjoy too.
Cor! More like “Homo” magazine.
I thought adults dressing up as schoolkids (esp. gurlz) was supposed to be not quite the done thing any more, unless your in Miss Muir’s Academy.
I am sure that the nontz’s name is an anag of Danielle something…
Fast track to oven.
hahaha what a total knobhead
The problem for the Government is this will never end. There is no answer to Islam from a liberal democracy because they are opposite ideas. Importing muslims into Europe is the greatest disaster since the fall of Rome.
There is only one answer to Islam. “Fuck Off”
We’ll need to build a lot more mosques because with hundreds of Smellies arriving every week (mostly men), they’re going to have nowhere to go on Fridays except hang around the Kebab shit-hole or local primary school.
Absolutely bang on the smugcunt
The only thing that will deter them would be the reintroduction of the death penalty in cases where there is unquestionable doubt that a person committed the crime.
Salman Abedi’s cunt of a brother should never have been allowed to leave the country if he’s on a watch list or awaiting court proceedings. He should have been arrested on sight for contempt of court – or – never be allowed back in. That would be better.
The divisions in our society are not accidental, and were implemented against our will to solve the dilemma of “a land fit for heroes..” A jingo said at the time, but never meant. A united society with more in common than not, Is indeed a very powerful and difficult to Govern population. To divide many fold brings a society akin to a patchwork quilt where only a few threads remain of the original strength.
I too have yet to see what benefit the David Lammy’s are to this country, nor do I relish the prospect of my skyward arse as the carpet is kissed ! I prefer the company of my own. That is, I prefer the company of the white English born and speaking man upon whom I can count when the fight comes. And believe me, one day, that fight will come.
Until that day of reckoning, may the shite of every Englishman, fall upon the heads of the immigrant sponger. May their balls turn square and fester at each corner, and their camels resist the chop of the knee and deny entry to their owner.
These fuckers have an entirely different cultural agenda to the white population of … well England … no idea what the other nations of the UK are all about. We do not subscribe to their way of life but are forced to accept all the bollocks that goes with … they certainly do not subscribe to ours and demand changes that forces us to accommodate theirs. If it were constructively useful to accept cultural change it wouldn’t be so bad but their lifestyles are predicated on nonsensical religious BS that only benefits their agenda. I’ve always been of the belief and opinion that we should not live together. Life is difficult enough without having to accept weak minded reliance on fantasy to construct a meaningful reason to exist. Cunts.
When it comes down to it, if it hasn’t already, what are the woke cunts going to do about these inbred, violent, savages? Well they did fuck all this time, and they did fuck all after Manchester, apart from sing “Don’t Look Back in Anger”.
The only optimism I have is that one day, when the UK is Peaceful, they’ll all be so inbred they can’t do shit, they’ll be bombing each other, there’ll be no benefits because there’ll be no poor honest cunts left to pay for their lazy, scamming, ways, and there won’t be any white girls to groom. Just like Pakistan, or Somalia, or Bangladesh. When it’s gone full spaz maybe the Slavs will come and sort it out.
Let’s not forget the three gay men stabbed to death by a peaceful in a park in Reading.
Fuck me the MSM wanted that story to dissappear as quickly as possible.
Who prints and arms them with their perfect English banners in the picture? It was the same with the LGBTQSTCJHK Afghan refugee picture. The majority of the cunts don’t speak a single word of English.
The media are as much wankers as the celebrities who say Refugees welcome and the soppy white liberals who view all the Channel invaders as fleeing from war torn countries.
Can’t see them picking up the war wounded do you? Fuck do you. One thing they only care about is their own pocket. They think caring is about money. Money is only a point of trade in a diverse economy. Nothing to do with greed.
On the plus side, Boris has said the UK isn’t corrupt. Well, it is Boris from all sides. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. So don’t lie to people. It’s your job to stamp it out. Read a fucking book and stop paying your wallpaper layer in cash.
I sent an e-mail last week to Sarah Champion MP for Rotherham, regarding the lastest allegations by tory councillors of rampant pakistani pedophile cunts bowling about, business as usual.
I received the generic bot response from her 2IC, a certain jacquie falvey, asking for my postcode!!
the same jacquie falvey, who was a Labour Councillor on Rotherham Council throughout the original pakistani pedophile network.
I made that point to her in no uncertain terms, these people have no shame whatsoever.
All Politicians are grifters
UKIM Masjid Ibrahim & Islamic Centre Plaistow.
I had a long and satisfying piss on their doorstep once, to be fair to tramps, they were on the ball.
I made a strategic retreat to the boleyn public house double lively.
No lads left in there, but they didn’t know that.
Fuck the vermin cunts..