The Earthshot Prize – Debunked

The Earthshot Prize and other forms of Greenwashing Bullshit

My lefty neighbour came round to dinner last night and, miraculously, it didn’t descend into an argument as usual. Mainly due to my use of facts and figures to destroy her latest piece of hogwash. She was getting herself in a lather about a 14 year old Indian girl who has just won the “Earthshot Prize”. I have no idea what it is and can’t even be bothered to find out. In a nutshell, she has “invented” a pedal cart that uses solar panels to power irons (not gays in this instance) rather than women using charcoal.

I feigned interest for a while, then asked said neighbour if she knew how much power an iron drew? She didn’t – I told her it was about 2000W. I then asked her if she knew how much power a solar panel produced? She didn’t – I told her it was about 250kW per m2. So, either this little girl has on iron operating at about 200W (good for fuck all) or she has 8m2 of panels on her ickle cart (she doesn’t).

So, the gullible just like to hear the greenwashed headlines, no matter that scientifically it is bollocks. Same for most of the green horseshit. The lefties would soon complain if Gupta didn’t do their ironing properly

News Link

Nominated by: Lord Cuntingford

67 thoughts on “The Earthshot Prize – Debunked

  1. ‘Powered by the sun’ it says on her bogie.
    True enough, but then all forms of energy on Earth are powered by the sun.

  2. Five winners annually of £1 million each funded by Prince William’s Foundation ?… He’ll probably award Prince Andrew a million next year to buy an electric panel van with ” Free Sweeties and Puppies” written on the side.

  3. I wonder if that big fiery ball up in the sky commonly referred to as “the sun” was discussed at the recent CRAP26 up in Glasgow.

    • It was the silliest carry on. Biden with his 84 vehicle motocade through Rome. And 34 vehicle motorcade to Glasgow. Boris jetted in, so did Bezos. So did di Caprio for a bit of ‘star power’
      It was all just the a virtue-sgnalling jolly around the world.

      • I read somewhere (can’t find the link) that private jets account for 1% of air travel but 40% of aircraft emissions. So many private jets arrived in Scotland for the COP26 wankfest that most of them had to be flown on to a secondary airport, post arrival, to find room to park!

        Hypocrisy isn’t in these cunt’s dictionaries, obviously.

  4. Sick of it, the only time I like the word green is when I am burning freshly cut down wood.

  5. I have a car that is powered by unicorn tears and the exhaust is rose pettles. Yours for only $90,000.00! Order now with 50% down and the balance due upon delivery at a future date to be determined. Do your part to save our children’s future.

  6. LOL … if ya really want to make a difference in the world by making ironing more efficient just fuckin’ stop doing it! Ban it … guess what … no one dies if things ain’t ironed! There give me the dosh … that daft li’l girl wouldn’t spend it properly anyway.

    • Good idea – if irons use 2,000 watts then there could be some big energy savings there. I’m surprised Boris hasn’t unveiled banning irons at COP26. He’s a scruffy cunt anyway and doesn’t look like he uses them anyway.

  7. Prince William launches the Earshot prize.
    Meanwhile in the bowels of Windsor castle Prince Andrew works feverishly on his latest project ‘The Cumshot prize.’

  8. Little sand monkeys were ( at one time ) happy in their lives. Playing in the sun, no work to go to, and none of the stressful demands of western life. Why aspire? Why leave your lovely little land of sunshine to go seek fame and fortune? The white man will come to your door each morning to feed you. The white man will come to your door each day to educate you. The white man will build your drainage system and he will also find your fresh water and give you taps. Why indeed do anything else but wake each day, scratch your balls and enjoy the benefits of the white man.
    Money? You want money? Why did you not know ,the white man contributes billions each year to you and your kin ?

    All you have to do is occasionally eat some shit for the camera. Eat some bread and flies on cue, and next day, gifts will come,

    Now then. Why come to the land of the white man and turn it into the crime riddled shithole that you do? Why shit on the hand that feeds you. ? Because one day, and very soon. You will have fucked the white man into oblivion,

    Then guess what? All the bung to you stops ! Cunts

  9. Fucking sick of green shit. The wireless had been full of crap about how Rancid Greenbacks is going to make businesses produce piles of bureaucratic crap to show how their activities are net fucking zero. What a cunt. Still when the few remaining small businesses fail it will be job done for Bezos and co. Fuck the lot of them, Tories? Ha, ha,ha. Fucking shill cunts more like.

  10. Sorry to be pedantic but isn’t 250kW actually 250000W? In which case the iron should be red hot and then some.

    • sorry – my mistake (or should I say my bad). A solar panel generates about 250W per m2. As Capt Mainwaring would say, “I was just waiting for someone to spot that deliberate mistake). If it was 250kW, we’d all be home and dry.

      • 250kW is enough energy to centrally heat 6 to 8 terraced houses.

        Isn’t it funny how digging down into the ground to frack gas is ‘BAD’
        but there are no objections to having a row of 30 terraced houses. where each one will have to dig up most of their drive or garden to install Ground source heat pumps (btw GSHP generate hot water at around 40C.
        You eaither have to dig up all the floors in your house to fit uderfloor heating or fit 3x as many radiators as you have now. Also, you have to heat water to a minimum of 48c to kill Legioellae, so if you have a shower, you’ll probably get legionaires disease.
        Good news for the Gov’t though, as the tax man will probably seize your house from your estate & then they can give it a migrant, because in 10 years time it’ll be ‘standing room only’ in the UK, if migrants keep washing up on the seafront at the current rate.

      • ‘250kW is enough energy…;’

        *spectacles mist and crack in pedantic fury*

        Power! Dear Lord…

  11. Fuck all this green jiggery pokery bollocks. This CON26 Arseshine is just a taxpayer funded propaganda exercise, an extended fucking great Nuremberg Rally, complete with brainwashed youth shouting government slogans.
    Did you see the Jellyfish Fuhrer’s speech? It was like he was talking to a bunch of eight year olds. Then we had old cunts Attenbore and Charlie Jugears spouting their usual “the world is dying” fucking bullshit.
    I’m sick of hearing this quasi religious, apocalyptic arsefuckery. I’m afraid, My Lord, I would have thrown your cunting neighbour out on the street. ????

  12. Apparently Boris has stopped deforestation of the planet . Meanwhile we cut down millions of trees in North America to ship here,with fossil fuels, to burn at the Drax power station . What a bell end.

    • Not to mention all the ancient woodlands sacrificed in the holy alter of HS2?

      Evening, fellow cunters?

  13. So saving a planet is as easy as throwing (our) fucking money at it is it?
    Perhaps if interbreeds like Wills had been about a bit earlier, Mars wouldn’t be a frozen wasteland and Venus wouldn’t be hotter than hades.
    Everything climate related on this planet is controlled by the sun and the earths production of co2 through volcanic activity, there’s fuck all we can do about whatever it’s doing. But raving nutters like Attenbore, Boris, Prince Charles etc etc are absolutely fucking sold on the ‘science’ behind the lies.
    Why do people believe this climate change bollocks? If you think believing in sky fairies and prophets is mad, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
    Now if some girl in India can invent a way for me to be able to afford my energy bills next spring, I’m all ears. Until then. Fuck off!!

    • Well said FMC.

      One small correction, carbon dioxide, volcanic or otherwise, has little effect on climate in comparison to the real greenhouse gas water, with which the atmosphere is saturated.

      • That’s my favourite trick question for the yoghurt knitters…

        “Which gas plays the most significant part in the regulation of the planet’s atmosphere”

        “Errrrr… carbon dioxide of course. you denying reactionary bastard.”

        “Wrong daft cunt – it’s water vapour….about which we can do precisely fuck all”

        Carbon dioxide? pfffft, carbon di-backside more like.

  14. I’m so proud of my 1999 daily driver,
    It’s a Honda with independent suspension all around four corners
    The remote central locking has started to act up just recently,but other than that
    I service it myself, have replaced service parts
    She currently rides on bilstien gas shocks and KYB springs ,and all rubber bushes OEM of course (Pricey) provide a gorgeous ride
    I’ve saved more co2 than any cunt up at that fuckfest they call saving the Planet
    The insurance companies became cunts though but have calmed down again as they ran some brilliant machines off the roads
    Electric my hole, hybrid fucking petrol alcoholic when battery is charging when driving distance.

    • It’s a mk1 crv by the way just Incase you presume I’m a boy racer
      I’d be in a van for general work

      • Sounds great – CR-Vs go on and on (few rust issues with the later ones but Gen 1s are pretty sound)?

      • I have aspare engine Micdys with 8000 odd miles , I kid you not
        B20z it was an insurance write off but the impact was all in the rear
        Paid 250 for it years ago ,have a gear box also and numerous other parts
        I’m gettin older and haven’t fitted it yet but I will someday?⚙️??

      • My old Gen3 Prelude was a frickin’ go kart. I used to regularly take my mate’s 4WD Audi 100 to school on handling alone. Shy of 50hp on the Audi and it was an automatic v his manual btu he couldn’t get near it on a B road!
        …and the 4thGen ‘lude with V-Tech and 4WS hell’s teeth the handling on those is almost supernatural.

    • Cuntuy chops, Honda’s were the one of the best. Driving machines money could buy in the day.
      I loved the em

  15. She used her interest in science to come up with the idea but her interest in science didn’t go as far as to know where charcoal came from, she was shocked ?
    I wonder who funded the cart complete with batteries (that’s how it is able to generate the juice to run the iron) and solar panel and why the fuck don’t the Indian government produce these fucking things, they will be cheap as chips in India.

    Earthshot bollocks, maybe just not ironing stuff maybe a better idea. ?

    • “… the cart complete with batteries (that’s how it is able to generate the juice to run the iron)”

      Was gonna say it would need ‘accumulation/storage of some sort ie a a battery or bank thereof (plus the 12VDC to230VAC invertor pack) that’s about the only feasible way to make it viable.

  16. Ironing. No one should bother doing that. Just shake the clothes and hang them up as soon as they are done tumble drying. There should be no creases.

    Or if clothes are creased, hang them up in the bathroom whilst having a shower. The creases will disappear.

    More helpful hints and tips can be found at Spooningtons Cutlery Emporium.
    Free winkle picker with every purchase.

      • Some kind code for the Gayness maybe?

        ‘Ironing out any creases’ probably entails a sore arsehole.

      • It’s what Irons do ?

        Is Iron or more precisely a Iron hoof protected language as part of cockney culture ?

      • MNC, have you heard of that fella Jeremy Irons? He’s an actor and works part-time pressing clothes in a launderette. 🙂

    • Tumble drying. Why not hang them on a line and dry them without using a single watt if electricity. In the very affluent town in the US I live in, everybody dries their clothes in an electric dryer. Replicate that all across America and there’s probably gigawatts of power that could be saved by hanging stuff out.

      I guarantee you though no tesla driving, virtue signalling cunt in my town or probably the whole country would be seen dead hanging out their undercrackers, even those with ‘Climate Action Now’ yard signs.

      One such fucking hypocrite even complained to the authorities when his new neighbour put up a washing line (said neighbour probably another expat Brit).

      • Off topic BH, but are gas tumble driers still common in the US? We ran one for a few years but they have vanished from the market in the UK, only electric ones available now which cost three times as much to run. And with reference to your point we try to avoid using the drier when the weather allows.

  17. Lefty Neighbour around for dinner eh Lord C?

    Was she some dreadful old trout with hairy legs and armpits? (Darling Emma Thompson? Harriet Harperson? Granny Ange?).

    Or a deluded hottie with whom you patiently explained the nuances of solar panels before carefully removing her black flimsy underwear…. then plunging your pole deep into her rusty sheriff’s badge?

  18. I don’t understand why she would merit an award.

    Solar powered electricity to power an electrical appliance.
    What’s new in that?

    Using solar panels purely to power a flat iron is bizarre.
    An iron uses an amazing amount of energy. 2 to 3kw per hour is normal.

    Solar panels do not last forever and neither do the batteries.
    They all end up in landfill.

    They must have been desperate to find an Asian to give that award to.

    • She connected two wires and made the whole world look on in amazement
      A Nobel and more praises will be forthcoming in her next photoshoot with green arky types
      Her next invention is to hang up the phone after the conversation is finished
      It will be heralded as ground breaking for the environment

  19. Well researched Lord, did your house guest leave immediately and take her Perrier Water with her.? These so called Earth savers will take in Washing, bet she didn’t mention that India fuel their power stations by burning old tyres.!

  20. What all this green bollocks runs on of course is the almost complete ignorance amongst the general population of even the most basic physics and anything technical. This is why you can sell the idea of powering an iron with solar panels. The problem with electric cars is that we do not have a decent secondary cell or “battery” despite more than a century of intensive research and people whose understanding of physics is far beyond mine will tell you that we never will have such. Best example I have seen was a letter in “Which” magazine from someone who suggested the obvious answer to the problem of waiting for your electric car to be recharged was to have two batteries, one in the car and the other fully charged in your pocket which you could swap into the car when it stopped! Some fucking pocket eh?

  21. This nom reminds me about a programme I saw a couple of years ago about some eco music festival running on solar power. The amount of panels it had would just about boil a kettle some expert said and low and dehold, round the corner was a massive generator.

    • Same trick as the hidden batteries in those ‘like perpetual motion machines, maaaann’

      I’m sure some hippies included that in their proposal for their ‘Earth Ship’ near Brighton a mate of mine told me about.

      Chakras, prayer, bean farts and moonlight.

  22. Its 25c all year round where she’s from (Tamil Nadu) and hotter some months. Just leave clothes outside – the wrinkles will fall out. Or leave the iron outside to heat up using the ambient heat. Now then, where’s my Earclot prize?

    Apparently they’re all scoffing meat at the Crap26 whilst telling us to eat plants and insects (@Paul Joseph Watson). Cunts.

  23. All this shit regarding electric cars. How could the national grid ever cope with it. I saw one of these charging stations on a city street and had to double take when I saw on the front that it was rated at 50kw.
    A little bit of Googling revealed that some Tesla’s can charge at 145kw.
    Most housing estate supplies are rated at 2.5kw per house allowing for diversity.
    Imagine everyone charging a car over night. At least you wouldn’t have to clear any snow off the drive or surrounding roads in the morning and the fire engines would be able to get through a bit easier.

    • Yep, and if everyone charges overnight when there’s no solar energy, guess what they’re burning to supply the power. Perhaps someone should devise a way in which cars could burn fossil fuels in some kind of internal combustion chamber to eliminate the costly and inefficient generation and transmission processes. Ah progress.

  24. I read that the production of the solar panel ( in China) uses more Co2 then it saves as it is a high heat production process using the Coal Fired Power Stations. And then you’ve got chemicals leaching out into the soil, plus how to dispose of them afterwards.
    Up my bills for no good reason?
    How very dare you!

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