Admin, as ever you’ll have to help me out with the link but today has seen yet another lurch into the abyss .
Mr Q de Kock, one of the South African cricket team refused to take the knee and did not play in the game against the West Indies.
The BBC HYS has deleted the majority of the first 50 or so comments on the match for allegedly ‘breaking house rules’.
Breaking point is coming, it won’t be pretty and woke cunts won’t know what has hit them. I say this very reluctantly as I consider myself to be a mild mannered person , open to the opinions of others but I’ll not be ruled by bigots (BBC or CSA? Take your pick – Day Admin).
Nominated by: Guzziguy
Helpful supporting link supplied by Ruff Tuff Creampuff
And then there’s this from Sick of It
I just watched a news report and could believe it so I had to do a Google (or in this case Googly is more appropriate).
A South African cricketer being forced to take the knee, what kind of Nazi regime compels and individual to make a gesture they aren’t comfortable with, it wouldn’t happen if the bloke was a full on black or Muslim
It’s South Africa so fuck all to do with me but how much pressure is being put on players in the UK to go through this humiliating bullshit, I hope Zaha is still saying fuck off.
Good bless St George ffs.
South Africa is the Global Shit heap that has descended into an ungovernable, unlawful crime ridden state run by blik pig shits. And there lies the problem. Under white rule, it prospered, was stable and was very much more lawful. Unimpressed with this state of affairs, the filth clamoured for Mandela. Well, they got him , and apart from touring the white mans world cap in hand Mandela did fuck all. His wife however was able to bring the State to the level of a crime ridden pigsty, complete with animals running the Governance
The best thing that could ever happen to S Africa is a Giant Tsunami taking out the whole shit and caboodle
As for their current posturing of faux virtue, they can fuck right off. Good nom.
The only time to “take a knee”:
-when tying ones shoe laces
-when a lady shows “gratitude” to her husbands benevolence
-when receiving a knighthood for services to “cunting”
-when taking a shot at various wild game, with rifle
Guzzieguy-I do hope the pushback begins soon. This traffic only glows one way:
-black sportsman making power salutes associated with domestic terrorist group=stunning + brave
-white sportsman preferred to NOT support domestic terrorist groups=white supremacist nazi
Fucking cunts?
How long are we going to put up with the bullshit? For ever I suspect – we are under attack by the mozzers (Liverpool hospital attack just being one in a long line), thousands more of their shock troops landing on our beaches everyday. But we just carry on with the platitudes – apparently, Bojo the clown has said it was an “incident”. No it isn’t we are under attack you cunt.
If the culprits are found to be from “foreign climes” expect the media to take a very low-key approach, while also including a bit of mental health.
if on the other hand the chaps are found to be white… well you can just imagine the coverage!
What are the chances of them white?!
Extremely remote!
…only with an application of Miserable Northern Cunts “Country Creme” paint?
South Africa should be under sanctions for the systematic murder of white farmers. We should also be opening our doors for them to come here rather than being forced to accept the vermin crossing the channel.
Indeed they should, but they’re white so no chance, I was lucky to get out of Rhodesia alive, anyway the kaffirs can wallow in their self made shithole, the cunts!!!!
My stepmother is a Rooinek. She told me they have the lawful right to shoot any cunt that trespasses on your property, so why would De Kock kneel for a career criminal that menaced a pregnant woman with a pistol in a home invasion off his chops that the world is better without. In Safrica he’d have been worm shit long ago.
Question. Are the sea Kaffirs Greek?
Whichever cunt tells him to kneel should get a cricket bat round the head.
The voice of reason ???
I don’t know what the fuck is going on in this world anymore.
Take yesterday as an example. I saw a copper standing on a street corner when suddenly an ambulance screeched to a halt and four blokes in white coats jumped out, grabbed the copper, threw him in the back and then took him off to the insane asylum. It’s PC gone mad….
The rugby team dont do this bullshit so why the fuck cricket has taken it on board is a mystery.
Black Saffas are now the oppressors so fuck knows what they are playing at.
The last black cricketer I remember (when I lived there) was Ntini, who was also a rapist.
I did a nomination about SA 2 or 3 months ago, remarking how the place is slowly turning into a political hotspot with civil war just months away!
And now I see this shit where some white bloke chooses not to bend the knee (although I think he later apologised and acquiesced), and is crucified for it!
Is it any wonder sports people, celebs, TV presenters dare not stray from the woke narrative for fear of cancellation and rebukes from all and sundry
Reminds me of our football team being ordered to perform nazi salutes at the Berlin Olympics.
On a similar subject – I see that ex England captain Vaughn has just been accused of racism. He told a group of Stanley’s that there are “too many of you lot over here” and that “that needs to change”
He has denied the claim, but it hasn’t stopped the BBC finding him guilty, cunts
Vaughan was very quick to help crucify Ollie Robinson so I don’t mind him being treated in a similar manner.
I could be wrong, but I thought he stuck up for him a bit and said the reaction was well over the top (some idiots were saying he should be banned for life). He said there should be a way back for him.
He did p u s sy out a bit and say he needed to have a short suspension to reflect, but I suppose he was just protecting getting a load of abuse (which wouldn’t have helped Robinson).
Reading between the lines he seemed to be saying it was a storm in a tea cup (which it was, of course).
If you think Vaughan is a cunt, he has fuck all on pricks like Atherton, the fucking cunt.
After telling everybody for years that politics had no place in sport the same cunts have decided to make an exemption for BLM , de kock thought he could decide if he wanted to grovel on the ground to a maxist organisation hiding behind the “ race card” and rightly in my opinion thought better if it , he was then given an ultimatum to either kneel or kiss his SA cricket career away.
BLM is completely out of control, an organisation that wants to defund the police and kill capitalism has been allowed to spread by the ultra (fascist) woke MSM , aided by corporations which Is the very height of irony as BLM want those filthy capitalist corporations destroyed!! , meanwhile you’ve got cunts like SLY sports useful idiot ex England captain Micheal atherton writing “ de kock must be a pariah in his team “ how the fuck did you work that out atherton? How about many of his colleagues probably agreed with him but didn’t have the bollocks to stand up to this fucking lunacy? , enter thick as two short planks ex kiwi bowler Simon doull who really hasn’t got a scooby do ( clue) about anything “ it’s great seeing so many take the knee as you’ve got to support the BLM organisation “ WTAF !!
Atherton, doull and co should educate themselves about the BLM movement as should all the other sycophant celebrities and corporations but they won’t as it’s far easier to just go with the shitty flow!!
Fuck them all …….
Most normal people see through all this crap but are cowed Into going along because if the threat if being cancelled or worse by the mob. The last place where people can speak freely is online behind the cloak of anonymity and that’s why the powers that be want to outlaw online anonymity.
BLM and the rest of this crap is just divide and rule practiced by elites. Pit one group against another and stand back and watch the fireworks. We shouldn’t fall for it. I personally boycott those corporations kowtowing to this nonsense. Does anyone still drink coca-cola for example (I never did anyway, revolting shite).
If it hasn’t already happened, just wait for the call to ‘crack down in online gate’ after the latest peaceful attempt to main and kill in Liverpool.
…on online hate…
Fuck android!
The taxi driver who prevented a bloodbath is clearly a far-right, white supremacist Nazi terrorist.
Every fucking match in the T20 World Cup over the last 2 weeks, that thick cunt Doull has said ‘Taking a knee in support of the BLM movement’ like it’s a fucking good thing. What a bell end.
If Atherton said that (De Kock being a pariah) he’s a fucking cunt.
De Kock, I’m sure isn’t some nazi. He’s just a man of principle and not a thick fucking cunt. He knows what BLM is.
If Doull and Atherton don’t, then they need to get ‘educated’.
Or perhaps they’re just taking their 30 pieces of silver, no doubt.
Although it seems he’s apologised and said he’ll take the knee now.
For fuck’s sake.
It’s a disgrace to be honest as they have specifically said the players must kneel for BLM (not anti racism or some shite, like the Premier League footballers have tried to blag).
The ICC should step in with players careers threatened if they don’t kneel for a bunch of anti white Marxist revolutionaries.
I hope a bunch of BLM cunts visit Atherton’s house (and the board on CSA) and …well. Introduce them to reality, shall we say.
And the BBC deleting the most popular comments due to not agreeing with BLM being knelt for, are a fucking disgrace too.
On the news a few minutes ago, A hotline has been opened for anyone who wants to cry Waaaaaacism over the Yorkshire cricket bullshit.
Biggest pile of overblown shit I have ever seen! No rapists, no child abusers, no crack heads, no, some cunt gets called P*ki and it’s the end of the world!
What a bunch of cunts!
And all the ‘victims’ of racism will be automatically believed.
Absolutely, no question at all, any allegation will be the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The Abdul’s love a compo claim.
Expect a fucking avalanche. Every Abdul and his cat will be saying they went to a game and the stewards or a player said something waycist, which led to them becoming suicidal.
That (I believe) is what that Yorkshire player said, even though he went on family holidays for years later with his mate, that he threw under the fucking bus.
If some cunt said stuff to you that made you so unhappy you wanted to top yourself, would you then go on holidays with them?
And as others have said, some cunt said the ‘P’ word 15 years ago and it’s the end of the world.
10s of thousands of honky girls (including kids) gang raped by pa kis and it’s fucking silence.
Get fucked.
Shame they don’t the same thing for all those white girls those animals have groomed !!
But that’s not real policing nowadays………
That wouldn’t be PC ……
According to the report, de Kock is now “more than happy” to take the knee if it would help “educate others, and make the lives of others better.”
Well, he’s given himself a ‘Get Out Of Taking The Knee’ card there. Because him taking the knee will certainly NOT “educate others or make the lives of others better.”
In fact it will do the exact opposite, which is what these divisive BLM racists agenda has been all along.
Is De Kock even fully honky anyway?
I think he looks a bit quarterish.
Fuck cricket and fuck taking the knee – it’s high time this cuntishness stopped.
It was three white SA players refusing to take the knee I believe.
We had some black footballers refusing to take the knee (ttk) Nobody batted an eyelid. Many were happy, but I’d advise caution, as most (not all but most) of the black players who don’t ttk do it because they say it’s a token gesture and doesn’t go far enough.
Perhaps they’d like us to drag a few random honkies out of the crowd, and shoot them in the centre circle at half time, in front of their crying families? Is that enough for them?
No, we all wondered how the world would react to a honky refusing to ttk, and now we know.
They will be forced to do it or have their careers ended.
I have always loved test cricket – although I recognise that some uncouth fuckers can’t understand it. But I have never had any time for this ODI and T20 shit – that’s just “slog it and run”, like we used to do in the streets as kids …
But no matter what kind of cricket it is, this incident is just too much.
Cricket supremos everywhere should br thoroughly ashamed … WTF?
Yeh me too….. T20 WC won by the 4th best team who’ve racked up plenty of losses recently, dïcked by England too. Just need to win two important KO games. But hey, that’s show biz (which is all hit and giggle is).
As to the subject in hand I well remember two great Saffers who would certainly not have knelt for anyone. Remember Fannie de Villiers and the great Brian MacMillan? I’d love to know their opinions on this shitshow.
It’s all bollocks. I had hurty words said to me 20 years ago, am I suing for £20 million am I fu………..wait a minute!
I agree with Brian mcmillan
Is there one Blik country that is governed in good order??
Just one.
They’ve managed to turn South Africa into a lawless hell – hole within two decades.
The fuckin baboons
I agree with Brian mcmillan..
Dissapointed in David Lloyd, spineless cunt.
So much for northerners eh?
All trap no strides