I was walking through Canterbury with my lady today, enjoying the day out after a phenomenal 80 oz beef burger, when suddenly I heard a distant male voice shouting on the high street “DOWN WITH CAPITALISM…WE MUST END CAPITALISM TO SAVE THE PLANET!!!”
As I looked ahead it was a couple of those street canvassers who had set up a table to waffle on about impending doom etc. Leaflets on the table, I thought, oh look ere. Usually, it’s a crackpot Christian. But, this time it’s a couple of brainwashed useful idiot twats trying to push Socialism on us by pretending it’s the only way to save the planet. Middle-aged couple by the looks of them. My lady said, “They look like some of those weirdos from the Labour Party Conference video you showed me the other day”. I complimented her observation.
I said to my gf, “I better leave it, eh? I better not get involved”. She said “ok”. It’s unusual for me to engage morons because I feel sorry for them, in a way, and I wanted the nice day out to continue unabated.
But, as we walked past them, I heard it one more time “END CAPITALISM!!!”. So, unable to resist the urge, I took the bait. I turned and politely, I said: “Well actually, I quite like Capitalism”. I turned back in the direction I was walking. I was gonna leave it there. Then the man replied, “But, Capitalism is evil”. I paused, turned around.
I was in.
I said calmly, “Crony Capitalism is the problem. But, what are you going to replace Capitalism with? Socialism? Socialism is a catastrophe. When you’ve come up with a better plan then we can talk”. I half-turned again. But, now it was the woman’s turn to try me. “Give me an example of where Socialism is a catastrophe”. I took a deep breath. I was ready…
Then, as if on perfect cue, a middle-aged gentleman with an Eastern European accent walked past the scene and said “Try USSR. You fucking nutters”. It was so perfect. A man who had likely seen and lived the disastrous consequences of Communism casually giving this cretin a history lesson
Slightly laughing at the perfection I just witnessed, I continued “Yeah, the USSR. But, let’s try Venezuela”
She goes, “That’s not real Socialism”
I mean, this is almost an internet cliche of how a Socialism vs Capitalism debate goes. Capitalists say Socialism doesn’t work. Socialist moves goalposts by saying it’s never been tried properly. My lady is pulling at my arm at this point. But, I’m calm. Though slightly adrenalised with excitement.
I simply said, “Venezuela is the definition of Socialism”
She said, “But that’s not true. Real Socialism comes after revolution”
Realising this woman is an avowed, ideologically brainwashed Socialist, I said “Okay then. Tell me an example of true Socialism in the world”.
She paused, looked up in the air as the hamster in her brain desperately peddled for an answer. Silence. Continued silence, and one more slack-jawed search around that empty skull of hers. Nothing. So, I continued.
“Right, you can’t think of one, because apparently it’s never been tried. So, how do you know Socialism is the answer if it’s never been successfully implemented?…Exactly, see you later”. I turned and walked off. I could’ve stuck around but I’ve learned to keep things short and sweet and besides, when you argue with idiots, from a distance you both look the same, as they say.
I mean, these thick fuckers are roundly trounced by the simplest of logic. And by thick fuckers I mean Socialists. I’ve never seen one win a full debate. I understand hate for corporate monopolies. I hate price-fixing, inside trading, cronyism, and exploitation of Amazon employees as much as the next man, for example. But, tell me you really think Capitalism should be torn down and I will show you a world where Climate Change (if you believe in the man-made theory) is never solved or fixed. Worse still, a world where all of medical science was never invented if you believe Capitalism should never have occurred. The only thing that will get us out of it is the same thing that got us here: innovation, industry, and pioneering, free-market Capitalism.
Anyway, please feel free, if you’re in the Canterbury area, to go and have some fun by owning these retards in a mini-debate. Like shooting fish in a barrel, with a bazooka.
Nominated by: Cunty McCunterson
An 80oz burger???
5lbs of meat.
How big was the fucking bun?
I was thinking that – sounds like one of those meals you get free if you can eat it all. I’m hungry just at the thought of it?
Good nom CMcC.
I’m completely with you on the free market capitalism, but as you know we don’t have that either, we have crony capitalism or corporatism.
Take Covid for example. In a true free market, by now, some enterprising entrepreneurs would have run large scale trials and ramped up ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine production and the pandemic would be over. These therapies would have been allowed to demonstrate their safety and efficacy and would have won out over dubious gene therapy vaccines.
But that didn’t happen. There therapies we’re ruthli suppressed and demonized by corrupt officials like Fauci, doing the bidding if Pfizer et al.
Climate change (the man made part not being real) us another example, it’s been a bonanza for the likes of Tesla.
What a fucking superb cunting. I congratulate you Sir. ??
They see the errors of capitalism. Pendulum swings to the polar opposite, socialism. Seems like a logical solution to the problem. But what really changes? Nothing.
The people don’t change and neither do the cunts at the top. Different mask, same face.
The solution is not politics because people are the problem. We’re cunts!
Good observation TBCC.
Speaking of pendulums swinging, through Covid its been remarkable to watch the rent-a-mob cunts that used to call themselves anti-globalists, anti-capitalist, antifa etc, fall in on the side of the crony capitalists as the shock troops if vaccine mandates.
The expression useful idiots gas never been aposite.
Laws, or economic models, don’t stop people from breaking them and looking for loopholes for their selfish benefit.
We’ll never reform our way to utopia. You can’t legislate against people being fucking cunts.
Socialism, reparations, whatever.. they act indignant and righteous but will revert to being a cunt as soon as they get their way.
The ones who try to stop you with ‘can you spare a few minutes’ seem to get all agitated when you say ‘no, sorry’, the cunts seem to think they have some divine right to engage in some bullshit even when you have no interest whatsoever.
I am not giving you my name, my address, my email, my phone number and certainly not my credit card details so you are wasting your fucking time, and more importantly my fucking time! ?
How the fuck did you eat a burger that size? Are you Homer Simpson by any chance?
Not one of those promoters of socialism would dream of living in a so called socialist country, not when they’ve got an easy life in our evil capitalist state.
They should fuck off to the great communist paradise of North Korea, they’d last about five minutes.
I have always wanted to know the difference between socialism and communism along with various off-shoots such as democratic socialism, eco-socialism and pure communism/socialism.
I was also interested to learn the rather murky definition of what defines a communist country that doesn’t follow communist policies, but opts for socialist ones instead – China being the key one.
The article below was quite interesting, and surprisingly how some socialist countries follow democratic socialism, such as Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
Therefore socialists who detest capitalism need to be absolutely sure of their grounding when they declare that socialism is the only answer, but at great cost depending on their classification of socialism pure socialism, democratic socialism or eco-socialism.
Technocunt@ – Socialism is a sly little Man patting the head of a large and dangerous dog hoping the distraction means it will not notice its chain getting tighter and bowl emptier every day.
Communism is the starving, strangling dog finally realising what is going on and looking up to see a man holding many chains.
And a gun.
“The goal of socialism is communism”
Hope that helps
We now have a socialist Tory party so its on its way.
Yep – this lot are worse than New Liebour?
True Socialism would be a great system if it worked…unfortunately due to human nature,it never could. There will always be the “haves” and the “have-nots”…the ones looking for that little bit extra against the ones prepared to do that little bit less and allow someone else to take up the slack.
We’re not all equal and never could be.
Bang on the button really.
The argument used to refute the failures of socialism is always ‘well, REAL socialism has never been tried’. The other stuff was fake socialism apparently, you know, mad fuckers like Lenin and Stalin in action.
I’m sure that the brand being punted by groups such as Class War, the SWP and BLP will be the absolute dog’s bollocks tho.
Perhaps we should ask the Families of the 150 million people murdered by socialists in the last century how that worked out for them?
“But that was the wrong sort of socialism” they immediately whine – that was the Marxist Trotskyist socialism, we support the Trotskyist Marxist socialism, etc – but none of these unwashed trust fund bastards will ever move to a socialist Country or contribute a dime or a days real work in the UK.
Orwell captured the change from capitalism to socialism to blood drenched communism perfectly in Animal Farm – recommended reading. I remember some student Gwant types trying to push communism with flags and a stall in a local supermarket car park – rumour is they got a fucking severe kicking from some large and angry locals (by all accounts the Poles and a mad Magyar were straight in there handing out “common sense” as well) but I was in church at the time so no idea on that one.
I will leave the last word on Socialism to Winston Churchill:
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”.
He wasn’t wrong.
You saved me a lot of garbled typing VF. Unlike the cunts on the High Street, both Churchill and Orwell spoke from campaign experience. Did not Orwell actually volunteer to fight on the side of the commies in the Spanish civil war?
BH@ – Orwell quickly realised that both sides were the same.
Actually he was with a Catalan anarchist outfit called the POUM which came under attack from the Communists who were just puppets of Stalin. Ironically Orwell had been an officer in the Burmese police but changed his attitude towards imperialism and became more left wing but saw straight through the hypocrisy of Communism which he so well presented in Animal Farm.
Ive got a Matalan anarchist outfit.
Wear it at family dos.
Thanks for the elaboration and putting my facts straight Me Polly, I suppose I must have learnt them from the BBC.
Typical how they practice Capitalism, so they can preach Socialism, they must of bought the table, brochures, leaflets, clothes, food. hypocrisy at its best.
Politics is a shit house rat.
Communist and useless black Zimbabwe has a 100 trillion dollar note worth £148. The corrupt HS2 is going to cost 100 billion(double that) which means the £ is worthless.
During the run up to the last general election, a socialist friend was trying to persuade me to vote for Corbyn.
He worked in a special needs school, and his line was that the kids all replied ‘Corbyn!’ when asked who they wanted as PM.
Needless to say I was speechless. Completely disarmed, confused and somewhat amused.
MMS, I am likewise speechless and confused – you have a socialist friend? ?
I’ve learned to humour these types BH. It isn’t easy mind..
I know what you mean, I am an endangered species, a straight white male in ‘leadership’ in the wokiest of lefty woke corporations, surrounded by obvious diversity hires.
Sometimes I nearly bite my fucking lip off. If it weren’t for ISAC my piss would vaporize.
And when he asked “Who dropped that filthy beast??” they all replied “Corbyn!”
How can any political system save the planet? Also, why are people so willing to be brainwashed into believing it needs saving and that its all mankind’s fault? Beats the shit out of me.
Besides, our very own ‘conservative’ prime minister is apparently hell bent on send us all into a new stone age to save the planet, so what more do they want?
Too many people are easily led and lack the capacity to think for themselves FMC.
Yes, and not by accident either.
It’s largely the fault of schools and lack of government will to improve. The whole curriculum and exam system has been dumbed down….purposely I would say. Ever seen the Film Idiocracy? Well, we’re very nearly there: brain dead consumers questioning nothing. It’s been planned for years and we are walking head long into it. Fucking globalist cunts!
I too have engaged with these street canvassing cunts, in the past. In subjects ranging from immigration, Brexit, hunting to the national trust, politics and even religion?
They all had one thing in common: if you tie them up with facts, logic and common sense, they resort to shouting, silence or in some cases, crying?
Nowadays, I would just walk past, perhaps throwing out a friendly “CUNT” in passing?
Socialism – promoted by those in government who want to appeal to the indolent, low-achieving and envious.
And championed by the indolent, low-achieving and envious to whom those in government appeal to. Useful idiots.
I think socialism is championed by the middle classes who think they know what is best for the lower orders, it’s just another way of keeping them in their place. They are helped by useful idiots to reinforce their ideology, Rashford is an excellent example with school meals out of term time, the great unwashed see this as something they deserve and why not, after all it’s not their fault they can’t afford to feed their kids ?
Well done Cunty, you’ve unearthed a hitherto unknown addition to Chaucer’s Cunterbury Tales.
This one tells of two village idiots who go on a pilgrimage to Cunterbury to preach the creed of St Greta. Sadly the simple peasant folk rumble that they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. Happily all ends well when one of the peasants kicks them both in the cunt.
So in addition to the tales of the Squire, the Knight, the Miller and the Wife of Bath, we now have the Fuckwits Tale as well.
And to drive over both of them in a steamroller
The vast majority of these “ cardboard” socialists have absolutely no fucking idea of what it really looks like , if they were dropped into some socialist “utopia” they wouldn’t last a weekend! , they are under the misapprehension it makes them look like they have a social conscience….. fucking retarded cunts
Quislings@. How very true. An old mate of mine was a fervent anti socialist / communist.
Why ? His father and uncle were ex SS.
They came from one of the Baltic States, that had been invaded by the USSR.
When Germany launched Barbarossa and kicked the Soviets out, my mates dad and uncle joined the SS.
Soviet treatment had been harsh, there were scores to settle.
At the end of the war, they both surrendered to Western forces and ended up in the UK. Surrender to the Soviets would have meant death.
They both married English girls, became successful businessmen and had children.
All those children are strongly anti socialist, because they’ve been told about the harsh reality of living under that system.
I got on well with them, whatever happened in the war was left in the past.
They’d been in a life or death situation.
They didn’t want their children experiencing the same.
They’re both dead now. My mates dad returned to his beloved homeland, after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
He rests in the soil that he sprang from and that Socialism tried to take from him.
These Corbynista types should be sent to North Korea.
They’d soon change their ideas about Socialism.
Good afternoon.
Excellent and moving post Jack.
Should be printed in the editorial if the Gruniad?
Brilliant cunting
These same people cry about the Third World and poverty but it is capitalism and free markets that have lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in India and China and created a middle class which allows them to travel, access healthcare and own property, who are these cunts to deny them those rights?
Capitalism is what makes stuff get better, it provides competition and stimulates entrepreneurship and innovation. Let these cunts fuck off to work on their Soviet collective farms.
Wait for this shot to be imposed on us all!
This will hit the worker, have to drive to work? Can’t afford solar panels? Like eating meat not fungus? Well you’re going to be fucking cold in winter!
Eco fascism is coming to your home soon? The lefty elite can afford it but the normal man can’t!
Hitler was not only a socialist he was a green. The cunts will still be flying to climate conferences whilst we freeze and starve.
We are all shafted
Carbon rationing hehe, fucking brilliant.
Not sure how it would work but some of it is here already, unless you are disabled or have an electric car you pay road tax, how the fuck is that fair, drivers of petrol cars already pay tax on the fuel so why are electric cars exempt from road tax.
It won’t be long before the cunts start imposing penalties for using gas for heating and as someone pointed out a week ago that homes will have to be a minimum of C on the house energy performance scale to be sold.
Drive electric, scrap your gas boiler and insulate your home, the government don’t need to do anything other that tax you into submission and make some new legislation.
We are going to fucked over in the next few years.
My mad parents took a family hoilday across the USSR in 1983. They spent five years saving the money up for this dream hoilday!
Spent Two months eating shit food, dealing g on the black market and dodging the KGB and secret police.
Anyway I can tell you know pure socialism is pretty dreadful for most people. However if you are one of the organisers then you are laughing. The 20th century had fascism, communism and capitalism. Only one survived for a reason. Capitalism with a little socialist mixed in is just right. e.g. NHS, but pure socialism is nothing but fascism.
Remember politics is not a linear line, but rather a circle. The further left you go the closer to the right you get.
Still my hoilday stories are better than those who went to shitty spain………
I’ve just got back from holiday. Went on one of those Viking cruises they keep advertising on TV.
Disappointing, wouldn’t recommend. No raping, no pillaging….
Normally I pass by these arseholes with their little street stands and banners.
But after a couple of beers I did have a spot of banter with some anti meat types on Regent Street.
As for socialist countries, Look at Venezuela where the people have to break into zoos just to eat the animals?
All collectivist ideaology leads to industrialised mass murder, famines and firing squads.
Goodnight all…