Richard Ratcliffe has ended his second or possibly third hunger strike.
He is like that kamikaze pilot who flew 27 missions- he doesn’t get the point of what he is meant to do. I have more respect for Bobby Sands.
Nominated by: Guzziguy
(Notice: For the next few days we have temporarily dropped the number of daily Posts from 4 to 3. This is so that we can keep the Nomination bank suitably replenished.
Quite a few nominations that come in cover the same kind of ground. Therefore we either discard them or merge them with existing processed Posts.
In other cases we sometimes discard nominations that don’t follow some of the rules of a good nomination. (This one, for example, is rather short at less than 5 lines, but we decided to let it through at time of processing a couple of weeks ago.)
Therefore, believing that quality trumps quantity, we have temporarily reduced the number of daily Posts along with a change in publishing times (now set to 7am, 11am and 3pm or thereabouts). But keep your nominations rolling in.
Thank you – The Admin Team)
Stitch his mouth shut, its win win then. He gets to complete his hunger strike to the bitter end, and we don’t have to listen to the silly bastard whining about his disgusting wife’s.
Hey remove the royal charter then shut the cunts down.
PLEASE and do it now!!!
Listen, you stupid fucking cunt, going on a diet is not the same as a hunger strike. Anyway the cunt has zero sympathy from me, the dozy fucker should not have got mixed up with an Iranian bird in the first place.
fuck this whore she fucked up let her be fucked up
Jermey Hunt reckons we should pay the Iranians £100m plus, that we reneged on. Then we can Princess Naz-Naz back.
(Jeremy Hunt being their MP)
Fuck, that’s some expensive pussy right there.
If I had that, I would pay it so they keep her.
needs to sent its sprog out there too, she can marry some old arab now she’s 6 years old, they love it the dirty fuckers…until it comes to claiming benefits then they crawl over here with their begging bowls, hope she gets buried in shitland