Richard Ratcliffe has ended his second or possibly third hunger strike.
He is like that kamikaze pilot who flew 27 missions- he doesn’t get the point of what he is meant to do. I have more respect for Bobby Sands.
Nominated by: Guzziguy
(Notice: For the next few days we have temporarily dropped the number of daily Posts from 4 to 3. This is so that we can keep the Nomination bank suitably replenished.
Quite a few nominations that come in cover the same kind of ground. Therefore we either discard them or merge them with existing processed Posts.
In other cases we sometimes discard nominations that don’t follow some of the rules of a good nomination. (This one, for example, is rather short at less than 5 lines, but we decided to let it through at time of processing a couple of weeks ago.)
Therefore, believing that quality trumps quantity, we have temporarily reduced the number of daily Posts along with a change in publishing times (now set to 7am, 11am and 3pm or thereabouts). But keep your nominations rolling in.
Thank you – The Admin Team)
He’s probably knocked it on the head in order to escape the attention of those two ridiculous scrubbers either side of him…..
Is that Victoria Coren Mitchell? If so, she’s let herself go, she looks a right old bag.
Looks like VCM and Wankleman
With that oily looking face, hang-dog expression and woe-is-me, world weary voice he could be Kweer Charmer’s twin brother. He is yet another “hey, guys, look at me!” chancer who really boils my piss – yours, too I imagine.
It might have done if I had the faintest idea who he is. But I don’t, and can’t be bothered looking him up.
An Iranian, convicted in an Iranian court and banged up in an Iranian jail, so what the fuck has it got to do with us? Having escaped from that shithole she should have stayed here in the Land of W*g Milk and Honey instead of going back to stir up trouble. Fuck the bitch and fuck this wanker. If you are going to go on hunger strike then you need to go all the way you bottler.
I can’t imagine why he wants his wife back after this length of time anyhow…she’s 42 years old now and I cant imagine that the last few years have been kind to her…he’d do better to ditch the past-it old Bag,put the children in care and find some filthy young tart to pork.
Perhaps to ease the shortage of Noms,we could have more Covid-related ones ?
They’re sometimes good for a laugh.
I’m not bothering with them. No point, all us cunters have made up our minds, and that’s it.
I’d pin the cunts down and inject them in all their eyes while screaming, ‘Bow down to the New World Order!’
Yes, I’m joking before any cunt starts.
Back to the nom.
Nobody cares about hunger strikes that end up with a faceful of burgers and then starting again.
Bobby Sands. Now he knew how to do it. Smear your walls in shite and do it until you croak.
The Iranians won’t give a fuck about his ‘Until I’m a bit hungry strike’.
Sell your house and get some foreign legion/ex SAS bounty hunters to skin the regime alive, as you carry her out of the prison in a daring breakout.
Fuck off.
You should volunteer for The Samaritans, Dick???
This is Richards second nomination.
The foppish hungry cunt.
(Morning, MNC. We couldn’t find anything under his name, but we did find one under his missus. So technically it doesn’t quite count as a second nom under his name. (Unless I’ve been sniffing Night Admin’s secret collection of Emily Thornberry’s used underwear, and am mildy out of my mind) – Day Admin
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe Nom )
‘Whatever you do don’t mention the War’
On ISAC:. ‘Whatever you don’t mention a tinfoil hat’.
I’d gladly give up the spouse for lovely Lisa Nandy and those magnificent water melons that hang there like low growing fruit., just right for the plucking.
I’d never really given Lisa Nandy much thought until I kept seeing references to her but I’m becoming a big fan.
I’m not one for Xmas, but if she were having a Xmas party, I’d gladly blow up her big balloons!
I bet he uses Uber eats when no one is looking.
More a nice pomegranate and quinoa salad delivered by rickshaw for his ilk.
Poor cunt. As if having a wife that wouldn’t listen to reason and got banged up for shit stirring in in a bonkers hell hole, he has those two old trouts come bother him so they can get a bit more exposure virtue signalling.
In his time they may make a good sandwich. Mans gotta eat.
Nazinine ratface would never fit back in Richards posh London world.
Shed be making roll ups at dinner parties,
Dropping ‘snout’ all over the place.
And offering people homemade tattoos.
Leave her to her life as the cell block hottie.
Thats Richards problem.
He can’t be happy for her.
Shes moved on!!
Shes fingers deep in love.
A lot of men would give their eyeteeth to see their wives banged up safely in Iran. Richard needs to count his blessings.
Boat, Hookers, Gear – Not necessarily in that order
Swap the hostage for Winkelcunt.Fixed.
What does Richard do for a living?
Because if he kept taking time off dieting and I was his boss,
Id fire him.
Hes very posh, like a thinning haired Hugh Grant.
And his supporters are posh cunts too.
This instantly turned me against Richard.
Without any of the facts or background I assume hes been hitting her.
Might be wrong?
And now shes safely in the arms of Big Bea her girlfriend,
He wants her back.
Domestic abuse is wrong!
And should only be used in emergencies.
““I think there’s a basic medical limit on how long you do a hunger strike for. I made a promise to Nazanin, I made a promise to my family, Mum in particular, and to the family doctors, that I won’t take it too far.”
Yeah, I don’t think he quite up in understands what a hunger-strike is. Intermittent fasting more like.
Up in? I swear on the ghost of Bobby Sands that I never wrote that. Ignore as needed.
More peckish than starving.
The whole point of a hunger strike is to starve yourself to death. That’s the limit. So he promised his wife that he would only make a half hearted gesture with weekends on on her behalf!
Could it be possible that she went back to Iran despite all warnings to get away from this cunt?
I feel sorry for him and his daughter.
Of course the whole thing was made worse for them by “The Bungler”
Whatever happened to that young couple that flew a drone in Iran (that was clever wasn’t it?) and ended up in prison?
Indeed, Harold.
To paraphrase Colonel Midwinter, “Johnson’s reach is long and his incompetence is total!”
Correction: it’s General Midwinter.
First name Deep.
Fucking hell Boris, you might just as well have said “Agent Ratcliffe will debrief M16 in due course”.
Anyone with any sense would realise that going to Iran under any pretext whatever as a westerner is a fucking ridiculous idea.
But of course these woke cunts from London think they know best.
What a twat.
Ah yes, Bobby Sands. Slimmer of the Year, 1981.
Also an abstract painter of some repute, and talented decorater.
I’ve always wondered, if he was on hunger strike, where did he get all that shit?
I expect it was smuggled in to him Gutstick, like they do with drugs these days.
GJ@ – One pint of smuggled Guinness will coat a wall admirably!
By his definition I’ve been on hunger strike since March, not dieting. Either way I’ve lost 4 stone.
Well done Moggie ?
Your missus isnt in a Iranian prison too is she?
Thanks, me and the wife get on really well so no prison for her. Her thoughts on me may differ.
If he’s outside the Foreign Office 24 hours a day where does he shit and piss? No doubt they let him in to use the facilities because he is posh like them. He probably eats some vegan shit while he is in there.
Fucking fake.
Hunger strike, vegan shit – same horse.
I don’t know anything about this pair other than what I’ve read on here.
He sounds like a posh Islington type, and therefore instantly attracts the attention of the MSM and the woke in all probability.
I suppose if the pair were chav underclass types from deepest Wigan, no one would give a shit.
In fact in reminds me of the McCanns and the disappearance of their daughter, Maddie, way back when. Every year they’d go to the press with their usual “We Must Find Maddie. She’s Still Alive” bullshit, do interviews and probably get paid a shedload for the privilege. But because they too are middle class they are instant MSM click-bait. And yet children from working and the poor go missing everyday never to be seen of again, but the media don’t give two barrels of monkey bollocks about them!
And now we have these cunts, whimpering to the MSM for their own incompetence, and yet somehow the UK government are at fault for not doing enough.
And in any case, the Woke want women to be independent of men, even in marriage because they see such things as sexist and misogynistic. In which case, fuck the tart. Richard should just shrug his shoulders and piss off back home and let her get on with it in her Iranian “Safe Place”
The ongoing saga of Naz, at least the media have stopped playing the clip of her doing some clapping hand shit.
The Iran cunts don’t recognise her British citizenship, as far as they are concerned she is Iranian so keep banging on about her being British-Iranian is like pissing into the wind.
This Richard bloke is demonstrating in the wrong place, set up outside the Iranian embassy with a loud speaking and call them cunts, get a rent a mob to back him up, do it every day until either they release her or top her, either way it will end.
When he is interviewed he is such a fucking wimp, show some fucking anger.
They’d be more likely to give her a public hanging to get this cunt off their doorstep than release her.
Fucking Corbynista style lefties think the whole world should be run to suit their recherche sensibilities. Break the law in Iran and you get banged up, or worse. I know that, he should know that, and his wife should have known that, given she is fucking Iranian. It may sound harsh, but he should fuck the fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
This bloke is just a fuckin’ idiot. You watch … if and when he does finally get his dumb wife back they’ll be writing books, looking for ways to blame others, seeking out compensation etc
He needs to realise that actions have consequences … and that it’s a very foolish thing to do by going up against the Iranian government who play by some rather extreme rules. He’s a cunt and so is his missus.
Can you image BLM, IB, AR, XR, Greta’s Spazza Army and other assorted wokey protesters demonstrating in the Streets of Tehran, arguing the toss over the environment, animal cruelty, Alphabet Rights, Wimminz Rights!
No, neither can I. And the main reason being is that the Iranian police/secret service/whatever, don’t fuck about with things like street demos and arty-farty protesters.
Hes a right mithering cunt.
Hes so wet and dreary.
Ive offered to negotiate for him just so he’ll quit his fuckin mewling and whining.
I think the best course of action is to enrage the iranians.
Burn their flag outside the embassy and wipe my arse on a picture of the ayatollah?
Dare them to do the worst.
Richard should kidnap a imam and threaten to cut his feet off
If his missus isnt handed over pronto!
But no.
He refuses to eat his tea and sits outdoors all sadfaced like a teenage goth.
Iran is a foreign country. They do things differently there.
I prefer having fewer nominations anyway. It allows more comments on each one.
I agree.
We could always “flesh it out: with that “difficult wanks” section, suggested by Ron Knee?
Surely hes not doing his hunger strikes correctly if he is now starting his third hunger strike, if he was doing it right he would be fucking dead by now, its the same as these fuckers who stand on the top of multi story car parks under the security cameras and wait for people to talk them down, if you really want to do it, do it but dont use it for attention seeking.
None of this is helped i suppose by the UK populace not giving a flying fuck about your wife, who was doing silly things in a place you dont do that sort of thing in, and she was a local so should know better, fuck her, fuck him, no one cares fuck off
talking of attention seeking, i just noticed that media whore Carol Whoredaman in the photo there, anything to grab some attention, anything at all, she will be there,
i bet this cunt has an emergency hotline and cant wait for a local disaster, so she can rock up asap and get a photo from the paps whilst pretending to help [Lilly Mong/ Adele style at the Grendfall fire] these fuckers are like blue bottles around a buffaloes arse whole, any opportunity for some publicity they really make me want to vomit….cunts
With luck the Iranian secret services will have noted her support for this cause and targeted her for assassination.
No sympathy for anyone who goes poking around in foreign lands and then gets banged up…don’t go in the first place you dumb fuck.
She’s not exactly a very British person is she….like all these cunts who sit in the UK on benefits honey while moaning about the state of their own shithole…fuck off back there.
As for his hunger strike…what a fucking joke that is. He needs a Rustler…that’ll straighten his timbers.
Hes a fuckin cheating cunt anyway.
I’ve never heard of anyone go on hunger strike and put weight on!
That hanky hes always crying into?
Full of custard creams!
And bet hes got a big mac in his pocket?
3rd hunger strike is just not snacking between meals .
His hunger strike is as crap as the bloke that did a 51 pub, pub crawl in 24hrs and didn’t drink a single beer.
This is the lamest protest ever.
Since ‘hunger strike’ is shorthand for commiting suicide by voluntary starvation, if he’d instead chosen a different means to off himself such as overdosing on painkillers, this protest would amount to taking an aspirin. If he was going to jump off a multistorey car park this is the equivalent of doing it one step at a time, AKA ‘walking downstairs’.
BH@ – A hunger strike with meal breaks does rather smack of a lack of application! ?
Iranian Woman (there is no such thing as “British Iranian” – you are one or the other) Nazanin Zaghari was warned by the Iranians that if she visited Iran she would be monitored for “seditious practices and subversion” – and she did exactly what they told her not to do because she is a smart arse Guardian reading tofu lefty wimminz type who thought being married to half a British “Man” would get her out of the shit after she deliberately baited and provoked the Iranian regime – “Three hours on hunger strike daahling, running out of soy milk, only three meal breaks so far but I suffer for the cause”..?
She learned a fkin seriously hard lesson what happens if you piss the mad mullahs off on their own turf, Doris the jellyfish didn’t exactly help her case by inadvertently admitting she had been up to no good and I have zero sympathy.
A mate of mine used to be one of the personal bodyguards to the Shah before he was deposed – when he saw Shah supporters and staff being rounded up and butchered he got the hell out of there and came to the UK – “Khomeini and his gang are animals” is all he will say about that.
Someone else’s Country? Do as you are told and respect the rules or don’t go.
Unless you are a muslim of course..
Why anyone would go to these fly specked dirty criminal infested countries is beyond me….I would rather go to fucking Wolverhampton or even Jaywick.
And why anyone would go back having successfully got out to a country that will give her whatever she wants for free as a result of ticking many boxes, is even more mystifying.
Reminds me of the song that was sung on the football terraces “Could you eat a chicken dinner, Bobby Sands?”.
As for Richard, he’s the only bloke on hunger strike Monday to Friday with the weekend off.
As for her and others going back to Iran etc, trouble can find you quickly enough without going to Iran, North Korea and Bethnal Green. I’ve always had the opinion of keeping your fucking nose out of matters that don’t concern you is the best way forward.
Him and his GP mate, and the posho celebs from the BBC are getting this attention because Nazarin is one of theirs and went on ‘holiday’ after having worked for the BBC’s charity Media Action and western media agency Reuters.
Our liberal and tolerant government has banned journalists and activists from entering the UK.